Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 284 Getting Knocked Into The Hospital

Chapter 284 Getting Knocked Into The Hospital

The next night, Santa Barbara.

The meeting place is still in Austin Blue Lane's private mansion, which has become one of the consortium's secret meeting places in California.

This time there were a large number of consortium members, politicians, and Anderson who was destined to shine.

When An Feng saw him, he came forward with a smile and shook hands with him to say hello. After letting go, Anderson gave him another warm hug.

"Mr. An, how are you doing recently?" Anderson greeted.

"It's okay, I would like to thank you for your help." An Feng said with a smile.

"Just doing my best." Anderson wrote lightly, then turned to Joanna: "Nice to meet you too, honorable lady."

"Thank you, Mr. President." Joanna smiled and shook hands with him.

After exchanging pleasantries with Anderson and the first lady, the two temporarily left Anderson, who had a lot of entertainment, and came to the circle of other consortium members.

Joanna often accompanies An Feng to dinner parties, so she is very familiar with these wives and wives. When she stops in the circle, everyone greets her one after another. It feels like she is treated like a big star... Who told her to be An Feng's wife, as the core of the consortium? , it is human nature to be flattered.

An Feng then took the champagne and went to say hello to those friends who had helped him.

From consortium members to politicians... Walking around with wine glasses, everyone clinked a glass, took a sip and chatted for a while. The glasses were changed four times. Many people helped him, and some even only met a few times. They all contributed to this incident.

In order to help An Feng, everyone lost, but compared with the huge benefits he brought, it was easy to choose.Don't talk about racial conspiracy or anything, bullshit!It is meaningless for capitalists at this level to talk about national boundaries. What they pursue is interests. If there is mutual interest, they are good friends. How much money can they make by talking about race?

Afterwards, An Feng and a few cores got together.

Anderson is also there, in addition to discussing future plans, there are also arrangements for An Feng.

Everyone agreed that An Feng should be more cautious in his actions.He also promised that the "spy" oolong would not happen again, the trouble caused by the exoskeleton has come to an end, and he has no other mandatory promotion tasks on him.Everyone also gave him advice and suggestions to improve his own protection.

"Continuous security is necessary." Austin said with certainty, "You feel inconvenient, but when it comes in handy, you will be glad."

"I will." An Feng humbly accepted the education of his seniors.

"Hurry up and get your nationality." Matthew said, "In this espionage case, a lot of clowns are making a fuss about your foreign nationality. You have American citizenship, and it is easier for the government to obtain it." Trust, otherwise other friends will not be able to grasp the evaluation of you."

An Feng looked at the president, and he said: "Your thoughts Bazel told me that dual citizenship is adopted by default. I will ask someone to add some powerful content to your file, and after the naturalization permit is granted with my authorization , encrypted and stored, and only a small number of people will be able to view it in the future.”

"Then under normal circumstances, which identity should I use?" An Feng asked.

"Whatever you like," Anderson said.

"What if I am also a diplomat stationed in the United States?" An Feng thought a lot.

Anderson was stunned, a little admired: "If you can obtain permission from the host country's government, the United States will naturally recognize your identity."

When An Feng was invited to drink tea, he had thought about immunity.

If he is the diplomatic representative of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis in the United States, it means that he has absolute immunity. In principle, anything that happens on his land cannot be arrested by law enforcement agencies or the military. The embassy or the national government handles diplomatic incidents.

Bazel had to remind him: "When you hold passports from both countries at the same time, it is best not to use the privileges of diplomatic personnel frequently."

"I know." An Feng said.As a multi-national person with a special status, the right of immunity is not necessarily a gold medal to avoid death. When it is found out that he has American nationality, the law enforcement agencies can also say that he is on American soil. If he has American nationality, he will be dealt with according to local laws, and he will stumble. up.

But after serious consideration, immunity is still necessary.

Let’s first look at the attitude of St. Kitts and Nevis. Like the diplomats who went to Russia last time, it is not a big problem to destroy them when they come back, but this time it is a long-term one. They are both American and Chinese diplomats. It's a little troublesome in the formalities... In fact, it's still a matter of money and reputation.

After An Feng took the status of a diplomat, he has been well-behaved, rarely used his privileges, and did not cause trouble to the country.If it was changed to someone who caused troubles all day long and asked the embassy to deal with the aftermath, the officials would have to think carefully.So Anfeng has good credit and is easily accepted.

After Anderson also gave an affirmative answer, the matter of diplomats was listed as the current focus.

Then they talked about monitoring or spying by opponents. An Feng was more disgusted with monitoring. Who knew how many secrets the FBI had stolen from the bottom of his bed or the bottom of his shoes?Others are also very unhappy with this behavior of the US government, and Anderson is innocent in the face of everyone's doubts.

He said: "Acts involving national security will be handled in secret, and even if I intervene, the FBI will still be able to shirk on the grounds of confidentiality. I can only ask that the monitoring be within a reasonable and legal scope and not violate the law. But there is no conclusive evidence Yes, I can't control it."

Austin said in this regard: "The position of the director should be replaced."

Matthew asked, "Are you sure?"

"At any time, it mainly depends on Mr. President." Austin smiled with a kind face.

Anderson promised: "After you create an opportunity, help your own people up, and then check to see if the FBI has targeted other people for bad behavior."

Austin said: "Just wait for this sentence, if he doesn't give up his seat, I will help him."

Bazel said: "Also this time some clowns acted very clumsily and wanted to confront me face to face. I think it's time to create a scandal."

Anderson laughed. "Someone from the Department of Justice will watch them."

Matthew turned his head and said to An Feng: "For the time being, let's get rid of the most outstanding guys this time, but it may not affect the people behind the scenes."

An Feng could understand: "Take it as a non-aggression warning."



Due to factors such as the small capacity of the FBI headquarters in Washington, the ugly appearance, and the lack of funds of the US government, the new FBI headquarters moved to Maryland. Feel alive.

Director Kerry, as always, called it a day and drove home alone.

Someone recently reminded him to be careful. They won the behind-the-scenes fight, and the other side also died down, but there was no guarantee that it would turn into a superficial dispute. If his opponent got some scandalous evidence, his position would be shaken.Kerry took it to heart, but he was clean himself.

As a secret service chief, he is careful in life. If there is a scandal, he will erase it quietly. Even if the Republicans gritted their teeth at him, it is impossible to threaten him with illicit reasons, even the president. You have to act obediently in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Kerry's relaxed mood is like the bright sunshine above his head. After this incident, he will be able to enjoy the money with peace of mind. Maybe it would be good to be a member of parliament in the future, and he will be happier than now... He is in a good mood The car was driving and didn't notice the rear.

There are two cars speeding in the overtaking lane, slightly exceeding the speed limit of the road. However, in the case of a large truck in the driving lane, there is nothing wrong with speeding slightly. When the two cars overtake the head of the truck, they change lanes. The first car is stable In the past, I found that there was still a small car in front of me slowly, so I hurriedly braked.

The planned lane change of the second car was blocked, and the speed was too fast, so it hit the black Cadillac in front. The sound of brakes came, and the slightly rear-ended Chevrolet stopped.

The Cadillac that was hit in front was unstable at high speed. The front of the car rushed to the right lane. The normal time is a little slower before stepping on the brakes.

However, it was too late, the truck veered in an emergency direction, but it still hit the black Cadillac from the side. With a large mass and a high speed of over [-], the black car rolled and flew out of the air. Got up, rolled down the hillside, was blocked by roadside trees, and the car was seriously deformed.

Trucks, Chevrolets all braking ahead.

The driver got out of the car in a panic, called the police with his mobile phone, and went to check the situation of the driver who was hit down the hillside. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

The scene was captured by the truck's and Chevrolet's dash cams.

The police and ambulance rushed to the scene, investigated the cause of the accident, extracted the video from the driving recorder, and finally judged that it was a very coincidental accident. The car in front changed lanes and braked, and the car behind was blocked. Cadillac, hit by a normal truck again.

Everything is reasonable, and the two drivers also actively cooperated with the police investigation, expressing their willingness to take responsibility and compensate the victims for all expenses.

And the victim... wasn't dead, but probably disabled.The accident also made the headlines of many newspapers: FBI Director Kerry was seriously injured in a traffic accident and was hospitalized!
Other evidence subsequently emerged that Kerry was speeding at the time, and alcohol and some unidentified addictive drugs were also found in his car.The handling of the perpetrators was not mentioned, but because of the accident and active cooperation, even if the parties want to sue, it is only in the civil category.

The director went to the hospital to wear a ventilator to count his heartbeat, but the FBI cannot be left alone for a day. The Department of Justice and the president, who are particularly concerned about this matter, specially greeted Kerry and made arrangements for the work of the FBI. Appointed an acting director. After the director can be discharged from the hospital and walk normally, the matter will be discussed later.

Afterwards, people sighed about the accident, accidents are everywhere.The police also reminded drivers not to speed and drive with caution.After a few days of excitement, things ended peacefully.Then began some quiet job transfers within the FBI.

Some high-level officials feel that the accident was too coincidental, but the police have closed the case as an accident. The matter has nothing to do with the FBI and cannot intervene in local police affairs. If you are dissatisfied, you can ask the president who made the appointment. silent.

(End of this chapter)

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