Dart Master

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
I sneered, "Eunuch Liu is a master of supernatural powers, and he is also the favorite of Empress Yin, so I naturally follow your lead."

Naturally, I was speaking in anger, I want to see how much this damned eunuch can do in Jiulong Cave.

The inside of Jiulong Cave is extremely quiet, the light inside is dim, moss and talc are densely covered, and there is the sound of dripping water all around, which makes people feel a little hairy.

The further you go in, the darker the light, the more intense the smell of water mold, the air gradually becomes thinner, everyone's breathing is a little short, and the whirring sound is very clear.

Feng Qianshang held my hand tightly, her palms were a little sweaty, and her expression was a little nervous.

I lightly shook her palm, motioned her to relax, and at the same time opened the Aoki Divine Book.

Although the Qingmu Divine Book does not record the place where the real dragon lies in the Nine Dragon Cave, it is recorded in the cave in the early stage.

It is rumored that Jiulong Cave was left when Jiulong welcomed Guangchengzi to ascend to heaven, but this is not the case. It is true that there are dragons here, but there are absolutely no nine dragons.The nine holes are one for gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. After five holes are broken, there are four empty holes, four empty holes, three dead holes, and only one is the real dragon's hole.

If my expectations are not bad, the hole in front of me should be the first hole, the water hole!


As we went deeper, everyone's clothes were soaked, and the more we walked in, the water droplets were like rain. At first I used my vitality to dry the water stains on my body, but as the water droplets became denser, I simply gave up this idea.

On the other hand, Feng Qianshang kept consuming sword energy to resist the rain. In the eyes of Liu Gonggong and others, this was a very stupid behavior. After all, water is not a miasma.

But I understood Feng Qianshang's deep meaning, and I was even a little moved.

She didn't want her clothes to get wet and show her graceful body to others.Evil women, although they usually look rough and bold, once they have a lover, they tend to think of the person in their hearts and gradually become traditional.

They often break with hatred and love thoroughly, and even cherish the relationship between two people more than the young men and women in the secular world.

In Taoism, there are only cheating men and very few cheating women.Feng Qianshang regards me as a man, so naturally she doesn't want others to see her wonderful body.

After walking in for about half an hour, the guards could hardly see the light clearly, so they could only light the ghost fire.

The purple fire of the underworld fire is very faint, far inferior to the vulgar fire in Yangjian, which is the kitchen king fire.But its advantage is that it will not be destroyed by water or wind.

Under the bright purple light, there is a narrow corridor in front of you, which can only allow two people to pass side by side. Since Jiulong Cave has been a cave for a long time, water drips all the year round, and the water in the corridor almost covers the calf.

The end of the corridor was dark, like a big black mouth, which could swallow and tear everyone up at any time, exuding a strong sense of crisis.

Grumpy Grumpy!

There was a strange sound in my ears, as if someone was drinking water in a jar, and I felt like something was wriggling.

But looking around, it's hard to see anything weird in the corridor, it's really evil.

"Everyone, be careful, there's something wrong with this ghost place." I looked around and reminded everyone.

Eunuch Liu is a bold man with high art skills, he is one of the most evil masters, even if there is a ghost in front of him, he can still compete with each other, naturally he is not afraid of mountain monsters and ghosts.

"King Qin is making a fuss, isn't it just a cave? What else can there be?" Eunuch Liu turned his head, his pale grimace was full of disdain and ridicule.

I'm too lazy to talk to this dead eunuch, he will naturally look good later, "Brothers in the back, be more vigilant."

After walking for a while, Eunuch Liu stopped, and I stepped forward to see that he was looking at a corpse.

The corpse's clothes had long since rotted, and the whole body seemed to have been burned by something. The skin was all rotten and bloody, but judging from the bits and pieces, it could be seen that it was a disciple of the Tianxie Sect of Chen Ji and his party.

Chen Ji is a very cautious person, since she decided to take the risk herself, naturally there are quite a few people under her command.

But along the way, she seems to have lost several people.

I walked up to Wang Ze and asked in a low voice, "How did Yang Feng escape into Jiulong Cave?"

Wang Ze said softly, "With Han Zuo envoy here, he is proficient in Qimen Dunjia and the art of the five elements, and only he dares to enter the Nine Dragon Cave. If it were someone else, he would have died a long time ago."

I asked again, "Have you seen the clues left by Han Qing?"

Wang Ze shook his head and said, "Not yet, and right now it's just a blind man groping his way through the dark."

The Nine Dragon Cave is my chance to verify Wang Ze's loyalty. In fact, so far, I haven't seen any mark of Baihuamen left by Han Qing.

Eunuch Liu reached out his hand to stick some saliva on the corpse, put it in his mouth and smashed it, frowning slightly, looked around, did not speak, and continued to open the way ahead.

I don't know how many years this dead eunuch has lived. Naturally, he has more experience in Taoism than us. I am happy that he will open the way ahead.

After turning a corner, the water got deeper and deeper, and it was knee-deep, and the cave kept ticking like rain.

But the grunting sound mixed with the sound of raindrops became more and more intense.

Suddenly, there was a scream from behind me!
It was the voice of the guard who walked at the end. The screams echoed back and forth in the secret cave, and those who heard it felt hairy.

I hurriedly looked back, and the last guard had disappeared, and the torch fell on the water, burning vigorously.

"What's going on?" I asked.

The remaining two guards shook their heads in fear and looked around with torches. The top of the cave wall here is not high, and as far as their eyesight is concerned, they can see the whole picture at a glance, and they didn't find anything unusual.

Where have people gone?What about the Ajia people?One of the guards screamed, scratching his hair, looking frantic.

I can understand him. Anyone who encounters this kind of situation will probably be scared to death.

Don't move, I'll go and have a look. I bent down and groped in the water for a while, but I didn't find any traces. The guard seemed to have disappeared from the world.

"Forget it, isn't it just a waste? There's no need to look for it." Seeing that we were wasting time, Eunuch Liu urged impatiently.

As soon as Eunuch Liu's words fell, a human face slowly seeped out of the cave on the stone wall. When we saw that human face, we were all extremely surprised. Wasn't it the disappearing guard A Jia?
Ajia's body fell into the water, and his life had already been cut off. Like the dead body found before, he seemed to be soaked in something extremely acidic. Outside.

I looked at the corpse a little bit, he seemed to be swallowed by some kind of monster, and then spit it out, especially since the Tianling cover was lifted, and the brains inside had already been looted.

The Nine Dragon Cave is indeed extremely dangerous, no wonder Lian Yinhou and Chen Ji didn't dare to rush in before, but they just entered the cave and encountered such a strange thing.

You must know that Ah Jia was the last to walk, and in just a few seconds, not only did he lose his life, but his body was shifted, but I looked around, and there was no ghost.

Could it be that this mountain wall would eat people in the first place?I thought to myself.

"Gululu!" The strong bubbling sound became more and more clear, as if mocking us.

I reached out and touched the stone wall. It was sticky, like paste, and it was indescribably disgusting.

"Xiaozhi, be careful." I pointed at the cave wall, and pulled Feng Qianshang back to the end of the line, letting the two frightened guards walk in the middle.

After walking forward for a while, there was gradually light in front of his eyes. Eunuch Liu was overjoyed: "I finally found the exit. It's really not easy."

Just when he was about to take that step, the surrounding mountain walls squirmed.

Those sticky mountain walls seemed to come alive, crowded together, making a lot of noise, the mountain wall suddenly sealed off the exit, trapping everyone in the middle like making dumplings.

"My eunuch has lived for so many years. I have never seen any monsters and ghosts. If you dare to act wild in front of me, you are looking for death!" Eunuch Liu's complexion darkened, and he shouted awe-inspiringly.

I saw two fire clouds appearing in the palms of his hands. With a wave of his hands, the fire clouds spread to the surroundings. The stone walls that were originally gathered together were roasted by the fire clouds and made strange screams of pain.

Suddenly, a black muddy hand poked out from the mountain wall and grabbed Eunuch Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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