Chapter 287 Armistice
According to Guli, with the current market conditions, 300 million yuan is more appropriate to take one life, so the price is very generous. They don't care if you are the FBI or the CIA. They first evaluate the person, comprehensive risk factor, and then compare the price. Lots of people will take the risk.

Guli contacted through an international intermediary, and the condition was to break one leg and lie in the hospital for at least two months.

The other party was very happy and promised to send back the action video of the fighting process when the task was completed.Then, through the secret operation of the overseas account, Hollandeke helped him transfer the money to another dead person's account, and then transferred the dead person's account to an international intermediary. He first charged a 10% deposit.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? The FBI is no exception. They are just a little sharper than ordinary people, but they are not the unbeatable protagonists in the movies, nor are they 007 who save themselves from danger and help noble people.Agents are human too, so there will be omissions.

One night, Otto was invited to a bar by a secret contact.

Although it happened suddenly, the information the contact person gave him was about the surveillance case, which was very important.

In An Feng's case, Otto knew that he hired someone to kill the witness, which also proved that his espionage was true. Otto, who is severely white, cannot tolerate it.

Especially after knowing An Feng's profound family background, he was even more displeased that a man of yellow race lived so chic and enjoyed such a luxurious life on American soil. There is a deeper conspiracy as well.

He applied for an extension of the verification time, and the superior who was supposed to stop the investigation, went to the hospital this time and changed an agent, but happened to not find this application, so it became the default state, neither denying nor allowing, O Thor gave free rein to his full justice.

So he brought his own operation team to monitor this guy.

After a week, there was no evidence of any violation of the law, but he saw the horrible background of this person. In just a few days, he saw congressmen, governors, presidents and other heavyweights.He couldn't get close due to strict security conditions, but could speculate about their relationship.

Some colleagues started to retreat after learning about the backing of this Chinese. Although they received special orders, they felt powerless in the face of the power as high as the mountain and the wealth filling the sea.The appearance of big figures who are not usually seen one after another means that this guy can't chew at all.

Otto's team has been divided, and even he himself is not sure what the results of the investigation will be... He admits that facing the group of power and bureaucrats behind him, he also feels powerless and fears that he doesn't want to admit, obviously there will be no defeat An Feng, without involving other people's good wishes.

The fact must be that as long as he touches An Feng, others will skin him and cramp him.The director who was admitted to the hospital due to an "accident" is a living example, violating the interests of this group of capitalists, they dare to do anything, under such circumstances, is he capable of continuing?

Therefore, when the contact person approached him, he wanted to confirm the approval of his superiors for the action. On the other hand... he also wanted to find a way to get off.The meeting time was relatively late, and the nearby parking lot was full. He parked near the bar, crossed the road, and walked towards the small bar tens of meters away.

At this time, he keenly felt that a big man with a bad complexion was coming towards him, and his target was him.

Professional vigilance made him touch the pistol at his waist quietly.

Before the man in front could reach Otto, he was suddenly stabbed in the back, and the high-voltage current spread throughout his body, causing him to fall to the ground numb and unable to lift any strength.Then, he saw a big man with a kerchief covering his mouth coming in the night, stepping on his struggling hand, another guy took out his pistol, he wanted to resist, but he couldn't do anything, and his mind was filled with complex fears .

The medium-sized man holding the electric baton said in a voice distorted by the voice changer: "Samuel Otto, senior FBI agent, isn't that right?"

Otto didn't move.

The big man said, "We're here to warn you, stop this matter, or we'll bid farewell to your wife and daughter next time!"

After the two of them finished talking, they pulled one of his legs out neatly and put it on the curb. The big man lifted his foot, and the sole of his shoe stepped heavily on his leg joints. With a thud, a strange twist occurred at the joint where the calf connected to the thigh. , Shouts came from Otto's mouth.

"Remember what I said!" The middle man kicked him a few times, removed the pistol magazine and threw it aside, a black car stopped beside them.

The two continued to beat him, and when they were about to leave, they stepped on his leg joints again. Otto almost gritted his teeth. The two sneered, turned and got into the car, and the car quickly disappeared into the night.The whole process of beating people was orderly and took more than two minutes.

Otto struggled in pain and hummed in an attempt to attract the attention of the surrounding people. Just now he saw someone nearby, but everyone was afraid of these two vicious guys. How dare they come over?At most, they helped call 911, and some people even hurried away as if they didn't see it.

About 10 minutes later, a police car arrived late.

Otto almost fainted from the pain, and the police were still slowly calling the ambulance. During the waiting time, he finally couldn't bear to faint.


the next day.

An Feng is still relaxing at the racetrack with Joanna, and the equestrian training is persistent.

During the break at noon, Gu Li came over and whispered something in his ear: "The matter has been settled, I checked the video for you, it is excellent!"

"Okay." An Feng nodded.

"The rest of the balance will be remitted before the afternoon." After Gu Li finished speaking, he left automatically.

An Feng returned to the dining table and sat down. Joanna asked, "What's so happy?"

"Business negotiation." An Feng said with a smile, raised his glass and touched her, "Let's celebrate!"

After lunch, Hansen, the manager of the racetrack, chatted with him.

Hansen said: "The current racecourse is too empty. Sir, you want to develop it into a private racecourse. Although the model of only accepting members is good, the venue is too large and has not been used reasonably. Considering the operating cost, the additional Some revenue generation would be more appropriate."

"What do you think should be done?" An Feng knew nothing about these things.

"My suggestion is that if the private club is the main one, set up an open day only for members, and use other free time for horse racing activities, or some professional equestrian training courses. I have investigated, and the surrounding residents Still very interested."

An Feng also learned that horse racing is a legal gambling activity in the United States. In fact, it has the same nature as the lottery. It is especially popular in all parts of the United States. Not only people in big cities like to play, but also in some surrounding counties and towns. , but there is no suitable place.

The location of Anfeng Racecourse is good, and SLO is also a relatively affluent area, which still has a bright future.

Joanna also agrees: "I like this suggestion. We don't use the racetrack all the time, and it is too big, and the annual maintenance cost is very high. If there are other projects to generate income and bear some maintenance costs for the racecourse, it will It's the best choice."

She also agreed, and An Feng only echoed: "Of course. Hansen, you are responsible for this plan. If it works, you will be credited!"

Hansen nodded: "No problem, sir!"


After getting out of the car and finishing the horse training, An Feng returned.

The two presidents are very impressive. Although they are four-door sedans, the performance of the V8 version is comparable to that of a sports car. It can accelerate from 4.7 kilometers in 307 seconds, and the top speed has broken through to [-] kilometers per hour. The power is sufficient, but Anfeng mainly As a passenger, the back row is what he considers.

As the boss of Maserati, he experienced it very carefully and wrote down suggestions for improvement.

As a luxury model competing with Mercedes-Benz S600 and BMW 760, in terms of appearance, compared with the well-regulated Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the president is more fashionable and sporty, which is why Maserati is favored.As for the interior space, it feels that the president is still a little behind.

Regardless of the front row, the driving experience is considered by the driver. It is like a sports car, and it is very exciting to drive.The rear is a bit wider than average, with plenty of legroom, but there's no rear LCD screen or laptop tray, and the seats are heated and ventilated, not massage.

However, the central armrest can be pulled up to allow a third person to sit in the back row, but the posture and space are very awkward, and it is better to put it down as an armrest under normal circumstances.Only the electric curtains are telling people that it is also a luxury car.Therefore, the luxury of the back row is not as good as that of the front two.

An Feng thinks that Maserati has to improve in the electric model, adding luxury configuration, and considering its consumer group, as a successful person, it must be luxurious in face, LCD screen, seat massage, car refrigerator It will be more high-end and face-saving.

If it is pure electric, then add some high technology, such as automatic parking technology, vehicle departure warning, active braking, active steering, night vision system, none of which are equipped by the president.Maybe it is not as high-tech as Mercedes-Benz, but GP and Ans Industries can make up for it.

An Feng wrote these down and prepared to give them to his assistant the next time he went to Texas.

The next two days remained calm, and the group of flies staring at him finally disappeared. According to Gu Li's investigation, the hotel they lived in has been checked out, the building is empty, and there are no more lost strangers around the winery , but if there is any more, they will be in trouble.

Because An Feng sent Xiaobai out to be used as a patrol dog.

While he was waiting for the other party's next move, an email was sent to his private mailbox.

Written by an anonymous person, but judging from the content, the tone of the discussion is very similar to Otto's side.They proposed a cease-fire between the two sides, and the matter was exposed. Everyone backed down a step, and no longer pursued the previous enmity.

An Feng is kind by nature, not because he is cruel, but because his opponents bully others too much.Now they took the initiative to apologize and surrender, and he also broke one of the other's legs. He could not stay in the hospital for a few months.

So he replied: agree, let's stop the war.

(End of this chapter)

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