Dart Master

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

I always have a creepy feeling that I have overlooked a very serious problem. If Hu Erye and Faceless acted in a bitter scene, and Hu Erye played his double-agent nature to the extreme, then Faceless is very likely. It's just pretending.

They not only deceived me, but also played tricks on everyone. Faceless's supernatural powers are extremely high. If he is acting, it will be difficult for me to get my hands on this fairy.

What's even more frightening is that Hu Erye and Wu Mian are the ones who really know about the hiding place of the fairy. Maybe the real fairy is not hidden in this tower at all.

Of course, this is my conjecture, and I prefer to comfort myself with the belief that Faceless is indeed on the verge of death, and Erye Hu is just hiding somewhere.

My hunch, that horrible feeling, is misleading.

I don't know that it seems to have fallen into Erye Hu's control right now, but no matter what, I can't sit still.

I have to keep an eye on Cao San, maybe everything is my guess, what if Hu Erye just wants to simply sit in the dark and reap the benefits of a fisherman?

Cao San still has some skills. He used the fire technique that I had left in his body to attach to the sword, and finally combined with Huang Shu and his personal guards to crush all the bronze figures in the seven-story pagoda.

"Mr. Cao, why do I feel that something is wrong? You said we won't let the old fox play tricks, right? We are exhausted now, and the old thing has not even seen a person. You said that if he hides In the dark, playing dirty with us, what should we do?" Huang Shu was usually cunning, cautious, and tried to persuade him while wiping off his sweat.

Cao San is not stupid, he quickly realized what was wrong, but at this moment he is like a stowaway who has jumped on a thief ship, in a dilemma.

Go up, maybe just like the yellow book said, the old fox is waiting for the cat to snatch food in the corner, go down, this is about to reach the eighth floor, just leave like this, I feel unwilling.

"Let's stay and rest for now. It's not too late to move after we've recovered our energy. When the old fox came in, there were only three or four people. Even if he could get into the hole, he might not be our opponent." Cao San thought for a while.

He is a killer, has very keen intuition and consciousness, and once he wakes up, he is also an extremely terrifying guy.

Cao San stopped and gave me a chance. I am in the same situation as him now. To put it bluntly, whoever can't hold his breath at this time is likely to be murdered.

I know that with Cao San's character, he will definitely look for Hu Erye all over the tower, so I have the opportunity to go outside while he is busy.

Thinking of this, I got down from the tower, not to mention that although Ziyan was barefoot, she walked lightly and silently.

As soon as I got off the tower, the Night Demon rushed out from the side and almost collided with me.

He stared at me for a second, "King Qin, I'm not used to you being attached to this girl, please, can you raise your skirt a bit?"

When I saw it, Ziyan's chest was covered with white snow, it was my fault, I am a big man, I never thought about it so much.I looked down and jumped wildly. Fortunately, I am a gentleman. If it were Xiang Chun and Feng Qianchou, I'm afraid I would have done it myself.

I quickly took out a black robe that I usually wear from the Qiankun bag and put it on my body to cover my white and tender arms and skin. Then Ye Mo turned his head away, nodded and muttered, "It's not too bad."

"How's the situation?" I asked.

Night Demon was silent for a moment. Although he didn't have a fixed shape, judging from the churning black air, things didn't seem too good.

"King Qin, you guessed right. The moment we entered the cave, Faceless followed. All of this was a trick played by him and Mr. Hu. We were all deceived." Ye Mo sighed He took a breath.

I was shocked all over, and secretly hated in my heart, after all calculations, I was still deceived by this old fox, Mr. Hu.

Seeing my depressed face, Ye Mo comforted him and said, "King Qin, they are all veterans, and it is not something shameful for you to be cheated by them."

I gritted my teeth and said with a wry smile: "This time, I did lose a bit, but we haven't reached the time to lose yet."

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath. Since Mr. Hu is so confident, it actually aroused the stubbornness in my blood. I want to see who will get the fairy this time.

"Come on, let's go find them." I smiled.

Ye Mo was shocked and said: "No, I think Hu Erye and Wu Mian may not really trust you."

"Let's find out the facts first, they will definitely not sit still." I regained my composure and smiled confidently.

Guided by Ye Mo, I went to the hiding place of Hu Erye and Faceless.

Because the altar is huge and there are many strange buildings around it, the night devil has a strange physique, not even a soul, so apart from the natural nemesis of the vicious cat, it is difficult for anything to restrain him.

Sometimes he is like a gust of wind, even Hu Erye can hardly detect his existence.

Soon the night demon took me to a dilapidated small ancestral hall. Like other low buildings, the small ancestral hall was lit with bean-sized oil lamps.

I held my whole body's breath and leaned towards the small ancestral hall. Luckily, Zi Yan's body was extremely light, which was very useful. I almost quietly turned over the ancestral hall and hid in a corner, holding my whole body's breath , looking at the movement in the house.

Wu Mian and Hu Erye were toasting and mingling, the two obviously had a good chance of winning.

"Master Hu, it's still your ingenious plan. Qin Wushang was deceived by this bitter plan. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so obedient to hand over the celestial card." He didn't wear a leather mask, but he saw a hideous crack on his face, and the wine was sucked in continuously.

Hu Erye waved his hand, "The success of my plan is thanks to your acting skills."

Wumian caressed his arm that had been cut off, and now it has grown again, "It's just a little bit of flesh, but fortunately, Fushen prepared a few more skins for me this time, without this thing, I would really die In the cave."

"It's also because I underestimated this kid Qin Wushang, and killed Cao San out of nowhere, which almost ruined the old man's plan." While speaking, Second Master Hu looked towards the top of the tower, and sneered.

I looked back and saw that all the lights of the towers breached by Cao San had been extinguished, only the last two floors were still lit.

Right now, it seems that Wu Mian and Hu Erye are indeed colluding together, and have deceived us all.And judging from the situation of faceless recovery, he should have the ability to recover, and the internal energy that Hu Erye sucked from him must have been fake.

It's ridiculous when I think about it, I slapped Wumian away with my palm at that time, but I didn't know that he was exactly what he wanted.

Thinking of this, I smiled helplessly, a fox is a fox, and the cunning is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Hey, it's just a pity that the prescription of the Life and Death Talisman leaked out, allowing Qin Wushang to take advantage of it." Wu Mian said bitterly.

Hu Erye picked up his wine glass and said coldly: "Your Majesty, you are too worried. Either of you or me can defeat Qin Wushang. If you and I join hands, do you think he can leave alive? Don't tell him the secret recipe, it is life and death. Talisman told him that he would never want to take it away."

Faceless nodded approvingly, "Master Hu is still amazing, no wonder Changbaizi will die tragically at your hands, I really admire it."

Hu Erye smiled coldly, "They are all doing things for the God of Fu, and I hope that the Lord will work together with you, and you and I will be of the same heart. If the green robe is on the Lord, then we will not be able to take the credit. Once the Yin Division is taken down, there will be less benefits for us." Is it? It's not impossible to confer gods at that time."

"Well, last time the green robe lost his craft in Wangcheng, and the evil ghost gangster was nowhere to be found. The Fushen no longer trusts him. If he didn't know Zhang Wang very well and was useful, the Fushen would have been abolished a long time ago. Kill him." Faceless snorted coldly, his tone extremely disdainful.

The two had another round of drinking, and Erye Hu said, "Did Fushen explain what the fairy thing is?"

"As subordinates, how dare we ask about this kind of thing, but I'm thinking, it has something to do with the last three days, otherwise the talisman would not be so important. Things. Leave it alone, it’s useless for me and other little people to covet such things, the most important thing is to earn a god position honestly.” Faceless shook his head and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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