Dart Master

Chapter 233 Immortal Journey Rubbing

Chapter 233 Immortal Journey Rubbing

"It's so exasperating, Shaotian, follow me into the Tang Sect." I was in a state of chaos at this time, and I shouted awe-inspiringly.

Zi Yi held me back and said gently: "No harm is necessary. The Tang Sect has always acted in a strange manner. We are here to ask for help. How can we be rude? The Tang Sect Master asked us to wait for three days, so let's just three days."

"Three days, but your condition..." I looked at her lovingly, a little worried.

Zi Yi said angrily: "Look at you just said that you are not angry, don't worry, isn't it just three days?"

I could only give up the idea of ​​entering the Tang Sect, carefully helped Ziyi into the carriage, fed her some elixir and supplements prepared by Murong Yu, and after she fell asleep, Shaotian and I stood outside the carriage down.

In ancient times, Liu Bei paid homage to the thatched cottage three times. Perhaps the head of the Tang Sect was trying to test me.

Thinking of this, my heart also calmed down, and I quietly waited outside the village with Shaotian.Not long after, Shaotian was sleepy, so I asked him to hug a thin blanket from the carriage, spread it on the ground and sleep together.

And I leaned on the carriage silently and smoked Xichuan's unique spicy tobacco leaves. After coming to Xichuan, I haven't smoked for a long time.

Uncle Qi said that smoking just misses the feeling of being a "human being". Once you step into Taoism, you will often be completely out of touch with the world, and smoking is always a reminder that you are still a "human" with emotions and desires.

The night sky was lonely, I looked at the stars in the north, and I missed Uncle Qi in my heart. I don't know how he is now, whether he has found the way to become a fairy in Kunlun.

Seventh Uncle was once the number one master who was closest to the gods of the upper three days, but he always maintained a secular feeling, picking up girls, telling dirty jokes, smoking, and bragging.Thinking about it now, he is enjoying the secular life. Only in this way can he remind himself at any time that there is still affection, righteousness, and love in his heart, and these will not be obliterated by blood, tricks, and framing.

As soon as they step into Taoism, many people will forget that they are human beings, lose their emotions, and think that they are superior and superior to the secular world. Few people can still think that he was also from the secular world.

From the point of view of his state of mind alone, Uncle Qi surpassed many people in the Taoist sect, just like King Zhang, he was once the king of Jiangdong with Uncle Qi, but he would never be as free and easy as Uncle Qi.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the gate of Tangmen's villa was always closed, no one came in or out, and the whole villa was lifeless, which made people very uneasy.

On the third night, there was still no movement in the village.

"Whether Sect Master Tang sees or doesn't see you, there must be an explanation." I said loudly to Zhuang Zhong with enough energy.

He yelled three times, but Zhuang Zhong didn't respond.

"It's disgusting!" I punched the stone lion outside the gate, and the lion's head shattered.

Just when I was about to force my way into the village, the door opened and Zhuang Ding came out. He was surprised to see that I smashed the stone lion.

"King Qin, the sect master has an invitation." Zhuang Ding said hastily.

I was finally willing to see you, I suppressed my anger, and Shaotian supported Ziyi to follow Zhuang Ding and walked towards the village.

Zhuangzi was not very big, and after a short time, he came to a quiet small bamboo forest, and there was a simple little medicine shed in it, and the fragrance of medicine could be smelled from a distance.

Zhuang Dingyin retreated here by himself. Before I reached the door, a middle-aged man in a coarse long gown came out.

But seeing that this person's hair was neatly scattered behind his head, his eyebrows were high, and his gestures and gestures had the air of a hermit and fairy. If he was not wrong, he should be Tang Tingfeng, the head of the Tang Sect.

"Junior Qin Wushang, I have met Tang Sect Master." I bowed respectfully to pay respects.

Tang Tingfeng arched his hands: "You don't need to be polite, King Qin, you have been waiting for these three days, come, let Yaolu talk."

After entering the medicine hut, there is a big cauldron inside, the fire under it has been extinguished, but smelling its fragrance makes one feel refreshed and the blood flow unobstructed, obviously it is a high-quality elixir.

"King Qin came to my Tang Sect. I already knew the reason for it. The medicine is almost finished, and the only thing that is missing is the medicine." Tang Tingfeng pointed to the medicine house, stroked his beard and smiled, with extremely proud eyes.

I was overjoyed and quickly asked, "How did the sect master know that I was coming to ask for medicine?"

Tang Tingfeng sat down on the small mat, sighed and said: "Although I live here in seclusion, I still have heard about major events in the Taoist sect. King Qin entered Sichuan, and Yundu City was in chaos. With Murong Bei's means, he will definitely use me Tangmen’s Binghuojueming Powder, I originally prepared this medicine for King Qin, but I never thought it was this girl.”

Speaking of this, Tang Tingfeng felt Ziyi's pulse, nodded and said: "Well, this girl's self-cultivation is also extremely high. Although she has been poisoned, she still has a chance to be saved."

I hurriedly thanked him, and smiled at Ziyi, feeling very grateful in my heart.It seems that coming to Tangmen this time is really the right one.

Tang Tingfeng opened the medicine cauldron and took out a black pill from it, but saw that the pill was as smooth as jade, exuding a cold luster.

"You three, please come with me. I'll take you to get the medicine, and this girl can take it to dissolve the poison of ice and fire." Tang Tingfeng said.

Tang Tingfeng led us to the hillside behind the medicine hut, but we saw that the hillside was full of rare and exotic grasses, one of which was in the elixir cluster, exuding colorful light, like the king of flowers, unusually dazzling .

"Wow, what a beautiful flower." Shaotian couldn't help exclaiming.

Tang Tingfeng walked up to the spirit flower, and said happily: "King Qin is really blessed. This flower is called Qishenghua, which is a rare and rare treasure in the world. It blooms once every 50 years. And live. Use Qishenghua as a guide to suppress the ice-cold poison, and then supplement it with the elixir of elixir, and it will definitely be completely exhausted."

I didn't expect Tang Tingfeng to be so heroic. According to Murong Yu and Deng Gong, the head of the Tang Sect should be a very eccentric person, which is somewhat strange.

Tang Tingfeng saw that my expression was a bit unnatural, and he laughed heartily, "Did King Qin feel that Tang was too kind? To tell you the truth, I have been waiting for King Qin for a long time. Since King Qin entered Sichuan, I have been waiting here. It was also a coincidence that Qishenghua bloomed, and it happened to be a small gift."

"The head of the sect has something to do, but he can speak frankly. If the junior can do it, he must do his best." I said.

Tang Tingfeng sighed, looked up at the bright moon, and slowly shed two lines of tears, telling the reason in his heart.

Tang Tingfeng's high righteousness is not because of my reputation as the King of Qin. For a person with his personality, even the king of heaven, I will not buy it if he doesn't like it.

There is also a reason why he is willing to give me Qishenghua and the elixir.

When Murong Bei attacked the Tang Sect in the past, due to the resistance of the Tang Sect, after the Tang Sect was pacified, Murong Bei massacred the members of the Tang Sect, and even took away the poison from the town gate.

So far the Tang Sect has declined, Tang Tingfeng led the disciples to escape here, fearing that Murong Bei would harbor murderous intentions again, Tang Tingfeng just drove away the disciples and lived in seclusion here, so Murong Bei did not kill them all.

Although the Tang Sect was conquered by Murong Bei, Tang Tingfeng hated Murong Bei very much.

By killing Murong Bei, I undoubtedly avenged him, so Tang Tingfeng is extremely grateful to me.

But this is not the main thing, Tang Tingfeng hoped that I would find something for him, and this thing has a great relationship with my father.

When I heard it, I was surprised and inexplicable. Maybe this could solve the mystery of my father's disappearance 15 years ago.

The secret that Tang Tingfeng revealed next surprised me even more.

"I was the one who was entrusted by the Huangquan Escort Bureau 15 years ago." Tang Tingfeng looked into my eyes and said word by word.

"What?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"That's right, 15 years ago, I entrusted your father to send a treasure of the Tang Sect to the Nether Mountain of the Yin Division, but in the middle, it disappeared, including your father and everyone in the Huangquan Bodyguard Bureau." Tang Ting said.

Fifteen years ago, despite my mother's obstruction, my father resolutely embarked on the ghost road of the Yin Division. He was poisoned by hungry ghost gangrene in Fengren Village. My father killed other bodyguards, and he himself went crazy. He was trapped in the altar of Baiqiao .

When he was leaving, he knew that he would definitely end up on a road of no return, but he still accepted the order.

For so many years, I have always wondered what it was that entrusted my father to walk on the road to Huangquan, and what made my father so resolute.

Now, seeing that the answer to this mystery is about to be revealed, my heart has become strangely peaceful.

"What treasure?" I asked him.

Tang Tingfeng said: "It's a rubbing book, a rubbing book that can lead to the immortal journey of the upper three days! This rubbing book was left by Zhao Gongming when he became an immortal. He was originally the plague god of the next three days. After becoming the God of Wealth, I deliberately wrote down the path leading to the immortal journey, and asked my ancestor of the Tang Sect to make a rubbing copy."

(End of this chapter)

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