Dart Master

Chapter 408

Chapter 408
"Oh, what a pity. I thought it would be an interesting show, but I never thought it would be so clear and tasteless." Xie Wang laughed loudly and said loudly.

Jianzheng was still sitting in the corner, he seemed to be used to sitting cross-legged, and the masked guards standing beside him were like stone sculptures, with calm eyes, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with them.

I was lazy to talk to him, I knew he would come up with more vicious ways to test me, he would never be reconciled if he didn't kill me.

Because the situation in the Yin Division is getting more and more tense right now, he has a rare opportunity to come to Yangshi, and he must not miss the opportunity to kill me in vain.

And he decided that I was Qin Wushang, so he naturally knew that such a precious thing as the Zhuan Lingzhu was on me, and the Eight Desolation Cauldron, the Qiankun Bag, and alchemy were also within my grasp, and there were also things like the five-color spider. People who don't know how to live or die are protecting me wholeheartedly.

It's not that he doesn't know the current situation in Yangjian, and I'm the true heir of Uncle Seven and King Zhang.

My existence itself is a huge threat to him pretending to be the Seventh Uncle Yan Jun, so in a limited time, he will extinguish me, the spark that is most likely to start a prairie fire.

"Xie Wang, let's have a sip of tea, the real show is about to begin." Chen Ji brought him some tea, then softly whispered in his ear and asked.

Xie Wang pinched her plump buttocks without any scruples, "My beauty is still caring, don't worry, the next big show will be very exciting."

In just a short contact, the evil king's greed, lust, malice, narrow-mindedness, and stubbornness were all exposed to my eyes.

I suddenly thought of something Chen Ji once mentioned. She said that when my seventh uncle was young, he was indecisive, lustful and greedy.

Uncle Seven and King Zhang also experienced many hardships of life and death before they cultivated a supreme heart, a great saint with great wisdom and benevolence, and almost flawless.

This evil soul, that is, the evil king, may be the dark soul that gathered all the shortcomings of Seventh Uncle.

Therefore, although he has the wisdom, appearance, and cultivation of the seventh uncle, he is actually the dark body of the seventh uncle. Even when he was recast by the "Ksitigarbha" of the Yin Division, these shortcomings were further magnified. up.

"Ksitigarbha" may just want to cast such an evil and evil guy, to join him in evil and become his puppet.

Of course, this is just a guess, and I have no real judgment.

"Hey, the good show is on the stage, that fool is here." Xie Wang pointed to the golden figure that was shuttling in the distant mountains and forests, and laughed loudly.

That's right, I saw it too, that figure that is as light and swift as an ape is none other than Shaotian.

His speed was extremely fast, like a golden ape, leaving only a golden afterimage wherever he went.

This guy's cultivation has improved a lot. Although Shaotian's brain is not good, but because his heart is like a blank sheet of paper, he can learn things extremely fast, and anything can be quickly put into his blank brain.

When Qiuwen took him away from Baihuamen, he might have guessed that he would die in Yinshan, by my hands.

So I passed on the last cultivation of my life to Shaotian. Shaotian is now one of the few people in the world who has inherited the godhead. His cultivation is advancing rapidly. I am afraid that he is not inferior to me who has obtained the dragon spirit body, and even higher. .

It's just that he is not good at fighting, but he is first-class in escaping, otherwise the evil king would not let him run away again and again.

Shaotian soon appeared in a corner of the martial arts arena, and the fierce cat was lying on his shoulders. He didn't rush into the martial arts arena immediately, which meant that the fierce cat was communicating with him.

Because they were so far apart, no one could hear what they were saying.It's just that this fool didn't know that although they were cautious, everything was in the eyes of the evil king.

The martial arts field was as usual, Shaotian observed silently for a while under the reminder of the fierce cat, and finally An Nai couldn't help but rushed to the martial arts field with anger and excitement.

The fierce cat followed closely!

Shaotian swept into the stage like a golden whirlwind, and the guards scattered like fallen leaves under the wave of his natal golden halberd.

Xie Wang stood up happily, with incredible surprise and greed on his face.

"I didn't expect this fool's golden vein to be so pure. If I can get it, my king's two golden veins, good and evil, will surely be unmatched in the world." Xie Wang slapped the railing and said happily.

I can't help worrying about Shaotian, once he is targeted by the evil king, he will be in trouble, how can I help him escape?
Shaotian had already killed him on the stage where the stage was performed. The guards around him saw his bravery, no one dared to approach him, and the foolish boy had no intention of killing anyone. The guards didn't do anything, so he didn't bother to take care of them.

When he saw the crazy monk who had already lost his breath of life, his legs softened and he fell to his knees, looking up to the sky and shouting: "Grandpa, grandpa!"

The crazy monk is not Shaotian's real grandfather, but they hit it off right away, and Shaotian was even taught magical powers by the crazy monk, and the two were even closer than the two fathers.

"Ding dong!"

Shaotian's golden halberd cut off the chain fiercely, took the mad monk's body into his arms, and began to cry loudly.

"Grandpa, wake up, wake up, Shaotian is here to save you."

Seeing him crying with tears all over his face, I couldn't help worrying, this silly boy ran away quickly.

The fierce cat persuaded him to leave by Shaotian's side, but Shaotian carried the mad monk's body on his back and was about to leave.

"Evil King, the idiot is about to run away." A guard at the bottom immediately reminded the evil king.

Xie Wang sneered and said: "Don't worry, he won't be able to leave, Young Master Cao, let me go to the Martial Arts Field with me."

After speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, a guard immediately carried the statue to the martial arts arena.

Chen Ji and I followed closely. I don't know why Xie Wang is so confident. He may not be able to stop Shaotian from leaving. Could there be a mystery behind the corpse?
Sure enough, just after Shaotian took a few steps, the corpse of the mad monk on his back suddenly laughed coldly, raised his hand, and stabbed a golden needle precisely into the back of Shaotian's head.

How could Shaotian have thought that this was a trap set by the evil king, and he was immediately stabbed by the corpse.

Even though he has a body with the strongest golden veins, at such a close range, without any precautions, the golden needles pierced all the vital points of his soul without missing a beat.

There was a sharp pain in Shaotian's head. The pain was so great that even his soul was about to collapse. He had already been severely injured, and immediately spurted blood, his feet went limp, and he fell to his knees on the stage.

"Shaotian!" Seeing that Shaotian was seriously injured, the fierce cat let out a meow, revealing the original shape of the fierce cat, and opened its mouth to bite the corpse on Shaotian's back.

The moment the corpse was bitten, a black air flowed from the corpse, and the originally ferocious mad monk suddenly turned into a corpse again.

The Xie Wang opened his palm, and a stream of black air collapsed. He gently blew it away, and said with a sneer, "You're really a fool, even the mere puppet corpse technique can't tell."

"No, he's grandpa!" Shaotian touched the back of his head, it was covered in blood, he struggled to stand up, and pushed away the roaring fierce cat.

"Shaotian, hurry up, this is a trap!" The vicious cat shook its head helplessly, grabbed the corpses of Shaotian and the mad monk and threw them on its back, and was about to run away.

"If you want to leave, it's too late." Xie Wang and I have already arrived at the side of the martial arts arena.

The ominous cat sensed the murderous intent of the evil king and knew that it had fallen into a trap. Like lightning, it opened its mouth and let out a breath of black air. The guard in front of it was corroded and screamed in pain.

Seeing that the fierce cat was about to break out of the encirclement, Xie Wang opened his palm and shouted: "The blue dragon absorbs water!"

Immediately, a blue-black giant dragon appeared in his palm, tumbling towards the ominous cat that had jumped into the air.

No, it's Uncle Qi's unique skill "Qinglong Jue". I've seen Bai Chaoyang practice the Qinglong Jue before, so I can't go wrong.

Qinglong Jue is a wood vein art, because Xie Wang was the first to get the wood vein of Spring Plague, so he has been immersed in it for a long time.Furthermore, he has the wisdom of the seventh uncle, and he knows all the unique skills of the seventh uncle.

Seeing this scene, I felt unspeakably sad. If Uncle Qi knew that his secret knowledge was used by the evil king to deal with his brother's heir, he would probably sigh endlessly.

The fierce cat only felt the dragon groaning loudly behind it, and was immediately entangled by the green dragon cyclone, so it couldn't move.

Xie Wang sucked in his palm, and the giant dragon grabbed Shaotian and the mad monk violently and dragged them into the martial arts arena abruptly.


The fierce cat let out a shrill scream, shrank its body, rolled several times on the floor, broke free from Qinglong, and jumped to the side of the martial arts arena.The green pupils were full of reluctance to look at Shaotian, and finally screamed strangely, rushed into the group of guards, and escaped like a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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