Chapter 301 Crash
Back at the apartment in London, except for Scarlett, the bodyguards could not accommodate so many people in the apartment, and it was inconvenient, so the other bodyguards chose nearby hotels.The business trip subsidy is very generous, if it is not a task, it can be regarded as a trip.

The next day, the two of them formally dressed up and went out to do business first.

The location provided by Franson is a private business club in London. It looks very ordinary and inconspicuous. It is just like the historical buildings in London. It is simple and vicissitudes.And An Feng was invited by the boss as a VIP.

Parked at the gate, An Feng got out of the car and took Joanna to the gate.

The manager of the clubhouse was waiting near the door early. He had received orders from the boss to receive two distinguished guests today.

So the moment the two low-key Audis stopped, the manager immediately stepped out and looked at a man and a woman who were walking slowly under the escort of several bodyguards.The manager recognized at a glance that this was the boss's distinguished guest, and greeted him personally, with warm greetings and door-opening service.

"Mister and Madam, welcome! Please follow me!" The manager invited them in, and the bodyguards dispersed automatically. The private club pays great attention to privacy. The bodyguards have a special activity area, and the club is responsible for other places.The more high-end, the more energy invested in privacy and security services.

Walking into the interior of the clubhouse, you can immediately feel the luxurious atmosphere that is different from the simple appearance.

It is a full-service club with lounge areas, bars, restaurants, conference halls for private hire, in order to provide the best and most special equipment, services and products, as well as lounge areas for informal dinners, formal restaurants and private banquet halls.

"This way, please!" The manager reminded appropriately, not only leaving time for the guests to watch, but also not forgetting the reception task.

Take the elevator to the third floor and meet friends in the private box.

Franson and Bazel'an Peak are both familiar. This time, there is a middle-aged man who is slightly younger than Franson. The name he introduced is Louis, who is also an important member of the Hart family.Strictly speaking, he represents the Hart family to the shareholders of Burger Corporation, serving as chairman.

An Feng shook hands with Louis, remembering him, and after they sat down, the waiter served dessert.

"Very nice place." An Feng gave an opening remark, which was vulgar and simple, but it was better than the bad habit of British people talking about the weather when they meet.

Franson smiled: "If you like it, sir, I will create a membership for you. If you have business activities in the future, it will be very convenient here."

"That's exactly what I mean, thank you!" An Feng accepted the gift.This is actually an elite club, and membership is also a status symbol.

But for a rich man of his level, the status of an elite club is dispensable, unless it is a top-level one, such as one established within a consortium—every time a group gathering in Santa Barbara is an elite club, it does not have members. , because only consortium members can participate.

Franson was very happy: "On behalf of all members, I welcome Mr. and Mrs. An to join us!"

An Feng continued to greet him with some polite words, and then tasted some desserts. After going through the process according to the rules, he entered the topic.Bazel talked about the idea of ​​the Hart family, and wanted to use the key cooperation with bio-drinks as a sign of cooperation with the consortium, and at the same time launch other joints.

An Feng asked emphatically, "Is it the shares of the head office or the British company?"

"We hope that part of the head office and part of the subsidiary." Franson said, "We have already worked out the plan."

"Please speak." An Feng listened.

"The Hart family is willing to invest and hold 20% of the shares of the head office in the United States. In addition, we hold 40% or more of the subsidiaries established in the UK. In the calculation of the relevant share prices, the market value or the value of the same industry Do the math, sir?"

After thinking about it, An Feng replied: "The problem of the subsidiary company is not big, but for the head office, there are other business partners who are negotiating with me at present, and the share you are asking for is too much. In addition, my valuation of 20% is more than 20 billion yuan. . On this point, we still have to discuss carefully.”

Bazel duly reminded: "The beverage company is the task of all of us and is currently run by the Blue Lane family."

Everyone here understands that Bazel regards Beta as an enterprise at the same level as Xinshi Energy, American Express, and GP, that is, the first level of consortium control, so he is very particular about the share, 20% in one breath, I am afraid is second only to the founder's share.

"We will focus on the share of the head office." Franson said.

The company has a bright future. In order to let every member of the consortium enjoy the benefits, it is no problem to hold shares in the head office, but taxation must be considered.And if each region sets up a subsidiary controlled by the head office, the funds will not flow to the United States, reducing links and reducing taxes.

For example, the profits of a British subsidiary do not need to be distributed to the headquarters in the United States. The funds can be kept overseas and used to make other business investments, avoid multiple corporate income taxes, and can also be distributed to zero-tax companies to share the interests of shareholders. , can also avoid taxation.


In the end, it was discussed that the Hart family holds 45% of the shares in the British subsidiary. As for the head office, the subsidiary is estimated to be able to operate next year. Referring to the strong response of beverages in the United States, it will also be very popular in the UK-because currently Someone is in the import business.

An Feng, who has given so many shares, naturally cannot lose money, and the Hart family will pay at least [-] times the price according to the markets of neighboring countries that the subsidiary can radiate.Generally speaking, the investment is very risky. There are two reasons for their high price: it has a bright future; and it is the contribution of a new member.

The business in the morning is over, and after lunch with them, the afternoon is free for leisure.

Late September coincides with London Fashion Week, which will continue until the end of the month, so Joanna will definitely attend several fashion shows and choose clothes among various advanced customizations.Through the service of American Express, she carefully selected some well-known designer's conferences, ready to chase fashion.

There is no show today, so Joanna will drive out for a stroll.

Because it was a convertible, and because she was driving it, in order to avoid being recognized and avoiding the elegant and generous style of the past, she changed her attire: she put on trousers, a pair of silk blue-gray trousers, the trousers were rolled up, and she stepped on deer. Leather pointed boots, a coat, and a shoulder chain bag.

He walked out to show An Feng, and he left a sentence: "My Lady Queen!"

Joanna grinned and put on another pair of sunglasses. The queen's cold aura became stronger. She asked, "Is there anyone else who can recognize it?"

"I can't even recognize it." An Feng said exaggeratedly.

"Okay, come with me!" Joanna walked to the white Huracan in the parking lot, opened the door and got into the driver's seat, while An Feng cooperated with the co-pilot.

Since it is a queen's style, it is natural to have bodyguards worthy of the status, so the bodyguards followed in two Audi A8s.Joanna reversed the Lamborghini, kicked the accelerator, and the roar of the bull rang through the parking lot, and the sirens of other cars rang.

An Feng put on his sunglasses and gave a thumbs up: "You are amazing!"

Joanna pulled the car out onto the road and merged into traffic.The weather in London in September has turned cold, but it is quite suitable to drive a convertible in the afternoon. In the comfort mode, the convenience of electronic assistance allows ladies who are not used to sports cars to easily control this beast to blow up the street.

At this time, there are still many outsiders on the streets of London - Arabian sports cars.

Generally, August is the most, followed by September, because the temperature in the Middle East is generally [-] degrees Celsius during this period, and the local tyrants all come to occupy London, and use their planes to airlift their exaggerated and expensive sports cars... Joanna is now giving to the local people The British are looking for a place.

Seeing that she was having fun playing role-playing, An Feng obediently cooperated with Her Majesty the Queen.

I went shopping a few streets, ate some desserts and drinks, and continued to drive on the roads in London. Every time I passed an intersection or waited at a red light, I was able to get the sideways glances of passers-by, and they picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.The beauty effect is very strong, and Huracan successfully steals the scene.

It's a pity that the streets of London are full of people and cars, and most sports cars wither away with a roar.There are too many cars to drive, no matter how awesome the Lamborghini is, it has to follow the car in front slowly like the classic taxi beside it.In fact, this is only for people with money and time to play.

After driving for a short distance, avoiding the traffic jam area, there is a lot of space in front of me.

The speed-repressed sports car was finally able to roar and run wildly. Joanna stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the sports car soared. After running for a short distance, she made a deft turn and continued to have fun.Fortunately, the 12-cylinder A8 behind him is also strong enough, and its acceleration ability can keep up with that of a sports car, otherwise the bodyguard would lose his job.

These streets are still near the central area of ​​London, and there are also sports cars around. A few cars followed behind Joanna. When passing an intersection ahead, a car suddenly turned out. She quickly stepped on the brakes, followed by "Boom." With a sound, the car body shook.

An Feng almost didn't have to think about it, he was rear-ending!
They were followed by other cars. Joanna was driving very fast in front of her. The car that came out of the intersection suddenly made her brake. The car behind her was not close, but the reaction was very slow. It couldn't stop and hit the rear of the Lamborghini. The impact energy absorption technology makes the debris of the two vehicles splash.

Since the speed was not high, it did not meet the requirements for the airbag to pop up. An Feng and Joanna were fine, just shocked.It was a black Ferrari 458 that rear-ended them. Because of the same protection technology, the front of the car looked rotten. In fact, the driver was fine.

But in the eyes of the following bodyguards, the blunt scene was suspicious.So at the moment of the rear-end collision, An Feng's bodyguards all got out of the car and rushed over.At the same time, several sports cars with license plates in Arabic letters also stopped, and a few Arabs walked out, and the bodyguards stared at them vigilantly.

I don't know if it's because Americans see Arabs as dangerous elements, but one of the bodyguards said in a bad tone, "Stand back!"

An Feng had just unbuckled his seat belt, and when he looked back, the two groups tended to get together and stare at each other, speaking English on the one hand and muttering Arabic on the other, An Feng opened the door and got out of the car to take a look , but was blocked by bodyguards.That's when people and bodyguards started shoving.

Someone pushed the bodyguard, and then he was knocked down by the skilled bodyguard. Other people around shouted and surrounded him.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Scarlett immediately pulled Joanna away: "Go to the car!"

An Feng was also about to step back and let the bodyguard handle it. At this moment, a polished purple Bentley GT stopped, and the window was rolled down, revealing a familiar face: "Bruce?"

"Khalid?" An Feng also recognized him.

"They are friends! Misunderstanding!" Khaled got out of the car with a bad feeling.An Feng's two bodyguards have been surrounded by each other, and they are in chaos!

(End of this chapter)

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