Dart Master

Chapter 513 City of Despair

Chapter 513 City of Despair
His appearance looked ordinary, but his imposing manner was extremely majestic. Standing beside him were several soldiers covered in silver-white armor. Those soldiers exuded a dead air, obviously not human.

"Your Majesty, my lord, my nephew Qianchou specially brought you good old wine, and these dancers are also specially given to the city lord." Feng Qianchou made a look, those prostitutes he specially recruited, bad Smiling, he greeted the city lord and the powerful general.

Immediately, all the generals and stewards present stood up like Feng Qianchou to express their gratitude.

Chang Tianen put his arms around a charming woman in his arms, moved his arms up and down, making the woman smile coquettishly, then waved and said loudly: "Nephew, you are welcome, you and I are not outsiders, in terms of seniority, we are still relatives With reason, come here, and give Mr. Feng a seat."

The prostitute may not know me, but it is absolutely impossible for a shrewd person like Feng Qianchou not to know the cronies he sent. Right now he is busy entertaining, once he recovers, he may find me.

After thinking about it, I chose to retreat to the corner, snatched a guard's clothes by the way, and after destroying the body and traces, I changed into armor.

I was about to take this opportunity to explore Qincheng carefully. Qincheng is huge, but its structure is extremely simple.

In the entire east, except for the city lord's mansion and some generals' mansions, the rest are barracks.

At this moment, the barracks were filled with the smell of wine and meat, and the soldiers seemed to be very relaxed. Drunk soldiers could be seen everywhere, playing and playing around, without any military discipline.

Of course, it's not completely disorderly. The soldiers in the area where the East City meets the West City and the main city of the City Lord's Mansion are more elite, and these soldiers are exactly the same as the ones I saw in the hall.

They are all covered in bright silver helmets, with blood-red eyes, and weapons made of gleaming dark iron, making people terrified.

They should be different from the soldiers seen in the barracks. If I'm not mistaken, these are corpse soldiers. Since I don't know much about the city, I can't judge the specific number.

But there is no doubt that the combat effectiveness of these corpse soldiers is extremely strong.

And at the junction of the east and west cities, there is a very wide gate, on which is written: "Yuntianmen". It's about loyalty.

With Yuntianmen as the boundary, the east city is the people and corpse soldiers of Commander Chang Tianen, while in the dark west, there are all armored ghost soldiers.

The atmosphere on both sides seemed a little tense, and there was a situation where the water in the well did not violate the water in the river.

Corpse soldiers are very sensitive. Before I approached them, they made strong breathing sounds from their mouths and noses. Obviously, they are extremely disgusted with human smells.

These guys are not afraid of pain, they only obey the orders of the city lord, if I try to break through, they will kill me without hesitation.

This has brought me a lot of trouble. I originally wanted to take this opportunity to go to the ghost area to the west to find out what happened, but the corpse soldiers blocked the way, so I could only dispel this idea.

I reluctantly returned to the camp, and snatched a jug of wine from a drunken soldier. Perhaps it was because the ghost area was opposite, so the city was extremely cold.

Wine can keep out the cold, and it is also a good opportunity to get close to others.

I found a fire in a corner and sat down. None of these people drank, but gathered together with serious expressions, as if they were discussing some important matter.

The leader was a middle-aged man, and the others were young men with serious faces. Seeing me approaching, they were all very wary.

I smiled, just warmed up to the fire, sighed and said, "Hey, when will this day end."

"Oh, isn't this brother also a member of our Loyalty Society?"

I just said a nonsensical sentence, but I never wanted to make them feel good, so I just nodded immediately.

"Hmph, Chang Tianen only knows to have fun and wait for death every day. When are we going to be a leader these days? I'm going to be suffocated to death if I'm locked up in this bird city all day long." A strong young man with a forehead band on his head , loudly shouted.

"Hey, Rao Feng, keep your voice down, if you let other people hear it and tell the city lord, your life will be gone." The middle-aged man hastily persuaded.

"Uncle Wu, you guys are just timid. I'm afraid of him. Apart from drinking and having fun and playing with women, what's the use of his kindness?" Rao Feng is a tough guy, without the slightest fear.

"Brother Rao Xian is indeed a good man." I hurriedly cupped my hands.

Rao Feng glanced at me, and said angrily: "A good man has a bird to use. There are countless dead bones in this city. They are all alive and dead. People who are old and dead are disgusted by everyone."

I immediately understood what he meant, because Qin City has been closed since the city was built.

Moreover, this city is very strange, it won't let go, don't let in, don't say anything, and no one will attack, so the soldiers are like birds imprisoned in a cage, they can only wait for death obediently.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

Because people will always die, but Qin City has been built for so many years, and the first batch of people have long since died. Since they are not allowed to enter and leave, why are there so many living people?

As soon as I said this, they all looked at me and asked almost at the same time: "You are drunk, don't you know how you got in?"

I smiled and set out some words to them in a half-joking tone, and they finally told the truth.

It turns out that Qincheng is a veritable city of death, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a prison, why?Because there are no women here, once a man is over sixty, he will be collectively executed by the city lord. However, there will be five or six-year-old children recruited from all over the Taoist sect to fill up the dead soldiers, and this will form an endless cycle.

Of course, this was only the initial strategy. Later, some selfish city lords began to unite with foreign ministers. Both the city lord and the powerful general had the right to own women, marry and have children, and thus formed a generational inheritance.

In this way, the hope of other soldiers becoming city lords was completely cut off, and their right to enjoyment was also deprived.

But when Qincheng was building the city, it was rumored that a large treasure house was buried underground, with countless gold and silver, but because of the special nature of this city, outsiders could not enter at all, and people inside could not get out.

In order to prevent civil strife, the city lords of the past dynasties relied on the treasure house to let their foreign ministers buy fine wine and delicacies from outside to support the soldiers who were confined inside.

But no matter how good the food and drink are, it is a big trouble for the soldiers to have no women to carry on their families.It is impossible for the city lord to give them this right, because once people have offspring, they will have more thoughts.

Do the so-called princes and generals care about each other?They and those generals will not joke about their status.

"Isn't anyone out there?" I asked.

Uncle Wu sighed and said, "The king's city is very special. When King Zhang built the city, he set up a barrier, which cannot enter or exit. Look at the guards of the city are all corpse soldiers with strong fighting power. They are the first The first batch of military divisions were turned into corpse soldiers by the first-generation city lord after death, and they only obeyed the city lord's decree. Look at these drunks, can you fight them out?"

"Besides, this city, even if you go out, as long as you are exaggerated by the royal aura in this city, if you step half a step out of the city gate, people will not even be able to take a step, and will starve to death outside the city."

I suddenly remembered the strange feeling when I entered the city, and then I realized why there was no one around the king's city, and no one dared to think about him.

Just imagine that the soldiers outside died of exhaustion as soon as they arrived at the city. Who would dare to attack.

This is simply a dead city that cannot be attacked, and no one can break it.

In the rebellion in the city, since the soldiers were raised like pigs and their weapons were too rusty, they couldn't compete with the elite corpse soldiers, so they could only sit in the city every day, waiting to die.

The scary thing is that when they die, their souls will also be wiped out, and even ghosts are not allowed to do so.The reason is very simple, I am afraid that the number of ghosts in the ghost area on the other side will increase and become unstoppable.

I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for them to wait for death every day in a daze. Thinking about that kind of silent fear is horrifying.

"Don't you care about it?" I asked.

Uncle Wu gave a wry smile and spoke eloquently.

At the beginning, the king city was divided into east and west, and yin and yang, and the two city lords were also King Zhang's cronies, and their relationship was excellent.The relationship between the city lords on both sides of Yin and Yang in the past dynasties is very good, and the city lords of the eastern district are also the most respected and the most cultivated among the soldiers.But this hereditary system began after a woman whose surname was often used by foreign ministers gave birth to a son.

(End of this chapter)

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