Dart Master

Chapter 648 No Choice

Chapter 648 No Choice
I said this with great sincerity, it may sound exaggerated, but as long as Yan Hong savors it carefully, he will find that his son is the safest in my hands.

Once Gongzilei returns to Penglai City, Yan Xiaotian will use the defeat as an excuse to trouble him. Although he is the Great Elder, he may not be able to survive such a big defeat. How to get revenge on him.

Yan Hong knew very well that he was in a whirlpool. In terms of cultivation, the Yan family's father and son must have stabilized him. In terms of strength, although he was the mainstay, the Yan family belonged to Yan Xiaotian after all.

Moreover, he couldn't tell why how many people belonged to him in the city. At least Gao Tianqi of the Imperial Guard was enough to give him a headache.

Yan Hong didn't speak, just stared at me, obviously he was thinking in his heart whether to believe my words.But when he saw the sincerity in my eyes, he believed that I was not lying to him, and that I was sincerely trying to persuade him.

He wants to get some relatives with me, isn't it just to save himself a way out and protect his children.

"I have heard for a long time that King Qin is the Lord of Benevolence and Righteousness in the Taoist sect. He promises a thousand gold. If my son has King Qin to take care of him, it would be great, but King Qin has come all the way here, so he must ask for something." Yan Hong thought for a while road.

"Elder Yan is really very wise. Don't worry, I will not only take good care of Young Master Lei and treat him like a brother, but also train him well so that he will become a real general in the army or a leader in the business world." I said.

Naturally, I didn't want to find an ancestor to worship. It is also good for Gongzi Lei to stay by my side. At least the relationship between Yanhong's line and me is considered to be strong.

And even if Yan Hong fails in the future and is killed by Yan Xiaotian's internal struggle, I can still let the young master use the banner of avenging his father to attack the Yan family openly. There is less resistance to attacking the Yan family.

Of course, this is the worst idea. Right now, if I can win over this power minister, it would be the best.

Because I am going to fight with the Lu family in the south of the Yangtze River, if Yan Hong can restrain the army in the north of Lingnan and prevent the Yan family from going east, it will be of great benefit to me.

As for Yan Hong, he was doing multiple-choice questions. He could ask for Yan Lei back, but it was unknown whether he could block the impact of Yan Xiaotian and his son and protect his son.

The reason why Yan Lei was lawless was because he was spoiled by him. Naturally, it was his heart and soul. He could never take the risk of his son's life.In the future, he will continue to fight with the Yan family and his son, and there is no guarantee that he will fail one day.

But if he is handed over to me, he will undoubtedly be held hostage by me. Will I kill Yan Lei one day?

He can only bet on who is more threatening to his son, the Yan family father and son or me.

He is a very strategic person. After a little analysis, he found that this is not a multiple-choice question at all. There is only one answer to the matter, and he can only choose me.

I have something to ask of him, and everyone in the world knows that I am extremely honest and benevolent, and I am the biggest force in the Jiangdong area. If you cooperate with me, you may even become the head of the family in the future.

But if he stays with Yan Xiaotian, his son probably won't be able to keep him. Now that he weighs it, he can only choose me.

"Okay, I believe that King Qin is the king of integrity, and my son will be reborn and make great achievements by following King Qin." With eyes brightened, Yan Hong stood up and clinked glasses with me, forming an alliance with me.

"Okay, Elder Yan, since we are all our own people now, I will tell the truth." I said. "I need you to rescue Master Hu, at least let me see him."

Yan Hong frowned, a little confused: "I think Qiancheng has already told you that Mr. Hu is locked in the sky prison, and only the head of the family can interrogate himself. Although I am an elder, I'm afraid I don't have the ability. .”

"Apart from the head of the Yan family, is there anyone else who can enter the sky prison?" I asked, there must be someone in charge in the sky prison, otherwise those prisoners would starve to death.

Yan Hong frowned, and thought about it carefully, "Yes, Zhou Junchen, the prison leader in charge of the prison, is the number one cruel official in Penglai City, and his methods are cruel. Anyone who enters the prison will be in his hands. Shed a layer of skin."

"But this person has nothing to do with me. The Sky Prison is Yan Xiaotian's secret institution specially used to torture political opponents. Zhou Junchen is his confidant. It is difficult for me to get through this relationship. And if I come forward, it will easily attract the attention of the Patriarch. vigilance."

Speaking of this cruel official, Yan Hong was also horrified. He was lucky that his son Yan Lei stayed by my side. If he was thrown into the prison and fell into the hands of this cruel official, he would be worse than death.

I raised my hand and smiled, I could see that Yan Hong didn't mean to lie to me.

"Zhou Junchen, that's interesting. I'll solve this myself, so I won't bother the elders." I said.

Since Yan Hong contacts me, it is easy to expose my risk. He is the most powerful minister, and he contacts an unknown person. If the spies find out, there is no doubt that the Yan family and his son will follow me immediately. for my future actions.

In order to reduce the risk, I contacted Tu Qiancheng one-way to avoid suspicion.

Tu Qiancheng is an old white man, and he also has several properties in the city. Because of his humble position, no one will pay special attention to him. He temporarily gave me a remote house in the east of the city as a resting place.

My helpers in Penglai City are not only Tu Qiancheng and Yan Hong, I asked Tu Qiancheng to find incense sticks and paper money, and then I went to the backyard and recited the mantra silently, trying to communicate with the soul of the fierce cat.

Tu Qiancheng looked a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect a master like me to use such a rustic and primitive method.

How did he know that I have already lost my cultivation, and now I can't even beat him.

As the talisman paper burned, when the incense was about to burn out, I only heard a meow from the corner of the yard, and the fierce cat appeared in front of me like a gust of wind.

"Kitten!" I was overjoyed and wanted to catch her.

The fierce cat roared, spit out black air and sprayed it towards me, while Tu Qiancheng turned the judge's pen in his hand, and a word of defense was blocked by the black mist.

"Bold, dare to be rude to King Qin." Tu Qiancheng shouted loudly.

"Mr. Tu, don't do it, it is my friend." I quickly blocked Tu Qiancheng and said with a smile.

Fierce Cat knew that my physical body was destroyed when I was in Yinshan Mountain. Seeing that I had suddenly returned to my previous appearance at this moment, my first reaction was that someone pretended to be me, so they would attack me.

I explained it to her with a smile, and took out the token from the Qiankun bag.Only then did she appear in the form of a kitten, with a face full of grievances and anger.

"Lord Tu, you go first, I'll catch up with her."

Tu Qiancheng understood and left the yard.

"King Qin, I thought you and Shaotian left me here." Zhang Xiaomao said angrily.

I walked out of the yard and sat down on the steps in the corridor. Zhang Xiaomao sat down beside me, still very angry.

I lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said apologetically, "This is the negligence of Shaotian and I. This time we rescued Hu Erye, and I will take you out of Penglai City. Don't be angry, okay?"

Zhang Xiaomao knows my status is noble, and seeing that I am so kind to her, she no longer sulks, "Even if you still have a conscience, if you don't want to come, I will go to the deep mountains and old forests by myself. You mess."

"Is Master Hu okay?" I asked.

"No, when we were fleeing, Shaotian ran away with Little Seed, Master Hu was arrested, and I couldn't get in the prison, and the cruel staff in the prison chased me around like a mad dog. Time almost didn't drive me crazy." Zhang Xiaomao said angrily.

I knew she was wronged, so I said a few words of comfort, "Little cat, do you know where the fairy cave is?"

Zhang Xiaomao pointed to the hazy mountain shadow in the opposite sea and said: "You have to go to Penglai Xiandao to talk about this. It's useless for me to tell you now."

"Okay, from now on, you will follow me." I snapped my fingers, she giggled, turned into a little black cat, and jumped into my arms.

I haven't opened my mouth to ask Yan Hong for the elixir, because the time is not yet ripe. I plan to open a hole from Zhou Junchen, which can not only save Master Hu, but also make Yan Hong trust me more.

Because Zhou Junchen hunted down fierce cats, almost all the wild cats and domestic cats in the city were exterminated. Naturally, I couldn't walk on the street with a cat in my arms, because it would be easy to be spotted by the guards.

(End of this chapter)

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