Chapter 288 High Technology
Send the letter, and the series of events caused by the exoskeleton comes to an end.As long as An Feng does not touch sensitive information in the future, the president endorses his responsibility, and he is about to obtain the status of a diplomatic representative, it will be very difficult for law enforcement agencies to attack him.

Turn off the computer, and stretch out to the backyard.The weather was fine, and under the shade of the trees by the pool, Joanna, who was relaxing in the afternoon, was sleeping on a deck chair, holding a book in her hand, and gently scratching Xiao Bai's body with the other hand.Xiaobai squinted his eyes comfortably on the ground, wagging his tail from time to time.

"Come here!" An Feng clapped his hands, Xiaobai opened his eyes, after all, he was still young and lively, his playfulness remained unchanged, when he saw An Feng teasing it, he jumped towards it enthusiastically, An Feng hugged the big The girl took a few steps back.It is now one year old and weighs more than [-] kilograms.

It stands more than one meter tall, with very beautiful yellow and black stripes. An Feng is holding arms as thick as his calves, and his head is on top of it. It just took a bath yesterday, and it smells like a clean mother. Tiger.Xiao Bai liked this kind of intimacy very much, and lowered his head to lick him.

"Hey hey! Stop!" An Feng avoided its tongue, bared its teeth and rubbed its big tabby cat's head, Xiao Bai foolishly quarreled with him.

But being pressed by it was really heavy, An Feng patted its waist and said, "Go find your mother!"

Xiaobai fell to the ground, turned around and ran towards Joanna.

Joanna took off her sunglasses, looked at Xiaobai who was walking towards her, and touched it: "It feels like it has grown from a kitten in my arms to this in a blink of an eye."

"It's always about growing up." An Feng sat beside her, took a few sips from the remaining half of Bi Da, and Joanna squeezed him: "You've finished it!"

"Do you want to argue with me?" An Feng handed the bottle to her innocently, feeling that he was worthless.

Joanna stretched her head over to offer a kiss, leaving a lingering fragrance on his lips: "Is that okay?"

"It's okay." An Feng smiled and stretched out his hand: "Bring me some sunscreen."

Joanna handed him the bottle: "Put on the primer first, the ultraviolet rays are very strong now."

An Feng took the bottle, squeezed a little on the palm of his hand, and asked casually, "Didn't you recommend elite graduates to me last time, how are you doing now?"

"All three of them worked in Anshi Industries, starting from internships." Joanna said.Not everyone is like her, who concentrates on being a rich wife after graduation. The employment rate in the United States is not high, and the pressure on college graduates is still quite high, but famous colleges are popular.

"Only three?" An Feng asked.Joanna naturally would not recommend ordinary characters, especially the sorority she belongs to is very famous in UCB and is known as the "elite club". up.

"I want to find more, but everyone is still a little cautious about new companies." Joanna said.

"When I have time tomorrow, I'll go see how the company is doing." An Feng said.He hasn't visited the new building until now.

"I'll go too!" Joanna raised her hand, "I can give you a lot of advice."



The next day the helicopter departs.

With a distance of more than 200 kilometers, it took ten minutes to fly the fixed-wing sky, but the take-off and landing procedures were several times longer than the flight time.On the contrary, the helicopter is more time-saving and can start and stop at any time. The company also has a dedicated apron for free travel.In the end, choose the most convenient one.

This time only Gu Li and Scarlett accompanied him.

With the end of the security incident, Sean increased the privacy factor, and the company provided a batch of excellent security equipment, Anfeng's information is highly confidential, and personal safety is not a problem.According to his idea, the size of two drivers and one female bodyguard is just right.

An hour later, the plane came over Silicon Valley, that is, the area around Santa Clara County, where world-renowned large companies and countless unknown small and medium-sized enterprises gathered.Anfeng's new company is not located in the city center, but there are parking lots all around, and there are many big companies.

You can see the building through the porthole from a distance. It is located next to the highway that crosses the city. Its appearance is not as unconventional as that of GP.Twelve floors, a long row, but not "inline", it turns back from the center point, fan-shaped, with a small angle, so it can be seen clearly in the air.

Next to the company building is a huge parking building. The top floor is mostly used for parking helicopters. Go down and move your hands and feet.

Finally Fred parked the plane easily on the second floor parking lot.

Several people got off the plane and walked a hundred meters to the company building. Although the right part of the building is still being renovated, 85% of the building has been completed. The left area and all the first, second and third floors are in normal use. It imitates the characteristics of GP company, clean and tidy.

Assistant John was waiting on time, and when he saw An Feng coming, he stepped forward.

The building is currently the office and research and development site of Ans Industries and its subsidiaries. The safety standards are very high. The building is designed according to the safety consultant and has special areas, such as the confidential area that accommodates large safes.The fourth to sixth floors are traditional office areas, and the upper six floors are experimental areas.

High technology is also reflected in every corner, including advanced face recognition, retinal scanning, multiple voice-activated services, etc. Even in the office building, the cloud computing network has been covered. As long as it is connected to the internal network, the device will get The processing speed of a supercomputer.

The company's server and computer division is located on the No.11 floor.The computer uses the "Aris" type computer specially provided by GP Company, which is a little different from that of the research center. As a computer used by a high-tech company, it has higher performance requirements, so it has more processing units.

Ares in the research center has only three sets of units with a total weight of three tons.And the Ares here has the same structure in the unit, but it has been expanded to nine groups, and the frequency of each chip has been increased by 60%. Under the same structural system, its calculation speed is close to 5000 trillion times per chip. Second.

Such a powerful performance is enough to cope with the high-speed computing of the entire building, and even faces the situation of excess performance.Therefore, in general, in order to save energy and reduce heat dissipation, the frequency of the chip will be reduced, and it will reach the standard frequency only when it is used intensively.

When they visited the enhanced version of Ares in the computer room, Hoffman was hiding in the corner and tinkering. Seeing An Feng coming, he couldn't wait to tell them the benefits of cloud computing and how much time was saved in machine design. Be sure to keep this item as such.

An Feng assured him: "We will definitely keep these technologies."

Hoffman was relieved. The machine experts also knew a lot about the computer. He introduced to them the maintenance work of the machine room and the operation of each processing unit. Due to the low calorific value of graphene, all the units are air-cooled. Heat dissipation mode saves energy.

After walking around, Hoffman will take them to see more high-end ones.

An Feng already vaguely knew about it.

In the special meeting room on the twelfth floor, Hoffman groped skillfully and found a touch panel. After opening it, there was a two-dimensional hologram, that is, the style of direct operation in the air. With a fingertip, he clicked on the image, and the room suddenly darkened.

"Holographic projection requires a darker environment than the outside world," Hoffman explained.

Several beams of light appeared in the center of the conference room, and soon formed a holographic three-dimensional projection of a man. The image was directly formed by the light in the air, and then the man walked towards them, and different bodies could be seen from different angles The details are so clear that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

An Feng stretched out his hand to touch it, and his fingers passed through without hindrance. When he looked closely, he found that even the mole on this person's body and the light beard on his chin could be seen clearly. Is false, it can pass off as a real person.

Joanna asked: "Is it a holographic three-dimensional technology projected directly in the air?"

"That's right, look carefully at the floor under your feet, it is specially made." An Feng said, everyone looked down at their feet, it was not floor tiles.

As the person who brought the technology, An Feng is obviously clearer than anyone else: "In addition to imaging, it also has the function of communication. When we stand in the holographic conference room, we can send any object that is active or inactive here. signature collection, and communication with other regions."

Hoffman nodded: "Yes, now we have formed a connection with the GP company in Austin, and we can hold a holographic meeting at any time."

"Please show it." An Feng said.

"Wait a minute." After Hoffman confirmed the network connection, he pressed his finger lightly, and a crowd composed of light and shadow rays appeared on the opposite side. Illusion, turned into a picture that is no different from real people now.

An Feng looked at the people standing opposite, and said hello: "Hey, everyone, is this technology okay?"

Song Wenrui admired: "When I was studying in California, I also saw a lot of holographic projection technologies, but none of them was as real and clear as it is now."

"You can come over." An Feng said.

Song Wenrui walked towards them, the distance between him and everyone was shortened, and the details on his body became clearer.It is worth mentioning that due to the reality of the virtual reality, when Song Wenrui came, he deliberately avoided the chair blocking him on the road-in fact, it was just a projection, not a real existence.

Song Wenrui said as he walked, "This detail is really amazing!"

Not only him, but people on both sides are walking around, people separated by thousands of miles, but now they stand together strangely across the space, speaking and doing things, even the expression is very clear, except that they can't touch each other - this is The only thing telling them is that reality is evidence of fiction.

Hoffman said to the two groups of people in reality and virtual: "One of the main reasons for the clear image is that there are supercomputers rendering and retouching. If you use ordinary machines, its image quality will drop by several orders of magnitude. For example, now Like that." Hoffman lowered the bar.

The quality of the holographic image is indeed declining, probably because it has adapted to the previous ultra-high definition, and now it is a bit blurry to see the other party.But it is not easy to tell the truth from the fake, unless a real person and a virtual person stand side by side for comparison, and everyone can react within a few seconds.

Hoffman said: "In this quality mode, the bandwidth it needs to transmit information will be reduced a lot, which can meet the network speed of general enterprise users. If it is reduced by several orders of magnitude, there will be the help of graphene processors and graphics chips. , it can popularize mass families.”

The image quality degrades again, this time it can be seen by the naked eye that it is virtual, and the sense of reality has returned.

An Feng said to everyone: "Welcome back to reality!"

(End of this chapter)

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