Chapter 264 Journey to HK

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If he can understand English, An Feng's decisive words and his action of pulling his female companion away are really not elegant, but playing the poor Joanna is very interesting.

"How about I buy it for you?" A voice sounded beside him.

An Feng and Joanna turned their heads when they heard the sound. A foreigner with black hair and blue eyes was leaning in front of an Audi R8 sports car, looking at Joanna with a smile.Although she has plain makeup and ordinary dress, it is difficult to conceal her temperament and perfect figure. With makeup and a change of clothes, she is no worse than a star.

"You mean me?" Joanna looked to the side.

"It's you, Miss." The foreigner stood up straight and opened the car door, "I'll take you to a bigger shopping mall and pick out clothes and jewelry for you."

Joanna covered her mouth and smiled: "You are so confident!"

An Feng said with a sullen face: "I'm afraid you have found the wrong partner, hippie! She is my woman!"

The foreigner shrugged: "I'm sorry, I think it's a pity that such a beautiful lady follows you."

"Are you looking for trouble?" An Feng was impatient.

The foreigner ignored him: "Look! Yellow people are so stingy and have no interest in life! Ma'am, I'm serious. Ever since I saw you, I have fallen in love with you!"

Joanna was overjoyed: "I'm sorry."

"Please!" The foreigner continued.

"Go back and use this trick on your mother! Maybe it will start to work! You idiot!" An Feng pulled Joanna away, but the guy followed.

He shouted from behind: "Stop! What did you just say!"

"You asked for it!" An Feng let go of Joanna's hand, and stepped forward in two or three steps. Just as she was about to stop her, An Feng's fist had already hit him in the face.

Fenmian foreigners seem to be tall and strong, but in fact they have a lot of bluffing elements. They don’t have much flesh on their bodies, and they walk unsteadily. Apart from being a bit big, they can scare ordinary people, but they have little chance of winning against a tough guy like Shang Anfeng. Nothing, just one punch, and he fell to the ground.

"Oh! Stop!" Joanna stepped forward and grabbed An Feng, who continued to mend his feet.

The surrounding crowd all looked sideways, some clapped their hands and said hello who were familiar with the whole process, some shook their heads who liked the civilized and legal system, and a few Cantonese-speaking people pointed at An Feng, which seemed to be very dissatisfied with An Feng's street provocation Behavior also involves the quality of mainlanders.

The range of damage caused by these words was too large, and there were also tourists from the mainland around them, so they expressed their dissatisfaction aloud.

The Cantonese-speaking guys were sharp-tongued, scolded them loudly, and surrounded them, not letting An Feng go, saying that they would wait for the police to come to deal with them, and stretched out their hands to grab An Feng's sleeve, but As soon as he touched his clothes, his wrist was twisted by a simple grabbing action.

"Ah! Damn your old mother!" The overconfident young man yelled, An Feng pushed him away casually, he took a few steps back and fell to the ground after losing his footing.

Seeing his companion being bullied by Lu Zai, those guys surrounded him, and the police also appeared. The guy on the ground pointed at An Feng and yelled: "He hit someone, catch him!"

At this time, an old man with a Chinese face came out from the crowd and spoke for An Feng: "Sir, he is in self-defense!"

The uncle is obviously also a local, but his quality is much better than these young people. He told the police what happened, and then the police came to An Feng. Just ask in English: "Can you speak English?"

"Of course." An Feng nodded.

"You guys, please cooperate with me to go back and deal with it." The policeman said.

"No problem, I voluntarily cooperate." An Feng said, and then thanked Uncle Hong Kong.

The matter was not serious, so the police put several people into a police car and sent them to a nearby police station.After getting off the car, An Feng revealed his identity as a diplomat in a low-key manner and claimed that he had immunity.The police didn't dare to be negligent, so they informed their superiors, who then checked the documents and decided to make the matter trivial.

In the end, it was a negotiation between An Feng, the foreigner, and a few locals.A few young people are aggressive, talk about quality, break the law, sue you in court, foreigners say that they are discriminated against... Finally, the police officers with higher status came back, and they were discouraged by a few words.

"He is a diplomat stationed in China. If he wants to be held accountable, please go to the capital and seek a solution to the international issue with a diplomatic incident!" The police officer bluffed.

Those few Hong Kong people were stunned. They didn't even know where Tiananmen Square was going to open. China is such a big place, thousands of kilometers away?Diplomatic incident?

Foreigners, on the other hand, have more knowledge and can only ask one question: "Diplomatic immunity?"

The police officer nodded: "That's right."

The foreigner came to An Feng without saying a word...surrendered: "I apologize for my nonsense just now, I hope sir and madam can understand!"

An Feng was also pregnant. After all, it was just a few quarrels, and the police officers also came forward to mediate. As a peacemaker, there is no need to make things big.The other party didn't have the mentality to pursue it. It was obvious that an elbow could not twist a thigh. After communicating with each other for a few words, they each dispersed.

This small matter did not affect An Feng, it was regarded as a trip to experience the police station in Hong Kong movies.


The next day, Joanna took An Feng to eat Chinese food.

Last night, she looked through the Michelin Red Book and found a rare Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant, so she decided to go there.

Hong Kong is very fast by car, only a few kilometers away.I found the restaurant recommended by the Red Book, which does not accept reservations, and there will be a long queue at the door of the store during busy times, but they came early, and half of the seats in the store were vacant.The layout is simple, more like a tea house, and the diners are mostly locals.

"A Chinese restaurant that can be included in the collection must be unique." Joanna said after taking a seat.

"Let me have a look." An Feng picked up the menu, and just after looking at it, she skillfully ordered two servings of Sanxian porridge and the special crispy baked barbecued pork buns.

An Feng also added a few dishes, drank tea and waited for the meal to be served.

When the porridge came, Joanna took a spoon and said, "I don't like to eat offal, except for this very smooth and refreshing porridge, which is good for my stomach for breakfast."

An Feng took a sip and praised: "There is no fishy smell of offal at all, it is tender enough!"

"Of course, I'm a hand in Hong Kong." She said proudly.

"Excellent!" An Feng laughed.

"I'm serious, my father and mother have brought me here many times before, and my mother likes to take us to try the delicious Chinese food." Joanna picked up the char siu buns on the plate skillfully with chopsticks and put them in her mouth While taking a small bite, "So I learned to use chopsticks!"

An Feng took out a tissue, she took it and wiped her mouth, saying, "I really miss those days."

"But now that I'm with you, aren't you happy?" An Feng said.

"Of course." Joanna's sad face disappeared, and she stopped talking and continued to enjoy her food. Unfortunately, she didn't eat much, so she pushed it to him.

After eating, we returned to the hotel, changed into formal clothes, and followed the members of the foundation to the local representative office.

The office area is located on the 30th floor of an office building. It is not spacious, but for a charitable foundation that is not busy and focuses on the UK, it is good to reserve [-] people for office work. After it grows stronger, it will expand slowly... …The inauguration ceremony was also very low-key. Joanna made a brief statement announcing the establishment.

Then the members of the council held a meeting.

An Feng is also a member of the council, and they mainly make plans for the direction of the foundation's funds.

An Feng made a practical suggestion: "As a charity for China, I think the current focus is on supporting education. In addition to supporting education, you can also subsidize some college students, and allocate 200 to [-] million yuan a year to help those who have difficulties. s student."

Joanna agrees: "That's good advice."

"But you have to screen the recipients. It is better to give more funds to those who are in need than to spend on irrelevant people." An Feng said that he met when he was in college. He received poverty subsidies, but his family did not There is no shortage of money, and the laptops and mobile phones they use are all high-end goods.

A lady from the UK said: "We can pay more attention to publicizing the nature of the foundation to sponsored students, conveying love and ideas, and tracking their performance to judge whether they are good or bad. Those who really know how to be grateful and return are often the ones we need to support and cultivate. s student."

Others also commented on the operation in China. The foundation is now well funded. According to the charter, 15% to 25% of the profits are spent on charity every year, so the funds can be used in many ways, not only for education but also for children. Health, women's empowerment and more.

From the definition of the foundation, the main work of the representative office is charity. Only the headquarters in the UK needs to consider the long-term operation of the foundation, use funds for commercial investment, and obtain profits.So the representative office in Hong Kong can recruit some local people.

The matter was discussed until noon, and Joanna also completed her duties.

According to the schedule, they will return to the United States tomorrow, so they will use the afternoon to visit Hong Kong.

To be honest, Hong Kong is not a livable city, and most tourists come here for shopping.Joanna has no love for things that affect her mood, such as queuing up for shopping, and she is not very interested in playing, so the food is left.She doesn't eat much, but she is greedy, so she likes to have a bite.

Take the ferry to Kowloon in the evening to find the target.

The 484-meter-high ICC building is a landmark of Hong Kong. In addition to gathering all the major banks in the world, it has very good restaurants from various countries on the 102nd floor, and above that is the world's tallest hotel: the Ritz-Carlton.This time the destination is on the 102nd floor, a Michelin two-star Chinese restaurant.

I originally wanted to go to the Michelin three-star restaurant on Hong Kong Island, but I had to make a reservation half a month in advance. AmEx’s service here is not a panacea, so I settled for the next best thing.To be honest, two-star Chinese restaurants are very rare, and at the height of the 102nd floor, you can enjoy a unique night view.

The environment of the restaurant is relatively elegant, and Joanna also dresses up beautifully, with a temperament and aura, which is naturally not what the commoner girl last night could match.Elegant dining, with occasional playful Chinese words in English, which made some men around An Feng very envious of An Feng's beauty.

After dinner, take the elevator to the entrance of the building and wait for a taxi.

An enchanting woman who got off the same elevator was also standing by the side of the road, An Feng beckoned to stop Hong Kong, and beside the woman was a BMW 7 Series luxury car.

She proudly glanced at Joanna, twisted her butt wrapped in a short skirt, opened the car door to get in, and gnawed on her godfather who was a round older than her.

Joanna smiled: "Honey?"

An Feng opened the car door for her, and gracefully invited her to sit in. Even an ordinary taxi showed a unique gentlemanly demeanor.

Seeing this, passers-by sighed to their friends: "No matter how good the car is, no matter how extravagant the life is, it can't compare to the simple and pure love that is enviable!"

When everyone was envious or feeling emotional, a girl with knowledge shook her head: "The Hermès handbag in Fan Guimei's hand is worth [-] Hong Kong paper, you don't understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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