Dart Master

Chapter 742

Chapter 742
Yan Donglou glared at me fiercely, but saw Mr. Chang An following behind me, gritted his teeth, and held back his breath, "Qin Wushang, I'll settle the score with you later."

While speaking, Yan Donglou raised the moon sword in his hand, and a beam of moonlight poured into the sword, as if divine help, majestic.

"The generals obey the order. Tuoba Chong intends to disobey Lord Chang'an, the lord of the Yin Division. Yan follows the order of Lord Chang'an to kill Tuoba Chong. Kill!" Yan Donglou had no choice, and immediately raised his sword and screamed to the sky. .

Immediately, the three thousand black armored cavalry and Tuoba Chong's Mobei soldiers fought fiercely on the river beach. Tuoba Chong originally wanted to wait for Murong Yu's army, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Immediately, he had no choice but to give up and started fighting on his own.

I rode my horses and Shaotian stood beside Lord Chang'an, watching the battle with cold eyes. These cavalry were all elites of the Yan family, well equipped, and Yan Donglou had brought enough rations and drinks with the army, and the soldiers were full of wine and food. , Naturally, it is powerful for fighting.

On the contrary, it was futile for Tuoba Chong to urge food and grass down the mountain day after day, and it was rumored in the army that he had been seriously injured, so the morale of the soldiers was extremely weak, and some lieutenants around him were not stupid. All of them disappeared, and they all thought that Changping might be defeated, so they didn't want to fight to the death again.

For a while, the two sides fought extremely fiercely, with knives and guns intersecting, screams were heard endlessly, most of the river was dyed red, 6000 people fought on the river beach, and the valley was full of shouts, which was extremely heroic.

Occasionally, a few powerful soldiers broke through to my side, but they were all picked off by Shaotian, so I didn't need to do anything at all.

Tuoba Chong already had injuries on his body, seeing Yan Donglou under the moonlight, the divine sword was extremely powerful, and seeing that his soldiers' morale seemed not very high, he immediately became afraid, and kept cursing Murong Yu for not showing up.

How did he know that Murong Yu was thinking about how to choose at this time, and Murong Yu led his 3000 troops to stand coldly on the mountainside, watching all this silently.

The scene in front of him is undoubtedly what he wants to see. He hopes that the two parties will fight and get the fisherman's benefit from it. This is the best situation.

But his eyes were firmly fixed on me, he knew very well that Tuoba Chong and Yan Donglou were no longer a concern, but I was watching from the side, calm and calm, which made him unable to figure it out.

Murong Yu has already dispatched many scouts to inquire about the news, and he knows that I am not lying to him, and the Changping area is almost occupied by the Jiangdong Army.

He can clean up the mess by rushing down, but if he kills me and regains Lord Chang'an, he may not be able to make peace smoothly.But he was not reconciled if he didn't get anything, because whether Tuoba Chong died or not was secondary to him. In his view, it was my task, and he just got a little bit of light by the way.

"My lord, what should we do? Are we rushing down according to our agreement with King Tuoba?" the deputy general asked in a deep voice.

Murong Yu really couldn't figure it out, he was already a little confused, the main thing was whether he could kill me or not, Tuoba Chong had no doubts, he would definitely die.

"Order the three armies, prepare to charge, remember, when you see Qin Wushang, kill Wushe." Murong Yu thought for a while, then pulled out the full moon scimitar from his waist, and finally made up his mind.

He decided to take a risk and kill me, and missed this opportunity. He really couldn't think of where to look for such a good opportunity.

This risk is worth taking, no matter what, he has to try it. The adventurous and militant spirit of the northern desert people in his bones is fully burned at this moment.

Just as all the soldiers drew their swords and were about to charge, a group of people quickly came out from the opposite mountain. Under the moonlight, there were as many as a thousand people marching like lightning, charging over.

Murong Yu was shocked, and immediately opened his eyes to look, but saw the leader wearing a white cloak and holding a long sword, and the cavalry behind him were all wearing Mobei's bright-winged and bare-shoulder heavy armor, with blood-red ghost eyes Under the moonlight exuding a cold killing intent, behind the cavalry were the tiger men led by the fierce tiger.

"Your Majesty, look, it seems to be our Rakshasa ghost cavalry!" The lieutenant pointed to the cavalry formation with sharp eyes and said in shock.

How could Murong Yu not recognize them as the Raksha ghost cavalry beside his old royal ancestors in the past, but after Xichuan, he had just won power at that time and was powerless to deal with me, so he could only let me leave with [-] cavalry, but he could not Unexpectedly, these five hundred cavalry would become his biggest obstacle today.He knew very well how powerful these cavalry could be his ancestors, and the few troops he brought with him would definitely not be enough to fight against the opponent's cavalry and tiger soldiers.

Moreover, the leader was wearing a white cloak, with a calm demeanor, handsome appearance and sharpness. Murong Yu knew that that person was Bai Chaoyang, the great military strategist of Jiangdong, and a young man was enough to give him a headache. Now there is another peerless master , Murong Yu knew that he had no choice.

"Stop it all." Murong Yu shouted loudly.

"All the officers and men listen to my orders, rush down the mountain immediately, respect Qin Wushang, kill Tuoba Chong, and clean up the sect." Murong Yu hastily changed his order, and if he doesn't show his favor to me at this time, he might be inseparable Changping.

Murong Yu was also in a hurry and had no choice. Of course he did not mean to respect me, but at this moment it was the simplest and most direct order, so that the purpose of the soldiers was clear.

Tuoba Chong and Yan Donglou were standing together, when he suddenly heard shouts of killing from the mountain, he turned his head and saw that Murong Yu's army was charging towards them like tigers descending the mountain.

He immediately burst out laughing: "Great, Qin Wushang, let's see where you go this time."

Yan Donglou panicked. Looking back, Murong Yu's army had arrived. As soon as his courage weakened, he withdrew towards me. Seeing that I still had an indifferent attitude, he couldn't help asking: "Qin Wushang , death is imminent, you are still laughing here."

I smiled, "Young Master Yan, why are you in such a hurry, how do you know that these Murong Yu are our enemies?"

Speaking of this, I yelled at Shaotian: "Take care of Mr. Chang'an."

I galloped my horse into the enemy's formation, Tuoba Chong saw that I dared to charge in, and immediately greeted me with a hatchet. It was night, and my Moonlight had a great buff, and I was seriously injured. Tuoba Chong, who had just fought a battle, had no more energy left.

Two gossip ice shields appeared in the palm of my hand, blocking the ax on the left and right, and at the same time, I spit out the cold air in my palm, freezing his horse's body, and I slapped it again, and the horse became pieces.

Tuoba Chong was shocked, this was the first time he had fought against me, obviously he didn't expect my palm strength to be so vicious, he immediately flew up, landed on a soldier next to him, grabbed the soldier and threw it towards me.

I looked up to the sky with a long roar, avoided him, urged my horse to gallop to his side, and shouted: "Tuoba Chong, you have no way out, look behind you."

Tuoba Chong turned around and saw that Murong Yu cut in from behind his soldiers like a mad dog, and slaughtered his Mobei barbarians like a storm.

"Murong Yu, you bastard! I'm going to fight you." Tuoba Chong didn't know it, but at this moment, he only heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the mountain, and Bai Chaoyang and Lie Hu were swept away like a whirlwind. Coming over, he shouted loudly: "Jiangdong saves the army, whoever blocks and kills whoever!"

"King Qin, don't be alarmed, the Liehu came to rescue him." Liehu led the tiger tribe to join the occupation first, while Bai Chaoyang led [-] cavalry to march aside.

He is a military strategist of a generation, and after a brief look at the battle situation, he knew that my life was no longer in danger, so he stood by and waited for my orders.

When Tuoba rushed to see the aggressiveness of the tiger soldiers, especially the [-] Raksha ghost cavalry behind Bai Chaoyang, everyone in the desert knew everyone, and his heart immediately turned cold.

"Tuoba Chong, you are also a hero of the generation. If I capture you here, you will surely die. Have you seen Bai Chaoyang? You just go behind him. When we get down the mountain, we will discuss success or failure." " I walked to Tuoba Chong and said coldly.

Tuoba Chong stared angrily, and looked at me puzzled, "Qin Wushang, you won, why did you let me go?"

"King Tuoba, you are a man, even if you want to die, you can't die in front of villains like Murong Yu and Yan Donglou, let's go." After I finished speaking, I gestured to Bai Chaoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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