Dart Master

Chapter 743 Contract Law

Chapter 743 Contract Law
My two hearts have a good understanding, so Bai Chaoyang naturally understands my reasoning.

At this moment, the one who wants to kill Tuoba Chong the most is Murong Yu. If Murong Yu kills him, he will be eligible to negotiate with me. On the contrary, I owe him a favor. How can I do such a thing.

In fact, political affairs are like handling family affairs. They can be big or small. Many things cannot be compromised, and some things can be discussed in a twists and turns.

Tuoba Chong is now a lost dog, he is no longer my opponent, it is very easy for me to deal with him, there is no need to beat him to death here.

Tuoba Chong glanced at me, gritted his teeth, drove his horse and led his personal guards towards Bai Chaoyang.

At this moment, he doesn't care whether what I say is true or not, because staying here is also death, why doesn't he listen to me?Maybe there will be a chance of survival.

When Murong Yu saw that Tuoba Chong was about to run away, he immediately quit. He was still waiting to grab Tuoba Chong and claim credit in front of me. He left Changping. Without Tuoba Chong, what would he use to negotiate with me.

Immediately led the soldiers to chase after him, but when Tuoba Chong rushed down the mountain from Bai Chaoyang's side like no one else, the shrewd Murong Yu immediately understood that this was my intentional release, and he could only dismiss this idea immediately.

Right now the situation is completely in my hands, I joined forces with Yan Donglou, there are already 4000 to [-] people, especially the Raksha ghost cavalry, they are extremely powerful, Murong Yu can't beat them no matter what.

Furthermore, with me, Yan Donglou, Bai Chaoyang, and Shaotian guarding here, it is impossible for Murong Yu to escape, so he can only sit down and listen to fate.

The battle subsided just like that. Except for the [-] or so soldiers led by Tuoba Chong to break through, all the remaining soldiers were killed. Murong Yu also injured hundreds of people. In order to kill and protect Lord Chang'an, almost half of them were lost.

He wished he could eat me in one bite, but now he is no longer qualified to challenge me, so he can only bear with it.

When we arrived at the big tent, this time I took the lead without hesitation, and everyone had nothing to say.

"General Murong, Mr. Yan, thanks to the help of the two of you who are in danger of Changping this time, King Tuoba has been defeated and fled. Now it's time for us to get to know each other." I smiled and raised my wine glass to The two gestured.

Murong Yu and Yan Donglou raised their wine glasses reluctantly, and agreed with me with a forced smile. Now that I have a heavy army in my hand and three masters are in charge, they are no longer qualified to negotiate with me.

"King Qin, Black Leopard and others have all been released, and there are quite a few brothers." Lie Hu walked into the big tent, swept Murong Yu and the two coldly, and said displeased.

"Xuan Heibao came in." I raised my hand and said.

The black panther walked in quickly, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said in shame: "The last general has betrayed the trust of the king of Qin and was captured by thieves. It is really shameful."

"Black Panther, get up quickly. No one can be the ever-victorious general. After drinking this glass of wine, go down and tell your brothers. Although you were captured this time, none of you surrendered. You are my Jiangdong's victorious army. The warrior." I personally stepped down to help the panther, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled proudly.

The Black Panther is undoubtedly my confidant. Their fierce clan will never be sentenced to me. His army is also the most elite. No one surrendered. This is the real army. I think any king will see such Soldiers are all loved extremely.

The black panther's eyes were red, and he cupped his hands and said: "Thank you King Qin, I will surely avenge my shame and strive to make new achievements."

"Brother, let me just say, the King of Qin won't blame you, let's go, let's go drink." Lie Hu laughed loudly, hugged Black Panther's shoulders, and the two walked out of the military tent laughing.

I am strict when I should be strict in governing soldiers, and loose when I should be loose. It is normal for them to hang their shoulders and shoulders in the military tent, but it is extremely surprising to Yan Donglou and Murong Yu.

Because the military is a place to discuss military and national affairs, how can you be so contemptuous, but I don't seem to care.

"King Qin, does our previous agreement still count?" Yan Donglou coldly snorted displeased, and at the same time his eyes were a little frightened, because he was worried that I would renege on my promise.

I smiled, and immediately someone brought Mr. Chang'an into the big tent. I leaned forward halfway, lit a cigarette and asked, "Mr. Chang'an, who do you want to go with, it's still as you wish."

While speaking, I looked at Bai Chaoyang, who smiled slightly and nodded slightly, indicating that he would completely obey my decision.

Lord Chang'an saw that I was sitting in the upper seat, showing the air of a king, and he didn't dare to spoil in front of me. He immediately cleared his throat and said, "My lord should go to Penglai with Mr. Yan according to the previous agreement."

Yan Donglou was overjoyed immediately, "Your Highness is wise."

I deliberately pretended to be very reluctant and unhappy, Yan Donglou stopped laughing immediately, sat up straight again, and dared to talk nonsense again.

"Your Majesty, I think Lord Chang'an is the leader of the world, and the Lord temporarily selected by the Yin Division can command the princes of the world. It seems a little inappropriate to make a decision so easily." Bai Chaoyang cooperated with me and objected.

Mr. Chang'an was a little anxious, for fear that I would pull him back again. He is very clear about my attitude towards him, and he is not willing to go back after finally being able to get rid of my clutches.

"Chaoyang is really embarrassing for me. Your Majesty has already made his own decision, so I can't force him anymore." I frowned and said worriedly.

"If that's the case, we'll ask for three chapters!" Bai Chaoyang got up, walked to the middle of the hall, and said in a cold voice proudly.

"How to make three chapters?" Yan Donglou's expression darkened when he heard this, and he asked in a cold voice.

"First, I, Jiangdong, did not follow the orders of Lord Chang'an. King Qin has the merit of saving him. It should be so. Does Mr. Yan have any objections?" Bai Chaoyang asked.

Yan Donglou is not stupid, he came here to fight for Lord Chang'an not to snatch a bodhisattva for offering, isn't he just wanting to take the emperor to make the princes addicted?
But when I think about it carefully, I have a big family and a great career, and I am his fellow martial uncle, so they may not be able to do anything to me. Even if they give orders, I probably won't listen to them.

"Okay, I promise you the first one." Yan Donglou nodded and said.

Bai Chaoyang's eyes flashed with murderous intent again, staring at Lord Chang'an and asking, "What does Your Majesty mean?"

Mr. Chang'an seems to be walking on the tip of a knife, he just wants to get out of this damned place safely, "Young Master Yan, let me make the decision, you can be with him."

"Well, the second rule, Yan Donglou, you must protect the safety of your lord. If your lord encounters an accident, or if your father and son commit a treasonous act, all the soldiers in the world will attack you."

Yan Donglou has not thought of killing Lord Chang'an at this moment, but only wants to use his prestige to enjoy the addiction of commanding the princes, "Of course, my son will naturally keep the king safe."

"Third article, since your majesty is acting as the appointed interim King Zhang, he has the right to call on the princes and all the people except the King Qin of Jiangdong!" Bai Chaoyang said.

Speaking of this, he looked at Murong Yu, "King Xichuan, I don't think you have any objections?"

Murong Yu saw that he put his hand on the hilt of his sword while he was speaking, and knew that this was the overlord's clause, so he had no choice but to refuse to agree, otherwise he might be killed.

Bai Chaoyang's third point is actually of great benefit to me. The Yan family and his son are very happy people. He got Chang'an Lord, so he will naturally use Chang'an Lord to show off his prestige, and give the Lu family and the Murong family three There is a big call from the sky, and a small call every day, so you don't have to worry about them to death.

And I, Jiangdong, stand aloof, just watch these farces with a cold eye.

Another advantage of this clause is that if Murong Yu is called, he will be a minister, and if Lu Shaoxun is not called, he will be a rebellious minister, which is a big loss in the hearts of the people, and everyone in the world can punish him.

Yan Donglou was completely immersed in joy at the moment, and didn't see the meaning behind it, so he immediately agreed.

"Okay, Mr. Yan, you can take Mr. Chang'an out of Changping and go back to your Penglai." I smiled and waved my hand, indicating that there is no need for him to stay here.

Yan Donglou hurriedly bowed his hands to me, and pulled Mr. Chang'an out of the big tent, afraid that if he took a step too slowly, I would regret letting them stay.

This guy thought that he had all the money, but in fact he took a useless trump card, especially the second one. Once Lord Chang'an died, his father and son would be the enemies of the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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