Chapter 286 Bounty Order

Guli does not recommend sports cars, but people always have to move. In addition to the sky, the ground obviously needs several cars.

The brand is almost a no-brainer - Maserati. GP recently completed the acquisition of a 42% stake in Maserati for $51 billion and a battery supply agreement with Fiat.It happened during the days when An Feng was being censored, and it was a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to personally participate.

He originally had a wide range of choices, such as luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche, but now as the boss of Maserati, it is obvious that choosing other brands for the chief car will show that he lacks confidence in Maserati and affect the overall morale, so he can only choose it.

But he said some conditions, emphasizing that it is the big president instead of the little Ghibli, and the top configuration of V8 is required instead of V6.

If the boss is so picky, the employees will have to work hard.


An Feng had nothing to do, so he began to think about electric vehicles.

With the Maserati already in his hands, An Feng is thinking about moving it to California.If you move the headquarters directly, it may cause nostalgia and dissatisfaction among many people. It may be more appropriate to only move the new technology department, also known as the electric vehicle department, to California.

Moved right next to his racing track, Maserati was able to enjoy a dedicated testing track.

For the technology research and development of electric vehicles, Anfeng can provide ideas, especially the technology of electric motors, and the new building in San Jose has been completed, Anshi Industry has been listed, and the robot company affiliated to Anshi Industry has also officially settled in, and has cooperated with GP company A close cooperation agreement was reached.

Everything was completed when An Feng was locked up in a small dark room. First, the delivery of the racetrack, then the establishment of An's Industry, and finally the racetrack that was ready to be completed.Joanna has already arranged for her assistant John to handle things properly.At the same time, he emptied his bank account.

Back to the electric body.Due to the emergence of GP, pure electric vehicles have changed from the future to the current priority. All major automobile groups in the world are hurrying to develop electric vehicles. They should have slowly transitioned from hybrid to pure electric vehicles, but now they are directly discarded and jumped to the pure electric field.

If you don't hurry up now, you will regret it later.Brands such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW will release corresponding pure electric models next year. Volkswagen, which has seized the opportunity, is launching pure electric models. At the same time, it is paying close attention to the construction of super charging stations.

After Maserati's departure from Fiat, there can be no delay.

The traditional department stays in Italy, and the new department is best moved to California. Ans Industries, which has more sophisticated technology, will provide them with more help, and it is so close to GP, so it is more convenient to inspect and use super batteries.There is even a professional test track.

The conditions in California are very favorable. An Feng communicated with Holly to express his thoughts.

The executives of GP also have the idea of ​​moving Maserati to the United States, but they are considering the headquarters, which is a bit controversial. An Feng only considers the pure electric department. After getting the intention of the big boss, Hawley also agrees with this idea , ready to use Shang Fang's sword to chop people.

After hanging up the call with Holly, An Feng continued to think about other things.

At this time, Gu Li came over, and he handed a USB flash drive to An Feng, who inserted it into the Sanwu notebook—this is for safe DIY, using a certain brand of molds, and sending other spare parts to GP Company Help the technical man install it, it should be the strongest notebook at present.

The important thing is that the anti-spyware software inside, which is updated regularly, can effectively prevent monitoring or monitoring... An Feng doesn't care, and he has nothing to leak now.Gu Li asked him to click on the file inside, and explained: "A group of people are currently monitoring us."

"Anything else?" An Feng was very surprised, your bureau chief went in, and there are still thorns?
"They just watched, without taking any photos, recordings or other forms of privacy violations. I asked the police to check several times, but it didn't work."

An Feng looked at the video and pressed pause: "I have seen this person, the agent who interrogated me last time."

Guli remembered this face, and he said: "This person has appeared several times, but they are all reasonable and legal. We have no way to make them not do so."

"A group of flies!" An Feng picked up his cell phone and called a senator he knew well.

An Feng told about the FBI surveillance, and contacted the acting director, and then gave a reply.

"This person has not been appointed by the headquarters, and the director doesn't care about him. They are not all the way, and neither are we, so he is a marginalized figure. According to the data, he is a bit idealistic and white, and has a little connection with the Los Angeles branch. , a dispensable role."

"Okay, I'll handle it myself." An Feng said.I didn't expect to run into a stunned young man. I guess the last time the FBI tricked him into being a gunman!


A few days later, An Feng's "President" arrived.

In order to cater to the theme, the two presidents are dignified and serious black models, and black film is pasted on the rear row, which is different from the car window film that is popular everywhere in China. No one can see what's going on inside.

The car and bodyguards are all complete, and it needs to be adjusted.

Going to Liangsao according to the standard, the choice of the front and rear cars for the two VIPs is random, and the bodyguard rides are also random.This time An Feng and Joanna sat in the back row, the driver and the female bodyguard Scarlett were in the front row, the car started first, followed by the bodyguard car that could act as a backup at any time.

Scarlett explained the actions of the bodyguards: "According to the habits and preferences of the employer, we are adjusting the way the team cooperates to achieve the best efficiency."

"That's how it is." Joanna said, she naturally didn't understand the knowledge of bodyguards, and Scarlett's simple explanation made her understand the truth of every detail.

An Feng was very satisfied with Scarlett's performance. The group of taciturn and accompanying bodyguards was very monotonous. Although he didn't mind, Joanna was not used to it. Scarlett was very good at observing words and expressions, occasionally saying a few words to adjust the atmosphere, or Chat with Joanna about the weather or something.

Arriving at the racetrack, the bodyguards accompanied the employer into the private area with specially customized equestrian equipment.Recently, a few new horses have been added, and a shady indoor training ground has been specially set up, so that they don't have to be exposed to the sun. An Feng likes coming here to train his horsemanship.

When they were relaxing, Gu Li found that each other was haunting each other like a ghost.

Sean walked back and said, "They've been staying around, but because it's a private area, they can't approach here without authorization."

"Keep an eye on them," Guri said.

An Feng and Joanna didn't leave until the afternoon, and sent them back in a standard formation. Gu Li looked around and found that flies were everywhere.

During the break before dinner, he and Sean discussed the implications of this.

"Can't get anything, just wasting manpower and material resources like this?" Gu Li couldn't figure out, there are people so persistent?

Sean didn't understand either. He picked up the binoculars and looked at the shift-changing vehicles down the mountain. These people were very patient and followed them all the time, but they didn't keep it legal.

"Unless they can use other high technology." Gu Li said.

"High technology?" Sean looked back at him, "Maybe there are some things we don't know yet... Have you heard of laser wiretapping?"

Gu Li suddenly realized: "I actually forgot this!"

"Let's take a look!" Sean said.

The two of them came to the side of An Feng and Joanna's residence, and then looked down the mountain. This position is just right. If the other party observes through the aircraft in advance, after positioning, they will shoot the laser on the glass of the room where the monitor is located to receive the reflection. Signal, and then conduct photoelectric detection, and restore the sound signal through amplification, filtering, power amplification and other steps, and the sound can be directly monitored.

"It is estimated that they are listening." Sean guessed.

Gu Li thought for a while, pulled him back, and said to the miniature microphone in his collar: "Don't talk indoors now, gather in the yard!"

Soon, five bodyguards gathered in the yard.

Gu Li pointed to the road below: "The other party is likely to use laser bugs, so we need to go down from another direction, surround them, and seize the current situation. Only with witnesses and material evidence can we sue them through legal channels! The other party is the FBI, please pay attention Bring arms!"

After the bodyguards understood, they acted separately.

But the other party was obviously more vigilant. When the bodyguards went down the mountain, they found out that something was wrong, and immediately started the car to leave, leaving them in vain.

After returning, Gu Li told An Feng about the matter.

An Feng wondered: "What else does he want from me?"

Guri asked, "Do you have anything else?"

"Absolutely not!" An Feng shook his head, except for the exoskeleton, nothing else violated the laws made by the Americans.

"Maybe they think there is," Gurley said.

An Feng thought of it: "Last time, the agent said that I was related to some messy documents. If he wanted me to tell the whereabouts, I must have been fooled."

"Maybe," Gurley said.

"Is there any way to get rid of them?" An Feng asked. Although he knew that the most sensitive people would definitely receive attention, the open and above board surveillance was too condescending.Especially when Otto had told him that he would find a chance to catch him again.Young hero is so confident!

Gu Li said: "There is a way."

"Tell me." An Feng was too annoyed by these flies.

Gurley said: "On the surface we have no evidence to move him, but there are a group of people in this world who specialize in doing things that the law can't do well."

"Oh, I understand." An Feng nodded, "How much is this kind of spy chief?"

Guli thought for a while and said, "It's a sensitive moment for the FBI. It's not recommended to make a big deal out of it, but it's okay to teach a little lesson."

"Such as breaking his leg?" An Feng asked, he didn't want to kill anyone.

"That's fine," Guri said.

"How much do you think you need?" An Feng asked, he didn't understand the market either.

"For someone like him, it is estimated that the price will be higher, around 200 million."

"300 million, break his leg." An Feng said, "Warn him not to go too far in this matter, otherwise I will pay 1000 million to reward his life."

Guri said, "I'll make arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

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