Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 279 Endangering National Security

Chapter 279 Endangering National Security
An Feng got into the car, and as soon as he took out his mobile phone, he was taken away by the agent beside him.

"We need to temporarily restrict your communication." The FBI agent said indifferently, "and other communication tools on your body, please take the initiative to hand them over."

"I only have one mobile phone." An Feng said, "According to the law, I have the right to notify the lawyer."

The agent glanced at him and vetoed: "You have the right to ask a lawyer to consult with you during the trial, but you are currently in a special investigation stage. There is evidence that you endanger the national security of the United States. The lawyer can only provide you with consultation and help, and has no right to interfere. Interrogation of major cases."

They didn't speak any more, and the car drove towards the airport smoothly.

An Feng was expressionless, but he was thinking of countermeasures in his heart. He was inevitably nervous when dealing with the FBI for the first time... This time, there was no warning, it was too abrupt. If the order was issued by a high-level government, it was aimed at him. Important people, Anderson will give an early warning.

Therefore, there are several possibilities: it was decided internally by the FBI, which is classified as a classified case; or it was dominated by Democratic officials without reference to the opinions of the Republican Party; partisan interest.

An Feng can only pin his hopes on his own side and let them be smarter.

10 minutes later, the car arrived at the airport and parked in front of a Cessna business jet. Several agents escorted him onto the plane and were told that the destination was the FBI branch in Los Angeles.More than an hour later, the plane landed in Los Angeles, and then drove to the local federal government building.

The FBI's branch is not very eye-catching. After several inspections, it feels similar to an ordinary office area.

On the contrary, the interrogation room is very classic. It is an empty room without windows. There is a lonely table and two chairs in the center. There is a huge single-transparent glass on the wall, and the inside can only be seen clearly from the outside.An Feng raised his head, it was pitch black, but someone must be watching him.

Soon, two black suits came in and sat down in front of him.

An Feng looked at them indifferently.

"I'm Mayer, on your case," one of the agents said. "Do you know why we brought you here?"

"I don't know." An Feng shook his head, "Planting? Law enforcement indiscriminately?"

Another said sternly: "Don't play tricks with us! We have enough ways for you to cooperate!"

An Feng said with a smile: "I've seen it in movies. You guys are very good at extorting confessions by torture. Quickly turn off the camera and give me a set."

Meyer tapped on the table: "You think you've gotten into little trouble?"

"I haven't committed any illegal acts, so I'm naturally not afraid of you." An Feng looked up at the dark glass, "I have the right to hold you accountable."

"You are very confident in hiding the evidence." Meyer pointed to the assistant's file bag, which contained some photos and some paper documents.

"On the 20th of last month, you took three of your bodyguards to Moscow, Russia. At that time, two of your men were captured by the local security bureau and faced charges of espionage. The skeletal blueprints were a condition of exchanging four suspects. Afterwards, you gave some of the people involved in the operation about $20 in rewards to keep things a secret."

"Nonsense! I need evidence and witnesses to face to face!" An Feng refused to admit it.

"We'll give it to you!" Meyer was annoyed at his unbridled attitude.

"I'm waiting! Let's see your level of forgery." An Feng said arrogantly. He had known Jeff Clark before. The FBI is good at catching flaws in characters' expressions, demeanor or language. The best way to deal with them is Permanent silence or detour to fight back, cannot be led away.

Meyer looked at the arrogant An Feng and continued: "In addition to the appeal case, there is also evidence that you are suspected of participating in illegal cooperation with the British government. You also exchanged the restricted exoskeleton technology for a British defense contractor. cooperation with your business.”

"This is also a groundless slander." An Feng said, but from the tone and description, he felt that the FBI did not know enough about the British case.

"So how do you explain your appearance with BAE in the UK?" Meyer said.

"Normal business cooperation." An Feng said.

"Will normal business cooperation be conditional on exoskeleton technology?" Mayer said.

"It's just your imagination." An Feng sneered.

"According to the current evidence and witnesses, it is enough for us to prosecute you!" Mayer said, "So cooperate with me, I just need you to answer, have you gone to England?"

"That's right." An Feng said.

"Have you had contact with anyone from BAE?" he asked.

"Yes." An Feng nodded.

"Just after you showed up in the UK and contacted them, BAE has exoskeleton technology. Tell me, how much do you benefit from it?"

"Haha." An Feng understood their reasoning, "You are trying to induce a confession! I have the right to remain silent until my lawyer shows up!"

"Huh!" Meyer knocked on the table, "According to our monitoring of your series of behaviors, the comprehensive evidence shows that you have endangered the security of the United States. We have the power to arrest you for collusion with the enemy and espionage. With your permanent residency, you lose your right to lawyer defense accordingly!"

"Please come up with instructions!" An Feng confronted.

Meyer glared at him, and a minute later, he said, "You'll regret it!"

"I'll wait!" An Feng said.

Meyer left with his assistant, and the silent interrogation continued.


Joanna watched the FBI take An Feng away and panicked, but she remained calm on the surface and did not show the disorientation of ordinary women after encountering an accident.Images of key people flashed in her mind, and she thought about countermeasures. There was no doubt that An Feng's political capital was very strong and she could use it.

At this time, Gu Li came over and motioned her to talk in another place.

Joanna walked aside with them and asked, "Is it—"

"Wait!" Gu Li said cautiously, took out an instrument and scanned her body, and actually took out a small object from the wide cuff of the master's uniform.

"Bug!" Gu Li threw it to the ground and crushed it.

Joanna looked at it in disbelief, then looked up at Guli again, with a questioning look in her eyes.

Gurley said: "There are no other interference signals now, but things are very bad. It is probably the Russian trip. There are traitors among us."

"Then what should we do?" Joanna knew that An Feng's actions would be risky, but he insisted on going his own way, and now something happened.

Gurley said: "Don't worry, there are two things we can do now. The first is for me to find out who leaked the secret between us. The leaker may be the accuser. Second, you look for anyone who can Those who support him have strong political connections."

"I see." Joanna calmed herself down, "I know who to call."

Gu Li nodded: "The more important the person is, the more he can guarantee his safety."

Joanna said: "We split up, I will communicate with others, you are responsible for the investigation of the leaker, and I will allow any resources that need to be used on the way."

"I need a plane," Guri said.

"My plane is parked at a nearby airport." Joanna took out her mobile phone, "I'll notify the crew members right away, and use it at any time."

Gu Li said again: "I will leave two bodyguards for you to handle affairs for you."

"Okay, you go quickly." Joanna said, and returned to her parents with the bodyguards.

Kelly asked with concern: "What's going on, what did those people do just now?"

"It's okay, it's just a routine investigation." Joanna smiled, and she could no longer feel her nervousness. "I need to help him with some things, so I can't attend this prom. If you are not in a hurry to go back, you first Go and live in San Rafael."

"We're in no hurry, kid." Frank looked at her.

"I can handle it," Joanna said. "Have a good day, I need to go to work."

"If you have trouble, remember that we are still there!" Frank smelled some unusual smells, but it didn't affect her current emotions too much.

Joanna nodded, turned and left, and ordered: "Get me a car and drive to the nearby airport."

"No problem." A bodyguard left.

Joanna took off her master's robe, handed it to the bodyguard, and then took out her mobile phone to make a call: "Angela, I need flight service."

"Ma'am, do you need a flight?" Angela confirmed.

"Yes, my pilot has other tasks for the time being. You arrange a flight from Berkeley to Los Angeles." Joanna glanced at the bodyguard who opened the door.

The bodyguard said his driving time: "15 minutes to the nearby airport."

"Leaving in 15 minutes." Joanna told Angela.

"The fastest is only three or ten minutes later." Angela said.

Joanna's tone was undeniable: "You buy all the locations for me, and if you can't, just buy them! I need to leave in 15 minutes!"

"I'll make arrangements, ma'am," Angela said.

Joanna got into the car, the bodyguard closed the door, and drove towards the airport, maintaining a high speed all the way.In the car, Joanna called Matthew again.

"Uncle Matthew, are you okay?" Joanna asked, "I have something to trouble you, are you still in Los Angeles?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Matthew's voice came.

Joanna said: "Something happened to Bruce, he was taken by the FBI. He may be in the Los Angeles branch now, and he needs help."

"Speak slowly, you mean the FBI?" Matthew's voice also sounded surprised.

"Is it convenient for you to talk over there?" Joanna asked.

"No problem, I use an anti-tapping mobile phone." Matthew said.

"Okay, there may be some allegations that are not conducive to national security, but there should be no conclusive evidence..." Joanna picked up some important points.

After hearing this, Matthew said: "I will let the governor and the Department of Justice intervene in this matter first, and participate in the federal investigation. Since the people are still in Los Angeles, I will let them stay in the local area to handle the case. Another thing is very strange. , I didn't get any wind... you should come over."

"On the way," Joanna said.

15 minutes later, the car stopped at the airport. Since the flights to Los Angeles were short-distance flights, they were all operated by small companies, mainly minicomputers. After Joanna bought all the seats, she directly turned into a temporary charter flight and boarded the plane from the connecting plane . "After full", take off immediately.


After four hours of interrogation.

An Feng had confronted them several times. According to the evidence and deduction held by the other party, it is indeed possible to extend the time of the "interview" indefinitely.

Just as another round of intensive interrogation was in progress to break through the psychological defense line, the door opened.

Mayer was called out, he looked at the strangers in the corridor, and asked his assistant, "What's the matter?"

The assistant looked at several strangers beside him: "They are representatives of the Governor's Secretariat, the State Department of Justice, and lawyers, and they asked to meet with the suspect."

Meyer frowned: "This is an FBI project."

The governor's secretary had a businesslike expression: "This is California, and I will coordinate with the state laws and the governor's instructions."

A representative of the state Department of Justice said: "We must maintain state laws and the fairness of state laws to state residents, and provide reasonable supervision and advice."

Finally, the lawyer's representative: "I am the chief representative of Mr. An's lawyers' delegation, responsible for all legal matters related to him."

Meyer frowned. He still underestimated An Feng's ability. In just a few hours, the governor, the Ministry of Justice and the legal team all sent people.

(End of this chapter)

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