Chapter 274 Things Are Bad
Guri disappeared inexplicably.

His reasoning to company management: the need for a period of private security counseling with the boss.So he left his position to the assistant, paid off the debts he once owed to his colleagues for eating, drinking and having fun, took away the passports of the Russian gangsters, and left the United States in a low-key manner.

After An Feng listened, he asked, "He didn't tell anyone why he left?"

Jeff said: "As far as I know, Mars, who has the best relationship with him, didn't know either. He also thought that Guli was here to take care of your boss's security work."

"Try to contact him." An Feng said.

"I'm doing it." Jeff's movements have always been very fast. Although they are rivals, they seem to be rivals and cherish each other.

According to Gu Li's personal information, the headquarters contacted him through emails, social accounts, etc., but nothing happened.There are many doubts. So far, Guli has not done anything to be sorry for the company. Instead, he is promoting its construction, so there is no need to avoid them.

Jeff found Mars and asked, "Has he behaved abnormally in recent months?"

Mars thought: "It feels the same as usual...About a month ago, we celebrated the task of capturing the jewel thief. Every team member who participated in the operation was rewarded. Everyone went to the bar to celebrate, and Gu Li also went, but He took a phone call and left."

"According to his personality, he would not refuse the carnival celebration plus vodka. Looking back now, I found that his face was not very good when he left. In the following period of time, I had a lot of tasks, and I didn't go out to celebrate with him again Well, just forget about that."

Jeff speculated: "It should be that time he encountered something."

After An Feng learned of these preliminary inferences, he still didn't understand why he left without a sound.There are also some colleagues in Aegis Security who are concerned about his movements.Guli is very popular, has made a lot of contributions to Aegis Security, and maintains a good relationship with most people.

Even Jeff, who has always been at odds with him, suggested: "As Gu Li is a prestigious leader of the company, I think we should care about his movements."

"I will, he is also my friend." An Feng said.

A friend is in trouble, and he cannot stand by and watch.But the problem is that although everyone has a close relationship with Guli, their understanding is limited to the United States, and no one knows about Russia's experience.An Feng handed over the task to Jeff. He has a strong tracking and investigation ability and can find the key from the details.

A day later, Jeff's team found a clue.

Jeff said to An Feng: "We recovered some shredded data from his laptop hard drive and lost a lot, but we extracted a few emails, which were from Russia. We chose the ones with the most frequent exchanges and tried to contact the mailboxes. Master, mention him cautiously."

"Just do it." An Feng said.

They sent a security officer of the company who was also of Russian origin to contact the other party with some vague words.

Soon, the other party got a reply, the content was very simple: Are you friends of Gu Li?

Jeff here gave a confirmed answer.

Opponent: How can I trust you?

Mars provides some of Guli's living habits, preferences and ways of speaking.

After being edited in Russian by a Russian colleague, it was passed on, but there was no response for a long time.Just when they thought the answer was wrong or the other party didn't believe it, the reply came: it is not convenient to use the Internet.

As long as there are clues, things are easy to handle. For security employees whose nature is very similar to agents, they are very familiar with confidential communications and passwords.

Jeff reported the matter to An Feng: "The other party is said to be a friend of Gu Li. He has encountered a serious incident. He can't disclose too much information when the network may be monitored, but he asks us to send someone to talk to him. They met in Moscow, Russia."

"What about the time?" An Feng asked. Americans naturally need a visa to go to Russia.

"Two days later," Jeff said, "don't worry about visas, we can find employees who have just been to Russia, or use technical means."

"Those people are dead, but the passports are still alive?" An Feng asked.

"To a certain extent, we can use his identity to pay for the necessary annual expenses of the passport owner, medical insurance, and create the illusion that he is still alive." Jeff said, "This is mostly used for emergencies, although the law does not allow it, but That’s what the industry generally does.”

"Okay, let's do it." An Feng said.


After the company's selection and comparison of makeup, two Russian-speaking employees were sent to set off with Russian passports similar to theirs, and their destination was Moscow.There are many variables in this trip. The other party knows their movements, but they cannot confirm the identity of the other party.

In Russia, a territory that has a certain degree of hostility to the United States, Americans are not a good word. Due to sanctions against Russia in recent years, Russia has become very anti-American. If they are found to use fake passports, they will definitely be banned by the FSB. (Federal Security Service of Russia) take away.

But the matter is urgent, and everyone agrees to try it. If it is exposed, the US consulate will send it back.

While An Feng was paying attention to the progress of the matter, he also had other jobs.

At present, the trial operation of "Ares" has ended, and other work is ready.The research center will work with GP's computer experts to use a set of complex genetic equations to calculate the various genetic, mutation and other effects that a person will face.The amount of data is very large, almost unsolvable.

But since there is a probability, it means that there will be a possibility of happening.The use of supercomputers to simulate nuclear reaction processes and extreme climate simulations are successful cases.It is also feasible to use it on humans, but the process is more complicated. The equations summarized by An Feng can now be analyzed by computers.

If there were supercomputers and comprehensive equations in cancer cell research back then, it would not have taken more than a year at all. The supercomputer can simulate hundreds of billions of times in all directions, and can get the results An Feng needs within ten days. more than a month.

With everything in place, the human-machine integration project of the research center was officially launched.This time it is estimated that it will take six to eight days to let the computer sum up the differences in cells and genetics between drinking and not drinking genetically modified alcohol in different time periods, and organize them into probabilities for scientific comparison.

After the mission started, An Feng went to find out the progress of the team going to Russia.

There is a bad news: the other party cannot be contacted.

An Feng asked: "They didn't show up at the agreed place?"

Jeff said: "After the two employees arrived at the designated location, they contacted each other through passwords, but nothing was found, and it was as calm as water."

"Could it be probing?" That's all An Feng could think of.

"The situation may be more complicated." Jeff thought, "This time our action was too hasty. If we think about it at a deeper level, the other party may not be Guli's friend."

An Feng was surprised, he hadn't thought about it at all.

Jeff continued to deduce: "The other party may be the person who controls Guli, and we can't get what we need from him. After we took the initiative to contact him, he led us there. Of course, it may also be Guli's friend, but when we arrive They've had other troubles before."

"The point right now is that we can't support them," Mars said.

"I have a way." Jeff said, "Inform the two of them of the deduction of the matter first, and then use the middleman here to contact the Russian side. You can pay the locals to help. Although there are risks, it is better than nothing." It is obviously safer to act alone as a backup."

An Feng had no objection: "Just do it."

Everyone immediately divided the work, and asked the relationship to find someone to show their skills.Security companies are also similar to the police, and the relationship with criminal organizations is very delicate. As long as they don't provoke me, everyone is friends and potential business partners.This time, through the intermediary relationship, let the gang in Moscow take action.

Just when the matter was tense, there was an echo from the Moscow Action Team: They were being targeted by unknown guys.

Jeff immediately asked them to take emergency self-preservation measures.

To a certain extent, self-preservation can be called "oiling the soles of the feet", but if the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood, the two Russian-Americans obviously can't compete with the locals, so they immediately run away... After that, the communication was disconnected.The headquarters couldn't contact them either, and the situation suddenly became out of control.

After spending several hours in tension, a message from one of the guys came: the accomplice had been arrested and he was on the run.

Everyone who heard the news had a sense of powerlessness. If the incident happened in the United States, Aegis Security would have the means and ability to intervene, but it would be impossible to change it in Russia, where they are unfamiliar.Jeff urged the organization on the Russian side, and the other party asked for a lot of money.

"How much?" An Feng asked.

"They said at least $100 million," Jeff said.

"50, buy it now," An Feng said.

Jeff went to make contact, then came back and said, "They agree, but they have to transfer money to a Swiss bank account immediately."

"Okay." An Feng said, if he dared to go back on his word, he would pay for the international killers to kill them, and the latter's reputation is said to be the highest in the industry.

After the local gangs in Moscow took the money, they provided protection to the employees of SHIELD and went to negotiate at the same time.Things are also easily resolved.According to the employees who participated in the negotiations, they sent a dozen or so people to chat with him for a few minutes, and then he came to speak.

It took more than 40 minutes before and after, and most of it was spent in traffic jams in Moscow. The other party talked behind the back of the guy and got 50 yuan-no wonder they like crimes.Zero cost and high return, work every three to five times, and live a happy life in the future, without worrying about food and clothing.

The story is far away, and the two guys who went to Russia were finally rescued and clarified the misunderstanding with each other.

They are indeed Guli's friends, but out of caution, they monitored the two guys who went to Russia, and both team members have special agent backgrounds, so they are naturally cautious in their whereabouts. The other party thought they were from the Security Bureau, and the misunderstanding increased If you have a new hatred and an old hatred, you will take one of them away.

Now that things are sorted out, they have a united front.

The truth of what Guli did in Russia is revealed: he rushed back to Russia from the United States, broke through many obstacles, and carefully planned to kill three people, one of whom was vague in nature and had an official identity, and he shot half of his head with a gun.Now Guri is being taken away by the Russian Federal Security Service.

"What's the worst and best case?" An Feng asked.

Jeff said: "The worst is being held in secret and enjoying the special treatment of Russian agents every day; the best is that he confesses voluntarily, and maybe he can be willing to die."

(End of this chapter)

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