Dart Master

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
"Why did you send such a valuable thing to the underworld?" I asked in confusion.

"You're wrong, it's not that I want to send it, but I received the decree from Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, asking me to send it to the Underworld." Tang Tingfeng said.

"The only person who can find Youming Mountain is your father's Huangquan Escort. Therefore, I found your father and had a long talk all night. He finally chose to take this Escort, but he didn't expect it to end up hurting him."

Speaking of this, Tang Tingfeng smiled wryly, but he never thought that this was a well-planned conspiracy.

Undoubtedly, my father's escort trip 15 years ago had a huge impact on the current situation of the Yin Division, and even the future situation. I suspect that Zhang Wang's arrest and disappearance may also be related to this conspiracy.

How did you know?I want to hear Tang Tingfeng's thoughts.

Tang Tingfeng looked at me and asked back: "Do you think that Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha will come to the mortal world in person?"

I shook my head, of course not, yin and yang are different, hell is not empty, Bodhisattva has lived in Nether Mountain for a long time, it is impossible to appear in the world of yang.

I thought so too, but it was indeed the Bodhisattva who appeared at the time and asked me to do this, otherwise I wouldn't be joking with the fairy picture.

Are you sure it is the real body of the Bodhisattva?I asked again and again.

Tang Tingfeng nodded, that's right, I've never seen a deity so powerful, even if he wasn't Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he was at least not much different from a Bodhisattva.

I will never forget that at that time, the entire Tangmen was surrounded by mountains full of flowers, and even a phoenix appeared, and everything was auspicious. I will never forget what happened at that time in my life.

As for what Tang Tingfeng said, I naturally dare not believe it all. Maybe what he saw at that time was just some kind of evil illusion, which caused him to have hallucinations, and then he believed that the person who asked him to hand over the fairy map was a Bodhisattva.

Moreover, if it is really a bodhisattva, what does he want to do in the immortal journey?Even if there is a fairy way, why not just take it away, but ask Tang Tingfeng to hand it over to my father and send it to Nether Mountain?

There are too many strange things in it, Ziyi and I just looked at each other in dismay.

Shaotian interjected from the side: "Maybe that piece of Immortal Journey is very special, only Brother Wushang can open it."

Ziyi patted him on the head lightly, "Shaotian nonsense, 15 years ago your brother Wushang was still very young."

Shaotian curled his lips, "Isn't Brother Wushang a Buddha and Bodhisattva? Shaotian is not talking nonsense."

Tang Tingfeng frowned and thought for a moment, "Perhaps this little brother is right, because about this fairy road, the patriarchs of the past generations have passed it down. Although it is a fairy map, it is a map of Zhang Folu."

"When Zhao Gongming became a god, the upper three days and the lower three days of yin and yang had long been separated. He was originally the plague god of the west, lived in the west, and communicated with the western blissful world. Perhaps this is the path he followed."

When Tang Tingfeng said this, I became even more confused. Even if I am the blood Buddha Mara, and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also a Buddha, he can naturally open this map of the Buddha's path. Why did he let my father go through it? Isn't it superfluous?

"This matter is indeed a bit suspicious. I still remember that Qiuwen once said that the evil eagle was originally the remnant soul of Lord Yan, but now it has all three souls and seven souls. It is very likely that it was done by someone with great supernatural powers like Bodhisattva. Also, the hungry ghost gangster has disappeared in the world for so many years, but suddenly reappeared, isn't it all very strange? There is also King Zhang, the number one god of the underworld, protected by many Yin gods under his command, but he was captured in Yasha City If it wasn't for someone with great supernatural powers planning behind, how could everything be so coincidental?" Zi Yi analyzed softly.

"Ziyi, are you doubting the Bodhisattva? You must not speak in vain." I said solemnly with a serious expression on my face.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the only Immortal Buddha in the next three days. His cultivation reaches the heavens and saves all sentient beings. It would be unbelievable if all of this was premeditated by him.

Ziyi coughed and smiled and said, "See if you are in a hurry. I am a member of the evil sect. If I don't worship Buddha, I will naturally speak freely. I'm just talking, don't take it seriously."

"Hey, what happened 15 years ago was indeed too strange. Mr. Tang's skills were low. Apart from poison and institutions, the Tang Sect was no match for you cultivators. These matters about immortals, Buddhas, ghosts and gods can only be entrusted to King Qin. Mr. Tang hopes King Qin's ability to find the rubbings can be regarded as a wish that has been fulfilled for so many years." Tang Tingfeng said.

It is indeed not easy for one person to keep such an important secret for so many years. After Tang Tingfeng finished speaking, the expression on his face relaxed a lot, as if he had unloaded the burden of many years.

I nodded, "As entrusted by the sect master, I will naturally do my best."

While talking, Ziyi coughed again, Tang Tingfeng quickly picked off the Qishenghua, took its pistil, ground it into powder, took the pills into a bowl of water from a bamboo tube, melted them in a small bowl, handed them to Ziyi and said: "Drink Drink this bowl of decoction, and the girl's illness will be cured."

Ziyi took the medicine bowl and was about to drink it when two blood-red streams of energy flew from the flowers, one shot at Tang Tingfeng and the other shot at Ziyi.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, I no longer cared about protecting Tang Tingfeng, and with a loud shout, the Huangquan knife in my hand suddenly met Qi Jin who was shooting at Ziyi.

Ding Dong!

The powerful energy hit the Huangquan Knife heavily, far beyond my imagination, and I was knocked back six or seven steps before I could stand firm. Fortunately, I finally blocked it and escaped for Ziyi.

However, before I could recover my breath, another burst of Qi pierced through Tang Tingfeng's head from the side, and hit Ziyi's pill just right.

The pill shattered in response, and the potion was immediately scattered on the ground.

Zi Yi was stunned, tears flowed from his eyes, and his whole body was trembling.

The murderer obviously didn't intend to kill Ziyi, but shot down the medicine bowl in her hand. The shot at Ziyi was a false move, but the real intention was to penetrate Tang Tingfeng's head.

Plop, Tang Ting fell to the ground in the limelight, his strong energy burned his soul, and he died inexplicably without leaving a last word.

The accident happened so suddenly, I looked at the shattered bowl and felt my world spin for a while.

It's over, all hope is over, there may be no antidote for Binghuo Jueming Powder in the world, Zi Yi glanced at me, his face turned pale, his body went limp, and he fainted in my arms.

I looked up to the sky and roared!
Why did God take away this only chance when Ziyi was about to get rid of the poisonous clutches.

Come out, get out, I roared towards the flowers.

A figure slowly came out from among the flowers, his whole body was covered in a black robe, only a pair of blood red eyes were exposed, looking at me coldly.

Why?Why would you ruin a chance you had so hard to get?I pointed at the man in black and asked coldly.

Looking at the unconscious Ziyi in my arms, my heart felt like a thousand arrows piercing my heart, and the pain was unbearable.

I can't understand why he would do this, he had to put Ziyi to death.

He didn't speak, I gently put the purple clothes among the flowers, and slowly stepped forward, the anger, hatred and murderous intent were brewing to the extreme, and the Huangquan knife slashed at him with a roar of dragon and tiger.

Out of anger, I almost used all my blood, just wanting to chop this nasty guy into a pulp.

Seeing Ziyi fainted, Shaotian was also extremely angry, raised his golden halberd, and attacked the man in black with me from left to right.

The man in black sneered, and stood on the spot as steady as Mount Tai, until my saber energy hit his face and the Shaotian Golden Halberd sliced ​​towards his head, then he turned slightly sideways.

His movements are accurate to the slightest, no matter how my and Shaotian's move, he can avoid them dangerously, his movements are crisp, quick, and not messy, compared to Murong Bei's goshawk shape, it seems magnificent , his is simple and practical.

After avoiding me and Shaotian more than a dozen moves, he still stood where he was, as if he had never moved.

"The halberd technique is good. The golden boy's body technique has a shadow of Bodhi's school, but it is still too vulgar." He sneered, and with a flick of his fingers, Shaotian's golden halberd instantly disintegrated. He didn't lift it up in one breath. Ass sits on the ground.

Obviously he didn't want to kill Shaotian, Shaotian was pointed at, unable to get up for a while, sitting on the ground gasping for breath.

"Give me back my purple clothes!" I slashed wildly with my knife, it seemed useless in front of him.

His strength is too much higher than mine, completely one in the sky and one in the ground, I can only hack like venting hatred, venting the anger in my heart.

"The saber technique is too poor, the murderous aura is not enough, the blood is not thick, and the hostility is not enough. No wonder even Murong Bei, who is only half cultivated, can almost kill you." While dodging, he commented on my saber technique.

(End of this chapter)

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