Dart Master

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Just as he was puzzled, there was a knock on the door.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, bit my finger and drew a thunder talisman on my palm, then nodded to Bai Ling, if the old woman dares to play any tricks, I will fight her and protect the girl Zhouquan.

Opening the door, the old woman seemed a little displeased, and hurried outside the door impatiently.

I opened the door, didn't speak, just looked at her vigilantly, Jiang Ziyang had already figured it out, now it's up to her what tricks she wants to play.

"You come with me." The old woman gave Bai Ling and me a gloomy look, then turned and walked to her main room. Bai Ling and I had no other choice but to follow closely and enter her room .

Compared to other rooms, her room was much messier, with pots and pans piled up in the corners, exuding a stench and a strange smell of corruption.

what!Bai Ling suddenly let out a scream, pointed at the ground and pulled my arm in fear. I saw that the ground was densely packed with centipedes. These centipedes were colorful, and the smallest one was about a foot long. Scalp tingling.

"Don't be afraid, they won't bite." The old woman waved her hand, and the centipedes scattered in all directions, making way for them.It suddenly occurred to me that Uncle Qi once mentioned that there are Gu masters who are good at raising insects and beasts in the Miao villages in Xiangxi and Guizhou, so this old lady is definitely a Gu master.

Thinking of this, my face turned blue for a while, my ankles were itchy and numb, maybe it was poisoned by this old lady.But after thinking about it, if she really wanted to kill me, all she had to do was hook her fingers, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to leave a body.

The old woman took us to the inner room, where there was a small bamboo bed, and Jiang Ziyang's body was lying quietly on it.Seeing it, Bai Ling patted his chest and said happily, "I was scared to death, so the corpse was hidden by my mother-in-law."

I breathed a sigh of relief, if the old woman hadn't hidden the body in time, Jiang Ziyang's body would have been lost.Thinking of this, I bowed and said: "Junior, thank you for saving my mother's life."

The old woman snorted coldly, "Don't talk about each mother-in-law, just call Laoshen Gu Po. Laoshen saves you all because of my poor granddaughter's face. God damn scum, even dare to fight Ziyang's idea, Laoshen This time, he will definitely make his life worse than death."

Gu Po was originally crooked and ferocious, but this gnashing of teeth was even more sinister, so scared that Bai Ling and I didn't dare to take a breath.

After she had exhausted all kinds of curses, Bai Ling summoned up his courage and asked in a low voice: "Gu Po, you mean that Ziyang is your granddaughter?"

That's right!Li Zhongyuan, a bastard who kills thousands of knives, has done all kinds of bad things these years, and the old woman just pretends to be blind.But I didn't expect that in the end, I killed my granddaughter, which is really retribution.Gu Po uttered a hysterical wail, tremblingly walked to the bed and lovingly stroked Jiang Ziyang's cold face, tears streaming down her face.

The villain in front called her Senior Aunt, and it is expected that she and the person surnamed Li should be brothers and sisters of the same school. This person surnamed Li can even kill the granddaughter of his senior sister, which shows how sinister and vicious he is.

How can you be sure that the person who killed Ziyang was not us but your brother?Bai Ling was always curious, although he still had lingering fears about this moody old woman, he still couldn't help asking.

"There are only two people in the world who can use the soul-robbing finger. One is the old master who has not been born for many years, and the other is him. Although I don't know this method, I have seen it before. One specifies yin and yang, the soul Scattered from Yintang." Gu Po said angrily.

It suddenly occurred to me that Xu Dashan said that the surname of the master who invited the God of Wealth was Li. Could it be Li Zhongyuan, the elder brother of Gu Po?

"Grandmother, if I remember correctly, your granddaughter should have been killed in the Baiqiao area. I wonder if you know this place?" I thought for a while and asked.

White Bridge, White Bridge?The old woman muttered a few words, then suddenly burst into wailing and crying like crazy, and then laughed again, "Retribution, retribution."

After finishing speaking, she stared at me coldly with cloudy old eyes, "Young man, what are you doing here? Why do you want to inquire about Baiqiao?"

I was a little terrified by this uncertain old woman, and slightly moved away from her, "To be honest, Baiqiao has a great relationship with me, and now my seventh uncle is also involved. It's more or less unfortunate. It is precisely for this reason that I brought Ziyang's body."

Gu Po was a little skeptical, and looked at me with cloudy eyes, "You are cultivating blood, and you are cultivating the evil method of disgusting corpses, which is dangerous and domineering. But your cultivation is not high, how can you snatch Ziyang from the hands of the old man?" dead body?"

I don't know how to answer her, the corpse was snatched by Gui Lao and forced it for me, but I don't want to have anything to do with this person.

After being silent for a few seconds, I said seriously: "Senior, I will explain these things to you later. This junior is indeed here to save people, and the time is urgent right now. I must take Ziyang away, please help me."

Gu Po sneered and curled her dry lips, you still want to save people with your three-legged cat?But as long as you can bring back the corpse of Tiansha and the head of the old thing's apprentice from Widow Zhou, the old body will not only fulfill you, but also give you a helping hand.If you can't, you can't pass the widow's village, and you don't even think about Wufang Town.

Judging from her expression, her attitude was very firm, and there was no room for maneuver.Time is running out, and now I can only be willing to chop my head three times and fight it out.

Mother-in-law, where is the widow's house this week?Bai Ling blinked and asked in a low voice, afraid of offending her.

Go east for ten miles, tonight is her day to sacrifice Shengyuan, when you arrive at the place, you will naturally find it, the Gu Po waved us away impatiently.

I dragged Bai Ling and quickly left Gu Po's house, out of the yard, and then I realized why Bai Ling bumped into this place.What Wanzhuang is clearly a wilderness, and the old Gu Po's family stands alone in the valley.

The two of us walked quickly on the mountain with one foot high and the other foot low. Because I was in a hurry to go to Wufang Town to rescue Qishu and Heizi, I was so anxious that I even forgot about my body pain and ankle injury.

"Oh, Brother Hurt, slow down, I can hardly keep up." Bai Ling held me back and complained displeasedly.

I slowed down, the night breeze was blowing, I gently held Bai Ling's slender and soft hand, and my impatience calmed down a lot.

"Brother Hurt, have you ever thought that we are no match for the villain at all, what if we are moths flying into the flame?" Bai Ling was more awake than me at this time, she reminded me a little uneasy.

I have actually thought about this problem, but right now, there is no choice at all, if the Gu woman doesn't help me, I can't even take Jiang Ziyang's body with me, how can I break the evil method of that master surnamed Li.

Seeing that I had made up my mind, Bai Ling didn't ask any more questions, and remained silent all the way. About ten minutes later, a dark gathering place appeared in front of me, which should be a village, and there was a faint red light flashing in the village.

After walking forward for a while, the front gradually opened up, and it really was a mountain villa, but the village was deadly silent, exuding a quiet and dead air.

"Widow's Village!" Bai Ling raised his head and glanced, slightly frowning, feeling very surprised.

This place should be very close to Wufang Town. There is a widow's village in front of Nuoda's town, so it feels unlucky anyway.

The widow's village was dead silent, except for the faint sound of the wind, there was nothing alive.

When I entered the village, I felt a burst of yin rushing from the soles of my feet to my forehead, and my soul was shocked, and I became a little confused.The dark space in front of him was crooked as if it was torn apart.

After waking up for a while, I saw that I was already in a resplendent and unparalleled grand hall, with delicious food and wine, stunning beauties, extravagant silk and bamboo, wine ponds and meat forests, so luxurious, it was simply a fairyland on earth.

A few dancing beauties are watching around, gentle and soft, so gentle and considerate, persuaded with good wine, as soon as they enter the fairyland, their spirits seem to fly, how can they still remember thousands of things in this world, just sigh for a carefree, lingering.


There was a burst of burning pain on the face, and then, a scent of fragrance rushed to the face, the fragrance penetrated into the brain, and the head was like a pinprick, the pain was severe.

I groaned and woke up. There were no golden temples or beauties, it was clearly me who was insane.

"Stinky rascal, you bullied me. Looking back, I won't let Uncle Qi take care of you." Bai Ling was tearful, struggling desperately in my arms.

(End of this chapter)

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