Chapter 272 High-profile
The transaction was carried out in a hotel, and the whole process was low-key, but the attention of the outside world was high. Liverpool changed hands again, and the news that the big-money buyer was a rich woman had already spread on the Internet.The guy with an extremely keen sense of smell captured some photos by squatting and waiting for a rabbit.

When they left the hotel and got into the car at the door, there were many news media gathered around them. Henry walking in front of him was photographed with a smile on his face. The next day's news featured a close-up of his smile, accompanied by thousands of words. The title was very sour: America The boss is finally making Liverpool's money.

But Henry is in the past tense, and the reporters are most concerned about the new boss.Although she was heavily guarded by bodyguards, she was definitely a woman, and she was still very young. Unfortunately, she didn't face the camera, only the profile and back were captured, and then the Mercedes roared away, and the window was covered with film.

These are enough to do a lot of articles.For this acquisition, large domestic and foreign sports websites have set up column reports to discuss any news about the acquisition of Liverpool, including the identity of the new boss that everyone is most curious about.An Feng went online to read some reports, and there was a lot of information.

Before Liverpool officially held a press conference, there was very little information about the new boss, only a young lady was identified.And this caused the gossip media to have a lot of fantasies. They speculated on the identity, assets, and even marriage of the female boss, which made people dumbfounded.

"What are you laughing at?" Joanna sat on the side of the bed wrapped in a towel after taking a shower.

An Feng turned to her: "The current media is really immoral, there is no information, but they are speculating on your age and height, and guessing your zodiac sign based on your low-key travel. Many netizens followed suit. They asked Liverpool officials to give fans We provide an official photo of the new boss."

Joanna leaned over to look: "Really?"

"Look at this!" An Feng showed her, "Everyone has different opinions on the forum. In the past, what fans were most curious about was the new owner's family background and investment in the team's construction, but now they have become fans. Regarding the boss’s appearance, I look forward to the press conference later.”

Joanna moved behind him, pointed to a message and said, "Do you dare to say that I don't have confidence if I don't publish photos? Tomorrow I will make an official debut, let them see!"

"Haha!" An Feng smiled, "Then you have to prepare your lines. You can predict how fierce the reporters at the press conference will be."

"Don't be afraid!" She pushed on him, "You insisted on buying the team. Before that, my understanding of football was superficial. If you don't protect me, I will reveal the secret and admit that I am just an agent." People, the unreliable husband is behind the scenes."

"Is it so dark?" An Feng pulled her into his arms and quarreled with her.


The next morning, they attended Liverpool's first meeting since changing owners.

Joanna's dress is still generous and decent, with complete jewelry necklaces, a light blue hat, and a white long wallet on black gloves.The look is more like a dame at a royal event than a boss.This kind of demeanor is not something ordinary women can possess.

The conference table was filled with Liverpool shareholders, directors and top executives. Many of them met the new boss for the first time.It's not clear where she came from, but she's definitely better than the previous boss.

Joanna looked around for a week, and said with her distinctive accent: "Today is a good weather, I am very glad to meet you here!"

Everyone also said hello.

Goodrich said, "As the assistant of Mr. An and Mrs. An." He took a special look at An Feng who was sitting quietly next to him, and everyone followed suit, remembering this Asian man who may have a lot of background.Goodrich continued: "I will be in charge of communicating with you."

"What do you mean?" someone asked from below.

Joanna explained: "For the management of the club, forgive me for my limited time. In many cases, the assistant will perform the duties on my behalf."

"Madam, will you rectify the club's management?" Someone asked from below, a team director.

"Not yet, it depends on the results." Joanna said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and in order to take office for the new boss, they had to drastically reform the club.

"Excuse me, madam, what kind of results do you think the team has achieved?" someone asked her standard.

"If we can win the league championship and the UEFA Champions League, I think it is good enough." Joanna smiled slightly, but it was not a joke.

Everyone felt the boss's confidence, and the previous person asked: "With all due respect, I want to ask Madam how much money you can prepare for the team?"

To play in the Premier League, you have to burn money. It is meaningless to talk about the championship without burning money.How much money the new boss can prepare is extremely critical to the development of the club.

"It depends on how much additional investment you allow." Joanna's response was very domineering.

According to the current situation, she bought 51% of the team's shares, and the rest is in the hands of other shareholders, and additional investment, according to the company's articles of association, requires the approval of all shareholders.Liverpool is currently worth 4 million pounds, and Joanna can completely dilute their shares.

"Can you give me a specific amount?" Someone in the audience weakly faced the domineering female boss.

Joanna glanced at him and said confidently: "I can only say that there will be funds exceeding the value of the team. I plan to use part of it to buy players, and the other part to build a new stadium immediately. The funds for stadium construction are vacant. I will Responsible to the end. Therefore, the future of the team is chosen by everyone."

If she invests another 1 million and the shareholders don't make any additional funds, the shares of all shareholders will be diluted to less than [-]%.Joanna's meaning is obvious, if you disagree, then she will not invest the money in vain, so this is a key choice.

This lady is different from the previous two stingy American bosses. Although she is a lady and young, she is rich enough to dispel everyone's worries.The Premier League can't afford to play without money, and the Premier League champion is the best example of burning money. Liverpool needs the championship too much.

In the end, everyone agreed to the decision.

According to the results of preliminary negotiations, Joanna will first invest 3 million pounds to increase her shareholding ratio to 72%, and 1.5 million pounds of which will be used for the purchase of players, and the rest will be paid for the initial stage of stadium construction. , there is still 5 million pounds to be padded in the future.

This meeting with the new boss was very satisfying. Although she will weaken the equity of most people, this is a matter of no choice. If Liverpool declines and does not have good results, they will not get more shares. Useful, and if it's powerful, the value is high.

At noon, Liverpool officials held a press conference.

Joanna did not attend the whole process. According to the assistant's request, she only appeared for a few minutes, said a few words, and answered some selected questions.

Although it was only a few minutes, the shots at the scene were all focused on her.

Surrounded by bodyguards and assistants, she was surrounded by reporters, unhurriedly answering some questions that had accumulated for a long time, such as her career, investment plans, and some unsatisfactory players. Questions and more.If she doesn't want to answer anything involving privacy, the assistant will help her block it.

"Excuse me..." Several reporters spoke at the same time.

Goodrich said: "I'm sorry everyone! Ma'am's interview time is over, we must leave as planned! Sorry, please move!"

Joanna didn't answer, leaving a temperamental smile for the camera.

The reporters were very reluctant, and there were still a lot of questions, but the few big men in black around them didn't talk about it.

The limited interview time was forcibly cut off. Although the reporters still wanted to pester her, they couldn't stand the burly bodyguard. Under the attention of the camera lens, the female boss was escorted away by the bodyguard. The handsome men got into the car together.

Joanna breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally I got rid of them! I said that I have to choose questions, but there are always people who want to inquire about my privacy."

"That's why I said it's not good to be high-profile." An Feng helped her take off her hat, "Even if you are not a public figure, there will be people who pay attention to you."

"In a few months, they'll forget about it," Joanna said.

"Probably." An Feng said.

But he underestimated the fans' curiosity about the beautiful boss. The information of the female boss has been disclosed, including the name, marriage and appearance, as well as the few minutes of the interview video. According to the previous surname, it is known that he is of noble origin.

Aristocratic culture exists in a contradictory form in the UK. Some people reject the aristocrats and advocate equality for all, while others are full of yearning and curiosity for the aristocrats, which can be seen from the popularity of film and television works.But in reality, it's amazing to come into contact with this kind of people who usually don't show their mountains and rivers.

The style of the sports column that night included more topics about the new boss of Liverpool. There were several news items showing photos taken on the spot. Yearning fans feast their eyes.

Joanna, on the other hand, began to regret it. British aristocratic culture has always been low-key and introverted. There is a strong contrast in such a showy scene.

In addition to this wave of advocating female bosses, there are some relatively normal reports.

Liverpool has officially confirmed that the new owner will make a major investment in the team, starting with the players. In order to prepare for the league in August, they still have more than two months to prepare and buy excellent players.And the new stadium, which has been delayed for more than ten years, was settled by her with one word.

It may also be that the grievances over the years have finally been swept away. The spokesman vaguely revealed that the new boss will prepare huge funds to help Liverpool regain the Premier League and European championships.The solution is simple - money.The new boss is not short of money, nor will he be stingy with money.

To describe it in Chinese, it means "dominant".

She put into reality what the previous two American bosses could not do. She bought players and spent 1.5 million directly as a reserve, and started construction on the stadium with a budget of 4 million.The credibility of the Americans in England has disappeared, and the decisiveness of the England boss has made the fans cheer and celebrate.

There are glimmers of hope.

After the official news release, some people began to care about the owner's net worth. Chelsea's rise through the Abu Jinyuan policy has turned the Premier League into a naked money game, and it can't be played without money.The female boss's investment is so straightforward, what is it relying on?

Some people searched, but unfortunately they couldn't get specific figures. They only knew that Joanna was the chairman of a charitable foundation, full of love.Also a shareholder in a machinery factory, and a new company that bought Nokia.However, the valuation of non-listed companies is very difficult, and the financial statements are not made public, so they can only be roughly estimated.

This is probably only in the early hundreds of millions, which is completely inconsistent.

Then, someone targeted Joanna's mysterious husband, who had no track record in England.But it is different in the United States. His background is profound. The most certain thing is that he is related to the "Jean and Tima Biological Research Center" and is one of the shareholders. He also has a shipping company located in Florida.

Someone revealed that he had a relationship with GP company, and gave clues and inferences from various aspects, and finally concluded that her husband's assets were conservatively hundreds of billions, and many trillions—this is indeed amazing, but it is a pity that the entire article It's all speculation without any evidence to support its claims.

Soon, fans of other clubs began to bombard. They compared the assets of their own team owners on the Internet, and some people came up with 8000 billion pounds of bad jokes... In the end, it was false and true, which only made everyone laugh.Without the evidence from the authoritative statistics department, you can't guess it.

For magazines such as Forbes, the data is read from the public financial statements of listed companies. Unfortunately, none of An Feng's companies is listed. Maybe we can speculate in the future, but not now.For non-listed companies, it is generally inferred from the turnover - but the statements of non-listed companies are generally not made public.

It’s impossible to hide from everyone—but it’s easy to hide from the public. When a company goes public, you use an unlisted company as the controlling shareholder—the easiest.Then dilute the shares, disperse them to various companies, and then proceed to the next level of dispersal... After repeating this, I am afraid that the tax bureau will be dizzy.

In the end, after guessing and guessing, I couldn't figure out how much the proprietress and the boss had.

PS: Speaking of net assets, recently I checked Forbes and found that Sinclair-Oil (Sinclair Oil Company) is still there! !$77 billion in revenue... when I used this name, I thought they were bankrupt in the last century... lol

(End of this chapter)

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