Chapter 265 New Trend

After more than ten days of world travel, I returned home.

An Feng compares the cities he has been to in his mind, and still feels that California is comfortable, the days on the sunny beach are very pleasant, and everyone is lazy.According to a survey, the obesity rate in the west coast is higher than in the east because life is too comfortable to work.

An Feng was also lazy for a while, and then started to work.

There are many things on him, and the focus is on superconductors and bionic computers.The results of room temperature superconductors have been analyzed, but there is no suitable method to refine the material, let alone mass production.As for the naturally occurring resources, St. Kitts has not been discovered recently, and there is little hope.

For the rest of the bionic computer, An Feng had to do it himself.

Someday in April.

An Feng got off the helicopter, followed by Xiaobai who had grown in size again. Now he looked a little mighty, staring at him made people frightened, and the effect was much stronger than that of the black-clothed bodyguard.An Feng thought about bringing a tiger to the street in the future, and see who would dare to approach it?

It's just that there are too many regulations on bringing pets to the streets, and pets that are too large will always make people feel unsteady... An Feng greeted and walked forward, Xiaobai obediently followed behind him, like A puppy that wags its head - if it wags its tail too.

This time I came to the research center to discuss the details of bionics with Song Wenrui's group.

Although An Feng left the information in the research center server, it wasn't detailed enough, so he had to go on stage himself, and after mentioning some details, it would make their work smoother.An Feng attaches great importance to this matter. The principle of bionics is somewhat similar to artificial intelligence.

When they came to the door of the laboratory, opened the door and walked in, several people turned their heads when they heard the sound——


Song Wenrui instinctively yelled in Chinese, and almost threw the PDA in his hand, and other people who had never seen An Feng's pet were also frightened.

It's hard to imagine this kind of scene. One day the door of the laboratory opened, and a tiger strolling in the courtyard walked in.

"Relax! Relax!" An Feng pressed his hand and smiled, "Don't be nervous, it won't hurt anyone."

They all looked at this yellow and black guy with lingering fear.

In order to relieve their nervousness, An Feng pointed to the open space next to him: "Xiaobai, stay there!"

Xiao Bai walked towards the point he pointed, sat on the ground with his buttocks curled up, his front legs straightened up, and then he yawned lazily.

"Look, it's very obedient." An Feng said.

Song Wenrui and the others were amazed. He took a small step forward, and when Xiaobai looked up at him, he took a big step back worriedly and asked, "Sir, is this your child?"

"Of course, don't you think the tabby cat is cute?" An Feng went over and rubbed Xiaobai's head, and it pushed him reluctantly with its claws.

Seeing Xiaobai's unwilling and cute look, these people breathed a sigh of relief, and An Feng walked towards them: "Let's discuss how the bionic consciousness works."

There was a tiger staring at them at work, and they were a little uncomfortable at first, but as the content deepened, they gradually forgot the existence of this tiger, immersed in asking questions they could not understand, which were easily solved by An Feng, and then Throw a problem, and then solve the process.

In the past, they would be terrified, but after being surprised more times, they will get used to it. Maybe one day when An Feng's reaction is no longer so fast, they will be surprised instead... It can be said that the first batch of research teams who followed him , has "denormalized" it in mind.

Just as many people regard Einstein's views as the truth, An Feng also has a group of "congregants", and its members feel that following him has benefited a lot.

An Feng is also used to them. These are all high-achieving students, not stupid. Over the years, they have mastered a lot of knowledge. If they change another group, they have to start from the basics, which is a waste of time.He is very satisfied with the tacit cooperation like now.

After finishing the affairs of the research center, An Feng returned to his office, and Xiao Bai followed suit.

"Hi, Julie." An Feng said hello to his secretary, "I asked you to buy the car, have you got it down now?"

"In the parking lot, sir." Julie pulled a car key out of a drawer.

"It's troublesome. Take care of it for me." An Feng took the key and asked Xiao Bai to stay here. This time he was doing serious business, not shopping.

"Okay, I will take good care of it." Julie has seen Xiaobai many times, and is familiar with its character, so she is not afraid at all.

An Feng drove his SUV to Texas last time, and there was no car here in Los Angeles. He thought about it, so he arranged for his secretary to buy a new car.After the last experience, he chose the higher-end Mercedes-Benz G-Class this time, and it is the most suitable top match for his status.

The elevator came to the parking lot and pressed the car key. A chalk-white SUV rang. An Feng walked towards it. The chalk-white body and carbon-black wheels matched well. He opened the door and lay a car in the back Adult tigers are fine, but if it is a sports car or an ordinary car, there is definitely not enough space.

Although the G65-AMG is an SUV, it is equipped with a 6.0-liter V12 engine, showing its kingly characteristics. Few SUVs use 12-cylinder engines, and generally 8 cylinders are the main ones.But An Feng now likes domineering cars, kings with both comfort and off-road performance.

Especially for those who are used to play with tigers, I am sorry for not being domineering.

The car has been tried in Qatar, and the car is easy to start, listening to the deep roar of the engine, turning the heavy steering wheel, and driving it on the road.The destination of the navigation is set at the headquarters of Beta Company. After running for a while on the rare and empty streets of Los Angeles, it was blocked for a while, and finally arrived at the destination.

The headquarters of Bida Company is an inconspicuous eight-story building. The first, second and third floors are for commercial use, and the upper part is the area rented by the company. Currently, there are not many employees, but with the help of the Blueline family, high-level recruitment Very smooth, are some excellent professional managers.

An Feng sat with the CEO and chatted.

The CEO is a German immigrant named Friedrich Schwaben, but it is convenient for English pronunciation. He also uses Fred's name. He was recommended by Anthony. His listening and speaking skills are very good. As far as the current situation is concerned, the company Being able to be managed in a short period of time in an orderly manner is indeed capable.

An Feng discussed the direction of marketing with him - he certainly didn't know how to do it, but the boss usually decided what to use the money for.He hoped to spend money on advertising, so as to win more consumers and create a good reputation under the condition that the effect can be guaranteed.

An Feng looked at several samples of glass bottles on the table, which were filled with liquid, very beautiful.

Schwaben said: "These five exterior styles have been designed so far, and we are considering using one of them as the standard style for the conference."

"Have you chosen?" An Feng saw that the five packages were all beautiful, and felt like high-end perfume bottles, which matched their high-end positioning.

"No, maybe we need to vote for it," Schwaben said.

"These five appearances are very beautiful. As a high-end product, it is good to give customers more choices." An Feng said.

"That's also under consideration," Schwaben said.

An Feng nodded, and asked again: "What about the advertisement?"

"Aiming at its beauty, health and fatigue-relieving effects, we can start with supermodels and celebrities. Supermodel endorsement promotion is similar to beauty cosmetics, while celebrities promote it to more customer groups and increase their influence. ,” Schwaben said.

An Feng nodded: "It is suitable for a wide range of people, and multi-channel promotion is a good way."

An Feng and Shiwaben were talking about the product promotion plan. Shiwaben had a lot of ideas. After he and the company employees tried the beverage, everyone gave a high evaluation. With the technical guarantee of the research center, it is expected that there will be more More than half of consumers will become repeat customers.

Because it is excellent both in terms of taste and effect. After using it continuously for one or two months and feeling the changes in the body, word of mouth will gradually accumulate. After several large-scale advertising campaigns, An Feng believes that it will sooner or later Capture the hearts of consumers.

But at present, it is only for high-end consumer groups, because it is a high-concentration version. After the effect comes out and the praise is rave, it will continue to pave the way for the middle and low-end. This is a lucrative bio-drink that is also conducive to improving the physical fitness of all human beings. Promote to the world.


A week later, the company held a press conference.

The press conference was lively and grand, with endorsement supermodels, heavyweight sports stars, and many news media.

Bida Company used the name of the research center to promote itself vigorously.In fact, it is true that the confidential formula is supplied by the research center, and Beta Company is only responsible for the beverage part, and finally mixes it according to a certain concentration ratio, and then makes this magical beverage.

The research centers now represent the mecca of medicine, they cure cancer, develop the most effective anti-cancer drugs, overcome many difficult and incurable diseases in a few years, and have become famous all over the world in just a few years.This time, we cooperated with a beverage company again. Although the span is a bit large, it is worth paying attention to.

Especially in the speech of the biological department of the research center, it was confirmed that after the beverage had a good effect on the human body, Bi Da was elevated from a pure beverage to a biological beverage at once. A drink that promotes human health?
This is an attractive selling point.

Let the research center to advertise, its professional effect is far more than that of celebrities, and now they are the pinnacle of medical institutions in the hearts of everyone. Can the products they develop and recommend are not good?I think they were not so high-profile when they cured cancer!

This uncharacteristically high-profile has attracted the attention of a large number of people, and then spending money on celebrity endorsements, buying out prime-time TV commercials at high prices, rolling advertisements for popular sports events, naming titles, etc., Bida’s products have not yet been sold. It attracted a group of people first.

When the first batch of high-end products were launched in anticipation of the public, there was a wave of panic buying.

According to statistics, most of them are women. In anonymous interviews, many women said that they believed that it was not the advertisement of Bida, but the technology of the research center—especially when they learned that the green weight-loss drug of HG Company was only a part of the research center. After "unremarkable" research and development.

The first batch of customers bought these exquisite "perfume bottles". After drinking them, they experienced subtle effects. First, their fatigue was relieved, they slept very sweetly that night, and they woke up in good spirits the next day.But if you stop halfway, the sense of comfort will be lost, and if you continue to use it, even if it is every now and then, the mental outlook of the whole person will be excellent, and you can feel the vitality of the body is infinite.

In a short period of time, a new trend has quietly formed.

(End of this chapter)

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