Chapter 269 Cooperation
The mobile phone and the system are available, so there is still a shortcoming to consider.

If the negotiation is successful, the use period of the Nokia brand logo will be six or seven years, which means that a mobile phone company can be established and use the "NOKIA" logo to issue products.Even though Nokia has fallen, it still has a strong brand appeal, so the equipment is good enough.

Considering factors such as product features and appeal, it would take a lot of time and effort to start a new brand from scratch, but Nokia itself has huge potential customers. Since it was acquired by Microsoft, everyone has remembered it out.So he chooses the latter.

Creativity, technology, and a more flexible system have already covered the characteristics of popular mobile phones. Anfeng has strong confidence in the new mobile phone. It has gathered so many highlights and advantages, and does not require the first place. It squeezes into the top five. right?He felt that the difficulty should not be too great.

Besides, An Feng mainly seeks fame, not profit.

It's like the reason why Qatar once wanted to buy Manchester United at a high price. They value its profitability?No, it's more about improving their international influence, and adding a little football gene to promote the World Cup. Qatar is also a country that loves football.

In a short period of time, if the mobile phone according to Anfeng's vision can be put into production, the chance of success is very high, and it will bring a lot of profits. Most importantly, to revive a brand is still in the land of sunset in the UK!There have been no mobile phones in the UK that deserve the attention of the world. The manufacturing industry in the UK is also on the decline. Now they are busy switching to the service industry or the financial industry.

If it really happened, as a miracle maker, it would be justified in face.

One last thing: making money.

The Nokia brand still has more than six years of right to use it. It seems that the time limit is running out, but how many mobile phone brands can be prosperous for ten years and ten years?Not many.Generally, it is the hottest for a few years, and then takes the opportunity to make money, and finally declines according to natural laws after competitors appear.

So take advantage of these more than six years, earn as much as you can, and let's leave when it's over.

As far as Anfeng's grand strategy is concerned, it is only a transitional period now, and more advanced products will appear in the future, from the current battery to the chip, and then to the bio-drink that is making waves... The scope will expand in all directions, and finally will form A sprawling, tangled manufacturing empire.


An Feng was typing on the computer in the yard with his mind full of ideas.

Joanna was curious: "What have you been typing on the computer recently, have you been busy?"

An Feng revealed something to her: "I have thought of some very good ideas, which will bring many surprises and surprises to the world, and will also be more convenient."

"What is it?" She moved a round stool and sat down in front of him, full of anticipation to discover the secret.

An Feng was defeated by her knowledge-seeking eyes, and surrendered: "Well, let me tell you a little bit in advance, I am providing advice on the mobile phone designed by the company."

"Mobile phone?" Joanna asked.

"That's right!" An Feng picked up the sample on the table, "Of course it's ugly now, but I can tell you that it will be thinner in the future. Due to the development of battery technology and nanoelectronic technology, its circuit board It will be compressed into a small piece, and the battery will be very small."

"Then." An Feng bent the screen, "Even if it is bent to this extent, or dropped from a high altitude, it can still be used normally. If the airtightness is sufficient, soak it in water... If the battery is dead, don't worry, we still have solar energy Charging technology, the energy conversion rate is as high as 50%.

"Doesn't it mean that the mobile phone is out of battery, and there will be some sun?" Joanna said.

"Of course, solar cells are also one of GP's main projects, and they will be used in power generation and aerospace technology in the future," An Feng said.

"So you decided to invest in the mobile phone industry?" Joanna asked.


"Have you considered that it will be accepted by consumers?" Joanna asked.

Bazel's friends later asked the same question.

An Feng asked back: "What do you think is the reason for Apple's acceptance? Fashion? Stability? What about Android phones? Open? Beautiful? Regardless of these reasons, if I say that they can have them, the new system also has them. Because of the system, it has strong compatibility with software, and I will also add technologies that they don’t have, not only in terms of hardware, but also in terms of appearance creativity. If we gather all the features that popular mobile phones should have, Does it have a great chance of becoming a new hit?"

The other party asked: "Is it really so omnipotent?"

"Must." An Feng said, if it doesn't work...he admits it.

Of course, he is not so arrogant that he thinks that with these characteristics alone, he will break into the top ten in the world tomorrow, become the top five chrysanthemums the day after tomorrow, and step on Apple and Samsung the day after tomorrow.For example, even if it is a super battery, there are still traditional lithium-ion batteries competing with them in the low-end market.

It is too far to be realistic, based on the fundamentals, he considers acquiring Nokia, using its brand appeal, coupled with the characteristics and performance of graphene, to promote the product, and then seek fame and profit, the transition before the advent of next-generation technology During the period, make a good fortune.Only.

Bazel's friend shook hands with An Feng after learning about his thoughts and confidence: "I hope this cooperation can become a benchmark for mobile phones in the new era. Mr. An, I have the same confidence in you as Mr. Sinclair. I have confidence in GP and wish us a happy cooperation!"

"I will, Mr. Hart." An Feng shook hands with him, "But I am also an investor, and the key to success or failure lies in the management team."

"I will provide a professional mobile phone design and program development team to participate in the plan." Franson offered his help as a partner.

"This is very good." An Feng said.

Franson Hart smiled. He looked to be in his early 50s, with black hair and blue eyes, and he spoke decent standard English, showing his good education.According to some principles, the friends of local tyrants are also local tyrants, so Bazel's friends also have a lot of background.

According to what I learned afterwards, Franson Hart's family enjoys a certain reputation in the UK and has a lot of influence. They operate businesses ranging from the oil industry to financial investment. They have a strong interest in manufacturing, especially the one specially recommended by Bazel. projects and major business partners.

Following the three of them to discuss the issue of share distribution, An Feng's request is not high.

The mobile phone is a transitional device, and An Feng will not put too much energy into it. He is only responsible for leaving the plan and ideas behind, and then he will be the shopkeeper himself.There are many important things on her body, and the mobile phone is not the most important thing. The starting point is only to seek fame and fortune for Joanna. If she fails, she will sigh at most.

But the new mobile phone has too many advantages. It is high-tech from the inside to the outside. The hardware and software are all top-notch. The actual experience is very good. In the eyes of investors, with the technical support of GP, this will be a very safe one. investment, regardless of the country in which it is placed.


Hart is very capable. He can quickly recruit a group of employees who were originally engaged in mobile phone manufacturing, or recruit employees from other mobile phone manufacturers, such as managers, software engineers, etc., as long as the idea is implemented, the company can start work, and Quickly bring products to market.

An Feng is happy to see this scene, they do things, and he is responsible for counting the money.

The focus of his work is still on room temperature superconductors. Synthesizing materials is not easy, and pure natural ones have never appeared again. If it is rare, high-temperature superconductivity can be considered.

An's Industry is about to start operation. He is looking forward to and does not want to give up such a huge market. Superconductors are related to the future. Nuclear fusion, engines or quantum computers, their commercial value is far higher than people's expectations, and they are important to the world. one ring.

After a period of time in the hot summer, the results of the negotiations between GP and Microsoft came out.

The frequency of Microsoft Mobile's use of the "Nokia" logo has dropped to the lowest point, and more of their own products appear, although the sales are not very good... It is confirmed from the side, Microsoft should just do software obediently.Nokia, on the other hand, has been sidelined and rarely mentioned again.

Therefore, it is better to transfer the right to use the logo than to leave it alone.

As a result, Microsoft paid 3.5 million US dollars plus 5% of the new company's shares, authorized the right to use the brand, and tens of thousands of mobile phone patents are still in Microsoft's hands.

Microsoft sold chicken ribs for 3.5 million yuan, which is the focus of heated discussions in the technology world.

And this "taken advantage" is a company that has never been heard of - Berg Information Technology Company.It is registered in Birmingham, England, with a registered capital of one billion US dollars.Another person who broke the news said that GP, a high-tech enterprise, intervened and provided technical support.

Subsequently, Berg's official social account confirmed this, and GP provided graphene technical support.

This has attracted the attention of many people. If someone buys the right to use the Nokia logo for US$3.5 million, it will be discussed for a period of time. GP’s intervention will sublimate the meaning. Now when everyone talks about graphene, The first thing that comes to mind is GP.

GP's graphene empire is expanding outward at a terrifying speed. It's not that other countries have never thought of catching up, but in the face of all-round advantages, they even have problems with large-scale mass production of graphene, and they have no foundation. How to use it to make various carbon products?
Therefore, the official speech of GP company is a blockbuster. Some people speculate that there will be new technology. The current GP company has not promoted new products for a while. Some people speculate that it is a microprocessor chip, and some people say it is a flash in the pan. flexible screen.

Berg Company, which has been the focus of discussion, is currently under construction in a low-key manner.

The original company also considered starting with GP, but An Feng vetoed it, and he wanted to save it for future use.

According to the current agreement, GP contributed to the negotiations, accounting for 20% of the shares. The largest shareholder is Joanna, who owns 30% of the shares, followed by the investment companies of Bazel and Fronson, each accounting for 22.5%, and then Microsoft. 5%, the company's professional team is sufficient.

Anfeng doesn't have any shares, but it is still controlled by the consortium. Joanna, the company and Bazel's 72.5% of the right to speak are still here, but he doesn't care. Whoever is in charge of the company is fine, as long as it can generate profits, take advantage of it. It is enough to make money in these few years.

(End of this chapter)

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