Dart Master

Chapter 409 May 8

Chapter 409 The seventh day of August
Xie Wang looked at his palm in surprise, "That's right, you can escape from this king's Azure Dragon Art."

However, he was not in a hurry to chase the vicious cat, for him getting a young talent was the most important thing.

Shaotian has already fallen into a coma. The evil king's corpse defense technique, these needles are wonderful, and they should be specially used to deal with souls.

Because he has a body with golden veins and has a peerless battle armor to protect his body, he is the opposite of me, with a strong body and a weak soul.

"Come here, bring the idiot into the Law Enforcement Hall. This king will personally deal with him." Xie Wang raised his hand and said, and immediately his subordinates escorted Shaotian away.

I've gotten used to seeing life and death these days, and now I don't feel the anxiety and restlessness I used to have.

I've already figured it out, Shaotian will be rescued no matter what, at worst my brothers will splatter the Yin Mountain with blood and fight to the death with the evil king.

"How to deal with the dead monk's body?" the guard asked Xie Wang.

"The monk's body is worthless, throw it to the back mountain to feed the wild wolves." Xie Wang said without the slightest emotion.

As soon as he said this, the faces of the people present were all horrified, what a cruelty this is, the crazy monk is also a ghost, leaving a whole body is not too much.

In his eyes, gods are as contemptible as pigs and dogs, and everyone including Chen Ji seems to have seen their own doom.

"Hmph, the evil king's move is too hurtful to the hearts of the world. The mad monk is Qiu Wen, an orthodox Yin god. Aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?" My voice sank, and I shouted coldly.

Xie Wang didn't expect that I would dare to challenge him in front of so many people. He smiled and said: "In the eyes of this king, there are only obedient and rebellious people. This is the fate of rebellious people. Let alone him, it is King Qin Guang. If it falls into my hands, I will escape this fate."

"The evil king is too rampant. Right now, Yin Division is still Zhang Wang's orthodox. Is it too early to say such a thing?" My eyes turned cold, and I confronted him.

"Evil King, the mad monk is dead, and you have taken away the evil golden pulse. I think it's better to leave his whole body and bury him in the back mountain." Jianzheng really didn't like it. Tang people still have the righteousness left by the early ancestors in their hearts.Therefore, I am also very upset with the evil king, but the Juggernaut's decree is to let him judge whether I am Cao San, so he can't force it.

Xie Wang saw that everyone around him looked extremely wrong, and he couldn't hold on any longer, so he had to give up, and asked someone to take a mat, wrap up the dead monk's body, and dug a random hole in the back mountain to bury it.

I glanced at Jianzheng gratefully, if he didn't speak up, the crazy monk might not even be able to keep his whole body.

Jianzheng frowned thickly and glanced at me. I realized that I had made another mistake. Cao San had no reason to help the mad monk.

I am not afraid of the evil king, anyway, he has already determined that I am possessed by Qin Wushang, but Jianzheng is the one who really has a bearing on my life and death. I should have made such a serious mistake in front of him, which made me wonder Yes, he actually spoke for me.

It seems that this swordsman who only accepts death is indeed somewhat selfish.

When I came back from the martial arts arena, my heart was very peaceful. Shaotian was arrested, but he will be fine in a short time.

Since he has golden veins, the Jin family belongs to yang, and is protected by a peerless armor, it is not easy for the evil king to take his veins, but it is inevitable that this silly boy will suffer a little.

I have to find a way to find the evil king's shortcomings, turn the situation around, and not let him lead me by the nose every step of the way.

He has two major drawbacks now, the evil eagle cannot be too far away from the body, secondly, his time is running out, he can't consume me in the world.

I suddenly had an idea, and thought of the bag that Bai Chaoyang left me.

Before I entered the Eight Desolation Cauldron, I buried my Zen staff and important things in the bamboo forest outside the Jiulong Cave.

After the Nine Dragon Cave was re-excavated by Lushi, I took the opportunity to get back the golden Zen stick and the kit. The evil king deliberately slowed down the monitoring of my body out of wanting to catch me.

In addition to not allowing me to go down the mountain and allowing me to act within the shadowy mountain, he wanted me to show my fox tail.

Bai Chaoyang once left me three kits, and I used one when Jiangdong Hundred Ghosts left the customs. Now is the most difficult time for me, so maybe he can give some pointers.

Thinking of this, I opened the second kit.

A few short words were written on the kit, "On the seventh day of the eighth lunar month, vitality will surely appear!"

What does it mean on the seventh day of the eighth lunar month, full of vitality?
Isn't the seventh day of August the day after tomorrow?Is it some special day.

Bai Chaoyang has already got a deep understanding of Seventh Uncle's magical skills. The kit he gave me must have already calculated my disaster today. The kit was able to escape death last time, and this time is definitely no exception.

I really don’t know much about this date, no, I have to ask someone, who should I ask?Chen Ji definitely couldn't leave right now.

Looking for Jianzheng?He is a master of Xuanmen Sword Hall, so he must know something.

Just because Jian wants to protect and monitor me, he lives in the hut not far from me.

He is a very simple person, and he doesn't have any requirements for food and lodging. There is only a small oil lamp lit in the hut, and the flickering candlelight can be seen faintly.

I knocked on the door, and Jianzheng's deep voice came from inside: "Come in!"

Jianzheng's room only has a bamboo bed, and the floor is spotless. He is sitting on the bamboo bed and meditating.

"Cao San has seen the messenger." I said respectfully.

Jianzheng motioned for me to sit down, and he said calmly: "Third Master Cao has been rebellious all his life, unyielding to others, except for the Sword Master, he has never been restrained by etiquette to others."

I knew he was reminding me that this was unavoidable, that Cao San and I were two completely different people.

Cao San is conceited and arrogant, I am humble and righteous, and I always let people catch these details inadvertently.

Jianzheng may have suspected me, but he doesn't seem to have any plans to deal with me. Right now, I am eager to save Shaotian and crack the trick, so I don't care too much.

"A person with a public heart, a person who dares to uphold justice, and has justice in his heart is worthy of everyone's respect." I said rightly.

He was slightly moved, shook his head, seemed ashamed, and then asked me: "Why are you here?"

"Jianshi, I want to ask you something." Jianzheng asked me.

"Do you know what day is the seventh day of August?" I asked him.

"The seventh day of the eighth month?" Jianzheng frowned, and after a moment of silence he said: "The seventh day of the eighth month, isn't it the day after tomorrow? The birthday of the first generation of Yan Luo Wang Jiang of the Yin Division of the day after tomorrow, according to the convention, will die in vain in Nanwangdu A grand ceremony will be held in the city. This day is equivalent to the [-]th day of the seventh month in the yang world, and the Nanwang will open the city gates to allow ghosts and people from all over the underworld to enter the Nanwangdu to pay homage to King Jiang."

The Unjust City of the Northern Kings has always been the capital of King Guang of Qin in the past dynasties. It stands to reason that the birthday of King Jiang, or the major sacrifices held by the Yin Division are all held in the Northern Kings City.

However, because Zhong Tianshi led Tianshi Mansion and Yao Wuxin's animal soldiers to guard the Northern King's Capital to fight the evil king for the final battle, the evil king could only build his capital in the Southern King's Capital, and all the ceremonies were held in the Southern King's Capital.

In order to strengthen the control of the evil king, even black and white impermanence and other underworld officials all moved to the Southern King Capital.

The current situation is turbulent, and on such an important day, Black and White Impermanence does not really belong to the evil king. It is a very dangerous thing for him to stay in the world of the evil king, so he will definitely rush back to the Yin Division on this day. Anti-change.

And I believe that since Bai Chaoyang has calculated that I will be in trouble in Yinshan, he will definitely cause trouble for the evil king and make him unable to sit still.

That is to say, as long as I survive the morrow, the evil king will have nothing to do with me, and can only obediently return to the underworld.

"Why, the young master also wants to go to Nanwangdu to attend King Jiang's celebration?" Jian Zheng asked me.

I smiled wryly and said: "My lord wants to go, but it is not known whether I can walk out of the Yin Mountain alive. Besides, whether I live or die, isn't it just a word from the swordsman?"

Jian Zhengdao: "My son's matter, I have already figured it out in my mind. When the evil king leaves the mountain, you can follow me back to Shenjian Villa."

I was overjoyed in my heart, Jianzheng said that, no doubt he was telling me that he would not intentionally embarrass me.

This guy looks very old-fashioned on the outside, but in fact he is not bad, and he is a respectable swordsman.

"However, in the next day, the evil king will definitely try his best to harm you, so you must be more careful." Jian Zheng said.

After I thanked him, I left the bamboo house and went back to the house.

Jianzheng's reminder is very timely for me. Although the evil king dare not kill me openly, he will definitely use all kinds of small means to assassinate me before returning to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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