Dart Master

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

The courier shop was closed, and I felt a little uncomfortable. The next day, I came to the door of the courier shop, sat on the steps, and smoked a cigarette out of boredom.

The death of Zhao Dasheng almost cut off all the clues, which made me very worried.

However, I have a premonition that green lemon will appear.Yesterday, Brother Liang was buried. She didn't show up for the whole day. She stayed in the courier shop longer than I did. She didn't even show her face during the funeral. It didn't look like her usual style of dealing with people.

I sat there until noon, but Qing Meng didn't show up, and I was about to leave.A middle-aged beggar wearing a tattered straw hat and ragged clothes sat down next to me, took out shredded tobacco from his pocket, rolled a dry cigarette, and held it in his mouth.

"Nephew, lend me a fire." The beggar stroked the hair hanging on the oily face with his hands, and smiled at me.

I thought to myself, this beggar is so rude, I don't know him before, but he wants to overwhelm me.

But this title makes me feel very close, because Uncle Seven often calls me that when he is happy.

I saw that although the beggar was dirty all over, his eyes were clear and translucent, like the pupils of a baby.

I took out the buddy from my pocket and lit it for him. He was sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette, his bronzed face had a strange vicissitudes in the smoke.

"You are waiting for someone, right? She won't come." The beggar said, slapping the dirt on the soles of his shoes, biting a cigarette.

How do you know I'm waiting for someone? I asked a little puzzled, but after thinking about it, my words were really stupid. After sitting here all morning, no one could see it.

Hi, you're my eldest nephew, I can't tell.I'm hungry, uncle, let's go, get a chicken, let you taste my handicraft of beggar chicken, the beggar put his arm around my shoulder and said with a smile.

I am not the kind of person who is happy and familiar with everyone. On the contrary, because I am a bit dull, I am not good at speaking and communicating. Moreover, these days, I have formed an instinctive defensive attitude towards people.

But for this beggar, I feel very relaxed, maybe because he feels very similar to Uncle Qi, his ruffian, humorous, chic, and even the tone of his speech is almost the same.

After all, I am missing Uncle Qi.

The beggar put his shoulders on my shoulders, chatting with me one after another, and kept bragging about how delicious the beggar chicken he made was.

I didn't ask him what his background was, and I just listened quietly while he was talking.

Soon, the beggar led me to the vegetable market in Xiling District, which is also the place where Zhao Heizi used to sell dead people's things.

I thought to myself, it seems that he is really planning to buy chickens.

The beggar walked through the market and got into a remote alley. This alley was criss-crossed, miscellaneous, and very troublesome.

For this kind of alley, I have an instinctive sense of fear. I always feel that there are some weird things in this deep ancient alley, so that I often get lost in the alley here when delivering express delivery.

But the beggar is very familiar, humming a ditty, turning around here and there, then walked to a dilapidated old house, pointed and said, "Here we are!"

"Buy a chicken and travel so far?" I couldn't help asking.

The beggar put his middle finger on his mouth and lowered his voice with a smile, shhh, we are stealing, the stolen chicken is delicious.

After finishing speaking, he rolled his eyes and pointed to the wall several meters high next to him.

Most of the residents in the Jiangdong area received government subsidies and moved out early. Because of the lack of popularity, this area is even more gloomy, and only a very small number of elderly people stay here.

This house is obviously old, and the walls are covered with moss. Because the surrounding houses are very close together, the lighting is very poor, even in broad daylight, it is gloomy.

Especially the house in front of me, the courtyard wall is more than three meters high, as if it is completely closed, it looks very strange.

When I looked at the door, I didn't know who was sticking to it. It bared its fangs and claws, looking fierce and vicious. It was not a traditional door god at all.

I really don't understand, why does this beggar have to come to this house to steal chickens, isn't he free?

Just as the beggar was about to go up the wall, he suddenly thought about it and said with a playful smile, "Nephew, you go up first."

I thought he wouldn't trick me, but I didn't think too much about it. With a sudden effort, I jumped high and climbed over the high wall. As soon as I got on the wall, I felt a sharp itchiness in my palms.

When I saw it, the moss on the wall started to squirm, and it turned out to be a guardrail formed by countless maggot-like blue bugs.

It looks like a Gu worm!
I have experienced so many things, and I am not as flustered as I was before. I cut my palm with my nails and dripped blood on the wall, and the moss immediately receded like a tide.

Well, I yelled at the beggar angrily, if it were someone else, I'm afraid I would be poisoned to death, obviously this guy knows that I am not afraid of Gu poison.

Hehe, my eldest nephew is the best, he is also sloppy.

I jumped into the yard, and the inside was gloomy, as if shrouded in a layer of mist, a little hazy.

The beggar jumped in, looked east and west, and then walked into a small room on the east side.

People who raise Gu have one thing in common, that is, cleanliness, and here is no exception, there is not even a speck of dust in the room.

The beggar rummaged around for a while, took out a photo from the board wall under the bed, and threw it to me casually, my nephew, I don’t have any memory.

I saw that the photo was exactly the same as Brother Liang's picture hanging in the house. It was obvious that the owner of this house had a very close relationship with Brother Liang. Thinking of this, I became vigilant.

Hey, didn't you say you came to steal chickens?I asked the beggar.

The beggar blinked, that's right, the chicken stealing I said is a chance, you know?Opportunities are all stolen, otherwise you will lose that day.

Just as he was talking, the door creaked open.

The beggar pulled me to open a small crack in the window, squinted and looked out, hey, look, isn't this opportunity stolen?

I saw that a woman came in pushing a small cart outside the door, but it was not the woman with the tumor.

The tumor on her head was getting bigger and bigger, and it hung heavily on her shoulders. It was red, with thin gray hair growing on it, and it made people have nightmares at night.

The woman picked up the bucket for collecting rotten meat, fish bubbles and other sundries from the trolley, and walked slowly to the hut to the west.

After she went in for about half a minute, the beggar gestured to me, motioning me to follow him.

He gently opened the door and walked towards the west hut. As soon as he approached the hut, he heard the woman making that weird retching sound.


The beggar blew lightly with his mouth, and the window of the hut on the west was cracked. The window was locked from the inside, and there were curtains.

Big nephew, look!said the beggar.

I leaned into the gap and took a look, oh my god, I almost scared the soul away.

The old woman took out a skull from a small jar next to it, smashed it into powder with a hammer, sprinkled it into the bucket, and stirred it with her hands.

After stirring for a while, the old woman took bloody pig lungs, tumor meat, chicken skin, fish bubbles, etc. from the bucket and stuffed them into her mouth.

This feeding like a ghost made my hair stand on end, and when she was eating, the big tumor on her shoulder throbbed violently, even shaking her head from side to side.

What was even more frightening was that she made that retching sound while eating, as if she was eating the most unpalatable food in the world, but she had to eat it.

I had long expected that there was something wrong with this old house and the woman, but I didn't expect that she would be such an evil Gu master.But this pretense of oneself is too appalling.

"These kinds of live and animal debris that have been processed by human hands are called Baijiaza. The skulls of people who died violently are combined with Baijiaza to conceive evil spirits." The beggar said while watching.

I didn't see him open his mouth, and the voice came to my ears faintly. It seems that this guy is not only a thief, but also a master.

The tumor on her head wouldn't be a problem too!I asked.

The beggar shook his head, you are stupid, do you even need to ask?Have you ever seen someone with a tumor that can control the body?
I suddenly thought of that photo, could this woman be Zhao Dasheng's mother-in-law, Zhao Liang's mother, and Zhao Heizi's aunt?
(End of this chapter)

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