Dart Master

Chapter 362 Black Water River

Chapter 362 Black Water River

How can there be life on the cliff?This is absolutely impossible, even in the land of the earth spirit crystal, there is no strange soil that can eat people.

When I was wondering, there was a grunt, and in the soft mud, the strange hand grabbed Eunuch Liu's Tianling.

Sure enough, there is a small mountain monster hidden in this stone wall. There are all kinds of wonders in the world. In this water cave, there is originally enough water and spiritual energy.

However, due to the extremely dark atmosphere in the Yinshan Mountain, there have been countless ghosts and ghosts from all over the years. The Jiulong Cave, which was originally full of spiritual energy, has become a dark cave, a place where ghosts hover.

Eunuch Liu obviously didn't expect that there would be such a monster hidden in this layer of soil, and he was caught off guard, and the cloak on his head was scratched instantly.After all, he is one of the best masters in the world. He sank his head and drank a lot. With five fingers in his hand, the nails instantly rose by more than ten centimeters, grabbing the monster's arm like steel pliers.

"Come out!" Eunuch Liu roared, exhaling his fiery energy, and a ball of red fire rushed straight along the monster's arm.

Only a grunt was heard, and the monster was pulled out of the cliff by Eunuch Liu, revealing its face.

I've never seen such a ridiculous thing before, this guy is black and not slick, looks like a monkey, but has no tail, and a pair of dark green eyes are rolling around.

"This is a mountain spirit, who likes shady and cool places. It is cruel by nature and likes to eat brains. The mountain spirit can resist the shady soil, obtain its elixir, and use it as medicine to improve human health." Introduction to Dragon Cave.

"I don't know how many years this mountain spirit has practiced Taoism, but seeing that Yuyintu can do whatever he wants, he should have inner alchemy." I was thinking quickly in my mind.

Among all things in the world, human beings are the most difficult to forge alchemy, because human beings have the seven emotions and six desires, and they eat whole grains, so it is extremely difficult.

But like some mountain spirits and wild monsters, they have a greater chance of absorbing the spiritual energy of the world all the year round.

Another important reason why Yang Feng hid in Jiulong Cave is that there are so many mountain spirits and wild monsters that have become a climate here.

Thinking of this, I screamed in my heart, it seems that I have to hurry up and find this old thief, every day he is delayed, his skills suppressed by the Yin Queen will recover a little.

Before coming here, the Queen of Yin had already told me that the secret method she used to suppress Yang Feng was the Liuhe God Talisman.

Using the Liuhe Dafa, I planted a talisman in Yang Feng's body and blocked his six acupuncture points. Once he breaks through the talisman and recovers his supernatural powers, with my current cultivation, I'm afraid I may not be the opponent of this evil emperor.

"Hey, a mere goblin dares to act presumptuously in front of this eunuch!" Eunuch Liu was about to kill the grunting goblin with his palm.

This guy has already eaten several people, and killing it is a matter of course. Eunuch Liu has a demeanor in dealing with people, and his methods are extremely cruel. Shanjing's heart and inner alchemy were pulled out.

"King Qin, this is a good thing. It nourishes the soul and nourishes the soul. Do you want some?" Eunuch Liu laughed sinisterly, turned around and looked at me coldly.

"Elder-in-law, let's enjoy it slowly." I sneered and refused.

Gulu, Gulu!The mountain spirit hadn't breathed yet, struggling desperately in Eunuch Liu's hand.

"Then my father-in-law will not be polite." Eunuch Liu blew lightly, blowing away the blood foam on the surface of the bloody thing in his hand, opened his mouth to swallow it, and began to chew violently.

When Eunuch Liu was chewing, he held the still-dead mountain spirit in front of his eyes, as if he wanted him to appreciate the cruelty of chewing its internal organs.

Blood dripped down the corner of his mouth continuously, Eunuch Liu swallowed the pill again, and then wiped his mouth in satisfaction.Sure enough, after devouring the mountain spirit's heart and elixir, the ghost aura on Eunuch Liu's body became stronger again, which was extremely frightening.

"It's a pity, the mountain spirit has already taken shape, but was eaten by this old monster." Wang Ze cursed in a low voice, extremely displeased.

I have nothing to do either, Eunuch Liu made it clear that he just wanted to gain prestige deliberately by eating mountain spirits.He himself is a very cruel person, but when there is a life sacrifice, ghosts like them have the habit of eating people's hearts to keep the ghost's body and spirit alive.

Feng Qianshang let out a wow, and retched!
Eunuch Liu glanced at us proudly, and with a slap in the palm of his hand, he killed the mountain spirit who had the last trace of breath, turned around and walked towards the light, and disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

"Xiaozhi, are you okay?" I gently supported her.

"It's okay, I didn't expect Eunuch Liu to be so cruel!"

Feng Qianshang was sent by the Feng family to Empress Yin as a closed disciple since she was eight years old. Eunuch Liu could be said to have watched her grow up. Eunuch Liu was usually considered a fastidious person in the Yin Division, but after witnessing this scene now, it is true that For her, it was incredible.

"This is the real Eunuch Liu. Remember, from now on, he will not treat you as a little master. On the contrary, the Queen of Yin will send him to guard against you and even kill you. You have to be careful."

Eunuch Liu is a very extreme person. Before Feng Qianshang was with me, he regarded her as the little master and took care of her meticulously.But now, once the Queen of Yin is ready to kill Feng Qianshang, the ferocity of this old dog slave will be fully exposed.

Perhaps in his view, our group is like a grasshopper in his hands, which can be killed with just a move of a finger.

The body of the mountain spirit sank in the water, and the hole was wide open. There was a curtain of water in front of him. Under the curtain of water was a series of boulders separated by half a meter, forming a special passage.

Eunuch Liu's figure flashed, and he had already reached the end of the passage. Feng Qianshang and I glanced at each other, and hurriedly chased after him.

At the end, there was a clear sound of running water in my ears. I looked down and saw that there was a cave below. We were standing on the side of the cliff in the cave at the moment, and there was a river beach about ten meters high.

Beyond the river beach, a dark river flows through, and the river touches the bank of the cave, and the sound is clear and clear, like a silver bell.

But seeing the dark river was gloomy, the river water was extremely dark, exuding a chilly air of death.


Feng Qianshang pointed to the distance, and saw a round shell-like thing floating in the distance. Chen Ji, who was dressed in purple, and his followers were sitting on it, laughing at me.

"Nephew Wushang, Auntie, let's go first. By the way, we have left you a scallop boat. The real dragon will see you!" Chen Ji waved at me and shouted.

When I saw it, there really was a scallop boat staying in the center of the river!However, due to the turbulent current of the underground river and the unknown depth, it is not an easy task to drag the boat to the shore.

"You, you two go and drag the shell boat." Eunuch Liu waved his hand and directed the two guards to drag the boat.

The two guards took the order, and they went down the river suddenly. The river was as deep as their chests. However, these two were elite guards, and ordinary currents naturally couldn't trouble them.

The two walked forward for a while, and when they were about to touch the shellfish, suddenly the black air in the water burst out, the two screamed and sank under the water.

After a few seconds, two dead bones floated out of the water, already devoid of flesh and blood.

"Woo! It's black water!" Eunuch Liu sighed, frowning.

"Wu Shang, what is black water?" Feng Qianshang asked me.

I told her according to the introduction in Qingmu Shenshu: "Black water is water with extremely heavy yin energy. When the yin energy is extremely strong, the yang energy will inevitably be swallowed up. When these two first entered the water, the yin energy was not completely Once the yin qi covers the yang qi, the tyrannical yin qi can melt the bones, blood and soul of a person."

It's just a pity for these two guards, even if I helped them escape from the miasma, they died in the black water in the end, which is really embarrassing.

"Eunuch Liu, you are a ghost, I think I shouldn't trouble you." I asked with a smile.

Eunuch Liu sneered, "King Qin, it seems that you know my eunuch quite well."

After knowing that it was black water, Eunuch Liu had no more scruples. He was originally a ghost, with only an incorporeal body and no physical yang energy, so he was not afraid of yin energy adding to his body.

However, the old thief was cautious, he took a deep leap, took off a few feet away and landed firmly in the middle of the shell, slapped his palms towards the center of the river a few times, the black water splashed, and with the force of the reverse push, the shell was stable Dang walked over to the river.

Wang Ze and I exchanged glances, knowing that Eunuch Liu might be even more powerful than we imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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