Dart Master

Chapter 649 Four Seas Casino

Chapter 649
I can only hang a small basket around my waist for her to hide in. She turns into a human form during the day, which is very sinister.

I hung the bamboo basket, walked to a casino, looked around, saw that no one was watching, and then walked into the shop.

The name of the casino is "Sihai", and it is the largest casino in Penglai City.

Those who can open a casino in Penglai City are naturally not ordinary people. The owner of this casino is called Fengshun. On the surface, he is Yan Xiaotian's "money-earning boy", but in fact he is a pawn under Jin Yan's subordinates.

This venue is Jin Yan's property. On the surface, a large amount of Ujin is handed over to Yan Xiaotian every year, but behind the scenes, Jin Yan uses it for money laundering.

There is no doubt that Jin Yan is one of his own. The reason why Bai Chaoyang was able to buy up the Lingnan banknotes in circulation in Penglai City and cut off the economic relationship between Lingnan and the Yan family was precisely because of the powerful people like Jin Yan behind the scenes.

Jin Yan was originally from the Jinjiabao, a very reliable Yan Jun old school, and also one of the most powerful helpers I have come to Penglai this time.

The casino was very noisy, I walked in, went straight to the VIP lounge that Tu Qiancheng had already opened, called the waiter, and took out a hundred taels of black coins, "Brother, take this to the wind Shun, let him play with me."

Waiting in this prosperous Penglai city, I have never seen anyone before. Seeing that I wanted to see the owner of the boss when I took out a hundred taels, I couldn't help laughing and said: "Are you kidding, I just want to see the boss for 100 taels, here I spend every day. There are too many people with millions of gold, and with just 100 taels, I want my master to end in person."

I was not angry because of his upsurge and sarcasm, so I took out another thousand taels of cash and handed it to him, "You just call the boss, it doesn't matter whether he comes or not, this is your bounty."

The waiter was a little dazed. I asked his boss for 100 taels, but I gave him 1000 taels for running errands, which made him a little confused.

But 1000 taels is not a small amount. Many people will not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime. He quickly put away his contempt and said with a smile: "Guest wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go."

This money ticket is different from ordinary money tickets. There is an extra Bai family seal stamped on it. This is the way the Bai family contacts spies.

Strictly speaking, more than half of Penglai City are old white people. Strictly speaking, the Yan family and his son are also old white people, but they are powerful in power. people.

The status of Yan people can enjoy a lot of preferential tax treatment in Penglai City, so many old white people have registered as Yan people, but they still have the blood of old white people in their bones.

Fengshun seldom goes to the casino to compete with customers in person, unless some powerful princes from the Yan family or some famous Taoist businessmen come to the casino, he will take care of face and play a few games with him.

Fengshun was a Taoist thief in the early years, with a pair of miraculous hands and a very wise heart. In the early years, he was caught stealing from a large family's house and was almost beaten to death.

Later, Jin Yan saw that his bones were strange, and he was born with a pair of fast hands, so he took him in as a horse boy, taught him how to do business, and how to walk in the Taoist sect. .

Jin Yan trusted him so much that he entrusted him to take care of the most expensive money houses and casinos in Penglai City.Of course, Fengshun did not disappoint him. He has managed the business in an orderly manner over the years and has become Jin Yan's most important assistant.

"My lord, there is a guest in the VIP room who wants to see you." The waiter said cautiously.

Fengshun was reconciling the account, when he heard the waiter's words, he frowned, and said displeasedly: "Presumptuous, I don't understand the rules more and more, don't you know I'm busy? Even if the king of heaven is here, let him cool down go."

The waiter smiled awkwardly, quietly handed over the money ticket, and whispered: "This is the end fee he gave you."

The moment the money ticket was handed out, cold sweat broke out all over his body. Isn't it crazy to ask the boss to step down with a platinum money ticket?If he hadn't collected a lot of money from me, he wouldn't have done such stupid things.

The task was completed, and the waiter was about to run away immediately.

Fengshun didn't pay attention at first, thinking it was some prank, and put the money ticket aside without looking at it.After working with Jin Yan for so many years, he had already cultivated his heart, so naturally he would not get angry over such a small matter.

He was still lowering his head to settle accounts, but when his peripheral vision accidentally fell on the money note, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He picked up the money note, looked carefully, and found that there was a Bai family seal on it, which would be hard to find if one hadn't paid more attention to it.

"Could it be someone from Jiangdong?" Fengshun was startled, this is the secret way Jin Yan specially instructed him to contact the special envoys and scouts of Jiangdong Wangcheng.

He immediately burned the money ticket to ashes, put on his clothes and walked to the VIP room.He was very puzzled at the moment, because he knew about the VIP room, it was the resting place of Mr. Yan Lei in the casino, and few people in Penglai City knew that Yan Lei had always been domineering and domineering, and he heard that he was captured by the Bai family army , How could the room be suddenly used by outsiders.


I waited patiently in the room, and the waiter walked in with a helpless face, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I have already handed over the money ticket to the boss, he is not in the mood to see you, you should go."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, and thought to myself: "Could it be that the contact information Bai Chaoyang gave me is wrong, or is the owner of this company not ours at all, or has already betrayed him?"

I think it's better to leave here first. Now that the two armies are at war, if the boss of this company secretly reports the news, I will be killed.I was getting up to leave when Feng Shun walked in, waved the waiter to go out, and immediately he closed the door.

I looked at him proudly, Fengshun looks very ordinary, but he has a pair of terrible hands, like Uncle Liu Huang of the Three Kingdoms, his hands hang down to his knees.

While I was sizing him up, Fengshun was also looking at me. He has been with Jin Yan for so many years, and he has often dealt with important people, so he has already learned the ability to read words and demeanor.

But seeing that my whole body is as stable as Mount Tai, unattainable, majestic, but exuding a peaceful atmosphere, I was shocked, and immediately knelt down on one knee and worshiped: "Feng Shun has seen my king, but he has not been able to meet him far away. I also hope for forgiveness.”

I raised my hand and said: "Boss Feng, please stand up. I have dealt with Boss Jin in the early years, and I know your name, but I have never met you. It is also a joy to meet here today, so I got up and spoke."

I helped him up, Fengshun sat down respectfully, and asked in a low voice: "This is a dangerous place, why did King Qin come here..."

While speaking, he seemed to feel that he, as a courtier, shouldn't ask random questions, so he quickly shut his mouth.

I smiled and looked at him calmly: "Boss Feng, I came here to ask you for help."

"It is Fengshun's blessing to be able to serve the King of Qin, and please give orders from the King of Qin." Fengshun said dryly.

I admire him very much. He only does what he is supposed to do, he doesn't ask too many questions and talks more, and he is capable in doing things.

"Do you know Zhou Junchen?" I asked.

Fengshun nodded and said: "This person is the King of Yama in Penglai City. Anyone who falls into his hands will have to go back to hell. His original name was Zhou Yi. Later, because he became addicted to torture, he simply changed his name to Zhou Yi. Zhou Junchen, I am proud to emulate the cruel official Lai Junchen in the Empress Wu period."

"Does he have any shortcomings?" I thought for a while and asked, as long as a person has shortcomings, he can find a way to deal with him.

"Yes, on the surface, this person pretends to be non-human, has no wife and children, and makes people unable to hold his weakness. But in fact, he is very fond of gambling. He will leave Penglai Palace on the first, fifteenth, and thirtieth of every month. Come to my casino secretly to have fun. And according to my investigation, he has a son who was born to a woman who sells tofu, this secret is probably only known by Yan Xiaotian, me, and Boss Jin in Penglai City." The wind is on the way.

"How do you know?" I asked.

Feng Shun respectfully said: "To be honest, Boss Jin has secretly established our intelligence network in Penglai City according to Mr. Bai's instructions, and I am the person in charge. This information has been confirmed before the end of the year."

At the end of the new year, I just came back from Changbai Mountain, and I should still be in retreat. It's normal that Bai Chaoyang didn't tell me.

(End of this chapter)

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