Chapter 294 Green Earth
After drawing the tiger's blood, he let it play, and An Feng went back to the office.

Every time he comes here, he has something to deal with, and this time is no exception. Not long after he sat down, the secretary notified him that something happened. Joseph, the director of the company, wanted to discuss with him a batch of medical technology and patent issues. The technology has been put away for a long time. Seeing that An Feng was free, he hurried to mention it.

Joseph said: "A number of multinational pharmaceutical companies have negotiated with us to obtain drug patent authorization, especially biopharmaceutical technology. The results of the R&D department's testing are excellent. It is time to consider how to authorize, or sir. one's own thoughts?"

An Feng asked: "How is the market for new drugs?"

Joseph replied: "According to the survey, the global cardiovascular disease market was 1500 billion last year, but the competition is fierce and new drugs emerge in endlessly."

"Is it just one big aspect? Or are there many types?"

"Multiple types, such as cardiac glycosides and inotropic drugs, antihypertensive, antiarrhythmic, blood lipid lowering, blood regulation, etc., common ones have been conquered, most of which are biological drugs, the technology is relatively high, and it is difficult to imitate , and is also favored by pharmaceutical companies.”

An Feng asked: "What about the cost of biological drugs?"

Joseph replied: "If we follow our production method of pursuing speed, the cost is high, but large manufacturers have complete assembly lines, low-cost foreign supply channels, and produce on a large base, which can reduce costs and make them profitable at ideal standards. Inside."

An Feng considered that even if the market is more than 1000 billion, the cost is the key, the competition is fierce, and there are many effective drugs. It is not an incurable disease, and it does not have the absolute monopoly of anticancer drugs.In a big way, new drugs are just better, but there are many similar products.

In a compromise, after three to five years of development, a pharmaceutical company should ideally occupy 50% of the market, about 700 to [-] billion, but the cost is very important, and the high cost will definitely make less profit than anticancer drugs. Small and medium-sized Enterprises can't afford it, it mainly depends on large enterprises.

So he asked: "Which companies are interested? The one with the highest price?"

"Currently, Pfizer is offering the highest price. They are the world's largest pharmaceutical company. After the end of the patent protection period of some drugs, they have been looking for new drugs that can stabilize the market. They are very interested in the technology we have developed and said they can High price negotiations."

"I see." An Feng naturally knew the name of Pfizer. When the anti-cancer drug was authorized, they offered a higher price than Sinclair, but he decisively chose the latter. One was his own people, and the other There will be a stake in Sin Energy.Influence and Power are worth more.

The situation is different now. First of all, he is not sure whether Sinclair can continue to swallow such a large pharmaceutical market. After all, they are new to the pharmaceutical market. They have just obtained a strong anti-cancer authorization, and then they will develop the same huge cardiovascular disease market. I'm afraid I'll be too busy.

An Feng said: "I will list them as key considerations, but the specifics will depend on me discussing with other business partners before I can make a decision."

Judging from the current situation, as the core of the consortium, they can do their best to help themselves. As the leader, he is also responsible for pulling the strength of the consortium up.Now that there are too many competitors, he can live well if the consortium develops well; on the contrary, if the consortium is weak, it will be swallowed by the opponent.

Therefore, apart from the Sinclair family, other members of the consortium can consider cooperation.

Joseph also talked about the authorization of other research results. After several years of precipitation, the technology of the research center is in a blowout stage, and many valuable technologies are looking for cooperation.If you simply change hands, you can get tens of billions immediately, but it is not suitable for earning overall profits.

So he still decided to develop in the long run.


After arranging things, An Feng got up and walked around to see the research progress of other aspects of the research center.As of today, the research center has [-] projects, of which [-] have achieved results, [-] have been abandoned due to insufficient conditions, and the rest continue to burn money.

His botany department found something curious.

The departmental laboratory is located on the seventh floor. The most distinctive feature is the environmental simulation area. It was built with a lot of money and can simulate various environments on the earth. At present, the main part is a desert, and the degree of sunlight is similar to that of a desert. This cycle repeats, but it grows miraculously. plant.

Through the thick glass, the research team leader named Sam introduced: "The plants here are all genetically manipulated plants, and their growth and reproduction are still vigorous and rapid under continuous strong sunlight and drought and little rain. Double the size in ten days."

"Sir, please look here." Sam came to the small petri dish next to him, "This is one of the experimental plants, developed from vetiver grass, we have integrated genes of drought-resistant plants into it, and after precise combination , the cultivated plants have multiple advantages.”

"Its root system is extremely developed and can absorb water several meters deep. At the same time, the developed root system can effectively prevent soil erosion. The special structure of its root system can retain more than 75% of the water source in the soil. In addition, it is drought-resistant and has a very fast reproduction rate. Fast."

An Feng asked: "Using the desert area as an environment, you want to develop a plant with a well-developed root system, drought resistance, and fast reproduction?"

"Yes." Sam said proudly, "If it succeeds, I dare say it is the most suitable plant for the desert environment. As long as it is transplanted to eastern California or Nevada, even if it is a desert area with harsh conditions, I promise A year from now satellite images will turn green."

"Oh, that's right!" Sam led An Feng to another place. "Grass is not enough, and the research on shrubs and trees is going on simultaneously. I plan to apply for the use of supercomputers. Its theoretical models are very useful. Can save lengthy genetic exploration."

An Feng went to look at the plant seedlings he cultivated, some were crossed out, which proved to be a failure; some were under observation, and the future was uncertain.Looking through the record files, there were a lot of failures. Obviously, these tasks need to be tried. If there is a computer to do it, one hour is worth his time for a year.

And right now it's just luck.

An Feng sat down and said: "It is a bold idea to let the desert grow green grass and trees and improve the environment. If you can test it under the guidance of the correct theory, the chance of success is not small. When do you want to use a computer? I Special approval for you."

"Maybe in two weeks," said Sam, delighted to be appreciated.

"I'll let the secretary do it." An Feng said.

Sam said: "Thank you sir, the company's plant research has not been very optimistic, and it is a great encouragement for me to be recognized by you."

An Feng smiled: "It's mainly your hard work. In addition, it's not suitable to conduct experiments here. Maybe you need a better outdoor environment."

Samso: "But there aren't any suitable ones around Los Angeles, and it requires supervisor approval and funding."

"I have a suggestion." An Feng said, "SLO, which is more than 200 kilometers away from here, may have a suitable place for you. In addition to the vineyard planting area, there is also a wasteland with strong sunlight. If you are willing to work there If so, the company can allocate funds.”

After hearing this, Sam asked, "Stationed all the year round?"

"If you're alone, I don't think the plants can live without your care, but I'm sure you'll have other helpers?"

Sam understood: "I agree with that idea, sir."

Chatted with Sam and learned that he has a small team of five people, and he was also recruited after the research center was renamed "biology". Like other job seekers, they are very interested in the research and development environment and knowledge base here , even if it needs to sign a contract of as little as ten years.

The long-term contract is a method for the research center to protect knowledge. Although the conditions are harsh, it has high salary and treatment, and can also enjoy the share of research and development results.Like the cancer cell R&D team, each of them will be a multi-millionaire in the future. After publishing some autobiographies, they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

So the contract may seem harsh, but it is actually fragrant.Even if you want to get this kind of contract, you have to go through a period of internship and trial period, and you will not be hired until you pass the assessment.But things are not absolute, no matter how to prevent, leaks are possible.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Anfeng can't control the knowledge that is stored in his mind after mastering it. But so far, this kind of thing has never happened. The research center invests millions of dollars in safety and security funds every year. Aegis Security's technology and reputation are among the top three in the industry.

Saying goodbye to Sam, An Feng had an idea: turn the earth green.

The transgenic plants cultivated by Sam through theory and tests in the laboratory have strong environmental adaptability. Planting them in deserts and barren areas can improve the environment, prevent soil erosion, prevent wind and sand, and prevent global warming. have a positive impact.

There are too many places on the earth with harsh environments. Establish a company to provide "green earth" services. After on-site inspections, use a set of scientific green plans to detail where to plant what grass, what shrubs to cultivate, and how far away there is a tree to create a green world. A solid green system.

Environmental governance is a difficult problem in the world, and there are not many effective solutions, but genetic technology has reduced the difficulty. If the entire huge green system can be successfully developed, it can be implemented in countries that have money but lack the environment, such as China or rich countries in the Middle East.Especially the oil countries, they need green too much.

But there's a problem with Green Earth.

If you choose to start work in places like Qatar where there is no shortage of money, it is obvious that plants are not enough, but water resources are also required. The water there is said to be more expensive than gasoline, so the normal way cannot be used, and it can only be obtained from seawater——Desalination project is a good choice , high yield and good quality.

This has to involve industrial technology.

Humans are not good at construction under harsh conditions, and they need the help of flexible machines. Manipulable robots are very useful here. Humanoid machines are currently used for fantasy, but small and medium-sized all-terrain machines are more flexible and agile than human hands. Robotic hands... are both good choices.

While time-consuming to implement, there is no doubt that it is good for the environment as well as yourself.In terms of environmental governance, China spends more than 8000 billion yuan every year, so if possible, it will be at least one billion yuan, and it is still calculated in US dollars.For countries that are urgently managing the environment, the effect is good enough, and long-term contracts worth tens of billions of dollars are not a problem.

An Feng intends to develop the "Green Earth" plan when the conditions are ripe.

(End of this chapter)

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