Dart Master

Chapter 250

Chapter 250
Once Wucheng is reduced to the city of cat demons, these cat demons will spread like a plague, forming an army of cat demons. It is less than half a month before they leave the gate of hell. It is the disaster and the enemy of the whole Taoism.

Damn the cat and the woman, I will kill them tonight, I turned cold and roared angrily.

Feng Er's expression was very solemn. Now that the whole city is under martial law, cats are so fast that it is impossible to guard against them. The plague is also spreading at an uncontrollable speed. There are cats meowing everywhere on the street, and ambulances one after another Constantly transporting the wounded.

The worst thing is the hospital. Infected cat demons are also a great threat to doctors. Several hospitals have become gathering places for cat demons due to the infection of doctors.

Fortunately, these cat demons are just in their infancy. Although they are extremely fast and have sharp claws and teeth, they don't have any evil cultivation and cannot stop the intense firepower of the army.

"Hey, I'm afraid it's over for Wucheng if it goes on like this. I've already reported to the higher-ups that the army around Wucheng has been secretly ordered to seal off the city." Feng Er said sadly.

I know very well the meaning of the word blockade, maybe Wucheng will become the second sealed village.

"Don't worry, Mr. Feng, there is always a solution to everything. Is there a kind of talisman water or some kind of elixir that can remove the vicious cat poison in the patient's body?" I asked thoughtfully, resting my chin.

Fierce cats can be regarded as fierce monsters in the Xuanmen, but in the Xuanmen, except for the strange poisons such as Binghuojueming Powder and Tianlang Poison Water, which have no cure, most of the poisons can be cracked by those with advanced cultivation. Law.

Feng Er's thick eyebrows were squeezed together into inverted eight eyebrows. As No. 981 No. [-] person mediating between Taoism and secular world, if Taoist monsters harmed a whole city of people, it would undoubtedly be a huge insult to him. Because his duty is to protect people in the secular world from the persecution of Taoist evil spirits.

Feng Er silently looked at the night sky: "The vicious cat comes from Nieyuan, and there is very little information that can be found. If your seventh uncle is here, with his resourcefulness, he may be able to come up with something different. Right now, the old man has asked the genius doctor The aristocratic Nangong family rushed to Wucheng, hoping to find a way to break the cat demon."

The damned mastermind behind the scenes is simply inhumane. In order to compete for the judge of the ghost world on the day when all ghosts go out at the gate of hell, he would not hesitate to use a fierce cat to slaughter living beings. It is really outrageous.

"Mr. Feng, you are in this town, I will go meet the fierce cat." Looking at this dark city, I felt an inexplicable heartache.

Feng Er shook his head, "No, the green talisman hasn't arrived. If you go now, you might be in danger. To deal with such evil things, talismans are better than your spells and swords."

I looked at the time, and the ion time was getting closer and closer, but there was still no news from Yue Linghao, so I asked Feng Er, could he be blocked outside the city?

Feng Er shook his head, the old man had already said hello, this should not be possible, just afraid that someone would stop Xiaoyue on the way, our opponent is far smarter and vicious than the old man imagined.

I felt a chill in my heart, this is really a troublesome thing, the opponent knew that Feng Er had come to Wucheng, so he adjusted his deployment and let the fierce cat mess up the city.

He would also have guessed that Feng Er would send people out of the city to find helpers. If Yue Linghao was cut off with his ancestor's green talisman on his body, it would undoubtedly make things worse for us.

While talking, the helicopter suddenly landed on the roof of the police station, and a young man in a blue gown walked out of the hall surrounded by several 981 guards.

Except for Bai Chaoyang, I have never seen a man with such a pure aura. He has a handsome appearance, a gentle manner, and a peaceful aura exuding from his whole body, making people feel comfortable like the warm sun in winter.

"Mr. Feng, my junior Nangong Yifeng, I pay my respects to Mr. Feng and King Qin." He bowed respectfully.

"Where's your grandfather?" Feng Er was obviously surprised when he saw him for the first time.

Nangong Yifeng smiled and said: "The old man went to Kunlun, so only the younger generation can come."

"Okay, then let's see the patient first, you must have seen it on the way here." Feng Er asked.

Yifeng nodded, and the three of us walked to the hospital. In the ward of the hospital, patients suffering from cat poison were tied up and guarded by the military and police. As long as there was an uncontrollable poison, the soldiers would respond to the order. Without hesitation, he shot and exploded the patient's head.

Feng Er walked into a ward. On the ward, there was a strong soldier in camouflage uniform. His clothes had been torn, and his strong muscles were like horned dragons, bulging with the attack of the vicious cat.

"Yifeng, this patient is a soldier. He has persisted for three hours and has not yet had an attack. He is the most resistant among these patients." Feng Er said.

Nangong walked to the patient's side. The patient had already grown a lot of cat hair, but he hadn't completely turned into a cat demon. At least his face was still human.

"Mr. Feng, I am in so much pain, please help me, my head is about to explode."

He struggled desperately, although his fingers were close to his thigh, but the flesh and blood on his thigh had already been scratched.

Nangong looked at him silently, smiled faintly, and chanted a mantra in his mouth, and saw blue runes slowly slipping from his eyes and falling between the patient's eyebrows.

His eyes were like magic, calming the manic patient.

The pure blue aura in Yifeng's eyes wandered around the patient, and he frowned slightly: "It's so weird and vicious, I've never seen such a strange thing."

"Yifeng, tell me." Feng Er asked.

There are nine different kinds of toxins in his body, some are for attacking the heart, some are for attacking the soul, each ray of poisonous gas can change his body.

Could it be that the cat demon has nine lives, because the cat contains nine kinds of violent poisons, although these poisonous gases have different specializations, but they are entangled together, ordinary people can't tell the difference at all.

I understand what Yifeng is referring to. The poison of the nine kinds of fierce cats can change the patient's body structure, soul, and even living habits in all aspects.

Nangong Yifeng was able to analyze the patient's toxicity so clearly with just one glance, it was truly a masterpiece.

"Yifeng, do you have a treatment plan?" Feng Er asked.

Nangong Yifeng frowned and said: "Mr. Feng, I would like to give it a try, but I must know the nine kinds of insidious poisons, each ray of poison will bring specific feelings to the patient, the speed of the poison's spread, and the strength of the poison. Only in this way can I prescribe the right medicine. , Prescribe the medicine at the right time, otherwise if there is a slight mistake, your life will be lost."

"Everyone who has been poisoned by cats will gradually lose their minds, unable to express their feelings clearly at all." Feng Er frowned.

Nangong Yifeng was a bit confused: "I want to test the poison myself, but if I die, no one will be able to detoxify me."

I said loudly: "Let me come!"

Nangong Yifeng quickly waved his hand: "If there is anything wrong with King Qin's ten thousand gold body, Yifeng will be to blame for his death."

I smiled and said, "It's about time, saving people is the most important thing. Besides, my own antibody is very strong, and I can experience the feeling brought by each toxin in a more detailed way. If my blood can resist cat poison, that's even more important. It couldn't be better."

"King Qin, don't be careless. The fierce cat comes from Nieyuan, which is the scariest place. This cat is so poisonous, Yifeng begs King Qin not to take any risks."

I patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, if mere cat poison kills me, Qin Wushang, that would be too small of me."

Speaking of this, I asked Feng Er to take me to a ward with the most serious illness. The patient was originally an old woman who was locked in a completely closed ward, but at this moment she has completely turned into a cat demon.

The green eyes prostrated on the ground exuded a cold murderous look. I took a deep breath and stretched my neck over. on my neck.

The neck is where the arteries are, and the poison can spread the fastest.

Severe pain came from my neck, and I could clearly feel that a cold liquid seeped into my blood from her mouth.

The old woman sucked my blood greedily, let out a cat growl, and tore my neck.

I didn't resist either, and let her crazily spread the cat poison to me, and the blood flowed down my neck and into my clothes.

"Enough, enough." Seeing this, Nangong Yifeng struck out suddenly, slapped the old woman's furry face, and killed the cat monster with one palm.

(End of this chapter)

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