Dart Master

Chapter 118

Chapter 118
I gritted my teeth and shouted inwardly, Zhao Dasheng is one of the very few people who knows about Bai Jiayin and the plague snake, and with the death of their father and son, the great opportunity to know the truth is gone.

"Why are you here, who told you to be here!" I yelled angrily.

Zhao Heizi didn't answer me, as if he saw me as nothing, his spear was like snow, his black cloak fluttered in the dark wind, and his slightly curly hair hung down at the corner of his eyes, like a god of death, cold and stern.

I don't know why, every time I see Zhao Heizi, I feel that the distance between the two is getting farther and farther.After Bai Ling's incident, he and I almost broke up, and I never saw him again.

At the moment, however, he is like a stranger to me.I can feel that the domineering and murderous aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger, just like his gun, it is so sharp that it makes people frightened. ,

I thought of a sentence that Ziyi once said to me, if Uncle Seven is here, Zhao Heizi will not dare to have second thoughts about me, and if Uncle Seven leaves, he will turn against me.

Although I can't talk about rebellion with him now, it's obvious that he despised me so much because he didn't pay attention to the legacy of the Zhao family.Come to think of it, he probably already knew that Uncle Qi was alive or dead after the First World War in the Yin Division, and that the Xiang family also quit the Yin Division and returned to the south of the Yangtze River sadly. I have no backing.

Only now did I realize how lucky I was to have my seventh uncle escorting me.After leaving Qishu, I am actually nothing, my cultivation is not as good as Yandonglou, and my connections, money, and power are also mediocre in Taoism.

"I let him here." Feng Er said coldly.

Then Zhao Heizi bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Feng."

"Heizi just returned to Jiangdong yesterday. I am short of manpower. He is also a disciple of Qin Jian after the Zhao family. He has cultivated well. The old man asked him to stay here." Feng Er saw my gloomy face and was extremely displeased. Some opened their mouths to explain.

My heart sank, yes, strictly speaking, Heizi can be regarded as Seventh Uncle's apprentice. Although Seventh Uncle's heart is towards me, he usually gives him advice.

But I have a faint feeling that from the perspective of momentum, his cultivation is still firmly suppressing me.

This is a kind of intuition. I originally thought that after getting Zhang Wang's magic weapon and going through Yinsi Yitong's experience, I should surpass him in cultivation base.But the strange thing is that after not seeing him for a while, his cultivation has also skyrocketed, or maybe he has been hiding his true strength before.

I suddenly felt that although we were brothers in name, I didn't know him at all, not even as good as Zi Yi.

You shouldn't have killed him, he is your own uncle after all!Anyone can kill him, you can't.Feng Er looked at Zhao Dasheng's body and frowned.

Zhao Heizi stared straight into the distance, and said in a cold voice, "If the Zhao family shoots a gun, there will be blood. Besides, he is a rebellious son of the Zhao family. I killed him to clean up the family."

Do you know how many leads we lost by killing him?How many innocent people will die if the real culprit behind it cannot be found for a day?I stared into his eyes and said coldly.

There was no expression on his dark face, his deep pupils were like a dead body, without any breath, he looked at me coldly, "That's your business, mine is done."

I was so angry with him that my blood boiled, and I looked at him, he was also murderous, and he did not back down. The two murderous auras were intertwined, and the grass on the hillside withered as if they had been frosted.

"Okay, your Qin and Zhao families are originally brothers, they are already dead, it's useless to talk more, let's break up." Feng Er stood between us and separated us violently.

Zhao Heizi snorted coldly, put his fingers in his mouth and let out a sharp whistle, and saw a snow-white ghost horse galloping like lightning from the foot of the mountain.

Mingma is about two meters high, its body is like snow, the blood-red Mingzi is murderous, its mane is burning like a raging fire, its four hooves are shining with purple flames, it is full of vigor and domineering, just like a rare horse. I'm afraid it is no worse than Guan Yu's Chitu God Horse. .

Mr. Feng, take your leave. If there is an order, Mr. Zhao will come!Zhao Heizi turned over and jumped onto the horse's back, yelling "Drive!" Holding a long gun, his black cloak was lifted up and blended with the snow-white horse's back, and he went down the mountain like lightning.

Qisha gun, white horse, and murderous spirit are worthy of being the son of the Zhao family. Finally, Zhao Zilong's glory has been passed on, Feng Er sighed proudly.

A deep sense of disappointment welled up in my heart. In just one month, Zhao Heizi got such a peerless horse from nowhere. As for me, I don’t even have a decent mount. In terms of momentum, I have already Lost to Heizi by far.

Let's go, Feng Er turns around and leaves.

I lowered my head and lit a cigarette, feeling very disappointed.When Seventh Uncle was around, I was praised by others, Jin Taibao, Xiang Yumeng and other big figures in the Yin Division respected me, but now I can only rely on myself.

This person is rebellious by nature, he likes to kill and is fierce, and he will definitely be your great enemy on the road to the king in the future, Feng Er took a few steps and sighed quietly.

My seventh uncle also said this, but I don't understand why the seventh uncle didn't kill Zhao Heizi?

But when I think about it, Uncle Qi is a person who follows the way of heaven, and he has already seen through the vicissitudes of life and the cause and effect of the world. It is not easy to mention a few words to me.

Feng Er has always been taciturn and cherishes words like gold. His sudden exclamation is actually the same as what Uncle Qi mentioned to me. It shows that their hearts are all toward me.

I didn't speak, and went back to the rental house, I asked Shaotian, what did he see on the hillside?
Shaotian said that when the man rushed down the mountain, he happened to be outside, so he followed closely. Then Zhao Heizi said a few words to the man, and the two started fighting. When we arrived, Zhao Heizi had already He stabbed Zhao Dasheng to death.

Heizi is really ruthless. Zhao Dasheng is his uncle. Even if there is no balance between good and evil, it is too unreasonable to kill him so painfully. This is also the difference between him and me. If it were me, I would definitely not Will do so absolutely, I thought to myself.

Shaotian, can you still remember what they said?This is very important, think about it carefully, I took a chocolate candy for Shaotian, peeled off the candy wrapper and handed it to him.

Shaotian happily took the candy, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, tilted his head and thought for a while: "I can't remember, I didn't hear it very clearly, it seems that you are so poisonous... "

You are so poisonous... I felt it carefully, and suddenly felt creepy.

Zhao Dasheng and his son died, and the only people related to the plague snake in Bai Jiayin were Xiao Guo, Mrs. Tuzi, and Qing Meng.

The murderer first used my name to defraud Bai Jiayin, but combined with the poison of the plague snake, he started the Seven Killings.

What is the purpose of the Seven Kills, whether it is to cultivate plague snakes, or to practice evil skills, there must be something hidden in it.

Over and over again, my mind is full of Zhao Heizi's stern and stern figure and his divine horse. Where did Heizi get such a peerless ghost horse?

He went to the Yin Division, that's for sure, because apart from the Yin Division, there can be no ghost horse in the mortal world.

Now that he went to the underworld, how did he come back? After the first battle in the execution ground, black and white impermanence has closed the gates of ghosts everywhere, and even some nobles who have the right to open temporary ghost gates have also revoked this privilege. How did Zhao Heizi get out? Got a penis?Reminiscent of the portrait in Commander Niu's hand, Zhao Heizi couldn't be the one who tripped me up in the shadows.There is also the animal temple, the place he made an appointment with, Zhao Dasheng led the animal ghosts to surprise me, and a series of things, I have a kind of shuddering fear.

It was late at night, and Shaotian was already sound asleep, murmuring in his sleep: "Brother Hurt, Shaotian wants to ride a big white horse!"

Hey, the distance between me and Zhao Heizi is getting farther and farther. I have Zhang Wang Shenbing, he has Zhao Zilong's Seven Killing Spear, and he has a peerless cavalry, but I don't even have an ordinary ghost horse.

Thinking of this, I didn't feel sleepy either, so I simply sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated, pure and pure.

Ever since I reached the master's cultivation base, my cultivation base seems to have entered a bottleneck, making it difficult to move forward.Of course, it's the same for all people in the Taoist sect. In the later stage, it is extremely difficult to improve one's cultivation.

Unless there are fairy medicines, spiritual herbs, or adventures, experiences, or epiphanies, it may be possible to improve.

However, my comprehension is not very strong, and my practice is to prove the way by killing. I think it is because I have been in the secular world for too long in recent days, and the murderous aura has gradually disappeared, which is why I was suppressed by Zhao Heizi in terms of momentum.

Looks like it's time to go back to Taoism.

(End of this chapter)

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