Chapter 299 Sea Fishing

After struggling with intelligent computing for a few days, An Feng gave up. Before the existing technology was complete and the information in his mind had not been sorted out, it was very nerve-racking to delve into this area, and he couldn't eat hot tofu even in a hurry. Focus on other aspects, such as going out to sea.

He came to live here in the San Francisco Bay to escape the summer heat. Although the summer in California is not hot, with temperatures in the early thirties, the temperature in September showed a strange rise. This is a good thing for the ripening of wine grapes, and it also means that this year Good harvest, but people are not very comfortable.

So Joanna decided to escape the summer heat. The Bay Area is a very special summer resort area. There was a saying: the coldest winter is the summer in San Francisco.It is a bit exaggerated, but whether it is summer or winter, there is not much difference in temperature. The average high temperature in summer this year is only 23 degrees Celsius, and it is even hotter in autumn.

At this time, if you stay quietly at this time, you may need a two-piece suit. In order to keep warm, An Feng chose a sunny afternoon to go out to sea, and called Wang Le, who had just returned from China, and brought snacks and snacks. The ladies put on bikinis , Put on a coat and board the boat.Very versatile bodyguards are responsible for driving the yacht.

As the yacht sailed out of the San Francisco Bay, An Feng stood up from the cockpit on the top floor, feeling the long-lost warmth under the soft sunlight.

"This kind of weather is suitable." An Feng opened his hand and said.

"The country is still like a stove, and when you come to San Francisco, it will drop by more than ten degrees." Wearing sunglasses, Wang Le leaned on the guardrail and looked at the sea.

The two ladies on the front deck had already gone to cool off. The ultraviolet rays were not strong at this time. Just apply a little SPF15 sunscreen, and then lie down and enjoy the suitable sunshine. This is definitely the most pleasant afternoon.Joanna took off her jacket and waved to the people in the cockpit: "Hi!"

An Feng didn't participate in the ladies' activities, he waved his hand: "Go on!"

"Of course." Joanna turned her head, "Scarlett, can you come too? Apart from fighting sharks in the sea, there will be nothing else."

Scarlett walked under the sun after changing clothes, a little uncomfortable, Joanna smiled: "You have to relax when it's time to relax!"

An Feng turned to Wang Le and said, "Shall we go fishing?"

"You take the fishing rod, I'll find something to eat." Wang Le said.

The two divided the work. An Feng dug out the boat fishing rod specially configured for yachts, assembled it, and then hung the bait on the combined hook. The amateurs don't pay attention to technology, so they just throw it into the sea. Anyway, this is already a deep sea area. Follow Then fix the end on the special card holder.

Wang Le brought beer and fruit, and threw a bottle to Neil, the bodyguard who was sailing: "Catch it, buddy!"

Neil caught it nimbly, flipped off the pried loose cover with his thumb, and raised it up in greeting: "Thank you!"

"Have a good time!" Wang Le returned to the next floor, put the snacks on the small table between the two reclining chairs, and sat down next to An Feng.

"It's done!" An Feng touched the wine bottle with him, grabbed a few cashew nuts and threw them into his mouth.

The sea fishing on the yacht is mostly for entertainment. Occasionally there are fish biting the hook on the way, and the ones that are pulled back are not big ones. Most of them are half-sized groupers. , were thrown back into the sea.Now it's a bigger game of who's fishing.

Wang Le threw a small fish back into the sea, wondering: "Isn't this the season for salmon to swim upstream and spawn?"

"No wonder, it's your poor character!" An Feng smiled.

"Maybe." Wang Le swung the fishing rod again, and it was a rare time that he didn't contradict An Feng.

"The sky has changed?" An Feng put his feet on the guardrail and looked at him strangely.

"It's not about the family business." Wang Le leaned his head on the chair and looked at the blue sky. "My family is very interested in cooperation and hopes to seize the opportunity to connect with the international community. I was appointed as a liaison officer after I took root in the United States. Pay attention to things here and be responsible for communication."

An Feng understood: "It's really embarrassing for an irresponsible guy like you."

"So." Wang Le sighed.

"But this is your family's business, and you are also responsible for the rise and fall of the future. Besides, if the business is to grow, won't you be able to share more property in the future?"

"That's true, but it feels contrary to the idea of ​​the original lazy man." Wang Le said.

An Feng understood: "Okay! I think you are an idle asshole! Just like Roger, you used to be in a free-range state, unrestrained, and suddenly you were entrusted with important tasks, so you are not used to it, but after getting used to it, now you Tell him to give up, and he promises not to do it. That's why I'm being hypocritical when I call a slut!"

"It makes sense..." Wang Le was unresponsive.

An Feng laughed.

"You are the slut!" Wang Le rolled his eyes at him and accepted his fate: "Anyway, the responsibility is definitely on me, otherwise I will have no face to go home to see my parents."

"A child can be taught!" An Feng nodded.

Wang Le stared at him suddenly: "I almost forgot that you are also the master! Tell me your opinion, let me get some information?"

An Feng chewed the cashew nuts, crossed his legs, and said comfortably, "Brother!"

"Brother!" Wang Le grinned.

An Feng said: "That is to say, send some analysts to conduct on-the-spot investigations, find out your family background, potential and influence, analyze the benefits to both parties after cooperation, etc. There is still great hope. The domestic market is best to cooperate with local people. Cooperation, purely foreign capital is like opening your eyes."

Wang Le understood: "That is to say, money is second, and relationship and potential must be valued?"

"No matter where you hang out, there must be a few relationships that you can show. Even if you don't use it, it's easy to understand policies and so on, what do you think?"

"It makes sense." Wang Le nodded.

"If you want to cooperate with bio-drinks, you probably have to wait until next year. At present, all the products sold in the United States are high-end products, and the price is not low in US dollars. The threshold for converting into RMB is still too high. Let’s promote it to the world after it comes out.”

"Of course, we have to assess the risk!" Wang Le said.

"After the cooperation starts, you can properly invest in the core companies of the consortium, such as Xin's Energy, Express Company or GP Company. It doesn't need too much, 0.5% of the shares, they are not willing to have more. Then it will officially become an international company. Partner."

Wang Le asked: "Let me tell you how strong this consortium is, and I will give them a bottom line?"

"It's very complicated. The consortium is not a centralized holding company. It is decentralized. There are still many fast-growing companies, which can only be estimated by combining all the companies. The assets exceed 1.5 trillion yuan, and the asset-liability ratio of most companies remains normal. , the net worth may be half of it."

"It's really awesome, it's more than one-tenth of the domestic GDP." Wang Le said in surprise, "With so much money, no wonder you dare to say that you are the richest man in the world! If this is the leader of the consortium, the average net worth will be It can also produce a dozen richest men in the world, right?"

"But you have to know that there are more than a dozen people who are talking." An Feng said, and did not go deep into the issue of personal wealth.

"In short, you are very rich! You really have a lot of money!" Wang Le sighed.

"What's so strange, Han Gaozu was only in his fifties when he became emperor."

"Okay! I won't tell you! This target is all for the emperor!" Wang Le smiled, his eyes swept over the sea, and the fishing rod was pulled a few times.

"Hey! The big guy took the bait!" Wang Le jumped up and grabbed the fishing rod, and quickly turned the wheel with the other hand to reel in the line, "It's not weak! Get the net!"

An Feng grabbed the fishing net beside him, and leaned forward to take a look. There was a big black guy writhing in the water, pulling the fishing line vigorously, and even the fishing rod was bent greatly, which seemed to be quite powerful.He stepped forward to make a strike, but the distance was not suitable, so he hurriedly said, "Go to the side, it's too high here!"

Wang Le pulled the fishing rod and moved to a lower place. Such a big fish must not be able to be pulled up, and it needs to go to the stern.

"Character explosion! Quack!" Wang Le looked at the big guy struggling in the water with a smile, and took a few steps down the stairs. The big fish was violently churning in the water. The position of going up and down the stairs is relatively short, and the big fish pulled hard...

As a result, An Feng saw him do somersault, throwing himself and his fishing rod into the water from the boat.

"Hahaha!" An Feng didn't care about the fish anymore, he laughed hard on the boat before talking.

Wang Le in the water was thumping. He landed beside the boat, and the fishing rod was still in his hand. Hearing An Feng's heartless laughter, he became anxious: "Damn! Hurry up! It's going to run away!"

"Immediately." An Feng came to the stern with a suppressed smile, handed him the fishing net, and then caught the fishing rod. The strength of the big fish was very strong, but it was a pity that what it bit was a combination hook tied with a fishing line. With six hooks, unless the fishing line is torn off, it is difficult to have a chance of escape.

An Feng pulled the fishing rod on the shore, Wang Le caught the big fish in the water, and Neil who rushed over gave him a hand, and pulled the man and the fishing net back to the boat. The salmon with black back and white belly in the net was alive and kicking. Hold it down and use the hook remover to remove the explosive hook from the salmon bite.

"What a big fish!" Several ladies on the boat also gathered around.

"It's amazing! I have such superb skills!" Wang Le is not to mention how proud he is now. After putting on his gloves, he hugged the fish, and it took two hands to hold it firmly. Struggling, Wang Le did not forget to remind them: "Quickly take a photo with me!"

Lisa picked up her phone and took some pictures of him. This guy is only satisfied with posing.

But where to put the fish in the end became a problem.This time I went fishing purely for entertainment, I didn't expect to catch a big fish at all, it's not good to leave it on the yacht and make it dirty, and I don't want to release Wang Le to kill him.The last thing is to tie up the fishing net, soak it in the water, and leave him on the boat to watch.

Lisa was very helpless to the childish Wang Le: "Are you happy?"

"Well! Let's eat salmon tonight!" Wang Le insisted.

"Understood! Wash off the fishy smell on your body first!" Lisa said.

"Sure!" Wang Le walked back to the living area on the ground floor wetly.

That night they chopped up the salmon they caught. The fish that foreigners can eat is mainly salmon, which is usually sold in supermarkets. The point is that there are no spines. The edible salmon is also very poor, either fried or grilled.

Lisa and Joanna were in charge of making the French salmon pie. An Feng and Wang Le felt that it was not rich enough, so they advocated sashimi, and the others unanimously opposed it, so they fried it later... They cut the salmon into strips and marinated it ten times. After a few minutes, wrap the fish with bacon, string it up with toothpicks, and put it in a pan to fry the oil.

After the aroma comes out, discuss the steps on the Internet again, then add spices according to personal preference, remove the toothpick from the plate, add some pasta and vegetables for decoration, take a bite with a fork, beef and fish have two different flavors Full of mouth, tender and juicy.

Wang Le was intoxicated and said: "Delicious! Everyone come and taste it!"

"Really?" The ladies picked up their forks suspiciously.

Joanna nodded after trying a piece of bacon roll: "It's not pretty, but it's delicious! It's rare for you to be able to make it like this!"

"Haha!" Wang Le patted the table with both hands, then raised his hands to face An Feng, "Come on!"

An Feng had no choice but to give him a high five.

(End of this chapter)

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