Chapter 270

In the days when GP was negotiating with Microsoft, there were other things.

Since the Americans broke the exoskeleton technology, a very sensational thing happened.

A pirate hijacked an American freighter passing through the Gulf of Aden. It just so happened that the U.S. fleet was in a hurry to change positions recently, and there was a vacancy in the escort, so it was targeted by international pirates looking at opportunities. Several small kayaks, about ten AK, plus RPG and slippers, done!

Actually, things are more complicated.In addition to pirates, there are also well-equipped militants. I heard that their target is some cargo in the freighter. The United States did not specify what it is, but the news revealed that the NATO National Rescue Team was repelled, so the pirates are very powerful. .

The focus of An Feng's attention is not the life and death of the American freighter, but the special forces dispatched by the US military during the operation.

They are equipped with exoskeletons.

Special forces attacked by air and sea, landed on freighters, and fought fiercely with militants when the enemy was outnumbered. In the end, they won the victory without any damage and rescued the hostages... As can be seen from the official pictures released intentionally, every A soldier is equipped with an exoskeleton.

This is undoubtedly the first public appearance of exoskeletons in actual combat, and the effect is remarkable. Far away from ordinary people, soldiers have doubled in terms of weight and speed. Sexual victory.

Putting the exoskeleton into practice so quickly sends out a signal: the technology of the United States is very mature.

The word associated with all over the world is batch equipment. Since it has been verified in actual combat and the effect is excellent, it will be a matter of time before batch equipment.Raytheon's stock has started to rise recently, and there are also rumors that they are about to win an order for exoskeleton equipment from the US government.

It was thought that after the prototype of the exoskeleton appeared, it would take several years to perfect it, but it was only unveiled for a few months, and it was immediately used in anti-terrorism activities, and achieved very satisfactory results.At the same time as it was unbelievable, countries with conditions have more or less stepped up to develop it.

At this lively moment, another news came out.

Japan also showed exoskeletons.

As if following the United States to show off, their exoskeletons have no connection with the U.S. military, and their appearance is not very similar, but they are all the same in basic principles. Among the three cores, both the booster system and the battery are used, and only the chip is used. Self-developed, not agile enough in feedback.

The Japanese are very proud to claim that they have also mastered the exoskeleton technology, and it was neither awarded by the United States nor purchased from the United States.As if this wasn’t enjoyable enough, they listed more applications of exoskeletons, not only military, but also commercial.

An Feng confirmed that the lost information finally fell into the hands of the Japanese.

This time it became lively. The technology that the Americans claimed to be decades ahead of the world was slapped in the face, and what was even more uncomfortable was the neighboring countries of Japan. South Korea has always been unhappy with them, and this time it is also the usual practice.China is the same, especially the emergence of Japanese exoskeletons, which has brought a pressure virtually.

Although the equipment of individual soldiers can hardly affect the overall situation of the war, and the sinking of the Japanese island is only a matter of several rounds of salvos from the second artillery, but after all, it has not developed to the point where the fish are killed and the net is broken. Although it is very cool to destroy a nation humanely, people all over the world are watching—— —Unless Japan commits suicide.

So the competition is concentrated at a lower level. At least armored tanks and soldiers are required for the landing operation to seize the island, right?The importance of individual soldiers is self-evident.Although it didn't happen, calculating the combat power and simulating it on the computer will also affect the victory, not to mention it is a future trend.

Exoskeletons have already appeared in two countries. An Feng feels that the time is ripe, but he still has no good solution. If he goes to send favors by himself, he will definitely be suspected of being an intelligence broker. Besides, after the appearance of exoskeleton technology, the US Congress has agreed that its export will be subject to censorship. Protect.

After thinking about it, it is easier to deal with it in the UK.

I'm afraid that the other countries will give it away for free... Anyway, An Feng doesn't want to be bothered by such trivial matters, so let's give it away for nothing.


In mid-May, An Feng brought Joanna to England.

There are several purposes this time, convening a shareholder meeting of Berger Company and electing members of the board of directors; secondly, the team. Then quietly donate it to the big country.

As the second largest city in the UK, Birmingham is an important industrial center in the UK and played an important role in the industrial revolution. However, after the new century, just like the overall decline of the UK, industry is also in decline. Yes, everyone is changing.

But even so, Birmingham is still an industrial center. The emergence of the new army of British machinery companies has allowed the British to see the dawn of traditional industrial technology, and then the Burger company indicates that someone will develop mobile phone manufacturing on this land. The industry, too, is surprising in their plans.

The employees of the machinery company are all locals. Perhaps the British in other fields are not good enough, but there are many traditional people with strong roots in industrial cities, and with the technical assistance provided by the robotics company, it is easy to flourish.The company's executives have rich experience and are currently on the right track and developing slowly.

Especially after the appearance of exoskeletons, the precision power-assistance system used by both Americans and Japanese has become an important way for the company to make a name for itself. Instead, it has received orders for medical and industrial machinery. Obviously, they are of high quality and low price, and the technology is very Be favored.

The focus of An Feng's visit this time is not the machinery company - in theory the machinery company has nothing to do with him, he has no shares, and the company's shares are all in the robot company, Joanna and the foundation.His purpose is to attend the inauguration ceremony of Berg Company and participate in several publicity receptions.

For this form of dealing with people from all walks of life, although the environment is elegant and the characters are glamorous, it cannot conceal its essence-worshiping the mountain.

Franson and Bazel, as shareholders, are organizing these tedious social occasions and building good relationships with people from all walks of life, such as manufacturers of components needed to make mobile phones. Obviously, making mobile phones is not the business of one company, so they have to negotiate cooperation... In addition, there are mayors, councilors or trade union representatives, etc., all of whom will be present.As a major shareholder, Joanna naturally had to make an appearance, so she looked familiar.

An Feng became a supporting role in a low-key manner, basically accompanying her.

Joanna handles this kind of situation very well. She is a prospective master's student in business, and her business ability is a few blocks better than An Feng's. She just keeps a low profile as the boss's wife and doesn't care about things. There are many masters, but she is just a novice with a high degree of education.

It is different now, she is the major shareholder, plus the interim chairman.

After chatting with several suppliers introduced by Bazel, she was very proud, and the business list was basically confirmed. Among them was the important metal case of the mobile phone. Berger could not do this kind of thing by itself. Orders to other suppliers, available in bulk.

After taking a few sips of wine, Joanna was immersed in the joy of success: "Do you think I am qualified to be the boss?"

"It's okay." An Feng said, probably because she was bored, after studying for so many years, she finally had a platform to show her style.

"With you here, the odds are even higher," she said.

"Why?" An Feng asked.

"As the chairman, you must have a bodyguard who is unsmiling and close to protect you." She said with a smile, "How is it, my dear?"

An Feng shook his head and smiled, when Franson came over.

"Mr. An, I have something to discuss with you." Franson asked inquiringly.

"Please tell me." An Feng nodded.

"There are two people from BAE Systems here, and they want to talk to you about something. Are you interested?" Franson asked, "They learned that you are here through my friend. If you don't want to be If it bothers you, I can have someone ask them to leave."

"BAE system?" An Feng didn't understand.

Franson explained: "BAE Systems is the largest arms dealer in the UK, and it is also one of the top in the world. It is a huge enterprise, covering everything from military and civilian aircraft to original weapons, missiles, and military machinery. In Both Europe and the Americas have opened sales markets."

An Feng didn't know them, but nodded: "I want to know them too."

"I'll introduce you." Fransson left with a smile, and soon brought two guys in suits and ties, and introduced them to each other.

Among them, a middle-aged man named Smith shook hands with An Feng: "Mr. An, it's a pleasure to meet you. We have been looking for opportunities to chat with you, but unfortunately you don't often appear in the UK, so you can only rely on friends to set up a line. I'm here to talk to you about some business."

"What exactly is it?" An Feng felt that this person was quite polite.

Franson glanced at them and said goodbye: "Talk first, I'll do other things."

Smith looked at An Feng and Joanna, and said, "Mr. and Mrs. should be the actual controllers of the British Machinery and Power Company, right?"

"That's right, it's public." An Feng said.

"We don't mean to offend." Smith smiled, "I just want to further cooperate with you on the miniaturized booster system, and develop you into a supplier of parts and components for military projects. In addition, we will also give you Lots of orders for machinery."

An Feng looked at him: "Do you want to order parts similar to Raytheon?"

"Yes." Smith didn't beat around the bush, "BAE Systems intends to develop mechanical exoskeletons, and contract the construction of individual equipment in the UK. We want to cooperate with your company. As far as I know, exoskeletons first appeared in machinery companies. Shareholders, robot companies."

An Feng said: "But our secrets were stolen, and then the research and development of exoskeletons was stopped. The United States has now imposed export restrictions on this aspect."

Smith threw out the price tag: "Commodity is prohibited from exporting, but talents will not be restricted. It can be said that we have a government background, can achieve enough confidentiality in cooperation, will not leak privacy, and are well paid. We only need to sign a private agreement The secret agreement below will do.”

An Feng smiled: "You know what? I'm not short of money."

Smith has also investigated An Feng before, and the super rich will naturally not be short of this money, and then he followed suit: "Mrs. An is a British citizen, and her family has made great contributions to the country in history. I don't think she will To see their country weaken."

"Please don't use me to influence my husband's decision, Mr. Smith." Joanna interrupted him with a serious tone.

"I'm sorry, ma'am!" Smith said, "if you think patriotism deserves an apology!"

Joanna's complexion was not good, An Feng said: "Sir, you didn't understand me, I said that I am not short of money."

Smith thought for a while, he is a smart person, and his life is nothing more than making a name for himself.If there is no shortage of money, there is a lack of fame. Mrs. An is obviously from aristocratic background, but married to an ordinary person... Smith said knowingly: "Mr. An is also a citizen of the Commonwealth, and can be awarded medals and titles."

"Sorry, I personally don't value titles." An Feng shook his head, "Cooperation is possible, but for the ladies who make contributions..."

Smith gets to the point: "I get it, but it's easier."

(End of this chapter)

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