Dart Master

Chapter 410 Elder Shang

Chapter 410 Elder Shang

He will do it without leaving any traces, so that even the Juggernaut can't find his excuse and can't do anything to him.

Where will the evil king attack me?
Poisoning is unlikely. If I was poisoned to death in Yinshan, it would be too obvious.Of course, he can inject that relatively slow poison. After I take it, even if I don't die, it will be difficult to accomplish anything in the future.

There is also assassination. Cao San has many enemies in his life. He can make people pretend to be my enemies and kill me in Yinshan.

In the end, he was at most poorly protected, and could put the shit bowl on Jian Zheng's body.

Relatively speaking, this possibility is even greater.

dong dong!

Come in, I said.

The door opened, and Chen Ji walked in lightly, looking very cautious.

"Auntie is so late, is there something wrong?" I asked.

"At midnight tomorrow night, the evil king will leave Yinshan Mountain." Chen Ji walked in and said eagerly.

I pretended not to know, and said happily: "That's great, if he leaves, I don't have to worry about it."

Chen Ji shook her head and said, "It's not that simple. He will definitely give you a fatal blow before he leaves. How much of your cultivation has recovered now?"

I didn't hide from her, and told the truth, "[-]% to [-]%."

"Not enough. Seventy to eighty percent you are definitely not his opponent. I suspect that he will attack you soon. Tomorrow you will be in danger of life and death."

"Auntie, what can I do, the evil king always has shortcomings, please help me." I said.

Chen Ji showed distress and said: "Your strength is too different from Xie Wang's. My suggestion is that you'd better hide at Jianzheng, so that he will have some scruples."

I shook my head and said with a ruthless face: "Tomorrow is his last day in Yinshan, I will never let him leave Yinshan so easily."

Chen Ji was surprised to see that I was not only not afraid, but also had a fighting spirit, "How can you fight him, you won't be his opponent."

"Let me tell you first, I will never help you harm him, this is my bottom line."

"Don't worry, aunt, I can't kill him with my current cultivation, but I will cause him some trouble tomorrow." I said.

Chen Ji said with a worried expression, "Don't be too confident, you are in big trouble right now, the evil king seems to be trying to dement the fool."

"Dementor Dafa?" I frowned in surprise.

This is a method similar to ecstasy. The evil king can't kill you himself, but he will try every means to assassinate you. You'd better be careful, Chen Ji warned.

After speaking, she left in a hurry.

There is only one day left, I must not sit and wait for the evil king to harm me, I must take the initiative to attack.

"Yemo, come out." I chanted the mantra silently, and the nightmob flew out from the Zhuan Lingzhu, turning into a cloud of black mist.

"King Qin, what's your intention?" Ever since he was enlightened by the Blood Buddha, Night Demon has become my real Dharma protector.

"Do you know how to break an insanity spell?" I asked.

Ye Mo thought for a while and said: "The art of instigating souls in the world is nothing but clouds and smoke in front of me. King Qin has the protection of Zhuan Lingzhu, so don't worry about inspiriting."

I smiled and said, "It's not for me, but for Shaotian."

Ye Mo was a bit embarrassed: "I can try, but I don't know if it will succeed."

Ye Mo is a very calm guy, since he opened his mouth to explain, he is at least half sure.

"Okay, it depends on God's will whether it can be achieved. Do you think that with your vajra body and the Wei Tuo Dharma body in the golden Zen stick, the two vajra protectors can defeat the evil king?" I decided to go all out to fight the evil king. After a fight, this guy must not be allowed to leave here so gracefully.

Ye Mo was a little surprised and said: "No way, you want to fight the evil king?"

"The decisive battle will not happen, and he will not really fight with us, but this is a battle to restore confidence. Tomorrow, there will definitely be a battle in the Martial Arts Field that will shock both Yin and Yang worlds." I said.

I thought about it, since the evil king has not cultivated an immortal evil body now, the chance of him appearing in the world of the world will definitely be smaller in the future.

For me, new and old hatred, I have to fight vigorously with him, even if I lose both, I can let people in Xuanmen know that the evil king is not invincible.

"Fight, I'm sure we can't beat him, but I think we can fight him, even if it's [-]-[-], we will win, but the premise is that Jianzheng can't get involved." I hate it so much, Yasha City is now falling again, which is inseparable from the evil king's domineering.

"Jianzheng, I will go talk to him. Tomorrow we will put on a good show, three against one. I don't believe we can't deal with him." I clenched my fists and said coldly.

"Three people, who else will help us?" Night Demon asked.

"Shaotian, he is currently at a high level of cultivation, as long as he breaks his soul-absorbing technique, then the three of us will join forces to deal with him." I said.

Ye Mo thought for a while and said: "In this way, the chances of winning are indeed a little higher. The evil king's cultivation base in Yangjian will be greatly reduced. Why doesn't King Qin use the evil ghost to deal with him?"

I shook my head and said, "Have you forgotten who resurrected the evil king?"

"There is 'Ksitigarbha', I'm afraid that the evil ghost gangster will not be able to deal with him, but will be used by him instead. This thing is extremely effective against others, such as Juggernaut and Boss Xu." I said.

As long as "Ksitigarbha" doesn't take action, the evil ghost gangrene can deal with anyone, but the evil king was created by him alone, and I will never take the evil ghost gangrene mother that I finally got to take risks.

"I still don't know one thing. Shaotian has been detained. We don't know if we can find him. How can we join hands with him?" Yemo asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, Shaotian will definitely show up tomorrow night, and then I will lead him to the martial arts arena, and the good show will be staged." I said with a mysterious smile.

Ye Mo said in a deep voice: "Now is the critical time, King Qin must think carefully, and don't leave any dead ends."

Night Demon returned to Zhuan Lingzhu, and I sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking carefully whether there were any loopholes in the plan.

Soon I thought of the forgotten point, Feng Qianshang was gone.

That's right, since Qiu Wen was robbed of her golden veins, I haven't seen her again. This is a terrible thing.

Could it be that the evil king has already controlled her?

No, I have to find Xiao Zhi. With Xie Wang's cleverness, it is impossible for him to miss Feng Qianshang, because he has already determined that I am Qin Wushang, so how could he miss this good opportunity to blackmail me.

I suddenly fidgeted, got up and walked out the door.

The night in Yinshan is cold and deserted, and the wind is like ghosts crying and wolves howling, making people creepy.

In the Yin Mountain, the disciples of the two sects no longer have the energy to quarrel with each other.Sitting listlessly in the barracks in a daze.

Even I can't control my fate, let alone these little people who have lost their backbone and been abandoned.

"Young Master Cao!" I passed the barracks, and an old man with a gray beard called me.

I have the impression that this person seems to be an elder of the Tianxie Sect. Although he is not as powerful as Chen Fushi and the other three, since Chen Bushi and the other two elders died tragically in the Jiulong Cave with Yin Ji, the Tianxie Sect is Relying on him to gather everyone together so that they will not become a mess.

"My name is Shang Yun, and I am a respectful elder of Tianxie Sect." The old man cupped his hands.

Elder Jingshi is the elder who is responsible for Yang Fengping's plain sacrifice to heaven and some ceremonies. He has no real power, so it's no wonder that he was not seen at the Yinhou's birthday banquet.

"Elder Shang, what advice do you have?" I asked, because I was worried about Xiaozhi's safety, so I didn't want to say too much to him.

Shang Yun glanced around and said, "Can Mr. Cao come in and talk?"

Seeing that he seemed to have something to say, I couldn't refuse it straight away, so I walked into the barracks immediately.

When he got to the barracks, Shang Yun said: "Young Master Cao, save our Tianxie Sect."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Shang Yun said: "Don't Mr. Cao know? The evil king wants to completely destroy Yinshan."

"What's going on? He must be too courageous." I was very surprised. Is the evil king crazy?Right now Yinshan is actually under his control, why would he destroy Yinshan.

"Master Cao doesn't know something. In the past two days, the evil king has secretly sent his men to set up positions around the main altar of Yinshan. I think he wants to use formations to destroy my Tianxie sect and Yinshan faction." Shang Yun said this , old tears, sighing endlessly.

"How could this be? He is really a lunatic." After thinking about it for a while, I understood the reason.

Xie Wang is a person who can do everything well. He knows very well that he can't stay in the yang world for too long, and he also has a fatal flaw that he can't unify the yang world.

(End of this chapter)

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