Chapter 300 Travel Style
The time came to the middle of the month.

An Feng modified part of the intelligent research and development strategy. Since there are difficulties in the intelligent development of classical algorithms, he turned to a more distant concept-quantum computing.As the saying goes, good things come in pairs. Since you want to get in touch with quantum computers, you need quantum communication and quantum encryption.

Finally, he suggested that the R&D team should review quantum mechanics, so he recruited a group of quantum physics experts.Because of the upcoming high-temperature superconductors, quantum computers do not have to work in a low-temperature environment of minus 200 degrees like the quantum computers developed by Canada's D-Wave company.

A few days later, the superconductor, which was impossible to start with, made progress. An Feng had an inspiration one night and wrote down a lot of chemical formulas. For best results to develop.

This involves repetitive and tedious work, which is a test of patience without technology, and An Feng will not participate.

Hoffman's robotics team also brought surprises, perhaps due to the anger at not being able to develop exoskeletons and robots after the theft case. They spent more than half a year laying the foundation, and when the conditions and environment were suitable, they immediately took out the first-generation exoskeletons as Basic bionic machines.

It's just that this bionic doesn't imitate human beings... but animals.

An Feng stood at the door of the robot company's R&D laboratory and witnessed this scene: a group of researchers in white robes were squatting on the ground, several pairs of eyes were staring at a robot creature covered in silver-white metal, and one of them was a technician. Zhai is still imitating "Wang".

Eye-popping!What made him even more speechless was that the human dog's behavior successfully provoked the robot dog. It jumped and jumped on the spot, wagging its tail that should be made of polymer materials, and ran to the researchers, showing the flattery that carbon-based dogs possess. , cuteness and mischievousness.

"Is this your breakthrough?" An Feng observed the machine Wang.

Hoffman stood up a few times, and the robot dog ran to one of the people's feet, gracefully raised its hind legs, and made a lifelike movement of a telegraph pole - if it wasn't covered in metal, if it could also be from a small penis Liquid was sprayed out, and An Feng thought it was a biological dog.

Hoffman, who is usually dull, rarely smiled, and explained: "The robot dog uses the intelligent program of Ares through the wireless network to imitate the behavior that a standard pet dog should have."

An Feng took a closer look and asked, "You mean to support it to perform these biological imitation behaviors, you need a supercomputer?"

"It only takes up one-tenth of the resources." Hoffman said, "We use intelligent algorithms to add any possibility, and then the intelligent program uses probability to express the characteristics that the robot dog should have. After we test and record , and then write the data into the built-in chip.”

"Can it get rid of the supercomputer?" An Feng is more concerned about this. If a robot dog needs to take up one-tenth of the resources of Ares, few people in the world can afford it.What's more, it's just a dog with a simple mind. How complicated is it to be a human?
Hoffman said: "We mainly use computers to screen, but its intelligence can be perfectly handled by an ordinary microchip."

"Not bad!" An Feng said.

"Look, sir!" Hoffman handed the robot dog to him.

It is heavy in the hand, and the weight of the metal is heavier than that of a pet dog of the same size. However, the simple wisdom of animals is perfectly interpreted by supercomputers. All kinds of things are not in line with human logic, but in line with the logic of pets. They want to lick people, Drilling restlessly.

"It's so interesting!" An Feng put the robot dog on the ground, and it started to wander around the room again.

Hoffman brought An Feng to the workbench, which was about the size of a printing, copying and printing all-in-one machine. After pressing it a few times, a holographic three-dimensional map of the robot dog was projected, which contained its structural analysis. No need to introduce, An Feng After a few glances, I knew that the exoskeleton technology was used.

Obviously, dogs need fewer exoskeletons than humans, so more than a dozen sets of small power-assisted systems, coupled with excellent internal structures, make it as flexible as pet dogs. If you put a bionic skin on it, implant it Hair, coupled with a sounder, it is a pet dog.

Hoffman introduced something special: "We have simulated according to its body structure and the strength of its materials. It is very strong and durable. The exoskeleton can make its strength and speed many times that of ordinary dogs, making it respond faster and more Flexibility and longer life."

"If you want to use it for a special purpose, such as a hunting dog." Hoffman clicked the image a few times, and the hologram enlarged the mouth of the robot dog, "We can replace the temporomandibular joint in its mouth with a stronger assist system. Come on, it's enough to bite off a hard thigh bone!"

There are many things that robot dogs can improve, and they are amazing, but this is not the final task of the robotics team. They start from easy to complex—starting with simple machinery, and then developing to complex human bodies. Bionic robots will use exoskeletons , endoskeleton, and independent systems.

The structure of human beings is not the best, and the simulation is only for concealment.It is used in other reptile work such as exploration work, underground excavation, etc. For example, the shape of pangolin is more suitable for walking, and the snake shape of exploration is more suitable, so the direction of development is very broad.

After An Feng learned about the process, he decided to allocate funds to the robot research and development team.

Using a separate chip holds promise if it can escape the control of a supercomputer.An Feng plans to customize a few robot pets after they are finished. In addition to the purely funny short legs, there are also long-legged and slim-fitting high-cold hounds. They will be covered with a layer of bionic skin, which is no different from the real ones.


Bazel spoke to him a day later.

"Franson wants to talk to you about bio-drinks. He hopes to cooperate with us next year as a sign of joining the Hart family. If you have no other urgent arrangements, it's best to come over. Make an appointment on this matter. It's too late to express your opinion."

After An Feng was reminded by Bazel, he realized that he had procrastinated and left important things behind. He said, "I see, I will arrive in the second half of the month."

An Feng has a lot of things to do in the UK. In addition to the necessary social gatherings to broaden the local circle, there is also the development of Nokia. He promised that he could provide hardware, in addition to the necessary chips and batteries, there are also Important cameras are missing.

The same is true for Joanna. As the new owner of Liverpool, the Premier League has started for a month, but she still has no news. She is probably a big enough name.Goodrich euphemistically conveyed the team's high-level hope that the boss can be present at least once to bring some good luck to the team.

There is also the matter of the charitable foundation. The expansion of the scale has been completed. At present, the remaining tens of millions can be donated in a high-profile way. With the help of politicians and media newspapers, Smith of BAE company has guaranteed that if it goes well. , Give her a medal by next year.

An Feng felt that it would not be an exaggeration to directly give the title to the advantages gained in exchange for the exoskeleton.But if foreigners are not flexible, the British are the best. They are old-fashioned and dogmatic. They have no choice but to implement the plan according to the steps they think are appropriate.

Then consider travel issues.

They definitely need to bring bodyguards this time. In the United States, a country that is generally enthusiastic about football, the feeling is not clear, but in Europe, as the owner of a wealthy team, although it is not as eye-catching as the stars, it is inevitable to attract crowds. The bodyguards lead the way And guards are very important.

With a bodyguard, you have to consider the car issue.

An Feng asked Joanna: "What brand of car do the British like the most?"

"Audi." Joanna's answer was straightforward.

"I also think that there are so many Audis in the UK." An Feng was deeply touched. Different from the rareness of American Audis, the British people often rank first in their love for Audis.

Therefore, An Feng follows the trend and chooses Audi as a scooter. The British land is small, and foreign private jets require a lot of take-off and landing. All in all, a car is a good choice. Considering factors such as bodyguards and safety, low-key, luxurious and connotative cars are the first choice. It just so happens that the Audi is decent.

According to An Feng's personality, if you have money, you must be worthy of your own ass. If you want it, you need an A8 with the largest displacement and the strongest engine. V6 and V8 are directly clicked, and you need 12 cylinders.It seems wasteful, but in his "centralization of gravity" plan, US investment can be slowed down, and the UK becomes a candidate.

An Feng called Goodrich and asked him to get two top-equipped A8s.

For politicians or celebrities, A8 is low-key enough, although it is not low-key enough for Phaeton, but the "A8" on the back of its butt can be deducted, and the logo of A6 can be swapped... Joanna learned of his strange idea Afterwards, I felt that his heart was full of contradictions and inconceivable.

An Feng wanted to say that he had seen this kind of weirdness before.


The days without work and courses are very free, and you can leave as you please.

An Feng's Global 8000 can finally take a smooth transcontinental flight, and he can also comfortably experience the comfort of staying at home throughout the whole process.He ignores the seats and sofas when he gets on the plane. The big bed is fatally attractive to him, and he doesn't want to get up when he falls on it.

Watching a movie, squinting for a few more hours, wandering around the inside of the plane, looking at the white clouds outside the window, and finally, when they felt it was time to go to bed, they encountered the morning in London... Walking out of the airport with jet lag, empty-handed, four The bodyguard played the role well.

Fortunately, September in the UK is relatively cool, otherwise a group of black suits that don't fit in with the crowd are walking in the airport, and the people around will keep their distance from them.But now the difference is not big, since they came out, the bodyguards followed them quietly.

An Feng has gotten used to this kind of presence, or style.

He and Joanna came outside the airport, and the pick-up car stopped in front of them. Two black and solemn A8s, if you don't look carefully, you will feel that they are so ordinary in the traffic flow... The bodyguard opened the door and blocked the car with his hand Invite them to sit in, and then get into the front and rear cars respectively.

The low-key car started and left the airport quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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