Dart Master

Chapter 512 The Mysterious Visitor

Chapter 512 The Mysterious Visitor
To the south, Sanjiangkou, which is adjacent to the Cai family, has always belonged to Jiangdong land. Cai Dongsheng has not yet dared to touch it. As long as he occupies Qincheng, he can declare his sovereignty back at any time.

To the west is Wucheng, and Brother Wang also knows that the Murong family's sphere of influence lies further west of Wucheng.My plan is to let Zhang Shiyi and Wen Kai's troops enter Wucheng and defend Xichuan with the city.After all, Shizi Town is not a long-term place, even if Murong Yu can accommodate them, Murong Xue will try to kill the two generals, this matter should be done sooner rather than later, so as to avoid more troubles.

To the east is the old Baicheng, which is adjacent to the Bai family. The Yan family has occupied it and has already stationed troops. They intend to go east at any time. Therefore, I am training troops in Baihu outside Baicheng to restrain them.

At present, Jiangdong's sphere of influence is still very large. Taking advantage of the Lu family's weakened vitality, the second seal can last for a while, the Cai family is scheming but not courageous, and when Murong Yu sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, we must act as quickly as possible Occupy Jiangdong and declare it as territory.

Bai Chaoyang analyzed the situation as quickly as possible.

But the question soon came, why is this large area of ​​Jiangdong vacant for so long, but no one cares about it?
Is it because people in Taoism are short-sighted and can't see his strategy, or is there any special significance?

Bai Chaoyang was also puzzled. The majestic Xuanmen King City seemed to exist in the Xuanmen, and it was like a taboo that no one could touch, and few people mentioned it.

Since it is so mysterious, rushing into it is definitely not the right way.

What's even more strange is that there are almost no ships on the ferry outside the king's city, not even the shadows of merchant ships and passenger ships, which is very strange.

Because from our point of view, we can see that there are people floating on the royal city, which means that there are people inside, and there will be needs for those people. Such a big city cannot transport what they eat and drink!
"Chaoyang, send the girl back to Bai's house first, and I'll stay to check the reality." I thought about it, and it must be impossible if I don't find out what's going on inside.

Bai Chaoyang responded: "Okay, I'll go to Baihu to arrange troops and horses again. I have a bad feeling that this kid from Yandonglou will get the position of head teacher, and his ambition will probably be aggravated."

Bai Ling pouted at the side, "Brother Hurt, you're lying."

I opened my eyes, "Grandma, what's wrong?"

"You said you would be with me forever, and you just got off Longhu Mountain, and you're going to drive me away." Bai Ling snorted coldly.

I gently put my arms around her fragrant shoulders, and said with an apologetic smile: "Girl, my Lord Bai, the Bai family is in danger now, you have to go back to sit in town. Besides, your second brother and I have to attack the city, I don't have time to take care of you, I will visit you after I take down the royal city, do you like it?"

I have to say that Bai Ling sometimes has a childish temper, but she also understands that her cultivation is limited, and staying here will only become a burden to me.

After thinking about it, she bit her lip and said reluctantly, "Well then, take care, I'll wait for you."

After finishing speaking, he stood on tiptoe and gave me a light kiss on the face, and then left with Bai Chaoyang reluctantly.

When I got on the shore, a strange feeling came to my heart as soon as I stepped on the shore. My whole body was like having a stroke. At that moment, I was in a stalemate for more than ten seconds, and it was like being tied up by more than a dozen people with ropes. When that feeling dissipated, I was covered in cold sweat and felt exhausted.

What's going on, at this moment, the blood in my body burned violently, quickly dispelled the feeling of fatigue, and returned to normal.

I don't know what happened. Doesn't this royal city allow people from the secular world to enter?

I opened the Qingmu Divine Book to check, Qincheng was completely dark, there was no hint on it, it was really evil, even if it was Nanxu Mountain, there was at least a danger signal.

There is only one reason for this situation, Qingwen has never stepped into this land.

It was already night at this time, red lanterns were slowly rising in the royal city, and the soldiers' bugles could even be heard, and the smell of food wafted from the nostrils, but they were all concentrated in the east.

The west side is relatively deserted and dark, and the east and west sides are as if Yin and Yang are separated, and the Wei and Wei are clearly separated.

Since Zhang Wang and Yan Jun are the masters of yin and yang, I think that since the city was established, it has been divided into two camps of yin and yang, with yang soldiers guarding the day and yin soldiers guarding the night.

It's night now, relatively speaking, I prefer to deal with people.I decided to sneak into the city from the east.

The city of Qincheng is more than three feet high, and it would be difficult for me to climb up without the help of external forces. I went around the east side looking for an opportunity to enter the city.

Qin City is very old. There are three gates on the east side. The middle is the closed main gate. On both sides of the gate are two stern swords and stones. It is clearly written, the forbidden area of ​​the king's city, trespassers will die!

The eight characters, like a forbidden curse, blocked all ambitious people.

Just when I was wondering, a group of people came from a secret road outside the city. The leader was a handsome young man, dressed in gorgeous clothes, followed by a horse team. The carriage was loaded with oil, salt and sauce rice, and There are all kinds of pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, and drinks. What surprised me is that there are many women with heavy makeup.

"Open the door!" But seeing the son shouted loudly.

The soldiers on the city took a look at the torches and said pleasantly, "So it's Mr. Feng who came."

The general who defended the city was like a fly smelling meat, so he went down to the city to open the door himself, "Young Master Feng, the city lord has been waiting for a long time, please enter the city as soon as possible."

After speaking, the soldier opened the side door and welcomed Mr. Feng and his party in.

How could I miss such a good opportunity? Taking advantage of the crowds, I came to the end with my cat body and stood behind a prostitute.

The prostitute turned her head and found that there was another person behind her. She was a little surprised. I smiled and nodded to her and greeted her. Although she was a little puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions.

After all, they are here to ask for money, who I am is not important to them at all.

Walking into the city, I felt a strong vitality rushing towards my limbs, as if this city originally belonged to my home field, where I could get a steady supply of vitality.

This vigorous vitality is very cold and domineering, as if it came from the middle of the city, I will have to check it out when I find a chance.

However, I always feel that there is something wrong in this city, but I can't tell you the specifics, but it doesn't affect me very much.

The City Lord's Mansion is in the middle, with bright lanterns hanging at the door, filled with the rich aroma of wine and vegetables, and the sound of silk and bamboo is extremely pleasant.

"Young Master Feng, the city lord and the generals have been waiting for a long time, please come inside." A man with the appearance of a housekeeper came out and said respectfully.

Mr. Feng waved his hand and said with a sneer: "Why are you still standing there, carry the things in for me."

Under the bright candlelight, I could see this Mr. Feng clearly. His face was blue, his lips were white, and he had a pair of peach blossom eyes. At first glance, he looked like an overly drunk and prodigal son.

People with the surname Feng are very rare, and his face seems familiar, maybe he has something to do with Qianshang.

Although Feng Qianshang has married me, I actually don’t know anything about the Feng family, except that I know that the head of the Feng family is a Dharma protector personally promoted by King Zhang. I don't know whether Qianshang is the only child or not.

If this Mr. Feng is really her brother, or a relative by blood, I won't be surprised at all.

"Listen to me, all of you, I must serve the city lord and the generals well today, I will reward you greatly." Young Master Feng shouted in a deep voice.

"Oh, don't worry, young master, it's not the first time we have come to serve the Lord Chang."

After finishing speaking, the women wriggled their enchanting figures and walked into the mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is extremely luxurious, a bit like the Yundu Palace, the only difference is that the four words "Yibo Yuntian" are engraved on the plaque in this hall, and the portraits of King Zhang and Yan Jun are also enshrined in the main hall.

At this moment, the city lord's mansion was full of laughter and laughter, and the dancers danced lightly, as if it was a paradise.If Zhang Wang knew that the lord of the Xuanmen King City he specially built was this bird's virtue, he would probably be very angry.

Sitting at the top was a man about fifty years old, with long hair draped over his shoulders, a sallow complexion, and a man in a brocade robe.

(End of this chapter)

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