Chapter 285 Security Customization
An Feng also went back to prepare his personal files. From the conversation last night, he learned that some high-level officials in the U.S. government did know about his background, such as GP companies, research centers, and beverage companies. But it has become a weight for self-protection.

In addition, he also got in touch with Sanqi in St. Kitts and told him what he thought.

Sanqi’s practice is to give a somewhat positive answer—but things must be a little difficult to do, and only when things are difficult to do, will there be hard work—on the surface, it is necessary to review An Feng’s qualifications, which need to be approved by the parliament all the time. Discuss to decide, and then draw a conclusion.

An Feng knew that it would be enough to donate some money next time.

Collecting money is also a technical job for a small country, not everyone who has money can collect money - only those at An Feng's level will focus on it. He is sensible, abides by the rules, and has a deep foundation. He is more worried about secrets than government officials. The impact after exposure, that's why Sanqi will collect money.

They will consider it carefully if they change to someone else who doesn't know the background and only has money.

After the two things are done, and for safety reasons, he will need bodyguard services for a long time in the future.

Gu Li very much agrees with Anfeng's sense of urgency and strongly recommends professional customization.He made a detailed plan based on An Feng's travel rules and activity venues: the protected targets are An Feng and his wife.Considering the security of female personnel, one or two female bodyguards are needed.

Female bodyguards seem to have a lot of vases, but they are not. In many sensitive places, such as shopping malls, many hijackings take place in the locker room. If necessary, women can follow female employers.There are also sensitive areas such as toilets, baths, beaches, etc., where male bodyguards are not suitable.

Considering the issue of information security, we temporarily need a bodyguard who is good at tracking/anti-tracking and privacy protection; two drivers with excellent driving skills and fighting ability; two bodyguards who have been engaged in private security and have good security experience in public places; Consider two more rotations.

An Feng was surprised when he heard such a high standard: "So many people?"

Gu Li said very seriously: "You can exclude those who are on duty. In your current situation, at least three bodyguards are required to accompany you. In the normal mode, there are six bodyguards, and for important occasions, eight bodyguards. In dangerous situations... Aegis Security currently has 1800 employees, 500 in the Los Angeles branch.”

An Feng said without thinking: "Then you can't drive three sports cars at a time?"

"Oh." Gu Li remembered, and added a sentence in the notepad, "Sports cars are not allowed!"

"What?" An Feng protested, "Then why should I buy them?"

"Don't think about sports cars at the moment, let's observe for half a month, maybe you can drive in your own area, on the track or something." Gu Li said.

An Feng leaned back feebly, muttering: "I knew I would have let you stay in Russia."

Gu Li put away the notebook and smiled: "This is for your safety. If there is any accident, I can't bear the blame of Madam."

An Feng faced the reality: "Okay, I'll follow your suggestion. For now, let's have a simplified package."

Gu Li vetoed: "First come to the standard, and then we can form a tacit cooperation."

An Feng sighed: "It's up to you."


An Feng also saw the news behind him.

The FBI has indeed changed heads. Although it is acting as an agent, the director's physical condition is very bad. It is estimated that he can be discharged from the hospital in a relatively complete manner, and he will not be able to continue working in the future.And the whole process looks like an accident, only a few people admire the ingenious implementation plan.

Afterwards, An Feng also thought deeply, if he encountered such a thing, how should he solve it?

The answer is not optimistic. He wants to live a relaxed and leisurely life, but no matter where he is, the technology he brings will cause disputes, whether it is the United States or China, he is guilty.He is currently tied to interest groups, but his cards are not strong enough.

Now someone is covering him, the future is unpredictable, there will always be a loser in the competition, and no one can guarantee whether it will be his turn.If you don't shoulder heavy responsibilities, failure is nothing more than giving up profits, but it's not wise to put all your treasures in one place now, and you have to scatter them around.

The investment he made in the UK is a kind of dispersion, so he has been walking in the right direction.But who doesn't have a few accidents in life?
In the final analysis, it was caused by the exoskeleton. Without it, he would not have violated the law or discipline, and would not have been caught at all. Competitors can't fabricate charges out of thin air, right?After much deliberation, it was not because I passively made a wrong move at the beginning, which led to wrong moves later.

Fortunately, the influence of the wrong move is finally eliminated.

Things are back on track, there are no more flaws in him, and he can continue his career as before.At the same time, pay attention to the development of overseas assets, and then dig a few more holes around the world.It is said that the pit of the Texas hunting ground has already started, and it is a coup to let the robot develop its own robot after it is completed.

Bazel said it well, he learned from a pitfall, after all, he is still young, and his thinking is not comprehensive enough. If he were to be the boss of other consortiums, he would definitely be more careful in his actions when facing the same thing as him.Just like this accident, who can guess which of the drivers was hired?
He definitely looks up to the skills of the old cunning and treacherous people, so An Feng told himself to take it easy and learn.It would be too embarrassing for the core of a consortium to be captured again... Fortunately, the guys were strong enough this time, and they perfectly staged the capabilities of capitalists.


An Feng saw his personal bodyguard team behind him.

A total of six people are standard.Let’s start with the only woman, her name is Scarlett Clifford, she is in her twenties, 170 cm tall, with dry short black hair, she is thin, and looks average—beauties can’t be professional bodyguards, what Guli wants It's not a vase for the boss to see.

Then there is the privacy and information expert, his name is Sean, he is an unremarkable man in his early 30s, with a medium build and a general appearance, and he will not attract attention in a crowd.According to Guli, in addition to privacy protection, he is also a computer expert, but the value of force is slightly weaker.

Two capable drivers also made up for the output force of the bodyguards. Both of these guys are over 1.8 meters tall, and their muscles are as hard as steel, but they can't be seen when they put on clothes.Taciturn, in line with the requirements of a private bodyguard.

There are also two bodyguards of politicians who have served as celebrities and attended important occasions, and their force value is also high, but the difference from the driver is that they are at the front desk, that is, the kind of cool clothes, and sunglasses are standard. bodyguard.Very familiar with dealing with enthusiastic fans, reporters and the like.

Two drivers, two bodyguards, a total of four master fighters, the two drivers are relatively low-key, like hidden masters, they only make moves at critical moments, but they will definitely see blood.The two bodyguards are always by my side, except for the sticker on my forehead that I am a bodyguard.

We have to add another general counsel - Gu Li.

He needs to observe for a period of time and give a corresponding safety level assessment.The current environment is not very good. The open confrontation with the FBI has ended, but the dispute behind the scenes has not yet ended. Anderson warned that illegal surveillance is not allowed, but the law does not stipulate that it cannot be suspected.

An Feng remembered that Agent Otto said he would keep an eye on him at all times.

After introducing the six elites, Gu Li said to An Feng, "Bruce, they will spend some time with you and your wife."

An Feng nodded: "Welcome everyone, please sit down, you can relax in a private setting."

The bodyguards initially felt that the boss was quite easy to get along with.

The female bodyguard Scarlett came up and said to Joanna: "Madam, I need some private information from you to adjust my plan. Us?"

"This way, please." Joanna led her to the study.

The privacy and information expert picked up his package full of equipment and said to An Feng: "Sir, I need to re-check and set up your information environment here, and it may be necessary to install some anti-monitoring equipment, or implant Some security software, I will report to you one by one."

"No problem." An Feng nodded.The remaining four bodyguards also need to visit the house and adjust themselves by referring to the plan that Guli provided them.

After everyone left, An Feng looked at Gu Li: "I thought there was someone I knew."

Guri shook his head: "They are all private bodyguards, all-weather, long-term nature, and the people you know like Jeff, Mars, and Harry, they rarely work as private bodyguards, they all focus on security tasks, or short-term high-end personnel Security, such as the activities of wealthy foreign businessmen or politicians in the United States, is generally based on a few days or a week, with high replacement frequency and more flexible work."

"Is it more professional?" An Feng asked.

"It depends on which aspect you pay attention to." Gu Li said, "If it is confirmed that you will encounter danger, their professional security is stronger, but in a relatively peaceful life like yours, private bodyguards are more able to endure loneliness, and professional Employees are a bit overqualified and a waste of resources."

"I understand." An Feng understood.

(End of this chapter)

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