Dart Master

Chapter 511

Chapter 511
At this time, Deng Long and Lin Qiangu had already left the mountain with the money, so I am not afraid of Yan Donglou's impromptu rebellion.

"The situation is not quite right. Let's go down the mountain quickly. I'm afraid that Yandong Tower will turn against us." Bai Chaoyang said worriedly.

"I don't think he has the courage!" I snorted coldly, and led Bai Ling to the door.

As soon as he walked to the door, Yan Donglou led a group of guards in armor and came over proudly. He wore the crown of the Celestial Master on his head, but he was wearing heavy armor, which looked a bit nondescript.


Yan Donglou threw something on the ground, and I saw that it was Dan Chenzi's head.

Bai Ling screamed in fright, and quickly hid behind me.

Yan Donglou smiled proudly: "King Qin, why, are you leaving?"

I smiled calmly and said, "Yes, everyone is happy now, but it's time to say goodbye."

Yan Donglou kicked Dan Chenzi's head away, and said with a sneer, "Yan still wants to ask King Qin to stay and leave after I finish the ceremony, but he never thought King Qin was in such a hurry."

I knew he was here to ask for money, so Bai Chaoyang was not polite, and handed the money ticket from Lingnan Bank to Yandonglou.

Yan Donglou laughed a few times, and proudly said: "Lingnan bank? Very good, my celestial master will accept it."

"Ling'er, are you going down the mountain too? Don't you leave here after I inherit the Heavenly Master Ceremony?" Yan Gonglou asked expectantly as his eyes fell on Bai Ling.

Yan Donglou really didn't change his nature. On the contrary, after killing Dan Chenzi, he had completely come out of the shadow of failure, so mad that he dared to call himself a celestial master.

Not every class of Longhushan head teacher can be called a celestial master. A celestial master is a virtuous person who has reached a certain level of cultivation, and people in the Taoist sect spontaneously call him the head teacher of Taoism.

Just like Zhong Kui of the Yin Division, he is also called a celestial master. The appellation of celestial masters in the yin and yang realms is a kind of respect spontaneously given by people in Taoism, and it is not comparable to the four great celestial masters in the last three days.

Yan Donglou has no virtue, and has not made any contribution to Taoism, and his reputation and popularity are not enough to call himself a celestial master.How dare he call himself a celestial master, which shows how arrogant he is.

Looking at the dead head on the ground, I couldn't help sighing secretly, this Dan Chenzi is too scumbag, even though his backer Lu Shaoxun lost.

But he is still very powerful in Longhu Mountain. He didn't expect that Yan Donglou, who was seriously injured, had his head chopped off in just a few hours. He was really incompetent.

"Mr. Yan, my body and mind belong to Brother Huan. Wherever he is, I will follow him. So, I'm sorry, but I can't participate in your grand ceremony." Bai Ling was much smoother than before, with a calm and elegant smile.

Sparks of anger were burning in Yan Donglou's eyes, especially after seeing Bai Ling with me, his face was even more beautiful and radiant, and he hated me even more.

He came here with Dan Chenzi's head, just to show off his prestige, to prove that he, the head teacher of Longhu Mountain, didn't take Yan Jun seriously at all.

This is a person who doesn't know kindness at all, and I defined it in my heart.

It's just that the more arrogant he is, the more I feel happy instead of annoyed. This is part of my pig raising plan. If he becomes calm and wise, he will be a big trouble instead.

If he wants to be crazy, he can continue to be crazy. It's better to be crazy enough to beat Lingnan to death. When the time comes, I will slaughter the pig when it is fattened up.

"Young Master Yan bids farewell. See you in Jiangdong tomorrow." Bai Chaoyang cupped his hands and said goodbye.

I glanced at Yan Donglou, smiled slightly, and walked hand in hand with Bai Ling.

I can feel the strong murderous intent of Yan Donglou, but he doesn't have the guts, it's not because he cares about my being Lord Yan, or my reputation or something.He is a no-brainer, and he does everything willfully. If he wants to kill me, he won't find any excuses.

But now he is seriously injured and has not recovered yet. Once a fight starts, although there are many others, they may not be able to surround Bai Chaoyang and me. As long as one of us breaks through, his life will be in danger at any time.

Therefore, he could only watch me and Bai Ling leave without help.

At the foot of the mountain, I took two five-tooth warships to Jiangdong Ferry.

"Brother Wang, Jiangdong Qincheng is ahead, and this will be our base camp." Bai Chaoyang pointed at Qincheng from a distance, and said with deep eyes.

Qincheng is completely different from the Jiangdong City I defended in the last Jiangdong Defense Battle.

The last time I guarded was the secular city of Jiangdong, the economic center of China, because the Yin soldiers and ghosts marched at night, just to catch the souls of the secular people and go to the underworld to recruit soldiers.

And Qin City is the largest city in Xuanmen, located at the boundary between Jiangdong and Jiangbei.

After King Zhang unified the Yin Division, in order to commemorate the Seventh Uncle, Qin City was established in Jiangdong, and all Taoist people in the secular world except Yinhou were moved to Qin City.He did this to completely divide the boundary between Taoism and the secular world. Perhaps he had expected that Taoism would be in turmoil in the future, so he did this to prevent the war of Taoism from affecting the secular people in Jiangdong.

It is said that when Qincheng was founded, King Zhang personally came to Yangjian to oversee the work, and named it after Yan Jun.

Because of the existence of Qincheng, the ghost market union spared no effort to relocate from Xujiaji to Yujiazui, forming an adjacency. Perhaps Boss Xu, a fine man, had already set his sights on Qincheng.

Although I am from Jiangdong, it may be because Uncle Seven was born in the secular world. I followed him for a long time in the secular world of Jiangdong City. On the contrary, I have never been to Jiangbei, the hidden capital of Taoism.

I don't know why Seventh Uncle didn't step into this city that belonged to him, Seventh Uncle has always been by my side, except for Xiang Yumeng, he has almost no contact with any old friends from the past.

Maybe it's because his own five veins have been abolished, or maybe it's because he is afraid of feeling sad when remembering the old man, he almost deliberately keeps away from people in the Taoist sect.

If I hadn't insisted on going to the underworld to walk the darts, he might have stayed in the courier shop all the time, drinking a little wine every day, adjusting his breath to pick up the courier's beauties, and finish his life.

Looking from a distance, the towering statues of Seventh Uncle and Zhang Wang in the city can be seen standing upright. One is chic and the other is mighty. The two brothers wrote the most vigorous epic of Taoism.

"Who is the guard of Qincheng?" I asked.

Bai Chaoyang was a little embarrassed, he shook his feather fan lightly and said, "I'm afraid there are very few people who know about this, brother Wang, do you know why a person with status like Feng Er only stays in the secular city of Jiangdong instead of Qincheng? "

Qincheng is equivalent to the royal city of Taoism, and Feng Er, as Uncle Seven's master, is naturally qualified to enter.

But in fact, until now, although Qincheng is the royal city of Xuanmen, almost no one has mentioned it among the good and evil factions, which is really weird.

"It's interesting. It seems that I can only test it myself. Chaoyang took out the map." I said with great interest.

Bai Chaoyang took out the map, which marked all the major cities of Xuanmen.

Yinsi has a total of seven main cities, while Xuanmen has nine main cities.

Most of the land in China is governed by the secular world. The Taoist sect is extremely rare in terms of population and land. Because it needs to avoid the secular world, it is extremely difficult to build cities and set up barriers in deep mountains and valleys.

There are few main cities, and most of them are towns and villages.

With Qincheng as the royal city, there are two major cities in the southeast and northwest, of which Yancheng and Youcheng are the main ones in the north.The lords of these two cities and the yin gods of the territories assist in the management of the surrounding Taoist towns and villages.

The south is dominated by the Water God City of the Cai family and the Rain City of the Xiang family, and the Xuanmen in the south almost belongs to these two major forces.

The west is dominated by the Murong family's Yundu City and the ancient city of Wujiang in the southwest.

To the east is Baicheng, and Lihuo City in the south of Lingnan.Baicheng was originally under the jurisdiction of the Bai family, but it was later annexed by the Yan family and merged into Penglai Pavilion.

Since Lingnan is clearly separated from Xiang and Cai, it is included in the east.

Bai Chaoyang said: "Nowadays, all the cities are occupied by aristocratic families and powerful clans, but the Qin City in Jiangdong and the Xuanmen towns in the surrounding Jiangbei and other places have not been touched."

Immediately afterwards, Bai Chaoyang circled Jiangdong's sphere of influence, and went north to Youcheng, the northernmost part of Jiangbei!Of course, it can also be regarded as being bounded by Qingshan Town, which was originally the territory of Jin Taibao, Guan Shen, and Heisha God.But now because most of these people are absent, it is a vacuum, and we only need one soldier to declare sovereignty.

(End of this chapter)

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