Dart Master

Chapter 90 The Secret of the Golden Armor

Chapter 90 The Secret of the Golden Armor

Shaotian tilted his head, eating the fruit proudly, humming nursery rhymes, so happy.The moon is as round as a disk, quietly sprinkled on the empty temple, making people feel endless sorrow.

I realized that I was slowly growing from a rookie, and defeating the corpse hunter gave me great confidence, but it also made me feel lonely.

I am a person who attaches great importance to feelings, but now Ziyi, Heizi, Bai Ling, Seventh Uncle, each of them seems to be hiding a secret, and I can't see their hearts clearly, which makes me very disturbed.

It suddenly occurred to me that when I met Bai Ling for the first time, I was so happy, and the two of them were together without any secrets, so transparent.But now, it is too difficult to find someone who is eager to fight side by side and has no guesses.

Looking at Shaotian, I suddenly feel a little envious, he is a fool, but he lives so happily.He didn't know that his home was destroyed, his parents were separated in pain, and the only person he could rely on was my nameless big brother.

Thinking of this, I put my hands on Shaotian's shoulders, and Shaotian leaned on me to eat apples, pointing to the moon in the sky, "Moon cakes, there are big moon cakes in the sky..."

"Wu Shang, where did the golden armor go? You won't lose it." The night wind blew up my skirt, revealing the blood lotus mark on my chest, but Zi Yi seemed to remember something, and sat down next to me, asked a little nervously.

Finally, the moment of tranquility was broken again. The word Jinjia is now like a needle. As long as I mention it, I will immediately become nervous and uneasy.

Impatiently, I raised my voice and shouted: "Jin Jia, Jin Jia, can you let me be quiet for a while?"

This is the first time I lost my temper with Ziyi. I don't know why whenever someone mentions the word "Jinjia", I feel very sensitive and instinctively feel a sense of crisis.What Jin Taibao gave me was not a golden armor at all, but King Qin Guang's Jiangshan. It was so heavy that I couldn't breathe.

Zi Yi looked at me in surprise, biting her lip, tears swirling in her beautiful eyes.

Seeing her tears, I felt pain in my heart, let out a sigh of relief, shrugged and said, "Zi Yi, I'm sorry, I, I..."

Ziyi threw herself into my arms with a wow, and burst into tears, "I really want to go back to Baiqiao. We are dependent on each other for life and death, and we will never leave. Ever since you came back to Jiangdong, you have always been preoccupied and have doubts about others. If In this way, what's the point of Ziyi staying by your side, you don't believe me at all."

After several days of running around, Zi Yi, who has always loved beauty, is now exhausted and haggard.I realize that these days are so stressful, but I don't have any reason to vent my anger on a girl who loves me so much.

After comforting me for a while, Ziyi is a sensible person, and she didn't want to embarrass me, and she stopped crying.

The three of us sat in front of the temple, staring blankly at the moonlight, and even Shaotian became quiet.

"Ziyi, the golden armor is on Shaotian's body, and it has been integrated into his golden veins. Except for Shaotian, no one in this world can open the gate of hell from the underworld." I decided to trust Ziyi and tell the truth.

The Peerless Golden Armor was originally entrusted by King Zhang to the Jin family. This armor was blessed by King Zhang and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and only the Jin family can possess it.

Because it itself is not a real thing, but a kind of body protection, an enchantment that opens the gate of ghosts, and a magic weapon, similar to the vestment that Dao Yan left for the ghost.

Just imagine that it is just a set of battle armor. I am afraid that it will be stolen by someone after so many years, which is extremely unfavorable for preservation.

This point was told to me when Jin Taibao took the armor in the Chamber of Secrets, and it was precisely because of this that he had to entrust his stupid son to me.

Because when I escaped from Jinjiabao, I integrated the golden armor into Shaotian's golden veins according to the secret method he taught me.

Everyone in the world thinks that the golden armor is just a set of battle armor worn on the body, but they don't know that it is just a protective barrier for the heirs of the golden veins.

What was even more unexpected was that it would be on Shaotian, a fool who always makes people less wary. Shaotian himself didn't know that the golden armor had been integrated into his blood, so he didn't have to guard this heavy armor like a normal person. secret.

He is a happy fool, but he is tied to my fate invisibly. In the future, he is destined to be the vanguard general who will open the gate of the underworld for me.

After Ziyi heard this, Miaomu was very surprised, and Shaotian had already fallen asleep leaning on my shoulder at this time, "No way, what you mean is that the lifeblood of the Yin and Yang realms is tied to Shaotian."

I nodded, "That's right, it's God's will to think about Shaotian's dementia. I believe that one day he will be sane and become an unparalleled hero in the world."

"Wu Shang, thank you for telling me such an important secret, Zi Yi wrongly blamed you." Zi Yi took my hand, put it on my shoulder gratefully, and said coquettishly.

I looked at the two people on the left and right shoulders, one was the world, the other was a beautiful woman, it was really interesting.

I didn't tell Ziyi this secret in a moment of excitement, I was more willing to believe her than anyone else.Once I am in an accident, at least someone will know the secret of the golden armor on Shaotian, and it can be used to save this catastrophe in the future.And I firmly believe that Ziyi will not betray me, this is a kind of intuition, because I can feel that her heart is sincere and warm to me.

"Ziyi, why do you doubt Zhao Heizi?" I broke the silence and asked.

Ziyi frowned and said, "I have no proof, it's just a woman's intuition. I believe that a man's hatred will never be less than a woman's, maybe more extreme. Heizi likes Bai Ling. If you and Bai Ling are in a pair , he might bless you. But now that you two are making trouble like this, he will feel that you have hurt Bai Ling, and he will hate you to the bone..."

I was stunned for a while, completely confused, this is too complicated.

Seeing that I was dizzy, she leaned into my ear and said with a coquettish smile: "I know you're a stupid person who won't understand, Wushang, do you know? In fact, your life is really good, and you have a good heart. Simple and honest, down-to-earth, so you are very feminine. You have a natural mission, and even people like Qin Jian protect you everywhere. Compared with you, Zhao Heizi, who was born on the same day as you, is the complete opposite. He has inherited the family's will since he was a child, and he respects you in everything. He is the invincible god of war after Zhao Zilong, and he is also an arrogant person. I have always treated you as trash. Seventh Uncle is still here, maybe he will not turn against you because of Qishu’s face and the fate of the old man of the Zhao family. But as time goes on, when his ability is getting stronger and stronger, or Seventh Uncle is not around time, he will turn against you."

"And the fuse of all this is Bai Ling!" Ziyi's expression became serious when she said this, which made me realize that she wasn't joking with me.

There was a chill in my heart, Zi Yi's analysis was indeed reasonable, let's not talk about Bai Ling's matter for now.Just because his father died at the hands of my father, if he discovers this secret one day, it will be the time when we break up.

There are always many accidents in this world. I believe that my father would not slaughter his siblings for no reason, but the truth is not important. These facts have long been the destiny arranged by God.

Heizi's talent is actually not inferior to mine. He has the inheritance of the Martial God of the Zhao family, and he has the same murderous aura as me. Although he has no blood, he is equally powerful.My only advantage is that I have the Mo Luo Blood Lotus.

I was suddenly lonely, why didn't I have life-and-death friends like Zhang Wang and Yan Jun, maybe I did, that is my foolish brother, Shaotian.

While I was worrying, the sky seemed to be dimming. I looked up and saw that the bright moon was covered by a smear of blood at some point.

It's amazing, it was able to escape by the moonlight, the blood light sprinkled on the Lingkong Temple, it was extremely strange, vaguely like a pair of evil eyes staring at us.

These eyes are full of monstrous hatred and murderous intent, even comparable to the blood lotus in my dantian.

When Zi Yi saw it, his face was as pale as dead gray in an instant, his whole body was trembling, he stood up and murmured: "No, no..."

"Zi Yi, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that she looked wrong, I asked quickly.

"Wu Shang, I'm afraid it's almost time for us to part, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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