Chapter 293 Spineless!
After the race, it was also interesting. The organizer set up a podium, prepared trophies and champagne, let the top three come on stage, and Robert, the director of the circuit, presented them with trophies. Then An Feng, Duke, and Howard began to shake the champagne bottles. , Unplug the cork and spray each other.

Their targets are not only the opponents, but also other onlookers. When the riots started, drivers from other rankings also joined the game one after another, and it turned into a carnival. Even the photographers and reporters were stalked... But everyone's faces were full of smiles. With a smile, this kind of people-friendly competition is very interesting.

Subsequently, the organizer presented a giant check of 200 million U.S. dollars, and Robert expressed that he would donate to the Elizabeth Foundation in the name of the three drivers, and won applause and praise from the audience.An Feng was also very proud, even though it was just the money in his pocket that was put in another place.

After the competition of the senior group, this lively day also came to an end. All the drivers who participated and watched the race came to take a group photo to commemorate. to celebrate this successful event.

Before the show ended, An Feng asked people to publicize the acquisition of classic models.

The circle of car lovers is very large this time, the car that An Feng likes may not necessarily appear at the auction, and private transactions are more frequent than auctions, so if you want to get what you want, it is best to use the current circle to buy of.He also printed some of his favorite models.

This proved to be working well, and as soon as the word got out, Roger came to the door.

An Feng looked at his MC12, and asked with certainty: "Do you really want to sell this car?"

"Of course!" Roger nodded, "You know I bought it for the purpose of increasing my collection. A few years ago, I still had time to go for a drive. Now that I have a lot of work, this car is not suitable for driving on the road. You have to be on the track to get the most out of it, don't you think?"

"Of course I like it, because I'm its boss." An Feng said.

"Then I'll help you, the price is 280 million yuan." Roger made an offer, and the price of friendship is not low.

Considering that it is well maintained and the output is scarce, An Feng agreed without hesitation: "Leave the car, you can walk back!"

Roger smiled and gave him a high five: "Bastard!"

An Feng looked at this white and blue Maserati supercar. Although many people think of the Trident as a luxury car, the sports car is relatively mild, but as a brand that used to wear the same pants as Ferrari, MC12 alone won The champion of the GT race is soft, and it is worthy of the name of the top supercar.

An Feng got in the car and tried the sound of the engine, and praised: "You must have this sense of power!"

Roger said: "It was born for the track, and it is the most suitable for people like you!"

After An Feng had a small harvest, the day's competition came to an end.

Although this event was not broadcast live, it was rebroadcasted on TV stations and the Internet. Many car fans clicked to watch it. They could experience so many sports car battles that could never be seen at auto shows. Even FIA GT events are not so great. It was lively, especially the final senior group competition. The video became popular on Youtube, with 1000 million hits in a few days, and there were constant discussions about the strength of the models.

In the monotonous professional competitions in the past, the adjustments to the performance of the cars were almost the same, and there was not much comparison, but now different manufacturers, different generations and different models of sports cars are compared together, and the performance parameters are so different that the audience can discuss it. There are many places to go.

Robert was very happy, because the logo of "Amoeba Speedway" appeared frequently in racing videos, which was enough for some people to remember it.Later, someone contacted him, claiming to be a team agent, wanting to contact No.1 to see his interest in racing.

The second No.3 was not mentioned, because they are all old, racing has physical requirements, and age is a big obstacle, but An Feng in the camera is still young, especially as a non-professional driver, he has a bright future.But Robert conveyed An Feng's polite refusal, and he was not interested.

An Feng's interest in racing is just an interest. After any interest becomes a career, he will hate it.


After this publicity, the race track has accumulated some fame, and it began to communicate with the local government to discuss the matter of hosting international events.The neighboring city of Santa Maria also expressed that it would provide help, because once the event comes, its city is bigger and benefits more people.

Robert began to negotiate with them, preparing to do it according to the degree of difficulty.

IndyCar is relatively easy because it's held all over the United States with a lot of frequency.The conditions of the new track are excellent, and it is easy to qualify for hosting, followed by MotoGP and F1. They are world events, basically only held in one country, so there are many competitors.

In addition, hosting F1 requires money, which is determined by the FIA. For example, in Monaco and Italy, there is often no need to pay for hosting rights. The average cost of hosting rights in Europe and the United States is around 1000 million US dollars. The relatively high one is China. City S used to spend 3000 million US dollars to buy the right to host.

Robert communicated according to An Feng's idea. As long as the government supports it, he can share part of the cost of the event, but some conditions must be attached.After considering the two mayors, they are still inclined to let them jointly hold the event, but they need to listen to the opinions of residents and the council first.


Time came to August.

A family from China came over for vacation, and the little girl pestered her all day long to play with the little tiger. If she couldn't beat her, she could only bring her here to satisfy her desire to play happily with the tiger. To describe it as a "little tiger" is a bit unrealistic.

The grown-up Xiaobai finally got rid of the days when he was held in his arms as a plush toy. Now that the children want to fight with him, he plays with a few bugs when he is happy, and lays down on the ground when he is not interested. Even the little fur boy couldn't hold it, no matter how he tried it, it didn't work.

But my parents didn't come. When An Feng inquired about it, his brother-in-law was very impressed: "They are busier than me. They are full of activities and entertainment arrangements. Now they are probably traveling north with other people to enjoy the coolness. They said yes. Come and have a look when the weather turns cold, so you don’t have to worry.”

An Feng can understand that, to a certain extent, his easy-going personality is also inherited.

A few days later, An Feng happily boarded the plane with Xiao Bai, who had escaped from the clutches of the children.

Although tigers have completed genetic mutations and their intelligence has doubled, they still need regular physical examinations to guard against potential accidents.The possibility is very small. Seeing that Lai Yangyang is now occupying three seats, and the way his big tail is wagging, it is clear that he is eating, sleeping and doing nothing.

The helicopter landed on the roof of the research center, An Feng walked forward with his hands behind his back, and the tiger bodyguards followed behind.

In the research room, Xiaobai was going to take a blood sample. I don’t know if it’s the sequelae of the injections when he was a child. He had a bad impression of these syringes. When he saw the syringe in An Feng’s hand, he moved back without making a sound. Three steps And made two steps to escape the danger zone.

When An Feng turned around, hey!Gone!

"Xiaobai!" An Feng called out, but he couldn't find it in the research room. He went outside to look for it helplessly, but he couldn't find it in the corridor.

"Come out, I see you." An Feng said while searching.

It's not good to improve your intelligence, it's too smart, and you can't find it once you hide.

The current scene is a scene of a very serious man in a white shirt holding a large syringe and dangling around.If it wasn't for the fact that the security guards and most people on the floor knew the boss, they would have misunderstood him as some abnormal person wandering around with a syringe.

"Have you seen the big tabby cat?" An Feng asked a security guard patrolling the floor.

"It's heading towards the elevator!" The security guard smiled and pointed in one direction.

"Thank you." An Feng hurried to the elevator.Just in time to see the elevator door open, Xiaobai went in with his butt twisted, and was stunned by a lady who had obviously never seen the owner's pet. Her back was pressed against the corner, her face was pale, her legs were trembling, and her voice was intermittent. of.

Xiaobai ignored her, turned around and stood upright, with his paws on the wall, wanting to press the door close button.

"Stop!" An Feng said, "I saw you!"

Xiaobai's ears drooped a little, and he looked at him with an aggrieved expression. An Feng frowned and said, "Come back soon! I should let you make a movie next time!"

Xiao Bai came out reluctantly, An Feng looked at the lady in the elevator and asked, "Are you okay?"

She pointed at the tiger and said, "Tiger..."

"I know, please relax!" An Feng said to her, bent over and petted Xiaobai, who squatted down on his hind legs and curled up his tail to be a good cat.

An Feng smiled and said, "It's a pet cat, very obedient."

"Really?" The girl clutched her chest with lingering fear.

"Of course." An Feng looked down at Xiaobai, "Really?"

Xiao Bai mischievously shook his head.

The girl suddenly laughed. At this time, the elevator doors closed automatically. An Feng waved at her, hoping that the encounter with the tiger would not affect her mood today.

"Okay, let's go back!" An Feng turned his head, just as it was about to oil the soles of its feet!

Seeing that Xiaobai wanted to run away, he turned around to catch it, but it circled An Feng, finally grabbed its tail, and said helplessly: "You are a fierce tiger! The king of the jungle, is he afraid of injections? Really? Spineless!" Regardless of whether it is willing or not, it rides on the body and touches it, and draws blood when it finds the position.

Take the time to draw blood from the spineless tiger, and then take it back to the laboratory for testing. It takes several hours to get the test results and computer data.Go for a walk when you have nothing to do. The research center is also installing holographic communication equipment. An Feng's suggestion is to keep pace with the times.

In fact, there is another purpose. After he designs a dummy in the future, he can use the dummy's identity to participate in scientific research and development, but in order to leak flaws, he needs to promote this technology to more business units, and After packaging it, market the idea.

At that time, with some encryption technology, no one will be able to guess where the virtual person came from.

Or after the smart computer is developed, you don’t even need to play the game yourself, just let the smart virtual person communicate with the technicians one by one, but the requirements for intelligence are very high, and it is estimated that it is impossible to ask questions and answer them now. Save it and recommend it selectively.

(End of this chapter)

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