Dart Master

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

She seemed terrified, and I didn't understand what was going on, so I followed her towards the temple with Shaotian on my back.

I felt an unprecedented fear, even more suffocating evil than when the black robe appeared. Could it be that the second sage of the animal sect came to take my life in person, no matter how many, it is important to escape first.

All of a sudden, the strange blood light above the moon shot straight down into the sky and flew towards the temple.

Ziyi's face turned so ugly that she dragged me into the jungle, and she began to cry as she walked. There was an inexplicable sadness and desolation in my heart.Although I don't understand the reason, I also know that maybe it's time to say goodbye.

"Sister Zi, why are you crying? Shaotian can't walk anymore, I don't want to go." Shaotian muttered in confusion. He fell several times along the way, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He persuaded Ziyi, but he refused to go any further.

I looked at Ziyi, her teary eyes were full of endless sadness and despair, and she said quietly: "Wu Shang, if Zi Yi leaves, will you miss me?"

I nodded, and she threw herself into my arms, and said softly: "The happiest thing in my life is meeting you. We say goodbye today, but we don't know when we will see each other again. I hope you will always remember me." .”

After finishing speaking, she bit my shoulder suddenly.

I grunted, gritted my teeth and held on, letting her imprint her teeth on my shoulder.

"Blood Sea Empress is here!"


A blood-red sedan chair floated over from the depths of the forest like lightning, and the leading eunuch in black was exactly the person I saw in the stone building that day.

The sedan chair fell to the ground, and all the vegetation around it withered, and it fell down on both sides, with an air of dominance.

The red sedan chair landed steadily in the forest, the blood glow spread out, and a blood-colored brocade cloth was thrown on the ground to form a red carpet. The people in the sedan chair moved lightly and walked down slowly.

But seeing this woman is wearing a blood-red feather coat, she is glamorous and extraordinary, wearing a half-moon bun on her head, black hair with high bulges scattered behind her head, her eyebrows are like mountain daisy, and the corners of her eyebrows are raised high, showing a bit of evil spirit , Qiong nose and bright eyes, besides being coquettish, has an incomparable arrogance.

"Master!" Zi Yi knelt on the ground in fear, trembling, obviously in awe of the blood sea empress.


The empress didn't see her move, two crisp slaps landed on Zi Yi's fair face, and two blood-red palm prints suddenly appeared.

Blood was overflowing from the corner of Ziyi's mouth, but he didn't even dare to lift his head, just sobbing softly.

Seeing Ziyi being beaten, my heart was cut like a knife, it hurt more than being hit on my own face, so I couldn't help standing in front of her and shouting: "As a master, you should have a kind heart, someone with such a vicious heart like you Master?"


The blood-clothed woman sneered, "Talky!" With a flick of her finger, two bloody lights pierced my knees instantly. I didn't even have time to react, my knees softened, and I fell to my knees.

This woman's cultivation base is too high, and the huge blood energy is overwhelming like a mountain, and I can't breathe.

"Little bitch, I asked you to catch Qin Jian, but you are here to love each other, do you take the life of the teacher seriously?"

Ziyi hurriedly said: "Ziyi didn't dare, it's just that Qin Jian was as cunning as a fox, and my disciple missed it for a while."

"I hate men the most. In our Blood Sea Palace, we are forbidden to fall in love with men in our whole life. If you break my palace rules, you will be sentenced to death?"

"Ziyi knows that the crime is serious, and asked Master to let him go, he is innocent." Ziyi cried bitterly.

"Shameless little bitch!" As the woman spoke, she waved her long sleeves and beat the purple clothes all over her head and face like a whip.

"Crazy woman, stop!" I was furious in my heart, thanks to Zi Yi who kept talking about her master's kindness to her all day long, now it seems that this crazy woman is an unreasonable person at all.

Following my anger, the blood lotus in Dantian spun crazily. The monstrous blood energy made me stand up slowly against her coercion.

"You hate my Seventh Uncle, it's your own fault, why did you vent your anger on Ziyi. If you want to beat and kill, just target me, Qin Wushang?" My eyes were bloodshot, I grabbed her sleeve, and said through gritted teeth.

"You are the nephew of Qin Jian's heartbroken man. You are really open-eyed. I just want to kill you today to vent the anger in my heart? Let Qin Jian also taste the feeling of parting from life and death." Empress Xuehai laughed viciously. .

"Wu Shang, why are you so stupid!" Zi Yi shook his head slightly, his eyes full of sorrow for parting.

"I, Qin Wushang, a dignified man, how can I bear you to suffer this Wuwang, at worst I will die with you today." I held Ziyi's hand tightly and said with a smile.


Empress Xuehai's face froze, her red sleeve lightly brushed on my dantian, bang!With a sound, I only felt that the dantian was struck by lightning, the blood lotus shook, all the qi in the dantian collapsed, and the blood energy in the whole body was instantly dissipated, the internal organs seemed to be squeezed together, and blood was spurted out of the mouth with a wow.

"Anyone whose surname is Qin will be punished! He will die if his soul is scattered!"

After finishing speaking, a red dot suddenly appeared between her eyebrows. If I remember correctly, it seemed to be the Buddha's eye. This woman has such a strong evil spirit all over her body, and she is full of hostility. It should be the evil Buddha's eye.

It is unbelievable to be able to understand the Buddha's eyes. Could it be that she is the Yin God of the next three days?

The evil eye was shining red, with her cultivation base, if I was hit by the evil eye, I'm afraid I would not be able to escape the catastrophe.

"Master, you have a noble status. He is nothing more than a mortal ant, so he is not worthy of your attack. This apprentice is willing to personally cut off the fate of the world and pay off this evil debt." Ziyi knelt down and kowtowed.

A satisfied cold smile flashed across the face of Empress Xuehai, she closed her brows, and snorted coldly: "This is like the disciple of this deity. When treating men, especially those with the surname Qin, you must be cruel and merciless. A trace of affection."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ziyi with great interest, waiting for her to kill me with her own hands.

"Wu Shang, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, forgive me." Zi Yi held my hands, looked at me sadly, and cried bitterly.

I smiled slightly, "I owe you my life in the first place, and I have no regrets if I die in your hands."

Ziyi pulled out the hairpin on his head, his gaze turned cold, and he stabbed fiercely into my chest.

"Woo!" I only felt a sharp pain in my chest, the hairpin had pierced my heart, blood gushed out like a spring, and a chill spread all over my body in an instant.

"No injury, yes, I'm sorry, I have no choice. Farewell, my love." Zi Yi whispered in my ear.As soon as I loosened my hand and pulled out the hairpin, I felt that all the strength in my body was drained instantly, and the blood spurted out of my throat through the squeeze of my heart. I fell limply in Ziyi's arms, exhausted my last bit of strength, and sobbed: "Less... less days!"

Shaotian has been watching the fun from the sidelines for no apparent reason, now seeing that I am covered in blood, he seemed to realize something was wrong, and rushed over.

"Big brother, don't sleep, you are all bad guys, bullying my big brother." Shaotian was about to go into a rage when he was in a hurry.

I think Empress Xuehai hates Qishu so much, and Jin Taibao is Qishu's best friend, once she knows Shaotian's identity, he is afraid that he will die.

If Shaotian dies, there will be no way to open the ghost gate of the underworld, and the world of the underworld will enter the underworld forever.

All the power in my body disappeared quickly, and the consciousness in my mind became dizzy. The faces of the teary-eyed Ziyi and the screaming Shaotian gradually became blurred.

The secret of his father's life and death, the mission of the Blood Lotus King God, Bai Ling, Ziyi, and Shaotian, everything has come to an end.

I have thought about countless ways to die, but I never thought that I would die in the arms of a woman.I don't know whether it is sad, deplorable, or lucky.It's just that Ziyi has suffered so much. I'm afraid that I will live in self-blame and pain forever in this life. I don't know how this vicious woman will torture her.

Hey, everything in the world is settled once and for all!
I don't know how long it has passed, but I feel that I have never slept so soundly in my life, for such a long time, without any pressure, without worrying about vendetta, it is so relaxed and comfortable.

In the mist, I seemed to see the golden light on the top of the Lingshan Mountain. Shakyamuni Buddha smiled and put his finger on the center of my eyebrows. Find the right way."

Then, I saw the disappointed eyes of my father and Uncle Seven, and the sadness of Bai Ling and Zi Yi's painful farewell.

The life and death of the mortal world, joy, anger, sorrow and joy, reappeared in my mind little by little.

It was as if I had a dream that would never end, but a little blood in my mind was getting brighter and brighter, so bright that I had to wake up from the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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