Dart Master

Chapter 415

Chapter 415
I stood up and said with a proud smile: "I should say this to sir. If there are more righteous people like sir in the world, the evil king will surely be defeated."

"This is my first wife. I'm leaving her with you, sir. I hope you can keep her safe." I pointed to Feng Qianshang who was unconscious on the bamboo bed, and entrusted her.

Jianzheng nodded, "It's just a pity that Jianzheng has a mission and cannot join the King of Qin in killing the villains."

The sword master and the evil king have always lived in peace. Before Jian Zheng received the sword master's decree, he naturally did not dare to set up such a strong enemy rashly.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xie Wang is now the most powerful person in the yin and yang worlds, and his cultivation is so high that it is difficult for anyone to match him. Even the Juggernaut and Boss Xu will not easily make him an enemy.

Since Jianzheng agreed, I am relieved of Xiaozhi's safety.

When I left the hut, the rain had stopped, and I returned to the house, waiting for the last attack of the evil king.

Zishi is getting closer and closer, but my heart has become calmer. It is up to Shaotian whether he can let Xie Wang leave Yinshan in disgrace.


There was a faint sound of footsteps on the roof beams, and I felt a chill in my heart, knowing that someone was coming.

I hope it is Shaotian who came, the evil king will not show up in person, Jianzheng didn't kill me, he already knew Jianzheng's position.

If he takes action himself, Jianzheng can join me in dealing with him in the name of defending Cao San.

The roof tiles shot towards me like raindrops, a figure flipped a somersault in the air, and stabbed me with a halberd first.

I saw that it wasn't Shaotian, but at the moment his eyes were blood red, and there was a layer of black air on his face, obviously he was hit by the evil king's soul-hunting spell.

He didn't speak when he saw me, but rushed towards me crazily.

I saw the golden light shining all over his body, the golden halberd was dazzling, and the golden aura in his whole body was as sharp as a knife, forcing him towards me.

"The geese fall to the flat sand!"

He used all the moves that he would not normally use, now.

I know that the evil king must have used the soul-stirring technique to stimulate all the potential in his body, and now all his strength has been stimulated to the extreme.

I want to stop him as soon as possible, otherwise even if I don't kill Shaotian, he will die sooner or later due to the loss of vitality.

"When the Huangquan sword comes out, the heavens and the earth move!" The Huangquan sword flashed in my hand, and I slashed at Shaotian.

When the swords and halberds met, I felt like I was struck by lightning, and I was immediately blown away by him. This guy is now attacking with all his strength, and because Shaotian has obtained all the inheritance of the mad monk, his strength is not inferior to mine.


Shaotian shouted loudly, a golden battle armor spread out from his whole body, and the golden halberd in his hand instantly soared by Zhang Xu, attacking me with the force of a thunderbolt.

I dare not be careless, his attacks are endless and powerful like a tide, the whole house was broken by his golden energy, even the roof was overturned.

The guards were shocked and ran to report to Xie Wang and Chen Ji, but Jian, who was closest to me, stayed in the hut to protect Feng Qianshang because I had an agreement with him, and did not show up to intervene.

"Good boy!"

I smiled lightly, dodged his golden halberd sideways, and flicked hard on his golden halberd with my fingers.

My flick was not random, it was the vajra finger in the Sutra of Burning Lamps, which has a strong deterrent effect on evil spirits and ghosts. At this time, Shaotian was controlled by the evil king, and the golden halberd waved slightly.

"Sweep the Eight Wastelands!"

But when I saw him laughing wildly, the golden halberd violently flew around his waist, like a whirlwind chasing me and rolling around the room, because his speed was so fast that I had the feeling that he was about to fly.

Under his violent golden halberd wind, the floor of the room rolled towards me like a book page. Although I had a Tianlong body shield, I was still smashed by the endless floor.

I finally understand why Jin Taibao is known as the god of the battlefield, with thousands of troops and horses, no one can stop him.

The Jin family's halberd technique is not like Cao San's swordsmanship, it is tricky and vicious, making it hard to guard against.Strictly speaking, the Jin family's halberd technique is specially used to fight fiercely with one against a hundred and one against a thousand.

Shaotian is like a golden hurricane, if it is on the battlefield, no matter how many soldiers there are, it may not be able to trap him.

This kid really has a high level of cultivation, but he can't use it at all on weekdays. No wonder the evil king will use him as the last trump card to deal with me.

I even slashed twice, but I couldn't break his arrogant smile. What's more, his laughter made me feel a little dizzy.

After all, my strength has not fully recovered now, and Cao San's body is seriously injured, so it is very inconvenient for me to use it. When I encounter a life-and-death battle, this disadvantage will be revealed.

"King Qin, you have to find a way to trap him, otherwise I won't have a chance to break the evil king's soul-hunting technique." Night Demon reminded me in my mind.

I don't know, the problem is Shaotian who is crazy, I can't control him.


I roared angrily, flipped my hands, and a blood dragon roared out, rolling towards the spinning Shaotian.

When the blood dragon met the sweeping golden halberd, I immediately felt a huge counter-shock force coming, "My boy, I don't believe I can't trap you today."

I slammed my legs on the ground, exerting all my strength, the blood dragon roared, wrapped around Shaotian forcefully, and trapped him.

Shaotian let out a frenzied howling sound, his blood-red eyes were full of murderous intent, and as his roar became more passionate, his body slowly swelled up.

I also don't know much about the Jin family's exercises, how great Shaotian's potential is, and how amazing the Jin family's exercises are, this is the moment when I truly see it.

Shaotian's body slowly changed to Zhang Xu, all the clothes on his body were stretched, and his hair stood on end, as if a god descended, majestic and majestic, exuding a violent tension.


Shaotian opened his arms and roared to the sky. The giant dragon that had trapped it finally couldn't hold it anymore, and was crushed by him forcefully.

And I was also bounced away because of this huge counter-shock force, and I was mounted on the wall. The pain was so painful that I almost didn't spit old blood.

"This idiot is really going to kill me." I cursed secretly.

Shaotian was like a king kong giant spirit god, the long halberd struck me, I quickly rolled on the spot, the wall was stabbed by his golden halberd and collapsed suddenly.

It seems that he has to be a little ruthless, and if he is merciful, this fool will have to destroy himself.

I soared into the air, my whole body turned into a river of blood, I rode up against the dragon, and stabbed straight at his face.

A sneer flashed across his face, the golden halberd was folded in both hands, bent like a long bow, and he let go.

boom!With a bang, I was bounced heavily, and this is exactly what I wanted.

Although I suffered some internal injuries from the shock, it couldn't kill me. Taking advantage of this momentum, I flew upside down and clasped my palm on his head.

With a snap, I stuck the water amulet on his forehead.

Suddenly a pure and gentle white light seeped into his body, I turned over again, clasped his hand behind my back, and locked him back to back.

He was struggling like a wild beast, the evil spirit of the evil king was making its final struggle under the purification of the pure aura of the water talisman.

The water god talisman is Cai Xiaoqi's life-saving talisman, which was drawn by the ancestor of the water god of the Cai family. It is infinitely powerful, and water is a spiritual thing.

I don't know the specific effects of this talisman, but the method of water veins has always been spiritual and extremely pure, and it has a great effect on purifying the evil spirit.

This is why Cai Xiaoqi looks like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, after all, she is the innate spirit of the descendants of the water god.

Shaotian struggled desperately, but because his hand was held by me and he couldn't break free, this kid burst out with all his strength.

I know that if I let go, even if he doesn't kill me, the evil king will get him away. After all, Shaotian's Jinmai evil king has always been greedy, and leaving Yinshan this time and taking Shaotian away is part of his plan.


Under his strong struggle, I silently recited the Heart Sutra in the Burning Lamp Sutra, and the Dharma passed from my back to every meridian in his body.

With a two-pronged approach, Shaotian finally stopped tossing, and his eyes gradually became ignorant.

"Night Demon!" I shouted.

The night demon flew out of my Yintang, and went straight into Shaotian's soul sea, a series of strange black runes went towards the evil spirit.

Not long after, Ye Mo flew out, holding a ball of black air in his hand, and the ball of black air writhed and struggled like a bug.

(End of this chapter)

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