Dart Master

Chapter 274 Zhao Dongyang's Answer

Chapter 274 Zhao Dongyang's Answer
"Mr. Feng, I hope you don't reveal my suspicions about Zhao Heizi to him." I stood up and shook the soot off my body.

Feng Er hummed proudly, "Don't worry, the old man has his own measure."

When I was about to walk out the door, Feng Er called me: "Tomorrow, support forces from all sides will gather in Jiangdong. According to the usual practice, the shaman must come to roll the roll. If the judge's order does not appear by then, the old man hopes you I can fight for the judge."

Feng Er still has some tricks. The ghosts may not agree with me, but they dare not offend him, unless they don't want to live in the ghost world.Feng Er can completely eliminate their ghost status, so if they want to rely on catching ghosts, feng shui for a living, or going to hell, they will lose this qualification.

But because Feng Er is not a judge, and he doesn't have a judge's order, he can't order them. Now it is a time of peril, and he will definitely elect a new judge to rule the chaotic Taoist ghost world.

"Mr. Feng, isn't he afraid that I, an evil person who will eventually become a puppet of the Blood Buddha, will grow up?"

I laughed out loud and walked out of the police station. Feng Er is not Uncle Qi, he will support me unconditionally and trust me.He only has Taoism in his heart, and he has a clear distinction between good and evil, so how could he trust me, a blood-clothed sect, with all his heart?

Feng Er's face was ugly, obviously he knew the unwillingness and helplessness in my heart, but he didn't answer me, because I was destined to be evil.

In fact, sometimes, I am really wronged. I put benevolence first and have justice in my heart, but I treat the world with benevolence, and the world treats me like a devil.This painful feeling is like a cup of bitter wine, which is unspeakably bitter and difficult to swallow.

Many nights, I will be sleepless all night because of this entanglement.

The happiest time for me was the moment when I swallowed the evil spirit of Heisha God, my whole body seemed to be liberated. At that moment, I was truly an evil person worthy of the name, an unprecedented joy.

I walked out of the police station to dispel distracting thoughts in my heart, called Shaotian, and asked him to call back the fierce cat.

Since the fierce cat is a fierce beast, after signing the blood contract with Shaotian, there will be a kind of blood connection.

I used to have this feeling with Xiao Xie too, but since he was taken away by the Blood Sea Empress, the feeling between me and his blood contract has gradually disappeared.

Thinking of this, I feel a little worried, and I don't know how this little guy is doing now. With the growth rate of his blood baby kid, he should grow up very quickly in the sea of ​​blood.

Soon the fierce cat came back and told me Zhao Dongyang's home and whereabouts.

"Let's go, let's meet Zhao Dongyang." I put down the vicious cat, and it quickly led the way.

As martial law will soon be enforced in Jiangdong, citizens have received news from major radio and radio stations. The city that never sleeps is now deserted on the streets.

Zhao Dongyang's home is in a luxurious villa area on the west side of Jiangdong. As he is in charge of logistics, he has made a lot of money over the years, so it is not surprising that he lives in a villa.

There is a gossip mirror hanging on the main entrance of the villa, but compared to ordinary people's mirror, Zhao Dongyang's mirror has spirituality, and is extremely sensitive to people from the Taoist sect who are full of vitality.

Obviously, this is a very cautious person.

I smiled slightly, and swiped my finger on the Night Demon's eyes, sucking out a stream of cloudy Yin Qi from the Night Demon's eyes, covering the gossip mirror.

The gossip mirror suddenly became turbid. The night devil is a very special thing, and the gossip mirror can't tell it apart, so it will be invalid.

After breaking the gossip mirror, I melted the anti-theft lock instantly with blood fire, opened the door and walked in, signaling Shaotian and the vicious cat to wait for me outside.

The villa was very quiet and dark.

I walked to the second floor, and the fierce cat and Shaotian were waiting outside the door.

The living room on the second floor is very large, with light yellow lights inside. Zhao Dongyang was drinking when I went up.

When I went upstairs, he was not surprised at all, and pointed to the chair opposite, "King Qin is here, sit down!"

From his address, he has admitted that he is a Taoist, otherwise he would not call me that.

I sat down, folded my arms and didn't speak, watching him drink and eat slowly.

After he finished eating, he wiped his mouth, lit a cigarette, put his hands on his temples, and said with a wry smile: "Look, life in this world is so beautiful. I have money, money that I can't spend in my life, but I know that all of this It should all be over."

I looked at the photos hanging on the wall, it was his family portrait.

"Send off your wife and children." I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, when I closed this game, I knew that I couldn't escape death. If you don't kill me, he will kill me to silence you. A mere Principal Zeng as bait can only delay you for a couple of days at most." It's been a few days, but you're here sooner than I thought."

"You are from the old Zhao family!" I said.

He laughed and said: "Sometimes I really wish I was an ordinary person, but I can't help it. Although I am a side branch, I have to be involved in Taoism. Every descendant."

"That's right, Mr. Zhao has the power to reach the heavens. He already knew that your Zhao family would produce such a great person as Zhao Heizi. He could even use himself to sacrifice himself, let alone your descendants." I said.

He lowered his head and smiled wryly, and flicked the cigarette ash with his fingers, "Qin Wushang, you are wrong. When it is revealed, you will understand. I will not be the first victim and I will not be the last."

"Where did Ziyi go?" I asked.

He smiled knowingly, "The Black King sent her to a place that you will never think of. You have to know, it's very simple. When you dominate the evil sect and have enough strength to compete with the righteous world, you can save her." , now stop wishful thinking."

"Why are you doing this?" I suppressed the anger in my heart and asked him coldly.

He stood up, put his hands on the table, and looked down at me with a ferocious smile on his face: "Why? Isn't this simple? It will drive you to a dead end, so that you will never be able to gain a foothold in Xuanmen, like a bird crossing the street. Rats can only live in dirty corners full of evil people, and even their breath smells like blood, do you understand?"

"You unscrupulous lunatics!" I stretched out my hand and grabbed his neck, Zhao Dongyang didn't have the slightest fear, instead he looked eager to be relieved.

"Kill me, kill me." He laughed ferociously.

I let go. For a lunatic who wants to die, killing him doesn't make much sense.

"Anyway, I won't live long. As long as I die, my family will be safe. And I hate this kind of bloody hands. I hate the Zhao family's blood flowing in my veins. "He slammed his fist on the table, and the whole table suddenly shattered.

Because he didn't use his vitality, blood seeped out along his hands and dripped on the floor, which was also shocking.

It can be seen that Zhao Dongyang enjoys life in the secular world very much, and the whole villa is also very elegantly furnished. This is a very warm family, but now he is ruined by the black king, leaving his wife separated and living in a boundless world. in pain.

I don't understand that what the Zhao family left behind was He Zuxun, who let his descendants do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

"Qin Wushang, you can't beat him. He will slowly devour you like a wild wolf. If I were you, I wouldn't deal with this group of hypocritical decent people and just be an evil person to my heart's content. , how nice it is." Zhao Dongyang said.

I sneered, and grabbed his collar: "You are really loyal to the black king. You are still persuading me for him when you are dying. Do you want to know my answer?"

"I won't let you get what you want. No matter good or bad, it will only be in my hands. I will compete with your black king for every inch of land and every heart. I will never die!"

He laughed out loud, and the tears of laughter almost flowed out, "Yes, you are really a man of character, if you can kill the black king, you'd better smash this lunatic to pieces, so that I will die Just feel at ease."

I have never seen a person hate his leader so much, how cruel the Black King must be, to drive his brothers of the same clan to such a desperate situation.

"Whether Zhao Heizi is the black king, tell me quickly." I asked.

(End of this chapter)

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