Dart Master

Chapter 251

Chapter 251
At the same time, I saw his fingers making quick strokes, tapped my neck a few times, stopped the bleeding, took out a patch from his pocket, and was about to stick it on the wound.

I tilted my neck to stop him, "No, you can observe the wound to see if there are any signs of decay, which can also be used as a reference for treatment."

Nangong Yifeng sighed and said: "King Qin really has a heart of benevolence and righteousness, Yifeng bows to him."

Yifeng and Feng Er took me to a quiet room, and I sat quietly on the hospital bed, feeling very uneasy.

It would be a lie to say that I am not afraid, because I found that after seeing Sirius Poison Water and Binghuo Jueming San, I discovered that blood veins and natal Gu cannot cure all the strange poisons in the world.Moreover, my own body has never been strong enough, even far inferior to Murong Zhan's domineering body.

When the cold toxin that the cat demon bit my throat penetrated into my blood, I already knew that the cat poison of the vicious cat was extremely poisonous.

"Wu Shang, how do you feel now?" Yifeng asked me.

I answered truthfully, a little panicked, and felt chills all over my body for no reason.

Yifeng quickly wrote it down, and Feng Er continued to observe me.

When I was speaking, my voice trembled a little, and my hands and feet seemed to be scratched and crawled by countless ants. Slowly, the feeling became more and more itchy.

"Itchy, unprecedented itchy!"

At this time, I was wearing a pair of tights for observation, and I could clearly see that as the huge itching spread, the pores on my body were like a dense layer of goose bumps, and the cat hair was exposed from the pores It's a bit sharp, and it's growing weakly at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye.

My blood and Gu poison don't seem to have much resistance to the fierce cat's poison.

This was only bitten by a cat monster. If he was directly bitten by a fierce cat, the toxin would probably spread even faster.

"Wu Shang, you, are you alright?" Feng Er asked me worriedly, there was unprecedented panic in his eyes.

I felt that my reaction was slowing down, and a strange cold began to flow slowly from my blood vessels. Wherever the strange cold went, the blood disappeared, and as the blood swam around my body, I was a little numb.

"Now I don't feel itching anymore, it's very cold, very cold, I, I feel a little unbearable." I blinked vigorously, trying to circulate my blood energy to dispel the extreme cold, but found that I couldn't raise even a trace of strength.

I unconsciously lay on the bed, lying on my stomach like a cat, curled up, it seems that only in this way can I feel better.

No injury, no injury, Feng Er realized that I was involuntarily changing my cat-like characteristics, because within half an hour, the cat hair on my body was already more than an inch long, pricking my hand like steel needles.

Yifeng is quickly recording my symptoms and feelings.

The feeling of lying down is really wonderful, my mind seems to have become chaotic and blank, and some horrible things are poured in crazily.

My eyesight also began to become blurred, and I felt a little dizzy looking at Feng Er and Yi Feng, but their hearts were extremely clear, which made me have a strong desire to cut them open.

No, Mr. Feng, Wushang is about to change, Yifeng yelled.

His soul is about to be assimilated by the poison of the cat demon. There are evil thoughts in the poison of the cat demon. This kind of thought will attack people's three souls and seven souls. A cat demon controlled by a vicious cat.

After all, Yifeng is a family genius doctor, and quickly found the pathology through my symptoms.

"Woo!" I started to go crazy, looking at Feng Er and Yi Feng, there was a kind of inexplicable hatred, and I let out a strange cry that even I could not imagine.

"Golden needle!" Feng Erlang said in a loud voice.

Yifeng handed the golden needles to him, Feng Er's face turned cold, his hands were as fast as lightning, and the dense golden needles kept piercing the vital points on my body, especially the top of my forehead, more than a dozen needles were pierced.

As soon as the golden needle entered, I immediately felt severe pain all over my body. After a while, I felt it again. My eyeballs were sore and tears flowed down. Slowly, the shapes of Feng Er and Yi Feng became clear.

"Is it better?" Feng Er asked me.

My hearing was still a little fuzzy, he asked me a few times before I realized it and nodded.

"I have a splitting headache, so uncomfortable." I said.

Can you not feel bad?Thanks to King Qin, you have a strong soul. If you were an ordinary person, you would have lost consciousness by now, Yifeng said.

Speaking of this, he took a mirror and showed it to me. I saw that the whole body was covered with cat fur, and the pupils were full of blood. Obviously, it was the trace of cat poison left after the soul was suppressed by golden needles.

I tried the blood energy in the dantian, but it still didn't work, my body was cold and itchy, obviously his golden needle only restored my soul consciousness, but it failed to expel the cat poison from my body.

I put down the mirror in some horror and asked Yifeng, is there any result?

Yifeng nodded, after observing with my pharmacist's eye, there are nine cat poisons in your body, these cat poisons attack three souls and seven souls, making people lose consciousness, and subconsciously regard themselves as a cat.

In addition, these cat poisons are also accompanied by evil spirits. These evil spirits can change the human body, so that people can completely transform from the body to the soul in a short period of time, and completely become a cat demon.

"Is there a cure?" I asked.

Yifeng smiled and said: "Since the pathology has been found, there is a way to save it. One is to fix the soul and the other is to exorcise the evil spirits."

"The qi of expelling yin and evil can be used in the medicine king Sun Simiao's thousand gold prescriptions. To expel wind and evil, use black and white two creams, supplemented with the blood and hair of dragon and tiger, and use yang to transform yin. Just use Laojun's Nine Suns Soul Suppressing Mantra, Mr. Feng is an expert, so he naturally knows it."

Feng Er said happily: "The Nangong family is indeed a miracle doctor. These two methods are not difficult. Cat poison can be cured, haha."

I was a little puzzled and asked: "What is Baishuang and Heishuang? Tiger blood is easy to find, but how can we get dragon blood?"

Feng Er and Yi Feng glanced at each other, and laughed loudly, "King Qin, the blood of dragon and tiger is the blood of people who belong to the zodiac of dragon and tiger. Extremely heavy, paired with black and white Ershuang, Yama will be worried when he sees it."

In order to quickly suppress the disease, Feng Er mobilized the military and police, and blood was drawn from all those who belonged to the dragon and tiger zodiac signs.

At the same time, I followed Yifeng to the homes of ordinary people in Wucheng, and each family went to ask for black and white Ershuang. It turns out that black frost is the bottom ash from the big stove at home. Things are transformed, so they can exorcise evil spirits.And the hoarfrost is actually the salt on the black wall, especially the corner of the old mud brick house.

I asked Yifeng, Sun Simiao's Thousand Gold Prescriptions will still record these folk prescriptions?Yifeng told me that the medicine of our ancestors is extensive and profound, and this is a foreign prescription, that is, a prescription that cannot be put on the table.Of course, I am better at the pharmacist mantra, using mantras to cure diseases.Combining the two into one, ordinary diseases are not a problem, and it can cure people, ghosts, demons, and gods.

The Nangong family has always been famous in Xuanmen, no matter good or bad, they respect their family extremely, if they can get his help, they will undoubtedly have an extra life in the future.

But I can see that Nangong Yifeng is very indifferent to fame and wealth, if he is asked to join me in building a great cause, he will most likely be rejected.

I asked again, whether Ziyi’s Binghuo Jueming Powder could be detoxified, and the result given by Yifeng was almost the same as Mr. Feng’s answer. Formula, dare not prescribe medicine at will.Unless it is a rare flower like Qishenghua, Netherflower, Yaochi lotus, etc., which has the ability to bring the dead back to life, it can be forcibly expelled to save life.

Right now, the night demon has merged into my soul, and using nightmares to hypnotize Ziyi is the best way in the world to protect her from poison.

Because the more poisonous it is, the poisonous gas will become deeper every day it is delayed, and if it is delayed for a long time, even if I can find the Nether Flower, it may be too late.

The Night Demon is extremely afraid of cats. Ever since I was poisoned by cats, he has disappeared, silent in the eyes of the Night Demon, not daring to show himself.

It took a while to get Black and White Ershuang, and by the time everything was ready, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Feng Er planted the method of opening an altar in the yard, declared the decree, worshiped the Supreme Lord, and then melted a large bowl of water with the Nine Suns Soul-Suppressing Charm to assimilate the black ash at the bottom of the pot and two drops of human blood from dragons and tigers in a bowl.

"Boy, let's test the medicine. Whether it works or not depends entirely on you." Feng Er said.

(End of this chapter)

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