Dart Master

Chapter 363 Five-color Empress

Chapter 363 Five Color Empress
"Eunuch Liu deserves to be the number one eunuch of the Yin Division, with a high level of cultivation, Qin admires him." I cupped my hands and boarded the shell boat.

When Eunuch Liu saw that I rarely put a tall hat on him, his face became even more smug. He didn't know that I was just paralyzing him now.

Chen Ji's group is not a good opponent, so I happened to use Eunuch Liu, a peerless master, to fight them to the death. In this way, I only need to watch them two tigers fight and reap the benefits of fishing.

The shellfish went down the black water, and the air became fresher the further they went in, and lush dense forests could be seen from time to time along both sides of the river.

"Water grows soil, soil grows wood, the two caves of earth and wood are connected together in this place, everyone, be careful, there are many monsters in the wood." I reminded Feng Qianshang and Wang Ze in a low voice.

In fact, in this Nine Dragon Cave, apart from Chen Ji and his party, there is also Song Qiufeng's hidden forces in the dark. Although I can't confirm whether Song Qiufeng is loyal to me right now, it is undeniable that in this dense forest, everyone wants to be the last one. the titmouse.


The shell boat leaned against the shore, and everyone got off the boat. In front of them was a cave full of various colorful plants, a bit like walking into a botanical garden.

But there is no trace of life in the huge green and verdant land, obviously this is not a good land.

This time, it seemed that even Eunuch Liu felt the air of death, his face was solemn, and he put away his arrogance.

Since this is a land of civil engineering, the soil on the ground is extremely thick, and you can vaguely see chaotic footsteps spreading to the depths of the cave.

"Everyone follow your footsteps, don't leave the team." Eunuch Liu yelled sinisterly, and walked slowly inside.


I vaguely heard someone laughing, so I quickly handed the golden Zen stick to Wang Ze, drew my bow and set an arrow, and there was a bloody arrow towards the place of the laughter.


There was a strange noise among the surrounding flowers and plants. Just when I was surprised, Eunuch Liu screamed, "Let's go!"
At this time, I discovered that countless densely packed colorful spiders came out of the flowers. These spiders were not big, but when Mr. Liu saw them, he was like a formidable enemy.

This old eunuch is a person who has seen the world, so I quickly pulled Xiao Zhi up and ran away.

The flowers and plants at the height of a person are dazzling, and I, Xuehe, followed closely behind Eunuch Liu, shuttling quickly.


The weird laughter behind me seemed to become more joyful, and I didn't dare to stay too long, I followed Eunuch Liu and rushed out of the giant cave of flowers and plants.

There is a piece of brown land in front of me. This cave is like an upside-down iron pot lid. There is a huge space under it. The cave is full of strange rocks, like a hill, and an ancient temple can be vaguely seen in the mountain.

I was covered in sweat all over my body. What people are most afraid of is not the known ghosts and gods, but those unknown things. In the Yin and Yang realms, there are many alien and evil creatures that I have never seen before.

If you are not careful, you may die because of ignorance.

When I looked back, there were densely packed little spiders piled up together, constantly swallowing and swallowing spider silk, and condensed into a huge web, blocking the way back.

Those spider webs are colorful, and they are extremely poisonous at first glance!
"Hee hee! Hee hee, you are dead, you are dead!" The gloomy voice sounded again.

Judging from the dryness of its speech, this should be a monster that has just transformed into a human.

"Whoosh!" I drew my longbow and shot two bloody arrows in a row. The bloody arrows fell into the spider web, like mud into the sea, and instantly disappeared.

Such a powerful spider web, even energy can dissolve it, Wang Ze frowned.

I quickly glanced at the Aoki Divine Book in Soul Sea, and I already knew the origin of this thing, and the method to break it was also clear to my chest.

But since I'm going to Jiulong Cave, I can only move forward. I don't need to try to find a way out temporarily, which will affect everyone's mentality.




"The sound seems to be coming from the temple on the stone mountain! Wushang, could this be a trap?" Feng Qianshang said.

I took a look, the road from Shishan to the next cave must pass through the stone temple, even if it is a trap, I have to force my way.

"Eunuch Liu, the escape route is blocked now, you haven't been scared out of your wits, have you?" I patted the lost Eunuch Liu, and he still shuddered subconsciously.

"My father-in-law has supernatural powers, so why be afraid of it? Huh!" Eunuch Liu snorted coldly, and walked over to the stone temple first.

I thought about it, and finally found the culprit of this dog slave. Eunuch Liu is afraid of spiders. Everyone has their own shortcomings, and most people hide them very deeply.

If it weren't for a coincidence, how could a master like Eunuch Liu expose his weakness?
Perhaps in order to conceal the fear in his heart, Eunuch Liu went to the stone temple first.

The stone temple wasn't that big. Logically speaking, the stone temple should be in a mess in such a deserted place, but this temple was extremely clean.

When we walked into the temple, we saw several colorful bags hanging on the scales in the temple, and the voice for help came from inside.

After getting closer, I realized that this is not a bag at all, but a densely entwined spider web, a bit like a silkworm cocoon, trapping the people inside to death.

The sword of hell comes out, and the world shakes!
With a wave of my long knife, the spider silk hanging on it was cut off, and three spider silk cocoons fell from above.

Eunuch Liu was about to tear the spider web with bare hands, I quickly stopped him: "Be careful, it's poisonous!"

Eunuch Liu is self-confident of his supernatural powers, so he could not listen to my words, a fire cloud appeared in his hand, and the sharp long fingertips were like knives, and he slashed at the silkworm cocoon, tearing a hole open.

As soon as the hole was opened, a colorful little spider bit his finger. Immediately, his hand swelled up, and the ghost hand was filled with colorful poisonous gas.

This kind of poison is generally very corrosive to the soul, and no matter whether there is a body or not, it is difficult to escape its poison.

Eunuch Liu grimaced pale, cursed secretly, raised two fingers, and the black air flashed in his hands, covering the colorful colors instantly.

The skill of this old thing is really high, if someone else was poisoned by this poison, he might be killed on the spot, but there was a flash of pain in Eunuch Liu's eyes, it seems that the poison was not serious, he just suppressed it for the sake of face.

I opened the remaining two spider cocoons with the Huangquan knife, and the people in the two cocoons had been sucked dry, leaving only a layer of dry human skin.

There was only one person left, who kept spitting colorful saliva from his mouth. This person was interesting, with protruding eyeballs, "Help, help me."

I saw spider threads running through his body one after another. With the lessons learned by Mr. Liu,
"Let me do it." Feng Qianshang put on a pair of white silk gloves, and kept away the spider silk. She didn't know what these gloves were made of, but she was not afraid of strange poisons, and suddenly lifted the person out.

"Where did Ji Chen go?" I asked in a deep voice.

The man said with a painful expression: "She took us as a tribute and sacrificed to the five-color empress..."

Five-color empress, I just noticed that this temple enshrines a monster with a human face and a spider body, and the plaque on it says that it is the five-color empress.

"It's ridiculous that a mere little spider demon dares to call himself a queen." Eunuch Liu snorted coldly, and cursed angrily, with his hands behind his back.

"Crack!" Feng Qianshang struck the back of the man's head with his palm, ending his life.

He can't live anymore, and if he stays, he will only be poisoned to death by the poisonous spider, so it's better to give him a good time.

"Hee hee, have you figured out who will be the living sacrifice? My lady, I will only eat three people at a time. If you spoil my sacrifice, one person must stay to offer the sacrifice." The five-color empress stone carving that was originally standing suddenly spoke. Come on.

Eunuch Liu was afraid of spiders, but now he was poisoned by the five-color spider poison. Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to force himself out.

Wang Ze wanted to keep his skills, but kept silent.

"I'll meet it!" Feng Qianshang saw that no one stood out, a nearly transparent Qi sword appeared in his hand, and his long clothes fluttered, and he attacked the stone sculpture.

"It's dark and windy!"

With a flick of her ten fingers, ten Yin swords went straight towards the stone carving, boom!Immediately, the stone carving was shattered, which showed the strength of her sword energy.

Feng Qianshang has the same body of yin and yang, and this is just a yin sword. As for her rare yang sword in the world, it is a top-notch skill. The speed, fierceness and softness of the yin sword alone are enough to outshine all heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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