Chapter 273 Something Happened

The outside world has continued to discuss Liverpool's change to a female boss who is not bad at money.

The person involved, Joanna, was calm. Whatever they guessed, she remained silent, neither confirming nor clarifying.After this addiction wears off, sooner or later they will turn their attention to the team.After the third day of her trip to Liverpool, she went to visit the team and the stadium according to the schedule.

In fact, the meaning of the symbol is greater, that is, the new boss meets some important figures of the club.Joanna also takes it seriously, and her looks are always on point.An Feng is simple in comparison, with a suit and white shirt without a tie, and casual clothes are open or buttoned.

With his hands in his pockets, he followed her around, basically silent.

Instead, Joanna was communicating with the CEOs, department heads or coaches of some teams.Her understanding of the club was what An Feng took the time to supplement after An Feng decided to buy Liverpool.Prior to this, the aristocratic society generally had little interest in the civilian movement.

Therefore, Joanna's favor for Liverpool has been endowed with many meanings, and it is regarded as a symbol of progress and recognition-when various adventure novels were popular among the people, the British nobles thought it was a boring pastime for civilians, until Later, they were accepted and loved by them.

Joanna stayed for half an hour, watched the players' training, and chatted with them in a friendly way before heading to the next stop.

This time I visited the selected new stadium site, which is the original Stanley Park. The plan was repeated over and over again, and it was put on hold for more than ten years due to various reasons. Now we have to start again, and it is estimated that we will have to communicate with the government and nail households.But the government supports the construction of the new stadium.

During the introduction and visit, An Feng, who hadn't spoken much, said, "How much is the new stadium expected to cost? Construction time? Effect?"

The team's CEO Al obviously has a say: "Mr. An, the construction cost of the stadium is about 4 million pounds, and it may reach 4.5 million pounds. The fastest construction time is two years. It is a 7-seat stadium. It holds twice as many spectators as Anfield."

After hearing this, An Feng said, "It's okay, but the capacity is a bit small."

Al was surprised, and said: "The stadium with more than 7 people is not too small."

"Oh?" An Feng glanced at him, "Maybe my racing track is too big."

Al smiled and said: "Mr. Ann, the gap between the capacity of the football field and the racing field is irreparable unless our stadium is doubled."

An Feng smiled: "According to the plan approved by you, we look forward to its completion."

"Thank you sir for your support," Al said.

An Feng said a few words during the entire visit, but his indifference gave everyone strong confidence, which is a tactful expression of letting go and doing what I pay.Afterwards, they also discussed some team sponsorship and jersey advertisements, preparing to cooperate next season.

An Feng originally wanted to start right away, but Bi Da obviously hasn't left the United States yet. GP Energy already has racing car sponsorship, and GP chips are fine, but Holly's intention is not clear yet, so she put it on hold for now.Let's see if Liverpool can achieve good results this season.

On the fourth day, some things were rejected, and An Feng took away the beautiful owner of the club.

It is boring to have nothing to do. Naturally, the CEO of the club will do it. Goodrich will help him supervise. From the perspective of the fans, he is experienced enough and has a good point of view. Kill the boss of Daquan and get fired.


As June approaches, An's Winery is preparing for a new wine launch.

This time there is a big move, in addition to normal red wine, there will also be a genetically modified wine.

People still lack understanding of genetically modified foods, and even in California, where the technology is relatively mature, they will be questioned. Considering this situation, before the press conference, the winery borrowed the name of the research center and wanted targeted tests It is safe to drink for a long time.

This kind of thinking is rare, and no one can currently test the changes decades later.

But the research centers that are at the forefront of the world, just like their impossible feat of eradicating cancer cells, will also challenge this "impossible" task this time, preparing to conduct genetic safety tests on genetically modified foods. The method is very high-end Mainframe computers - not silicon chips, but state-of-the-art graphene chips.A computer named "Aris" supported by GP Corporation.

There are three highlights this time: professional testing for the safety of genetically modified foods; major breakthroughs in genetics and genetics at the research center; and the first large-scale computer promoted by GP.An's Winery provides raw materials, the research center is responsible for the theory, and GP company is responsible for the operation to carry out in-depth cooperation.

Before the test started, the three companies made headlines first.Needless to say, the research center and GP company have been in the news everywhere in recent years, but An's Winery is rarely heard of except in California, but now it cooperates with these two companies that have created miracles, and it is easy to become famous.

The worlds of biology, science, and the computer industry have all focused their attention on Los Angeles. Whether it is testing genetically modified foods, or the mysterious "Multiple Standard Model Theory" of the research center, or the large-scale computer first promoted by GP... the levels involved are really rare.

Anfeng is also driving the development of things. This will be a grand event combining theory and machines in the future, simulating more than a trillion possibilities, comparing normal and genetically modified tests, and using standard equations to verify the effects of genetically modified and non-genetically modified foods on food. The difference between 20 years, 50 years, and [-] years.

All eyes are on the research center. This is not only a theoretical test, but also an important turning point in verifying the development of human science.

As the commander-in-chief, An Feng emptied the tenth-floor laboratory of the research center, which will be provided exclusively for the use of "Aris". This large-scale computer uses a new architecture, and each chip is the crystallization of technology. It is the size of a "mainframe", but the performance is very small compared to a supercomputer.

Its computing speed can reach 1000 trillion times per second. Unlike the machines used in the past to simulate nuclear explosions, increase the power of nuclear weapons, or imagine wars in the United States, it will be used for pure biological research and contribute to world biology.The first actual combat is genetic modification.

"Aris" has aroused strong attention. Although there are already petaflop supercomputers in the supercomputer rankings, the top ten are basically above 1500 petaflops-but Ares is only a large-scale supercomputer. It is much, much smaller than a supercomputer, and it saves power!
What's more important is the cost performance. The cost of a supercomputer is tens of millions or hundreds of millions, while the cost of Ares is only a little over 600 million US dollars. Some large enterprises can afford it. You can enjoy the performance of a supercomputer at the price of a mainframe. This is definitely the most cost-effective in the history of computing.

An Feng's job is to be responsible for the design of the computer structure system.

A supercomputer consists of 10,000+ chips. Some people laugh at its name as a misnomer—but given you 10 yuan in chips, can you assemble a trillion-time computer?If it is so simple, why is the United States dominating the list of supercomputers all year round, while other countries are not on the list?Could it be that they can't afford chips?
If it is only assembled with a lot of chips, it can be called a supercomputer, and the Americans spend so much money every year, it is estimated that it is also spent on public funds...History proves that every order of magnitude increase in computing power requires innovation in architecture And a series of breakthroughs in key technologies.

How to superimpose the performance of each chip is the most difficult.

But for An Feng, it's very simple - he has ready-made ones to copy.Under the effect that one plus one is greater than two, when tens of thousands of chips are superimposed, their performance has leapt.Under his command, GP's team easily assembled Ares, which is like a god of war, waiting for challenges.

During the assembly process, the employees of Aegis Security will provide strict security services for this floor. The importance of Ares is a secret of GP company. At present, there is only this one, and it has not yet been planned to be marketed, so the security is very high. Important, especially not to be able to plagiarize the structure.

The chief security employee, Jeff Clark, was in charge of the security.

An Feng heard some details from him. In fact, the strengthening of security is only in consideration of unexpected accidents. It is stupid to steal a large computer. It weighs several tons. Security is just in case. If any fool touches it a few times, it will affect overall operation.So An Feng chatted with him.

"Is the company developing well recently?" An Feng asked, he hadn't paid attention to it for a long time, and felt that there were Aegis Security's shield advertisements in New York.

Jeff said: "It's not bad. The company is developing well. Last month, we teamed up with the police to solve a robbery targeting jewelry, which made headlines."

"Oh, I also read the news last time, the international thieves were caught by you, it's amazing!"

Jeff said: "It's actually quite dangerous. After we contracted this security work, the other party was very cunning. They played with us for a few days and planned to strike at the most tired moment, but the Russians adopted a shield-shaped security tactic loose on the outside and tight on the inside. , deliberately leaked vacancies for them to drill, and it succeeded.”

"What if you fail?" An Feng asked.

Jeff shook his head: "If the other party doesn't take the bait, we have a 90% chance of failure, and the cost of the loss is a dozen top diamonds with a total value of more than 5000 million US dollars. Even if the insurance company pays for it, our company will at least pay for it Millions of dollars, massive losses."

"In that case, Gu Li is the hero." An Feng said.

"Yes, although the Russians took risks, their performance this time is admirable." Jeff said.

I heard from other colleagues that the relationship between Jeff and Guli is very ordinary, limited to colleagues, and it is rare to hear him praise Guli, except this time.

An Feng smiled: "Is he okay? I haven't seen him for a long time."

Hearing this, Jeff hesitated.

"What's wrong?" An Feng asked.

Jeff looked at him and said slowly: "The Russian said that he has to take on an important security job for you, he needs to suspend the company's responsibilities, and found an acting consultant to take over his position, and he left half a month ago. Listen He also borrowed some shadow identities, the technology department said."

An Feng was very surprised: "But I haven't seen him for a month."

Jeff frowned, and suddenly took out his mobile phone to make a call. After talking for more than a minute, he hung up the phone: "The Russians used a dead, but not confirmed dead Russian Mafia passport. In the inspection at the office, the last destination he showed was Russia!"

"Maybe there is something urgent to go back." An Feng said.

"No, he pays attention to details." Jeff shook his head, "This time things are also a bit strange. He has already arranged the work after leaving, found someone to replace him as a consultant, and paid back the debt owed to Mars a long time ago. money, when they collectively went to Las Vegas to recruit prostitutes."

"Herring?" An Feng was speechless.

Jeff didn't seem to hear what he said, and continued to mutter: "I guess, he is going to do something very dangerous, and he may not come back later."

(End of this chapter)

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