Dart Master

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

In fact, I have already guessed that it will probably be Zhao Heizi, but I need a definite answer, because that is very important to me, only in this way can I wipe out the last trace of love for him in my heart.

He laughed dryly, and looked at me sinisterly, "Qin Wushang, aren't you the Blood Lotus King God? Guess it yourself?"

"Tell me, who is he? Is he the damned Zhao Heizi?" I was tired of guessing riddles, so I asked him madly.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not, you will never know the answer." Zhao Dongyang looked at me with sad eyes.

I kicked him hard with a whip kick in the air. Zhao Dongyang hit the wall like a rubber ball, and blood sprayed out from his mouth.

It seems that he really wants to die, otherwise, with his cultivation base, how could he have no defense at all.

"Is it him?" I almost roared angrily, "You, you won't know..." A relieved smile flashed across Zhao Dongyang's face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a black air flowed from him His divine inspiration seeped out, he slipped against the corner of the wall, and died.

Zhao Dongyang committed suicide by taking poison. He didn't tell me the truth until the end, which made me extremely angry and helpless.

I just wanted to hear him tell me yes or no, but didn't expect that to end up like this.

The black king is not Zhao Heizi, is there anyone else?Or is it just a code name, or an organization?What exactly is the ancestral training of the Zhao family?
My scalp was numb for a while, I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, trembling with anger.

Zhao Dongyang was relieved, this damn guy!

A bloody fire flew out of my hand, and burned his body to pieces. I took out a bottle of Volga from the cupboard and drank it wildly.

I smashed the wine bottle, knocked open the floor-to-ceiling windows and jumped directly upstairs, landing on the turf.

"Brother Wushang, what's wrong with you?" Shaotian asked me.

"It's okay, go home and sleep, let's watch a good show together tomorrow." I wiped the drink from the corner of my mouth, looked at the night sky with cold eyes, and said coldly.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and it seems that I will never be able to penetrate the endless darkness. I am exhausted, but I have to grit my teeth and continue to grope forward in the darkness.

On the fourteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, martial law was officially established in Jiangdong. The military and police stationed at every intersection, every 50 meters, and blocked the residents in their homes.

Tonight, everything in Jianguan will determine the life and death of Jiangdong tomorrow night.

Sword Pass was set up to commemorate the year when Uncle Seven defended Jiangdong with more than 100 Yinmen who died in battle. In that year, Yingui almost wiped out all the Yinmen in Jiangdong ghost world, so this grand pass was established. The pass is the last line of defense against ghosts entering the city.

Jianguan set up a platform in the morning, elected judges, ordered soldiers and generals, and arranged defenses.

Feng Er sat on the main seat, drinking tea, with an extremely dignified expression,
The first ones to arrive at Jianguan were the Yinmen from Jiangdong. These guys changed their usual lazy appearance and sat cross-legged in yin and yang Taoist robes.

Because the leader and judge of their ghost world will be elected tonight, it is undoubtedly a big event for the ghost world.

"Cai Xiaoqi, head of the Cai family, led five hundred sailors to protect the Dharma!"

I only heard a few cannons coming from the riverside. Cai Xiaoqi was wearing a gorgeous brocade robe and a white cloak outside, with a bun on his hair and a folding fan in his hand. A hundred elite players came over.

Although the Cai family is an escort like my old Qin family, but because they are in the Jingxiang Xuanmen area, they are protected by the ancestor of the water god, and they are also a rich family with the surname Cai. Outside of the demons of Dongyin, the most elite navy.

I am on the left of Mr. Feng, and Zhao Heizi is on the right.

Seeing Mr. Cai Xiaoqifeng was overjoyed: "With Ms. Cai's navy, the waterway is safe, but I don't know why Mr. Ma didn't come."

Cai Xiaoqi said respectfully: "Mr. Ma got the decree of Guan Shen and went to Kunlun. Since he left in a hurry, he could only ask me to convey it to Mr. Feng."

Feng Er nodded, and Cai Xiaoqi came over again and greeted me.

When she saw Zhao Heizi, she just nodded slightly as a gesture.

Zhao Heizi's resentful and cold eyes flashed past Cai Xiaoqi, and he cupped his hands indifferently.

Cai Xiaoqi sat down at the seat next to me, and said quietly while drinking tea: "When I came to Jiangdong, I met Brother Bai, who was busy planning the matter of Lord Yan for King Qin, and asked me to tell King Qin that the ghost world You must lose it, don’t take it to heart, by the way, this is what he gave you.”

After Cai Xiaoqi finished speaking, he took out three small kits from his sleeve and handed them to me, then smiled mysteriously: "Remember, don't open them until the critical moment."

I looked at her fair and heroic pretty face, and said with a smile: "My good boy, I really think of myself as Zhuge Liang."

The news of Cai Xiaoqi warmed my heart, yes, even if the whole world betrayed me, wouldn't I still have Bai Chaoyang as sworn brother?
"Are Patriarch and Bai Ling okay?" I asked.

"The old ancestor is running out of time, just because he misses Lord Yan and insists on seeing him again, but I'm afraid he won't make it through the end of this year. Bai Ling is taking good care of him, so she can't come to accompany you." Cai Xiaoqi said sadly.

I felt sad for a while, although the patriarch of the Bai family and I didn't see each other very much, but when I thought of the meritorious veteran who followed the Seventh Uncle and Zhang Wang in the past, he would soon be on the job, and I couldn't help but sigh.

I only hope that Uncle Qi can come back from Kunlun soon, fulfilling the last wish of the ancestor.

I put away the kit, and chatted with Cai Xiaoqi for a few more words. Zhao Heizi saw that we wanted to have a good chat, and sneered, "The Cai family and the Qin family have never had any contact with each other. They are deadly enemies. I didn't expect to sit together like this." We had a great chat."

"Enemies should be resolved rather than tied. Now that Taoism is in trouble, all aspiring sons and daughters should share the same hatred and be as close as brothers and sisters, so as to survive the catastrophe. Brother Zhao thinks what the younger sister said makes sense?" Cai Xiaoqi politely said laughed.

"That's right, if everyone in the Taoist sect can be like Xiaoqi, why worry about the injustice of the heavens and the inconsistency of people's hearts." Feng Er stroked his beard and laughed.

Zhao Heizi couldn't refute it either, and looked at me with a sneer, "Wu Shang, your popularity with women is pretty good, I hope your purple-clothed girl won't be sad or sad."

When Zhao Heizi said this, his lips did not move, obviously he also knew some kind of secret language.

In front of Mr. Feng, I couldn't get angry, so I smiled at him immediately, and responded to his shameless threat with silence.

To deal with this villain, force is not the only solution, the only way to shatter his self-esteem little by little, leaving him nowhere to stand, like Murong Xue's life would be worse than death, and lingering on, is the most enjoyable method of revenge.

"Penglai Pavilion, Master Yandonglou led a thousand cavalry to protect the Dharma!" With the sound of cannons and the call of the master of ceremonies, a group of elite cavalry from the land came to Jianguan like lightning. It is the majestic Yandong Tower.

"Penglai Pavilion, Yan Donglou, the chief disciple of Yuqing Pavilion under Zhang Tianshi in Longhu Mountain, has met Mr. Feng." Yan Donglou feared that others would not know his illustrious background, and shouted awe-inspiringly with a smile on his face.

This guy is so rampant, he doesn't get off his horse when he sees Feng Er, he looks arrogant, he looks like he is the only one in the world, which makes people extremely annoying.

Feng Er said with a smile: "Mr. Yan has worked hard, please take a seat."

Yan Donglou was sitting on the horse without moving. There was a golden mark between this guy's eyebrows, a bit like a flower, exuding righteousness, because it should be the spiritual consciousness of a certain god.

Good guy, last time I sneaked up on me at the ferry, I was sucked away by my blood Buddha, and there was a stronger one so soon. people.

"Wu Shang, you can give the seat to Mr. Yan." Feng Er is a person who has seen the world, and when he saw Yan Donglou sneered at me, he said immediately.

In front of so many people, I would have killed this kid without hesitation in the past, but now I am no longer the reckless Qin Wushang I used to be.

Cai Xiaoqi looked at me a little nervously, pressed her jade hand on my arm, and shook her head lightly, apparently she was also worried that I would lose my composure and ruin the Jianguan meeting.

"Mr. Yan, don't come here without any problems. You look good. It seems that the Bai family has grown a lot after parting ways. Please!" The third chair of seven.

Yan Donglou raised his head and laughed wildly, "Thank you, Brother Qin, for your concern. If there is a chance tonight, I will definitely learn from Brother Qin again."

Speaking of this, his eyes were like a wolf's, looking at me with a murderous look.

(End of this chapter)

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