Chapter 275
An Feng asked the action team to find out why Gu Li was so tough, but it was too complicated to explain clearly.It has to be traced back to a few years ago, when Guli was working in a private security company, he heard that something happened. After he resigned, he fled Russia overnight and came to the United States.

At that time, when the United States sanctioned Russia most severely, the relationship between the two sides was very tense, so Guri, who ran to the United States with a fake passport, was not pursued.Later on, the scene where An Feng met him in San Francisco happened.Once Guri is deported to Russia, he will face prison time.

An Feng applied for political asylum for him, got a green card, and he lived in peace in the United States.Until last month, he got some bad news, which touched his bottom line, so he risked never returning, and went to Russia alone, causing both sides to suffer.

But he also had backhands, knowing that it would be difficult for him to escape the pursuit of the Security Bureau on this trip. After the action, he took away the confidential documents held by one of the contacts of the Security Bureau and handed them over to the person he trusted the most. Hide it and tell no one, including himself.

In this way, even if he is forced to use drugs to extract a confession, it is impossible to know the specific whereabouts.

"This is the only way to save your life." Jeff said, "As long as he doesn't say anything, or the Security Bureau is willing to negotiate with him, maybe he can save his life."

"This guy is really good at it!" An Feng had a headache. He had guessed that there was a story about Gu Li at the beginning, and specially gave him a job, hoping that he could live a stable life. Unexpectedly, after a few years of peace, bad results still happened.According to inference, there is little hope of Guri's survival.

He killed the security bureau liaison officer and hid the confidential documents.If it were me, it would be strange if I didn't peel her.

An Feng sat down and rubbed his head: "How can I find the documents?"

Jeff said: "The person holding the document once contacted other friends in Shangguli, but suddenly lost contact, and still can't find the clue. When we replied, they thought we were holding the confidential document, and a misunderstanding occurred. , thinking that the two employees belonged to the Security Bureau.”

"Try to help him." An Feng sighed, the only thing he could do now was wait.


Joanna was also concerned about this matter. An Feng said something briefly, without mentioning the deeds of killing three people in a row. He only said that he had carried the case and was going to be imprisoned.

"Gu Li is not a bad person. I know he looks cold but warm-hearted and polite to people. I didn't expect this to happen in the end." Joanna said regretfully.

"Yeah." An Feng nodded.

"Can you do it?" she asked expectantly, always thinking that he was omnipotent.

"I've never been to Russia in my life. What can I do? The local government doesn't charge money to get rid of crimes." An Feng said helplessly.

"Maybe there are other ways besides money." Joanna said.

"Huh?" He looked at Joanna, "You mean another form?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"Oh... yes!" An Feng suddenly thought of an idea.

"What is it?" she pursued.

"Technology." An Feng said, "The key technologies that the Russians need most, if I use them as bargaining chips, I may be able to negotiate with the other party."

"You mean... an exoskeleton?" Joanna guessed.

"Nothing but this." An Feng shrugged.


The recent military news frequently mentions individual exoskeletons. The United States' excellent actual combat is the first wave, Japan's breakthrough is the second wave, and following the big powers' overt or covert efforts to catch up is also the first wave.To be sure, although Russia is not high-profile, it also attaches great importance to the construction of "second-generation soldiers".

If this important technology is exchanged, it is obviously a bargaining chip in the negotiation.

Considering that the exoskeleton has made too much trouble, An Feng plans to find time to send all the key secrets to the remaining countries through the Internet.Obviously, it is very appropriate to do this on Russian soil. Even if you use technical means to confuse, you will not be able to find out who did it.

When An Feng was considering how to implement the whole plan, news finally came that Guli's mysterious friend had contacted them and the things were still in his hands, but he felt unsafe. After learning of Guli's predicament , knowing it could save his life, so he wanted to join them.

They planned how they would meet and rendezvous as soon as possible.

After waiting for seven hours, the news came back again—it was bad news.They are being watched!Three people were captured by Security Service agents, including two Aegis Security employees.They are afraid that they will be treated as American spies, and they will even talk to the US government through diplomatic channels.

This is really losing his wife and losing his army. Before Gu Li got it out, two employees fell into it.

The situation was tense, and An Feng set his sights on the confidential information.

"Ask what is in that person's profile." An Feng said.If there are too many people arrested, it is safe to have two bargaining chips.

After a brief contact, Jeff received a few scans and said to An Feng, "It's some mechanical drawings."

An Feng looked at the screen and was taken aback for a moment. It turned out to be the design drawing of the exoskeleton!
I thought that the exoskeleton blueprints would eventually fall into the hands of the Japanese. Where did the Russians get them now?Regardless of the process, it is already certain that Russia is determined to win the exoskeleton, but the meat that is about to be eaten is snatched away, and the contact person is also killed. It is no wonder that it is not popular.

An Feng sat down, thought quietly for a few minutes, and said to Jeff: "I have a way, but I need someone trustworthy."

"A specific request?" Jeff asked.

"We have a good relationship with Gu Li. If we can keep him a secret, we must also keep this matter a secret," An Feng said.

"Exclude me, I'm not developed enough to take risks for the Russians." Although Jeff's words were a bit cold, they were the most honest.

"I recommend Mars, he has a very good relationship with Guli." Jeff said.

"I will consider it." An Feng nodded, and Jeff withdrew. This matter has nothing to do with him, and he will forget all the details these days.


An Feng finally chose Mars, and Harry and Dick, two secret service members.

He needs to go to Russia in person, and the bargaining chip is the exoskeleton, but thinking of dealing with the Security Bureau, he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't bring a few bodyguards.

Even if Russia has blueprints, the three cores are very difficult.Referring to Raytheon, they bought samples from Anfeng at the beginning, and then ordered products from British Machinery Company and GP Company to complete.A counterexample is naturally just like the incomplete exoskeleton of the Japanese now.

Considering that people of yellow race obviously cannot get fake Russian passports when they go to Russia, so An Feng needs another gold medal—diplomatic immunity.

The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis established diplomatic relations with Russia last year, which is the result of attracting small countries. There are usually only a few people in the embassy, ​​and there is basically nothing to do for a year.However, as a diplomatic agency, the immunity and privileges of diplomatic personnel are recognized by the world and are an international convention.

The bigger a country is, the more it pays attention to diplomatic etiquette.

An Feng rushed to St. Kitts Island and asked Sang Qi for several diplomatic representative identities—temporary ones.This kind of thing will be done quietly after some money is given, and the records will be destroyed secretly afterwards.An Feng has a good reputation, and the officials cooperated tacitly. No one knew about the extra representatives.

This is also a form of espionage.Taking the United States as an example, there are the most spies in embassies and consulates in China, so go in and catch one!However, they have diplomatic status and enjoy immunity, even if an accident occurs in the country where they are located, they can also be exempted from guilt.

If the other party is unwilling to make a deal, An Feng will retreat as a diplomat.

After the identities of the four diplomatic representatives were confirmed, they contacted the diplomatic embassy in Russia, notified the local government, selected the route, landing location, etc., and let the diplomatic plane land.And revealed that the nature of the visit is private, and there is another thing that the Russian government is interested in.


Before the Russian government confronted the United States, the plane departed immediately and flew directly to Moscow.

When I arrived, it was past eight o'clock in the evening, but the sky in Moscow was still bright. The daylight would last until nine o'clock, and it would be completely dark until ten o'clock.

Speaking of night here, it is actually almost the same as daytime.

After the plane landed in the special area, the embassy sent a car, which barely accommodated four people, and several large boxes that were not inspected out of diplomatic courtesy, which contained computers, aircraft, bugs and other spy items... An Feng Sit in the front row and let the three big guys squeeze the back row.

At night when the sky was bright, the car was driving on the streets of Moscow. An Feng felt that the weather was a bit cold. The highest temperature during the day was only in his early twenties. There were people on the street wearing vests and short skirts, as well as two-piece suits.It's a bit like winter in Los Angeles, and it's comfortable to wear more or less.

I have never been to Russia, but I have already experienced the names of fighting nations on the Internet, especially the various sturdy Russian drivers, just like Maozi's rough and careless personality, they are not born to pay attention to details... But after field experience, Moscow The streets in the city are well-behaved.

As the capital of Russia, Moscow has a long history. The streets are lush with trees and the greenery is very good. The more you drive into the city, the older the surrounding buildings are. Most of them are in the style of Stalin's period with large bases and high spires. There will be tall buildings.

The only thing is that most of the cars passing by are relatively dirty, and I feel that they don't like car washing.Seeing An Feng's doubts, the driver explained: "In Russia, car prices are similar to those in Europe, but car washing is expensive. Many people would rather have their cars dirty than wash them."

"No wonder." An Feng understood.

Continuing to drive toward the urban area, Moscow’s design follows the principle of the center. The administrative center area is at the symmetrical center on its map, and then the ring roads spread out like ripples.The several ring roads radiating from the Kremlin to the surrounding area are all areas with high incidence of traffic jams.

They're blocked now.

There was a traffic jam at nine o'clock in the evening, but when I looked up, the sky was as bright as day, and the traffic jam was interesting.

After dawdling and moving for a certain distance, the road conditions improved slightly, and finally arrived at the local hotel before sunset.Typical boxy Soviet style, with many rooms on each floor.Before coming here, I heard that Moscow has hundreds of rooms on a single floor and a hotel with a corridor of more than 100 meters.

After staying, Mars used his portable computer to contact the other party, and agreed to meet at the gate of the embassy the next day. As long as they could walk in, Russian agents would not mess around in the embassy, ​​not to mention they have immunity.After the transaction is completed, government officials will also be interviewed in the name of the ambassador.

The plan was very tight. Considering the details, the bodyguards did not bring the real ones, but all the other special equipment, just in case.No one can guarantee whether a group of Russian agents will emerge after contacting that group of people.For the sake of prudence, they had to guard against it.

(End of this chapter)

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