Chapter 268

Three days after the agreement was signed, the money and share agreement came into hand.

The US account deposits have increased rapidly, but it is a pity that there are many items that need to be spent this year. The racetrack and the racing track will be delivered in the near future, at least 5 million will be spent, and the cruise ship ordered for two and a half years is expected to be delivered in December this year. Delivered, $14 billion needs to be paid.

The 20 billion has already been spent... Wait until the next time, and he will have a fund that he can freely use, but he also has a large amount of taxes to pay.

In early May, An Feng went to Austin and planned to stay for a few more days.

In addition to the two major research and development departments of batteries and chips, GP is also conducting development work in more than a dozen fields, including nanoelectronic components, solar cells, sensors and flexible screens.Due to the nature of GP company as a holding group, each project of GP can be developed into a subsidiary company.

Anfeng came across the crystallization of new technology: flexible screen.

He saw a demonstration sample in the lab: a mobile phone.In fact, it is a mobile phone of a certain brand that replaces the glass screen, with a 5.5-inch plastic body. Due to the characteristics of graphene, it has good toughness-its screen can be bent at a large angle, or even curled.

An Feng bent the screen sample, unfolded it, and nodded: "The toughness is good!"

A technician said: "The sturdiness of the graphene screen is also far beyond that of ordinary mobile phones."

"Can you drop it?" An Feng picked up the phone beside him.

"Please feel free." The technician is very confident.

After finishing the words, An Feng let go of the phone. The phone fell to the floor from about chest height, and the back cover fell off. He bent down to pick it up, and the paint on the frame was chipped, but the screen was fine and could be used as usual.He fell a few more times, but the result was the same. He connected to the wireless network and chatted online as usual.

"Can you hit it with a hammer?" An Feng asked.

"You can try." The technician said, and his assistant handed over a small hammer for smashing walnuts.

An Feng took the hammer, put the phone on the table, raised the hammer and dropped it, and hit the center of the screen. When he picked it up, he saw that the place where the hammer was hit was scratched, but it was not broken, and it can be used normally after unlocking.Wipe it clean and the display is clear and bright, just like before, amazing phone.

An Feng tried again with confidence... the screen wasn't broken much, but the electronic components were broken.

The technician was speechless: "Sir, you are pushing too hard."

An Feng smiled awkwardly: "That's right, it's not just graphene used here, right?"

The technician said: "There is a very small amount of mixed materials to increase the band gap between electrons, mainly so that it does not hinder the operation of logic operations. In addition, if the integrated design of the metal frame is adopted, it will be many times stronger than the current plastic prototype. It won’t rot after a few hits.”

"Sir, you can look at these, they are all screen samples." The technician handed him the single screen.

An Feng tried some violent means, hammers, knives, etc., but it took a lot of effort to break it.

This is naturally attributed to "carbon". As we all know, diamond is composed of carbon atoms, and graphene is also carbon. The arrangement of atoms determines its own firmness. The hardness of its products will far exceed ordinary A glass screen in the sense.

An Feng suddenly thought of a very old meme: I picked up a mouse pad on the side of the road today, and I want to match it with a computer. What else do I need?
Funny... When he held the flexible screen, he thought of making a mobile phone.

Graphene screens have obvious advantages, coupled with high technologies such as batteries and chips, it must be a magic weapon when assembled.It's just that GP company has too many things to do at present, and chip research and development is the main focus. This year they will release a microprocessor chip, so they haven't been able to put too much energy on the screen.

The company didn't have time, but that didn't mean An Feng wasn't interested.

He plans to set up some industries outside the US... like the UK or China.At present, too many are concentrated in the United States. Although it can increase capital, but with two giants of batteries and chips, the screen or mobile phone is a bit inconspicuous, but it is different in other countries.

Taking the UK as an example, although it is still one of the top industrial countries, it is undeniable that the UK's manufacturing industry is facing a continuous downturn, and more people are switching to the service industry.Most of the industry in Europe was concentrated in Germany, and British industry was in decline.

Coupled with the fierce fighting between Russia and Europe in recent years and the weak economy, the UK is looking forward to injecting fresh blood to stimulate economic growth.On the other hand, it is also a way to increase personal strength. Joanna made a name for herself in the UK, expanded her influence, and gained meritorious service.

The market for this flexible screen is not small, and if a mobile phone is launched, there is still hope.

And the brand of the mobile phone... The first thing that flashed in An Feng's mind was the legendary Nokia that can block bullets.After Nokia's mobile phone department was acquired by Microsoft several years ago, even the name of the building was changed. Only the "NOKIA" logo reminds people that it has not completely disappeared.

After changing to a new boss, Nokia mobile phones did not rise from the ashes, and it also dragged down Microsoft. After several waves of layoffs, there is not much left.An Feng is not interested in other things, he just likes the "NOKIA" logo and the impression it gives people as "sturdy and durable".

The graphene screen can withstand a hammer, and "NOKIA" is a good match for it.

But this brand logo is not cheap.

For example, Microsoft, which acquired Nokia's equipment and mobile division, spent a total of more than 70 billion, of which about US$50 billion was for the equipment and services division.The remaining 21.8 billion is patent licensing, giving Microsoft the Lumia and Asha brands, as well as the "Nokia" brand, for a period of ten years.

Although the value of using the "Nokia" brand has not been announced, but after excluding 21.8 design patents, 8500 utility patents and patent applications for 3 billion US dollars, the use of this brand alone is estimated to be worth more than [-] million—the good news is Microsoft's The phone has been "soft".

Nokia has become tasteless to Microsoft. Over the years since Microsoft acquired it, the mobile phone business has not improved much, but there has been a global layoff.Microsoft uses Nokia's platform to promote mobile devices, but it will also gradually dilute the impression of "NOKIA" to the outside world, and ultimately make itself profitable.

Just like Google's acquisition of Motorola, the latter is done.

Therefore, the current status of the Nokia brand logo in Microsoft is worthless, do not want to use, tasteless state.

Using these factors, GP company and Microsoft dialogue.

In addition, in order to let the directors of the company understand the process of the matter and An Feng's thoughts, he also held a meeting.

It mainly talks about the possible results of the mobile phone business with the help of batteries, microprocessor chips, and flexible screens. The specific technical advantages will be explained by technicians.An Feng expressed his thoughts, hoping to obtain the right to use the five letters of "NOKIA".

As the absolute controlling shareholder of GP, An Feng can decide things with one vote, but the consortium has contributed a lot in the development of the company. Without their relationship and influence, the company's road ahead would still be bumpy.Now the company is acquiring Maserati, and suddenly it is engaged in mobile phones, which is too complicated.

An Feng finally said: "If the company has financial difficulties, you can let me be the main investor and the company to license the technology."

After discussion, everyone agreed.

At present, GP's capital chain is a little tight. The acquisition of Maserati is expected to cost 45 billion US dollars. In addition to business expansion, etc., it has already borrowed 15 billion US dollars from American Express. It is still spending money to prepare for the listing of GP Energy next year, and then buy it The worthless brand in the hands of Microsoft is very irrational.

The result of the final discussion is: GP will contribute about 20% of the capital, and An Feng will be responsible for the rest. He can also find other partners.In the plan for negotiating with Microsoft, GP only needs Nokia's brand logo and the remaining service life, and nothing else is considered.

It may cost five to one billion, but it is acceptable to Anfeng, and the company will bear part of it.In terms of the distinctive characteristics of the new technology, it is not impossible, but it is not yet ranked in the more profitable field than GP, ​​and he is eager to push it to the front, and it ends up like this.


Afterwards, Bazel approached him.

"There is nothing else. The company has limited funds and cannot take care of multiple aspects, but I am interested in mobile devices. I heard that you are going to set up a company in the UK?" Bazel asked.

An Feng said: "That's right, I mainly want to do it in the name of Joanna to expand the scope of influence."

Bazel knew very early on that he wanted to give Joanna a medal and knighthood, and it was not surprising: "It's okay. The mobile phone business is not very profitable for GP companies, but it is also an optional item for individual investors. I will For venture capital, and friends in the UK."

"Really?" An Feng was surprised.

"If you let investors see the technology you just showed, there will be a lot of interest. With GP's tailor-made batteries and chips, as well as technical support, many people will invest. It's just... standing at the top of the company On the face of it, it's not worth it," Bazel said.

"I see." An Feng nodded.


Planning begins for a mobile device company.

But the shape and hardware alone are not enough. Referring to Nokia, it is dead on the mobile phone system, so a system with its own characteristics is very important, and then use Microsoft's WP?Nokia just died on this, with Android?This is somewhat repetitive and spineless.

Finally, An Feng decided to come in person.

Design it yourself-copy the operating system, which is a matter of spending some time as a coder.Encyclopedia Brain has a lot of available projects. Scroll back and find a good one with strong compatibility. In the virtual environment, it can be backward compatible with Android or Apple software, and merge the two.

It's like... a virtual machine.Run the virtual machine on the device to simulate the usage environment of other software. As long as the hardware is strong enough, the virtual machine running under the root system can not only simulate the Android system environment, but also imitate Apple's or even PC's Windows system.

So the concept of software compatibility does not exist.

And the system itself stored on the physical hard disk also has great potential... After all, it is the crystallization of future wisdom.

After working as a programmer for a few days, I finished writing the mobile phone system without any mistakes. I tried it on the prototype and found it was okay. Then I saved some data and stored it in the company server to give some inspiration to the software development team. Let them be creative.

The programmers who came into contact with this batch of systems were surprised to find that it is easy to use, highly open, with a super-strong hardware platform as the foundation, and the speed of mobile phone experience is no less than that of a microcomputer.In addition, there are ultra-thin, anti-fall, and even solar charging technology that can be added later, so the competitiveness is not weak.

(End of this chapter)

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