Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 280 The relationship is complicated

Chapter 280 The relationship is complicated
According to Chinese thinking, the state government naturally has to cooperate with the federal investigation and will not oppose the "central government". However, it is different in the United States. The meaning of State is not only the state, but also the meaning of "country".In fact, the United States of America is a union of fifty "States" with a high degree of autonomy.

Therefore, in film and television dramas, it often appears that state law enforcement agencies do not care much about the FBI. There is no superior-subordinate relationship between them, and there is even a clear distinction. You only need to do your duty to the state government.

A well-behaved state may actively cooperate, but in a tough area like Texas, there are often groups that want to fight for independence. Whether they are worthy or not depends mainly on their mood, unless there is a mandatory order from above.And now, California's procuratorate has been ordered by the governor not to cooperate, but to supervise the FBI.

Meyer is aware of the complicated relationship. It will only happen when the person involved is very important and has a close relationship with the governor. According to the law, he has no way to obstruct the state government from enforcing the law, because the incident happened on California land, and the other party insists on intervening. , The FBI is helpless.

In the end, they investigated the case together.

Now there are six or seven people sitting or standing opposite An Feng, and the atmosphere is much more lively.The faces of the two FBI agents are very ugly. When you are concentrating on your work, you must not be happy if someone interferes.But they can't help it, the other party is not trying to save face now, and is determined to participate in this matter.

A representative of An Feng's legal team said: "I will represent the client to make any remarks that have legal effect."

An Feng nodded: "I agree."

FBI agents were helpless and annoyed. Under the supervision and cooperation of many parties, they sorted out the facts of the case bit by bit, FBI evidence, witnesses, or evidence, and even lawyers wanted to investigate whether the FBI operation had passed the SAC (Advisory Committee) ) for consultation and approval.

Meyer objected: "It's not a big deal!"

Before the lawyer could speak, the representative of the State Department of Justice said: "According to the nature of the matter, the influence of the parties in the local area, and the impact on the government and the economy, etc., all of which are important criteria, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will arrest the parties before ordering the arrest of the parties. , a committee resolution is required."

The lawyer continued: "I will reserve the right to prosecute for the client!"

Mayer doesn't want to argue with these bastards anymore. Obviously, the California government is biased towards An Feng. Is it important for you to just say it?
"I object to a review environment that is grossly unbalanced!" Another agent said, "The local state government seriously influences the judgment of the nature of the matter!"

The secretary of the governor said: "The matter happened in California. According to the law, the California law enforcement department should also participate in this matter, and the governor will convene a meeting as soon as possible to make this matter heard in California. Before the provisions of the law are issued, when the personnel cannot leave California!"

Meyer shook her head, thinking of leaving California and seeking asylum in Washington.

The lawyer ignored his mood and continued: "When you issued some kind of 'verbal inference without practical effect', which you called 'evidence', my client was deeply suspicious and asked you to issue Evidence in this regard that is tangible and consistent with the letter of the law."

"We have ample evidence!" Mayer said.

Both the Ministry of Justice and the lawyer looked at him: "Please show it!"

Meyer was disturbed by them, and had no choice but to produce evidence. They watched casually, and the lawyer memorized the key points carefully, and then everyone continued to dig out every step and every detail of the interrogation, including An Feng accused the other party of "racial discrimination".

"Nothing at all!" Meyer said resolutely, this big hat can't fall on his head.

The lawyer said: "Following my client's description, during the interrogation, you once mentioned the words 'Chinese spy'. There is contempt for race in the context. I think it can constitute a potential racial discrimination. Hint. I hope Mr. Meyer will refrain."

Meyer gritted his teeth, he is a lawyer, he will hate him in this life and the next life!

Matthew and Joanna in Los Angeles get the intel.

According to the evidence collected by the lawyer, the biggest threat to An Feng is the tainted witness. The oral evidence of the witness shows that An Feng participated in a transaction conducted by the Russian Federal Security Service, which threatened the national security of the United States.The rest are some monitoring and inference, which is secondary.

After hearing this, Matthew asked, "Have you seen the witness?"

Hardy Locke shook his head: "The witness is currently under protection, which is in our favor. He is currently unwilling to appear in court and face the jury, so to a certain extent, his oral statement cannot be used as an effective accusation against Mr. An. Evidence. I think that's why the FBI insisted on interrogating."

"As long as he doesn't appear in court, there's still room for maneuver," Matthew said.

Hardy nodded: "Yes, so you need to find a way here. In addition, most of the surveillance evidence is inferred. If you really want to appeal on this point, as long as you publicize the FBI's illegal surveillance, the jury will reject it. , there is no way to bring a public prosecution to the court.”

After Matthew figured it out, he speculated: "The monitoring may be the cooperation of multiple agencies, the FBI or the NSA, and the one who can issue this order must be a high-level person. As far as the Republican Party is concerned, we are partisan supporters, and the probability of it happening is very high." Big, it should be on the Democratic side.”

"What's the point now?" Joanna asked.

Matthew thought for a while and said: "I'll help him deal with the trouble of monitoring evidence. It's based on inference, but can I need the help of some influential politicians. If you have time, arrange for someone to find out Witness, find a way to make him change or shut up."

Joanna said: "I know that the tainted witness is in the team that went to Russia together."

"You can start here." Matthew nodded, and then looked at Joanna, "Tell me the truth, did he do it?"

"I'm sure he won't do that," Joanna replied with certainty.

Matthew said, "That's what you say."


They split up, with Matthew going to high-level officials and Joanna looking for witnesses.

She flew to the next stop with bodyguards: Phoenix.

Aegis Security is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.It takes more than an hour to fly from Los Angeles. This time, Matthew lent Joanna his private jet and arrived in Phoenix faster.Gu Li sent a car to pick her up and returned to the headquarters of SHIELD Security.

After she sat down, the female assistant brought a cup of black tea with sugar.

Joanna said directly: "According to the lawyer, there is something wrong with the group of people who went to Russia. You have to find them out and make them drop the charges."

"They are on vacation. After I came back, I contacted Mars and Harry as quickly as possible. Based on my impression and recent actions, their suspicion is very small, because they were the most active when I had an accident. The other three I There is no guarantee, and we are still unable to contact him," Guli said.

"I don't care, now you are looking for or kidnapping, in short, let the accused person shut up!" Joanna gave the order, "The witness is hesitating between appearing in court and not testifying in court. This time is very precious. If the witness Deciding to appear in court will cause a lot of trouble!"

Gu Li took out his mobile phone: "I will send trusted forces to catch the leaker."

Gu Li is very annoyed now. An Feng saved his life from FSB. Although he only thanked him a few times because he is not good at expressing his feelings, it does not mean that he does not know how to be grateful.Now he can't wait to catch the guy who leaked the secret, tear his body into pieces and roast him with fire.

Guli ranked the five people in order of possibility. The probability of Mars and Harry is not high. They have been together for many days. Although they are from different countries, Guli, who is good at observing, trusts them. Similarly, they entrust Guli with trust.After his accident, the first response will be known.

And the remaining three people, the two Russians who were arrested, are less likely to come back to bite their boss - but it cannot be ruled out that they can't resist the temptation of money; the remaining one is Dick, Guri and him We have cooperated and often act together, but we don't know much about them in private.

But the low probability doesn't mean it's impossible, he needs to focus on the review.


Due to the interference of many parties, the review did not make effective progress, and he left work after procrastination, and with the guarantee of a lawyer, An Feng could get limited freedom, but he had to move in places designated by the FBI, live in designated hotels, and be monitored by agents around him. Listening is everywhere.

When An Feng and Joanna had dinner, there were agents watching them all around.

An Feng said something to make her not worry, and then listened to her description of the current progress, and felt that the water was very deep, and the evidence of surveillance was inferred from last year, which means that this matter was planned for a long time Yeah, Anderson wasn't even on stage then.

On the other side, Meyer is also in action.

He was not very willing to take over An Feng's case because he had known this person before. He had a complicated background and a huge network behind the scenes, but he could not disobey the orders of the headquarters.Coupled with the overwhelming amount of evidence provided by certain informants, Mayer had no choice but to take over the case a month ago.

In fact, ever since the California Republican government intervened, he knew that this was not just a case. Based on his professional sense developed over the years, there might be serious interest disputes involved here, so he tried hard on the surface, but he always Follow the procedure to do things.

He can't afford to offend both ends, so he can only pretend.

After the state government put pressure on him, although he was annoyed by the collusion between the government and businessmen, but after thinking about it, this happened to be an opportunity to throw away the hot potato.

Follow him and report the matter to the FBI headquarters, let the director handle it.

Director of the FBI, Kerry, is a member of the Democratic Party, and his attitude towards President Anderson is very average. Anyway, he voted for the Democratic candidate during the election.He didn't want to provoke opponents, but more than a month ago, someone paid to check one of Anderson's supporters.

Anderson's supporters have a lot of background. Kerry feels that the political war has been burned from the two parties and the two chambers to the behind-the-scenes supporters. Since the new president took office, the disputes in Congress have become very serious and tend to become fierce. He wanted to play it safe. Not wading in muddy water, but someone asked him to do it.

The Democratic leader of the House of Representatives and the Speaker of the House of Representatives made it clear that this matter is important.

Kerry knew that he was going to offend people this time, but he had no choice. The funder was a large group that supported the party, and some Democrats were involved. He was also pulled up during the Oregon period. Yes, so I'm responsible for singing bad faces.


Phoenix city.

Only four actually came back, and Dick couldn't be contacted for the time being.

Guri apologized to them first, and then asked them to individually describe their trip after returning from Russia.

Everyone has a very reasonable explanation for their outings, and when it was Harry's turn, he said something that was almost ignored: "Someone once approached me on the Internet and asked me to provide clues about Russia's actions. I used the company's secrets as an excuse Rejected, but got some clues."

Guli looked at Harry: "What about the details? Why did you say it now?"

Harry hesitated, and confessed after a few seconds: "I'm short of money recently. I'm tired of working, and I want to find a woman for a vacation. Someone came to me and said that they could give me a lot of money, as long as I was willing to provide evidence and be a tainted witness, and even give me a new identity to live."

"What happened next?" Guri asked.

"I didn't reject them right away, but asked for time to think about it." Harry said ashamedly, "Because the money was enough for me to live comfortably for several years, I was confused at the time and almost wanted to do it, but when I thought about the company's huge impact on me. Help, I can't betray everyone's trust."

Gu Li patted him on the shoulder: "You have not let everyone down."

Harry smiled awkwardly, and continued, "Afterwards, I used some methods to check on the other party and obtained his identity. We knew each other."

"Who is it?" Guri asked.

"It goes back to the mission arranged by the big boss. We investigated a newspaper that was secretly engaged in commercial espionage and destroyed it. The person who contacted me, he was the boss of the newspaper, was finally charged, but because of the evidence Insufficient acquittal."

Gu Li remembered that last year someone secretly photographed An Feng and his friends, and the instigator was the owner of the newspaper.

But he disappeared afterwards... It is also very likely that he changed his identity, and a series of monitoring activities against An Feng began since then.Although it is not clear how it was related to the FBI in the end, it is not difficult to imagine that business competitors and political enemies can report.

Harry said: "I thought the matter was not serious, and the big boss would have a way to solve it. In addition, the conversation between me and the other party was a little sensitive, so I kept silent."

Gu Li could understand: "It's not too late for you to say it now."


this afternoon.

The review, which has been stalemate, suddenly came with an order from the FBI headquarters and a document signed by the director, requesting that the suspects be interrogated individually and have the right to refuse unreasonable requests from lawyers and local prosecutors.And sorting out the testimony, preparing to file a lawsuit in court.

The governor, who was under pressure, also received protests and dissatisfaction from the local Democratic Party members, who believed that he had abused his power and interfered with judicial justice. Take a hand.

This time it was the opponent's turn to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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