Dart Master

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

"I've found it!" Ye Mo spread his hand, pointed at the cloud of black air and said, "This thing is called a soul worm. It grows under the Naihe Bridge. It is a very ancient worm in the underworld. It was originally used by Meng Po to boil It is used to make Mengpo soup. Now it seems that Huangquan Naihe Bridge has also fallen into the hands of the evil king. Meng Po has always been upright, and this bug appeared in the hands of the evil king. Most likely, her old man was also poisoned by the evil king."

"There are very few people in the Yin Division who are enemies with the evil king. Some ancient traditional things may be more controlled by the evil king. It seems that we have to seize the time to develop our forces, open the gate of the Yin Division earlier, and kill the evil king." Go in and wipe out the forces of the evil king." I said with some concern.

The Yin Division is the same as the Yang Dynasty, but the space is different. Just like the Yang Dynasty, there will be many customs and cultures handed down.

It's the same in Yin Division, such as Po Meng's ecstasy soup and so on.

But with the emergence of ambitious people like Xie Wang, these ancient cultures and relics are under their control, and if they go on for a long time, they will probably be destroyed by him sooner or later.

"The evil king relies on this kind of ignorant soul worm to control people's thoughts. This kind of thing is difficult to control, and it has a strong ability to control the soul. If it is not for the water talisman, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to catch it." Ye Ye Mo carefully held the surging black air, as if he had harvested a treasure.

"You seem to like this stuff?" I asked.

Ye Mo laughed and said: "Of course, this thing is very difficult to get. In the Yin Division, there are three extraordinary people. The first one is of course Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva is invisible to the ghosts and Yin Gods of the Yin Division. It is extremely difficult even for King Zhang to see him. The other is the Black Dragon God, the only real dragon in the world today. He inherited the position of Yinglong and became the demon king in the sea of ​​blood. After that, it never appeared again. It is rumored that apart from Zhang Wang, no other Yin god or person has seen it."

"The last one is Po Meng. Po Meng has a weird personality. The Naihe Bridge she controls has never changed no matter who dominates the Yin Division for thousands of years. In the Yin Division, she does not buy from anyone except Bodhisattvas. Even Po Meng doesn't have to accept King Zhang's decree. But now it seems that Xie Wang is an unruly person, and she might be in trouble if the soul worm appears here."

"So, you know how rare this worm is. It is a rare thing in the world that this worm can improve my soul-absorbing technique."

"The evil king uses it to inspirit, just to prevent the insanity technique from being broken and backlashed."

I also understand this point, but most of the spells such as ecstasy and soul-hunting are controlled by the souls of both parties. Once the spell is broken, the caster's soul will also be severely injured.


Shaotian spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood when he opened his mouth, and slowly recovered his sanity.

"Cao San, you, you big villain, I'm going to kill you." Shaotian came back to his senses, took a closer look, his eyes turned red immediately, and he wanted to fight for me desperately.

The crazy monk was captured by Cao San in Jiulong Cave, and Shaotian was there at the time, so how could he not be angry with Cao San?

"Calm down, I'm Qin Wushang." I blinked, and the Huangquan knife in my hand came out.

"Well, what's going on here, why do you have the knife that hurt my brother?" Shaotian was a little taken aback.

I showed him a few more pieces of evidence, and then told him that Cao San was dead, and now my physical body was destroyed, and my soul was attached to Cao San.

After talking for a long time, Shaotian finally believed that I was Qin Wushang.

The kid threw himself into my arms and burst into tears, "Brother Wushang, I thought Shaotian became an unwanted child, and grandpa died."

I patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Shaotian, I will avenge the mad monk, but I need your help now."

"How can I help? As long as I can avenge my grandfather, Shaotian is willing to do anything." Shaotian said.

"It's very simple, you just need to remember that once I fight the evil king, you will smash his statue. Even if you can't kill him this time, we have to dampen his prestige." I gritted my teeth.

"Brother, don't worry, Shaotian promises to complete the task." Shaotian wiped away his tears and snot, and readily agreed.

Looking at his cute look, I couldn't help but secretly sighed, it would be great if he could regain his sanity, in this way, the chances of him joining forces with me will be even greater.

"However, this will make you suffer a little bit, and even be dangerous, are you afraid?" I said with some concern.

"Shaotian is not afraid." Shaotian shook his head and said firmly.

"Okay! Tonight's success depends entirely on you and my brother." I put my arm around his shoulder and patted him vigorously, feeling extremely unbearable in my heart.

"Night Demon, can you play Soul Worm?"

Yemo chuckled dryly, and said with a confident look: "Don't worry, King Qin, when it comes to tricks like soul-hunting, the evil king is not qualified to carry the urinal for me."

After finishing speaking, he found a blank piece of paper and asked me to draw the appearance of the evil king, and then put the soul worm on the white paper, and densely packed weird ancient runes were written around the worm.

I asked him what it was about.

The night devil said that this is an ancient rune of the night devil family, and only a few people in the underworld understand it.What is written on it is a curse, a curse on the evil king.

The ignorant soul worm will be attracted by the curse, and then will regard the person in the painting as the enemy of life and death. In this way, when Shaotian sees the evil king, he will go crazy like just now.

After a while, Ye Mo burned the white paper and told me that the Soulworm had recognized the enemy.

I asked Ye Mo to put the ignorant soul worm into Shaotian's soul again. As soon as the ignorant soul worm entered Shaotian's soul sea, he immediately became murderous and returned to the killing god appearance just now.

This is very risky for Shaotian. The soul is the most important thing in the next three days, but it is also relatively fragile. If you are not careful, Shaotian may damage your soul, and you may be stupid for the rest of your life, or even lose your soul. .

"Since Shaotian had a fierce battle with you just now, he lost a lot of vitality, and now he can only last for a stick of incense at most. That is to say, even if we can't defeat the evil king within a stick of incense, we must Give him the greatest damage." Ye Mo told me.

I have planned all this, even if it is [-]-[-], I will win tonight. It is impossible for me to kill the evil king in this battle. As long as I can injure him, I can defeat his invincible myth , Let the people in the Taoist sect rekindle the flame of fighting him to the end.

"Okay, you follow me to the Qingshiping at the foot of the mountain and wait for the evil king. Let's show off our skills tonight and have a good fight." I said loudly.

"Why did you go to Qingshiping instead of Yanwu Field?" Yemo asked a little puzzled.

I thought for a while and said: "If we openly invite, the evil king will definitely not fight with me. He must have known that we have broken the ignorant soul worm. And Jianzheng didn't kill me in the afternoon, the evil king must be worried Jianzheng is teaming up with me. With his character, the Yin Division is the most important thing, he will make a decisive decision and choose to return to the Yin Division instead of staying here to entangle me."

Although the evil king is vicious, in the final analysis, he has the same wisdom as my seventh uncle. He is cruel, but he also knows the priority of the matter.

Uncle Qi has always done things without fighting unprepared battles, taking one step at a time and watching three steps, and taking every step at a time.The evil king is naturally the same, when he finds out that Jianzheng and Shaotian can't help me, and the time is about to come, he will choose to return to the underworld.

As for Yangjian, he couldn't keep it at all, since he couldn't kill me, he let me go.

"Isn't he wholeheartedly trying to kill you?" Ye Mo was puzzled.

I smiled, "Don't forget, he is also a man with a master. He has a sword protecting me, so he dare not kill me. Since he can't kill me after all the tricks, there is no need to waste time .”

Ye Mo still couldn't believe it, the evil king just walked away.

After all, he is not a prince, nor is he a hero with great ambitions. How can he understand that a hero like Xie Wang who is the master of others has a strong overall view.

If he fights with me, he loses time, and if something goes wrong in the urgent situation, his master "Ksitigarbha" probably won't be able to spare him.

People are in the rivers and lakes, can't help themselves, so why isn't he like this?
Ye Mo returned to Zhuan Lingzhu, and I took Shaotian to Qingshiping quickly.

Qingshiping is in the middle of Yinshan Mountain, and it is also the only way to go down the mountain. If the evil king wants to go down the mountain, he will definitely go here.

(End of this chapter)

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