Dart Master

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
I smiled, and after seeing her sound asleep, I limped and walked towards the side room.I don't know why, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this room, it is too clean, there is absolutely no trace of dust on the table, or even the cracks in the corners.

How could an old woman have the ability to clean up so cleanly, there must be some weirdness in it.

Thinking of this, I opened the door with a small oil lamp and walked towards the remote direction.Outside the door is a large yard. There are two rows of mulberry trees planted on the left and right sides of the yard. Like the house, it is very clean, and it is difficult to see even a fallen leaf.

The gate of the courtyard faces south, and there are four houses on three sides. My house and the old woman's house are right next to each other.


There was a slight sound from the side of the wall, like the sound from the mulberry tree. Holding the small oil lamp, I slowly dragged my injured leg to the tree.

I saw densely packed blood-red snakes half a meter long eating mulberry leaves crazily. So weird.

It is unlucky to have a mulberry tree planted in the yard, but it is still an inexhaustible blood mulberry.I was lowering my head to grab some soil, to test the yin energy, when suddenly a long snake drooped down, opened its bloody mouth, and sprayed a smear of black silk at me.

The black silk was extremely viscous and covered my face like a spider's web. My mouth and nose were immediately sealed and I couldn't even breathe.

When I was shocked, I felt that my face was very itchy, as if countless leeches were attached to my face, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Rub it hard on the front door, and it takes a lot of strength to tear off the messy thing. It's sticky, still warm, and extremely toxic.


As I was struggling, all the long snakes looked at me, and their dark green eyes were illuminated by the oil lamp, like will-o’-the-wisps. I already had trypophobia, and my scalp was numb, and my whole body was covered with thick goose skin pimple.

But now I can also see the true face of these guys. They are soft and knotted, with round eyes, protruding forehead, and round mouth with two rows of sharp canine teeth. They are monsters like snakes and silkworms. .

The strange insect is ferocious and vicious. It is expected that it was not raised by a kind person. This old woman probably has something wrong.

I felt terrified, and walked towards the side room. Just as I was about to leave, there was a sound of gurgling and gurgling from the small dark firewood room to the east, as if someone was swallowing cold water, and it also sounded like belching or farting.

The wind was blowing, these sounds were so piercing in the weird small courtyard, I shivered, my whole body went numb, and I couldn't walk for a while.

After thinking for a few seconds, my curiosity overcame my fear, and I approached the hut.The hut was locked. It was a very old copper lock. If Uncle Qi was there, he would definitely be able to open it, but I didn't have the skills to do so, so I could only poke the oil lamp through the window.

With the light, the cabin is clear at a glance, and it is still simple and clean.A chair, a few jars, that's all.

These jars are all oversized, a bit like wine jars, and the rumbling sound is coming from the jars, which is dull and strange.

With a muffled sound, the lid of the jar on the far left was slowly lifted up, as if something was about to crawl out.

The lid of the jar rose slowly, and I could clearly feel a strong yin energy emanating from the jar, and I didn't know what was inside, but just about an inch out of the lid, a burst of black air suddenly emerged from the lid of the jar. , and pressed back the contents of the jar.

Bai Ling, Bai Ling, my aunt, how did you bump into such a wicked nest?This place is too evil, I have to quickly find the corpse and take Bai Ling out of here, God knows what kind of evil this old woman is.

I was just going to look for Jiang Ziyang in the side room, when I heard a faint panting sound behind my ears, "Young man, why are you wandering around this yard without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

As soon as I heard that the roots of my ears were numb, I turned around slowly, and the old woman's goosebumps and eerie smiling face was almost touching my face, which almost didn't scare me to death.

"I, I'm afraid that my friend will catch a cold, so I want to visit her." I've never lied, and this nervousness made me stutter, with cold sweat breaking out on my face.

The old woman gave a strange laugh, "The people in the country raised some things casually, so it didn't scare you." I waved my hand quickly, and said with a smile: "No, no!"

"It's fine if you don't have one. Your friend is in the side room on the west side. Go to bed early in the evening." The old woman confessed, coughing the old phlegm in her mouth and slowly returning to the house.

When she walked away, I breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped off the cold sweat off my face. This old woman is really evil, before she has any malicious intentions, let's run away.

I went to the side room and opened the door. Jiang Ziyang was lying on the bed upright, with his eyes slightly closed. He seemed to be in a deep sleep. Fortunately, the body was still there.

"Get up!" I squeezed the formula with my hand and lifted it up, and the corpse sat up.

I was just about to bring the corpse back to the room, but then I thought it was wrong, if this old woman is really a master of the evil sect, she should be able to see Ziyang's corpse, then she must be on guard against me.

Forget it, let's wake up Bai Ling first, and then try to find a way to take away the corpse.

Thinking of this, I quickly returned to the house and closed the door.The girl Bai Ling was sleeping soundly, I woke her up by shaking her, and told her about the weirdness in the yard.

Bai Ling was still a little confused at first, but when he heard what I said, he immediately shuddered, "It's my fault for hurting brother, it was too dark at that time, I saw a light here, so I broke in, what should I do now?"

"It's not too late, let's run away." I pulled Bai Ling and walked out the door.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard a creaking sound from outside the courtyard. The courtyard door seemed to be opened, as if someone walked in. This person's footsteps were heavy, and he should be a relatively rough man.

"Master, I'm back." The man was holding a lantern in his left hand, and he was actually carrying a coffin on his right shoulder, but the light outside was blurry, so I couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice was somewhat familiar.

"Is everything done?" The door opened, and the old woman asked in an old voice.

The big man threw the coffin on the ground violently, and said impatiently: "Don't mention it, it's really evil. That kid not only broke the old man's formation, but also twisted the old thing to pieces. That kid from the Ye family didn't even know about it." How to explain."

When Bai Ling and I heard this, we looked at each other in blank dismay. It's really a narrow road for enemies. This person turned out to be the evil master who set up an array at Ye's house to frame us. This is troublesome.

"Hey! Auntie, are you here?" The big man walked towards the west side room, and the old woman followed behind and said, "Yes, there are two young people here, one man and two women, passers-by, I stay They will rest here overnight."

The big man was a little displeased and said: "Auntie, you are soft-hearted. Now is the critical time. It will be troublesome if people find out that the corpse of Tiansha is hiding in you. Now the body of Earth Shahun has been snatched away. In a fit of anger."

Having said that, the man pushed open the door of the Westinghouse.

It's over, the old ghost really didn't lie to me, this corpse was snatched from the evil person with all his life, judging from what this person said, Zhang Yunhang's corpse is also in the old woman's yard now. The evil people were looking for the dead body of Jiang Ziyang, the corpse of Di Shashi, so it fell into their hands.

Bai Ling was about to shed tears of annoyance. After spending a long time, he crashed into the den of thieves. Not only was his body lost, but even our lives were in danger.

"Hey, Auntie, you don't let me live in the side room, and you have to let a man and two women live in the same room. Hehe, it's interesting." The big man came out of the West Room and said sarcastically.

While talking, the big man wanted to rush into this room, but was stopped by the old woman.

"Cough cough, clean the old man's mouth, get out!" The old woman coughed violently and shouted at the man angrily.

It can be seen that although the old woman is the aunt of the big man, she obviously doesn't take the old woman seriously, and her words are extremely disrespectful.

"Auntie, don't be angry when you are old. I will take the body and leave. Tonight, Widow Zhou still has a glass of wedding wine waiting for me to drink. I won't accompany you here to talk about useless idlers."

After speaking, the big man walked into the small room on the east side, carried the big jar from inside, put it in the coffin, and strode out of the yard.

boom!The big man slammed the door and left, Bai Ling and I breathed a sigh of relief, both of us were very puzzled, Jiang Ziyang's body was obviously in that room, what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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