Dart Master

Chapter 616

Chapter 616
"By the way, did you see my granddaughter when you came in?" Second Master Hu asked.

Faceless shook his head and said: "When I came in, there were two corpses on the stone platform. The guards you brought were all dead, but I didn't see Zi Yan."

"This girl has a bit of a stubborn temper. I don't want to sever the relationship. I plan to send her to King Zhao of the Yin Division to find a way out for you and me in the future, but now it seems that she has become wary of the old man. " Hu Erye shook his head and sighed.

"Second Master actually still has such thoughts, is it because he is afraid of the defeat of Fu Shen?" Wu Mian was shocked when he heard it.

Hu Erye laughed loudly and said: "The old man has always been very accurate in judging people. Although Zhao Wang is a pawn under the command of the Black King, he is now elected by the Xie Wang as the King of Yama. He is a puppet in name, but in reality he will succeed. Xie Wang, his good days are not long. The master behind him is very disappointed with him now. He has not refined the five meridians until now, and he is trying to take the evil meridians of the talisman gods and get together the five evil meridians. Isn't that true? Wishful thinking?"

"On the contrary, Zhao Wang's family is steady and steady. Although they are weak, they are really popular. They have secretly communicated with the major families of the Yin Division. It is said that Bai, Hei Wuchang, and the two sages of the animal sect have long been dissatisfied with the evil king. The Yin Division must return. There will be a big change." Hu Erye continued.

Speaking of this, he asked Wumian again: "Your Majesty came from the underworld, you must know more than me, what do you think?"

Faceless said: "My thoughts are the same as Lord Hu's, but there is one thing I don't understand. Why is Master Hu not optimistic about Qin Wushang? He is now a very popular figure in the Taoist sect, and he has just captured Lord Yan, and his momentum is huge. It is said that many people are more optimistic about him, and they have the intention of agreeing with each other. Once the Xuanmen starts a war, Qin Wushang will definitely be a vassal."

Hu Erye chuckled a few times, shook his head and said: "Now it is rumored that Qin Wushang is probably a descendant of King Zhang. He is naturally popular in Xuanmen, but now that the Tianshi Mansion is about to fall, King Zhang's Most of the forces are about to be cleaned up, and the hands of the old family are all stained with the blood of Zhang Wang's lineage, how dare they conspire with Qin Wushang. The old man predicted that even if Qin Wushang can rule the Taoist sect, once he enters the Yin Division, It is also difficult for him to move an inch, and it is difficult to achieve a great cause."

Wu Mian pointed at Second Master Hu and laughed loudly: "I admire, I admire. Although Mr. Hu has not been to the Yin Division, he knows more about the affairs of the Yin Division than I do. He is worthy of Zhuge's wisdom."

Hu Erye caressed his silver beard in a fluttering manner, and said calmly: "Qin Wushang was born at the wrong time, Yan Jun and Zhang Wang's old divisions have already withered, and today's Xuanmen, let alone Yan Jun, even if he is The Jade Emperor is nothing more than an empty title. It is true that he occupies the royal city, but it is not as good as the Yan family and the Lu family, let alone the two great powers of King Tuoba and the Murong family who are protected by wolf gods and talisman gods. Once Tuoba Chong Going south with Murong Yuxi and going north to attack, Qin Wushang will definitely be defeated."

Hu Erye's analysis is indeed reasonable. The general trend of the world is indeed extremely unfavorable to me, and the time left for me is becoming more and more urgent. However, I believe that the way of heaven is clear, and there will be no end in sight.

"Hey, let's not talk about this, the seventh floor is gone, it seems that Cao San and the others are almost on the eighth floor, and the next scene will be even more exciting."

"Master Hu, where do you think Qin Wushang will be hiding? I have come all the way, but I didn't find him at all." Wu Mian frowned.

Hu Erye lowered his head and thought for a while, "The old man thinks that Qin Wushang is probably lurking beside Cao San. He is a dragon spirit, and the biggest possibility is the bodyguard who possesses Cao San. I have a hunch that as long as he When Cao San reaches the top of the tower, they will definitely fight, and this is the drama I want to see."

"Why does Mr. Hu think that Qin Wushang will fight Cao San? Could he just be lurking around us?" Wu Mian asked cautiously.

Hu Erye analyzed: "This couldn't be simpler. Qin Wushang hated Cao San far more than he hated me, but mortals always have selfish intentions. He can't just watch Cao San win the treasure alone, so let's just watch the show." Just fine."

"Second Master's analysis is very reasonable, then let's watch the play." No Face nodded.

In terms of resourcefulness, he is naturally not as good as Hu Erye. He is just a kind of demon with regenerative ability from Nieyuan, who has been imprisoned in Nieyuan for many years.

I was secretly glad to hear the conversation between Master Hu and Faceless. This old fox is indeed extremely smart. I really want to get the fairy thing, and I hate Cao Sanji even more.

But he doesn't understand me at all. I'm no longer the impulsive Qin Wushang I was back then. Taking care of the overall situation in everything is the way of a king.

In order to deal with Hu Erye, I can even join hands with Cao San. In order to survive and achieve my goals, I have no fixed enemies or friends.

I realized that a great opportunity had arrived, and if I grasped it well, I might still have a chance to come back.

Thinking of this, I asked Ye Mo to go back to Cao San immediately. The Ye Mo was connected with my soul, and immediately understood my plan, turning into a black air and drifting away.

"Master Hu, is your Snow Mountain Yan Luo still there? This thing is too scary, if it can't really melt away the mask of the deity, it would be really not easy to deceive Qin Wushang and others."

Faceless laughed dryly and asked leisurely.

He has experienced the power of Yan Luo in the Snow Mountain, which is a fatal threat to him. Although the front is for acting, who can guarantee whether Erye Hu will really stab him in the back once the fairy thing is obtained.

Wu Mian had to think about it. Mr. Hu is an old fox. He couldn't tell that Wu Mian was testing his sincerity. He immediately smiled, took out a small white porcelain bottle from his pocket, and handed it to Wu Mian, saying, "My respect!" Now, the little poisonous water left by the old man is all here, just treat it as a small gift from me to Your Majesty."

Faceless and overjoyed, behind the mask without any expression, he let out a strange laugh, "I can't refuse Master Hu's kindness, so I will accept it."

After accepting Yan Luo from Snow Mountain, Faceless' heart became more stable.

It seems that there will be no real trust between evil people. On the surface, Wu Mian and Hu Erye are the same breed, but in fact they have their own ghosts. Maybe when the fairy appears, they are likely to turn against each other first.

This gave me confidence that the chances of a comeback this time are quite high.

While the two were talking, suddenly the golden light on the top of the tower rose sharply, obviously Cao San had already reached the top of the tower.

I doubt whether there will be any immortals on the top of the tower, but I see Hu Erye and Wu Mian calmly.I expected that it would not be easy on the top of the tower.

Hu Erye saw the golden light and stood up. I knew it was my turn to play.

I quickly sneaked away, and ran to the vicinity, in the form of purple smoke, pretending to be confused at the place leading to the sacrificial tower, waiting for Hu Erye and Faceless.

At this time, traces of a fight could be vaguely seen on the top of the tower, and I guessed that it was the guards disguised as Ye Mo who fought with Cao Sanzhen.

Hu Erye and Wumian were extremely fast, and soon arrived near the sacrificial tower. When he saw me, Hu Erye was stunned for a moment, and then asked in amazement: "Yan'er, why are you here?"

I quickly acted like Zi Yan, pretending to be pitiful, and then said coldly: "I lost my way inside the altar. I saw a light here, so I found it here."

Erye Hu knew that Ziyan hated Ziyan because he borrowed the corpse to cross the pool, so he didn't doubt my slightly cold tone.

But he still glanced at the top of the tower, the fight between Yemo and Cao San dispelled his last doubt.

In his opinion, there is probably no one else who can fight Cao San, and who can get close to Cao San as a bodyguard, except me.

Since I'm on it, Ziyan will definitely have no problem.

"Master Hu, it doesn't matter if there are more than one person, let's hurry up, Ion Time is not far away." Faceless urged.

Hu Erye was also happy, Ziyan was willing to talk to him, and immediately told him: "Follow me!"

Hu Erye and Wu Mian flew up to the top of the pagoda. The location of the altar is quite strange, especially in the sky above the pagoda, there is a gap of one zhang square, which leads directly to the sky, and the night sky can be seen clearly.

At the top of the tower, Ye Mo and Cao San were fighting fiercely. Ye Mo had been following me for a while. Although he might not be able to defeat Cao San, he fought all the way to the top of the tower. Cao San, who was exhausted, wanted to defeat Cao San quickly. He, too, can't think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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